
PB2006-100660 111 1111111111111\11 11111111111 1111 FHWA Road Tunnel Design Guidelines u.s. Department ofTransportation Federal Highway Administration .,.. u S Deportrrool 01 TrrnspOOa1lOO {"., Federal Highway AdmlnislTaI.on Notice This docllment is disseminated ul/der the sponsorship ()/th e Us. Deportment ()/ Transportation in th e illterest o/injormotiotl exchange. Th e Us. Governme17l aSSlIlll es 110 liabililY jorlhe lise 0/ Ih e ill/ormation cOl/tail/ed in filis doellmel/f. Th e Us. Govemlllenl does I/ ot endorse produc fs or manl!/actllrers. Tradell/arks or Illwlu/acllIrers' nallles appear in fhis reporr onlv becallse they are considered essential to the objecrive o/fh e documenl. Quality Assurance Statement Th e Federal Highway Adlllinistratiol/ (FI-n'VA) provides high-quality injorlllation 10 serve Govemmelll. indusl7 y . and Ih e public in a manller thaI prolJlOles public lIl/ders/(fllding. Standards and policies are used 10 ens lire and n/(/xi mi~ e the qllali(v. objectivity, llfilit)', and integritv o/its in/ormation. FHWA perio C/ica/~) 1 reviell 's qllalif)' isslies lind adjusts irs prograllls and processes to ensure cOl/til/liOUS quality improvement. Rli /'liOIWCELJ or: ~ U,S. O " pa rl l1l~ Ht ()fCDm lU t' r~~ ,~a l Ju ,, ~ 1 '['tc hll k ~1 I nror lll ~ li u " Sr n lee S l lri l1 un~hl, \ irginia 2216 1 PROTECTED UNDER INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FtiWA Road Till/lie! Design Guidelill!,,\' ~"" l.,[ S C(·j:::<lttrr~en~ '..... -t rf:YH~~0"fQtl:)""! {~ Federa! Highway Administratlofl 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No. FHWA-IF -05-023 4. Title and Snbtitle 5. Report Date FHWA Road Tunnel Design Guidelines July 2004 6. Performing Organization Code: 7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No. Dots Oyenuga, Ph.D., P.E. FHWA-IF-05-023 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. ASC, Inc. 7700 Edgewater Drive, Suite 668 Oakland, CA 94621 11. Contract or Grant No. DTFH 61-03-p-00457 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered Federal Highway Administration Design Guidelines Office of Bridge Technology 14. Sponsoring Agency Code 400 Seventh Street, SW HAAM-10G Washington DC 20590 15. Supplementary Notes COTR: Anthony S. Caserta, P.E.; Reviewers: Steve L. Ernst, P.E.; Matt Greer; P.E., Gary Jakovich, P.E.; Jesus Rohena, P.E. 16. Abstract This document provides technical criteria and guidance for the planning and design of road tunnels. Specific areas covered include planning, studies and investigations, design, and design of construction, of tunnels and shafts. Performance concepts and prediction requirements for Tunnel Boring Machines are also presented. Potential tunnel engineers are the main audience. 17. KeyWords 18. Distribution Statement No restrictions. This document is available to the public TUNNEL, SHAFT, ROAD, DESIGN, through the National Technical Information Service, CONSTRUCTION, GUIDELINES, TBM. Springfield, VA 22161. 19. Security Classif. (of this 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price report) Unclassified 139 Unclassified Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized FHWA Road Tunnel Design Guidelines January, 2004 FHWA Road Tunnel Design Guidelines January, 2004 ROAD TUNNEL DESIGN GUIDELINES This Road Tunnel Design Guidelines document provides technical criteria and guidance for the planning and design of road tunnels. Specific areas covered include planning, studies and investigations, design, and design of construction, of tunnels and shafts. Performance concepts and prediction requirements for Tunnel Boring Machines are also presented. It is hoped that potential tunnel engineers will obtain an overall view of the field, and gain an appreciation of the diversity of problems that tunnel engineers must address. FHWA Road Tunnel Design Guidelines January, 2004 .~"' I):'; [:t'l}<JI1"'."'I"1' 'Y 'ransvom:::mon {~ federal Highway Admlnistratioo SI* (MODERN METRIC) CONVERSION FACTORS I APPROXIMATE CONVERSIONS TO SI UNITS I ISYMBOL II WHEN YOU KNOW II MULTIPLY BY 11 TO FIND II SYMBOL I I LENGTH I lin inches II 25.4 II millimeters I[ mm I 1ft feet 11 0.305 II meters II m I IlYd II yards II 0.914 ]1 meters II m I Imi miles II 1.61 II kilometers II km I I AREA J lin2 II square inches II 645.2 II square millimeters mm2 I Ift2 II square feet II 0.093 II square meters ~ I ~~ II square yard ][ 0.836 II square meters m2 I lac II acres II OA05 II hectares ha I Imi2 II square miles II 2.59 II square kIlometers k~ I I VOLUME I If1 oz I fluid ounces II 29.57 II milliliters II mL I Igal gallons ]1 3.785 II liters II L I Itt3 cubic feet II 0.028 II cubic meters II tW I ~d3 cubic yards II 0.765 II cubic meters II ro3 I I NOTE: volumes greater than 1000 L shall be shown in m3 ] I MASS I loz II ounces II 28.35 ]1 grams II g ] [Ib J[ pounds II OA54 ]I kilograms II kg I short tons (2000 fb) 0.907 megagrams (or IMg(Or"1 c=J1 II I "metric ton" I TEMPERATURE (exact degrees) I FaJlrenheit 5 (F-32)/9 Celsius r=J1 II or (F-32)11. 