May 15, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E955 of Italy,’’ opened the first DiCicco’s Restaurant if this amendment were to have been adopted, During its first decade, the Fire Department in Fresno. The brothers were famous for their DoD policy would still prohibit military doctors built 10 new fire stations situated throughout sing-alongs with Italian songs played on the from performing abortions in those countries the county. In the years following World War jukebox in their restaurant. Eventually, they where abortion is restricted or not permitted. II the department instituted a building program would be accompanied by their younger broth- Also, in most overseas locations where legal to modernize some stations, adopted the er, Paul, and would cook into the stomachs abortions are not available, military bene- County Civil Service Retirement Plan and ap- and sing into the hearts of the people of Fres- ficiaries have the option of using space-avail- pointed the first battalion chiefs. no. In 1958, Nicola returned to Italy to marry able travel to return to the U.S. or travel to an- In the 1950s and 1960s, firefighting meth- his wonderful wife, Anna Vitucci. Ten years other overseas location for the purpose of ob- ods were updated, and the latest protective later, the DiCicco family opened their second taining an abortion just as do other service equipment, tools and fire engines were ob- restaurant in Fresno and then expanded to personnel and their family members who de- tained. In the 1970s, a central Dispatch Com- nearby Clovis. sire other elective procedures. munications Center was established and the DiCicco family members now operate 18 This amendment would also go against the Ventura County Public Safety Aviation Unit restaurants in Fresno, Clovis, Madera, Santa DoD’s official position on this policy. The De- was formed. A hazmat trailer and suburban Clara, Sacramento, Hanford, Visalia and one partment opposes changing the policy for a command modules for battalion chiefs were in Colorado. In addition, the family has spun number of reasons. First, it would involve the added in the 1980s. off several other well-known local restaurants, military in performing abortions for family plan- The 1990s were a buzz of activity: The De- including Vitucci’s, Fratelli’s, LaRocca’s, ning purposes. Also, a change is not needed partment’s computerized Incident Reporting Ovidio’s, and Giulia’s. Mr. DiCicco is survived and is not considered to be necessary to pro- System was developed and implemented, the by his wife of 44 years, Anna; his mother, tect the health of women in or affiliated with communication center was designed and cen- Maria DiCicco; his sons: Pasquale, Giuliano, the armed forces overseas. Lastly, this change tralized, and a state-of-the-art Training Center Vittorio, and Enrico; four sisters: Lucia would create an assumption that practitioners and new fire stations were built. Santeufemia, Josephine LaRocca, Giulia adequately familiar with and willing to perform But the best equipment is useless without Paolilli, and Rosaria Defendis; three brothers: abortion services are available in overseas highly trained and qualified fire fighters who Paul, Frank, and Roberto; and seven Grand- military facilities, which may not be true. put their lives on the line time and again to children. This amendment not only violates the spirit protect the residents of Ventura County. The Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize of the Hyde amendment, which prohibits fed- Ventura County Fire Department currently em- Nicola DiCicco for the contribution of his many eral funding of abortions, but it also would en- ploys 549 professional and dedicated men and restaurants, for sharing the great cuisine of courage a very dangerous precedent of pro- women, 417 of whom are in uniform. To- Italy with the community, and for the warm at- viding federal funds for elective procedures. gether, they protect 865 square miles and mosphere which he and his family have pro- The non-elective exemptions for abortions in more than 450,000 people in Ventura County. vided in their restaurants for numerous years. cases of rape, incest or when the life of the But their dedication does not stop at Ven- I invite my colleagues to join me in recog- mother is at risk are already in place and no tura County’s borders. In the aftermath of Sep- nizing Nicola, and in wishing his family many further expansion is needed. Consequently, tember 11, 2001, a number of Ventura County years of continued success. the use of tax-payer dollars for an elective firefighters volunteered to go to New York City procedure will only lead to a slippery slope of f to help with recovery efforts. They have joined fiscal irresponsibility and soaring healthcare their colleagues from other jurisdictions to bat- NO ABORTIONS ON OVERSEAS