E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 144 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1998 No. 10 House of Representatives The House met at 3 p.m. and was PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Speaker's appointment of the following called to order by the Speaker pro tem- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the Members of the House to the National pore (Mr. UPTON). gentleman from Illinois (Mr. GUTIER- Council on the Arts. f REZ) come forward and lead the House Mr. DOOLITTLE of California and Mr. BALLENGER of North Carolina. DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER in the Pledge of Allegiance. There was no objection PRO TEMPORE Mr. GUTIERREZ led the Pledge of Allegiance as follows: f The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- fore the House the following commu- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the APPOINTMENT AS MEMBER OF AD- United States of America, and to the Repub- nication from the Speaker: VISORY COMMITTEE ON STU- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, DENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE WASHINGTON, DC, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. February 11, 1998. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without f I hereby designate the Honorable FRED objection, and pursuant to the provi- UPTON to act as Speaker pro tempore on this APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS TO sions of section 491 of the Higher Edu- day. CENSUS MONITORING BOARD cation Act, as amended by section 407 NEWT GINGRICH, of Public Law 99±498, the Chair an- Speaker of the House of Representatives. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without nounces the Speaker's appointment of f objection, and pursuant to the provi- the following Member on the part of PRAYER sions of section 210(c)(1) of Public Law 105±119, the Chair announces the the House to the Advisory Committee The Chaplain, Reverend James David Speaker's appointment of the following on Student Financial Assistance for a Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- individuals on the part of the House to 3-year term. er: the Census Monitoring Board: Mr. Henry Gibbons of Missouri. With gratitude and humility, with Mr. J. Kenneth Blackwell of Ohio and There was no objection. praise and appreciation, we offer our Mr. David W. Murray of Virginia. f words of thanksgiving, O God, and seek There was no objection. TRIBUTE TO DONNA WEINBRECHT Your blessings upon us and what we do. Most earnestly this day we pray for f (Mrs. ROUKEMA asked and was those in this assembly to whom great APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS TO given permission to address the House responsibility has been given and from COMMISSION ON MAINTAINING for 1 minute and to revise and extend whom the critical decisions must UNITED STATES NUCLEAR her remarks.) come. For wisdom in the right use of WEAPONS EXPERTISE Mrs. ROUKEMA. Mr. Speaker, I rise power, we pray; for insight into the se- enthusiastically on behalf of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without rious judgments that must be made for United States Congress and the people objection, and pursuant to the provi- the welfare of all people, we pray; for of New Jersey to congratulate the sions of section 3162(b) of Public Law discernment and knowledge in the Olympic legend, Donna Weinbrecht of 104±201, the Chair announces the search for peace in our world, we offer West Milford, New Jersey. Donna has Speaker's appointment of the following our petitions and our hopes. been the foundation of the U.S. free- May Your abiding presence, O God, Members on the part of the House to style team for 11 years, and over her encourage us in all things, so that jus- the Commission on Maintaining United career she has won an Olympic gold tice rolls down as water and righteous- States Nuclear Weapons Expertise: medal, seven U.S. titles and 5 World ness like an ever-flowing stream. Mr. Robert B. Barker of California Cup championships. These champion- Amen. and Mr. Roland F. Herbst of California. ship performances are what has earned There was no objection. f her the international reputation as the f Queen of the Moguls. THE JOURNAL But Donna Weinbrecht is more than The SPEAKER pro tempore. The APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO the winningest skier in U.S. history. Chair has examined the Journal of the NATIONAL COUNCIL ON THE ARTS She is a mentor and road model for our last day's proceedings and announces The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without young people and a credit to our Na- to the House his approval thereof. objection, and pursuant to the provi- tion for the excellence in all she does. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- sions of section 955(b)(1)(B) of Public This young woman from New Jersey is nal stands approved. Law 105±83, the Chair announces the an inspiration to both athletes and b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H387 H388 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE February 11, 1998 non-athletes alike. Her sterling char- gent in granting their earned right to bother the GOP when the rights of mil- acter, hard work, unending dedication self-determination? lions of American voters are at stake. and thorough mastery of her sport has I urge Members to support H.R. 856. Maybe they will think differently if made her a role model for young people f their rights are at stake, at risk, and across the Nation. their character under attack. PRESIDENT'S BUDGET AN AF- But her impact on her sport goes be- f yond trophies and honors. She has also FRONT TO AMERICAN TAX- served as a sports goodwill ambassador, PAYERS ACCURACY IN CAMPUS CRIME and has brought the energetic pro- (Mr. HEFLEY asked and was given REPORTING ACT motion of freestyle skiing, or the permission to address the House for 1 (Mr. DUNCAN asked and was given ``bumps,'' as they are known, to Olym- minute and to revise and extend his re- permission to address the House for 1 pians all around the world. marks.) minute and to revise and extend his re- Carolyn and Jim Weinbrecht, her Mr. HEFLEY. Mr. Speaker, there are marks.) parents, had to stay home this time be- many reasons that I oppose the Presi- Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, 2 days cause of illness, but her brother and dent's recently submitted budget re- ago, USA Today, in its lead editorial, sister, Jim and Joy are there, and they quest, but none more important than strongly endorsed the Accuracy in are a family that has always been there the fact that it raises taxes. It raises Campus Crime Reporting Act. This bill, for each other. taxes a lot. H.R. 715, is one that I introduced, My colleagues and I now join Donna's Mr. Speaker, you would think that which now has 65 cosponsors, divided family, the residents of West Milford, the White House would have learned its almost equally between Republicans the citizens of New Jersey, and, indeed, lesson from the last time it raised and Democrats. As USA Today said, of our whole Nation, in saluting our taxes on the American people in 1993. ``As long as campus courts operate in Olympic champion. Donna has always You would think that the White House secret, students committing crimes get been a gold medal champion in our would have learned its lesson from the a privacy right denied to the rest of hearts, and always will be. She has car- recent race for Governor in Virginia. adults.'' ried our flag proudly. You would think that the White House That is what this bill is all about. It f would have learned its lesson from the is about opening up the records of outrageous level of taxation in Europe crimes being committed at campuses. ALLOW PUERTO RICO SELF- and all the economic misery that has A college or university that does not DETERMINATION caused. You would think the White have a crime problem should have no (Mr. ROMERO-BARCELOÂ asked and House would have learned its lesson objections to this bill. But parents and was given permission to address the from its own economic report, which students should be allowed to know if House for 1 minute and to revise and shows that the current level of tax- certain colleges are lax about law en- extend his remarks.) ation in this country is at the highest forcement. Mr. ROMERO-BARCELOÂ . Mr. Speak- peacetime level ever. Many colleges prefer to discipline er, I rise in support of H.R. 856, a bill But I guess not. The budget contains student criminals in secret campus allowing the people of Puerto Rico to billions and billions of dollars in tax courts. They use a warped interpreta- exercise their right to self-determina- increases. tion of Federal privacy laws to treat tion. Mr. Speaker, this budget is an affront these crimes as private academic After 99 years of being disenfran- to the American taxpayer. records that may not be released to the chised citizens, the 3.8 million U.S. f public. Citizens of Puerto Rico have earned No one has any business knowing VERIFYING CITIZENSHIP BEFORE their right to define their relationship about a student's grades or financial VOTING IN CONGRESS with the rest of the Nation. Puerto aid records, but it is wrong, however, Ricans have valiantly and honorably (Mr.
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