8 I I~ I ILLUMINATION Ifc ]I foot -candles II 10.76 II tux I[ Ix If1 II foot-Lamberls II 3A26 II candeJalm2 II cd/ny. I FORCE and PRESSURE or STRESS Ilbf II poundforce II 4.45 II ne\lVtons II N !lbflin2 II poundforce per square inch II 6.89 II kilopasca/s II kPa FHWA Road Tunnel Design Guidelines January, 2004 I APPROXIMATE=CONVERSIONS FROM SI UNITS ~ ] II SYMBOL II WHEN YOU KNOW II MULTIPLY BY II TO FIND IISYMBOLI I LENGTH I I Imm: II millimeters II 0.039 11 inches 11 in (m II meters I[ 3.28 II feet II ft 1m II meters. II 1.09 II yards II yd Ikm II kilometers II 0.621 II miles II mi L=:: .... ~~. : ~ AREA ~ ~~ : ~~ :~ :~= Imm2 II= square millimeters= = II 0.0016 II square inches I[ in2 1m2 II square meters II 10.764 II square teet II tt2 square meters 1.195 square yards yeP 1m2 1.1 II II II Iha II hectares II 2.47 I! acres II ae Ik:m2 :J! ~: ~~re ki/~m.~!ers II . ~: 0.~8~ : I[ square miles II mP . I VOLUME ImL II milliliters II 0.034 II fluid ounces II floz (L: :: ~]I I~ters :: : :11 0.26~ : I[ gallons :: ~ II ga( = 1m3 II cubic meters II 35.314 II cubic feet JI ft3 1m3 cubic meters II 1.307 It cubic yards II yeP I MASS : : 10 "II grams II 0.035 II ounces II oz I [~R : II kilograms II *.202 II pounds II Ib ] IMg (or "t")lImegagrams (or "metric ton.,11 1.103 II short tons (2000 Ib) II T I TEMPERA iyRE (ex~cJ ~~~~es) r: :: . ~ ~ I 1°C II Celsius II tBC+32 II Fahrenheit= II OF I I ILLUMINATION II!: ~ ]1:= =Iu~=:: II ~ 0.09?~ :I[ : foot-c~n~es : II fc 2 Icd/m II eandela/m2 II 0.2919 II : foot-Lamberts ]1 fI [ FORCE and PRESSURE or STRESS IN II newtons II 0.225 II poundforce 11 Ibf J kilopascals 0.145 poundforce per 2 ~I II I square inch II'bMn I *SI is the symbol for the International System of Units. Appropriate rounding should be made to comply with Section 4 ofASTM E380. FHWA Road Tunnel Design Guidelines January, 2004 ROAD TUNNEL DESIGN GUIDELINES Table of Contents Subject Page Subject Page 1-0. Introduction 4-7. Shafts ............................................................... 55 1-1. Purpose .............................................................. 1 Shaft Excavation in Soft Ground .................. 55 1-2. Scope ................................................................. 1 Shaft Excavation in Rock. ............................. 55 1-3. Applicability ...................................................... 1 Final Lining of Shafts ................................... 55 1-4. Terminology ...................................................... 1 The New Vertical Shield Tunneling Method 55 4-8. Shotcrete .......................................................... 60 2-0. Planning Materials ....................................................... 60 2-1. Assessment Between Options ........................... 2 Engineering Properties .................................. 60 2,2. Basis of Tunnel Operations ............................... 2 Testing .......................................................... 61 2-3. Financial Planning ............................................. 2 Design Considerations .................................. 62 2-4. Procurement Issues Related to Planning ........... 2 4-9. Immersed Tunnels ........................................... 62 2-5. Reliability of Forecasting .................................. 3 Structural Design .......................................... 62 Water Proofing & Maintenance .................... 67 3-0. Studies & Investigations Environmental Issues .................................... 68 3-1. General .............................................................. 4 Hazard Analysis - Accidental Loads ............ 70 3-2. Site Condition Investigation .............................. 4 Transportation of Tunnel Elements ............... 71 3-3. Obstacle Investigation ....................................... 4 4-10. Cut-and-Cover Tunnel Structures ................... 72 3-4. Geological & Geotechnical Investigation ........ .4 Tunnel Design - Structural ........................... 72 3-5. Investigation for Environmental Protection ...... 5 Shoring Systems ........................................... 76 Decking ......................................................... 76 4-0. Design Excavation and Groundwater ControL ........ 76 4-1. Highway Requirements ..................................... 6 Permanent Shoring Walls & Support ............ 79 4-2. Geometry of Center Line ................................... 6 Water-tightness ............................................
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