Index 3D accelerated games, Bookmark tab, 66 CDs 305–08 Boot diskettes, 29 burning, 274–81. See also 3D accelerated video cards Boot loaders, 18 K3b 3D support, testing for, Boot order, changing, 11 ripping, 271–74. See also 305 Boucher, Marc, 123 Grip acceleration, testing with Bricklin, Daniel, 203 storage capacity, 279 gears program, 305–06 Buddy lists, 139–40 Centered Maxpect, 81 Bugs, reporting, 182, 183 Channels, 178, 181 Abiword, 201 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward Charts and graphs Address books, 150–51 George, 185 labels, assigning rows and Administrative user (root) Burning CDs, 274–81. See columns as, 210 password, 28, 31, 34, 38 also K3b merging cells, 212 printer installations, 116 Burn-Proof technology, 279 moving and resizing, 212 software, installing and Bzip2 archive, 104 selecting and deselecting compiling, 94, 98 cells, 210 .alpha.rpm, 97 tabbed pages, placement AltaVista search engine, 163 Calc on, 210 AOL Instant Messenger, AutoPilot functions, types, previewing and se- 135, 136 206–07 lecting, 211 Application Starter, 49–50 averages, calculating, Click-N-Run service, 95 Arcade games, 294–97 205–07 Codecs, 285 Artists Guide to the GIMP cell range, specifying, 206 CodeWeavers, 19 (Hammel), 260 cells, sizing, 205 CodeWeavers CrossOver aRts driver, 266 charts, creating, 210–12. Plugin, 284 Atlantik, 300 See also Charts and Command line commands. Attachments, sending email, graphs See also Shells 152 closing and opening files, 3D support, testing for, aumix, 263 207 305 AutoPilot feature (Writer), fonts, changing, 205 the ampersand (&), 130 196–97 format, specifying, 207 basic, 320 AutoPilot functions (Calc), Formula bar, 204, 206 case-sensitivity of, 100 206–07 Function bar, 204 codecs, downloading, 285 Object bar, 204 copying files, 71 Backgrounds, 80 printing, 213 date and time, 57–58 Backup saving files, 207–08 deleting packages, 100 importance of, 18, 24, 26 starting, 204 directories, working with, using CD-RWs, 278–80 sums, calculating, 209 326–27 Banner pages, 119 Card games, 297–98 directory files, listing, 65 bash, 56 CD, included with book, 10 DSL, installing, 134 Bauer, Travis, 200, 229 cdparanoia, 271 files, working with, Blue Screen of Death, 5 cdrdao, 274, 275 320–22 Blur Scope, 266 cdrecord, 275 finding and locating files, Board games, 299–300 CD-RWs, blanking, 277–78 330–32 337 338 Moving to Linux: Kiss the Blue Screen of Death Goodbye! Command line commands CSS (Content Scrambling DNS (domain name server), (cont.) System), 283 128 grep (global regular ex- CUPS (Common Unix Print- DrakConf, 176 pression parser), using, ing System), 115 Drivers 332–33 audio, 266 installing RPM packages, installing, 111 99–100 DeCSS, 283 locating, 25, 111 logging out, 41 Default route, 128 modem, 123 lynx or links, running, 173 Defragmentation, 25, 30 troubleshooting, 114 metacharacters, 322 Deleting files and directories, Dual booting modem location, verify- 75–76 D: drive, using for Linux, ing, 124 Dependency checks, 94 25 password, changing, 59 Desktop, customizing defragmenting the disk, PCI devices, listing, 113, backgrounds, 80 25, 30 123 files, linking, 72–73 explained, 18 permissions, 75, 322–23, icons, moving, 84 FIPS, 25–27 327–28, 329–30 programs, linking, 89–91 Mandrake and SuSE, 25 pipes and piping, 325–26 screensavers, 82–84 PartitionMagic, 27 processes, 333–35 taskbar, 84–85 resizing the partition, programs, locating on themes and styles, 85, 25–27, 30 disk, 91 88–89 separate dedicated disks, querying the RPM data- wallpaper, 80–82 25 base, 100–102 Desktop environments, 8, 44 and Windows XP, 27 renaming files and direc- Desktop themes, 48–49, 85, DVDs tories, 70 88–89 CSS, 283 scanner model file, locat- DHCP (Dynamic Host Con- DMCA, 283 ing and editing, 234–36 figuration protocol), 133 encrypted, 283 standard in and standard Dictionary, online search Ogle, 288 out, 323–25 shortcut, 164 watching, 281–82 terminal emulator, show- Digital cameras xine, 281–82 ing, 76–77 images, getting from USB Dynamic Host Configura- upgrading existing pack- cameras, 232–34 tion protocol (DHCP), ages, 100 previewing pictures, 133 user and group owner- 233–34 Dynamic IP addresses, 128 ship, 328–29 supported cameras, list- working with, 7 ing, 