costs. tle wildfires across the United States again MILITARY BASES The House has defeated this amendment and again. every year since 1996, and we defeated it Mr. Speaker, I know many of Ventura Coun- HON. W. TODD AKIN again last evening in the Armed Services ty’s firefighters and I can personally attest to Committee. We have done so for the sound OF MISSOURI their bravery, their professionalism, and their reasons I mentioned above, and I applaud my IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dedication to protecting the lives and property HASC colleagues for their good judgment and Wednesday, May 14, 2003 of their neighbors. I know my colleagues will unwillingness to diminish the sanctity of life at join me in congratulating the Ventura County Mr. AKIN. Mr. Speaker, yesterday in the the nation’s overseas military bases. Fire Department on its 75th anniversary and in House Armed Services Committee (HASC) the f thanking its brave men and women for a job majority of my colleagues and I rejected a pro- IN HONOR OF THE 75TH ANNIVER- well done. posal by one of the Committee’s members to SARY OF THE VENTURA COUNTY f permit abortions on military bases overseas. FIRE DEPARTMENT This proposal would have turned our over- IN HONOR OF DR. AND MRS. seas military bases into abortion clinics. This JOHN W. PACE would not only be wrong, but would also be a HON. ELTON GALLEGLY prime example of wasteful spending for polit- OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. DAVID SCOTT ical gain. OF GEORGIA Wednesday, May 14, 2003 The proposed amendment to the Armed IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Services authorization bill would have Mr. GALLEGLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay Wednesday, May 14, 2003 changed a Department of Defense (DoD) pol- tribute to the brave men and women who, dur- icy that has been in place since 1996, and be- ing the past 75 years, have dedicated their Mr. SCOTT of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, Dr. fore that, from 1988 to 1993, which prohibits lives to the service of others as members of John W. Pace faithfully serves as Pastor of using DoD funds for abortions, except when the Ventura County Fire Department. Red Oak United Methodist Church in Stock- necessary to save the life of the mother or in The Ventura County Fire Department has bridge, Georgia. Pastor Pace, affectionately cases of rape or incest. changed dramatically since May 11, 1928, known as ‘‘Big Daddy’’, is a native of the state The amendment follows the same flawed when 277 voters went to the polls and 230 Georgia. He is married to the lovely First logic as President Clinton’s executive order voted to form the department. Ventura County Lady, Reba Pace. They have eight children, which overturned this policy in 1993 and al- then was mostly rural and populated by ranch- eleven grandchildren and one great-grand- lowed abortions to take place at military med- ers and farmers. Wildfires were the primary child. Pastor Pace has one brother who is also ical facilities. During the years that the execu- concern. In 1928 the county experienced six a minister/pastor. tive order was in place, the DoD was not only house fires, but 2,820 acres of wildlands Dr. Pace and First Lady Pace came to Red unsuccessful in identifying obstetricians and burned. The Fire Department’s budget was Oak U.M.C. in 1989 from Golden United Meth- gynecologists stationed overseas who would $20,000. Its first equipment was a Ford truck odist Church in Douglasville, GA. Upon their perform abortions, but the number of abortions equipped with a portable pump and 1,000 feet arrival, they were truly united in God’s mission actually provided during those years was very of hose. and as a result of much hard work, many small. The county has been blessed through the prayers and many sacrifices made under his Some of my colleagues argue for this years by attracting visionary Fire Chiefs, from fine leadership, the ‘‘New’’ Red Oak was built amendment based on a perceived ‘‘necessity’’ Walter Emerick in 1928 to Bob Roper today. along with the Christian Life Center. for safe abortions at overseas military bases. Together they built a fire department worthy of Certainly, Red Oak U.M.C. has served all However, this ‘‘necessity’’ does not exist. Even envy. congregation members and many others VerDate Jan 31 2003 05:36 May 16, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14MY8.033 E15PT1 E956 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 15, 2003 under the leadership of its pastor Dr. Pace upon which they were elected to pursue. As it cinating history. But, I do want to point out and his lovely wife. They continue to work dili- is, the only members now hard at work on that several factors and historical truths gently as they serve others.
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