232 Educational games, 300–305 Common Unix Printing Sys- Directories Edutainment Pack, 304–05 tem (CUPS), 115 copying and moving, Electronic mail Compress command, 104 70–71 Evolution, 153–58 Content Scrambling System creating new, 70 information, ISP-provid- (CSS), 283 deleting, 75–76 ed, 144 Controllerless modems, 122 expanding and collapsing, Kmail. See as main head- Cookies 63–64 ing explained, 164–65 home, 62 mutt, 158 in Konqueror, controlling, permissions, 73–75 Netscape, 158 165 renaming, 70 pine, 158 in Mozilla, controlling, root, 62 Electronic mail gateways, 5 170–72 shredding, 76 Ethernet cards, 133 Copy and Paste option, 71 system, 62 Evolution Copying files and directories, DistroWatch, 16 versus Kmail, 158 70–71 DLL hell, 94 mail, sending and receiv- CrossOver plugins, 284 DMCA, 283 ing, 156–57 Index 339 setting up, 153–55 Gallery, 198–99 airbrush, 256 Ewing, Larry, 220, 227, 243 Games Bezier tool, 254 Expect/send dialog, 132 3D accelerated, 305–08 brush, pattern and gradi- Eye candy, 48 arcade, 294–97 ent selectors, 252 Eyecandy-O-Meter screen, Atlantik, 300 circle, dotted, 253 48 board, 299–300 clone tool, 256–57 card, 297–98 color menu, 252 File system, navigating, educational, 300–305 color picker, 255 65–66 the Edutainment Pack, convolver tool, 257 File tips, 67–68, 74–75 304–05 crop tool, 255 Files FlightGear, 306–07 dodge and burn tool, 257 copying and moving, Frozen-Bubble, 296–97 eraser, 256 70–71 KAsteroids, 295–96 fill tool, 256 deleting, 75–76 KBackgammon, 300 flip tool, 255 linking to desktop, 72–73, KBattleship, 299 ink tool, 257 89–91 KFoulEggs, 295 intelligent-scissors, 254 naming conventions, 321 Klondike, 298 lasso tool, 254 permissions, 73–75 KPatience, 298 magic wand, 254 renaming, 70 KPoker, 297–98 magnifying glass, 255 selecting, 69 KSertet, 295 measuring tool, 257 shell commands, 320–22 KSmileTris, 295 menu bar, 246 shredding, 76 KStars, 300–302 move tool, 255 tarred and gzipped, 104 KTouch, 302 paintbrush, 256 FIPS Mahjongg, 300 pencil, 256 locating a copy, 25 Potato Guy, 303–04 rectangle, dotted, 253 sample session, 26–27 solitaire, 298 smudge tool, 257 and Windows XP, 27 sources for, 308–09 text tool, 255 Focus, 47 TEG (Tenes Empanadas tool options dialog box, Fonts Graciela), 300 253 document default, chang- Tetris-like, 294–95 transform tool, 255 ing, 195–96 Tux Typing, 303 gimpprint, 251 screen, changing, 196 TuxRacer, 307–08 GNOME, 8, 31, 38, 44 spreadsheets, changing typing, 302–03 GNU Bourne-Again Shell, within cells, 205 xboard, 300 56 switching, within a docu- Gears program, 305–06 GNU GPL (General Public ment, 200 GIDs (group IDs), 292 License), 3, 4, 5, 102, Formula bar, 204, 206 GIMP 311–18 FrameMaker, 200–201 file type, specifying, 249 GNU project, 3 Frankston, Bob, 203 filters, 258–59 gocr, 241 Free Software Foundation, 3 first-time setup, 244–45 Google, 163 FreshMeat, 106, 163, 309 light levels, changing, gphoto2, 232 Frozen-Bubble, 296–97 257–58 Grand Unified Bootloader Function bar, 192, 204 logos, creating, 246–49 (GRUB), 18, 34 monitor resolution, 245 grep (global regular expres- GAIM printing, 250–51 sion parser), 332–33 accounts, 135–36, 137–39 saving and opening files, Grip buddy lists, 139–40 249–50 cdparanoia, 271 ICQ account default, 136 Script-Fu. See as main player-only mode, 272–73 Jabber, setting up, 136–39 heading ripping tracks to disk, plugins, 136–37 starting, 244 273–74 Windows, using with, 141 Tip of the Day, 245 starting, 272 Galeon, 173 GIMP toolbox Tracks tab, 272 340 Moving to Linux: Kiss the Blue Screen of Death Goodbye! Group IDs (GIDs), 292 backgrounds, 223–24 IP addresses, 128 gzip command, 104 editing slides, 219–21 IP packets, 128 graphics, inserting, Hammel, Michael J., 260 220–21 Jabber, 136–39 Hardware. See also manual versus automatic Johanson, Jon Lech, 283 Modems; Printers advance, 218 Joliet extensions, 279 compatibility, 110–11 output medium options, drivers, 25, 111 216–17 K icon, 49–50 HOWTOS, 24, 110 slide layouts, selecting, K3b Linmodems versus Win- 218–19 backing up data, 278–80 modems, 122–24 starting, 216, 217 burn speed, adjusting, PCI devices, 113–14 templates, lack of, 216 279 plug and play, 111 toolbars, 219 CD-RWs, blanking, system information, transition effects, 218 277–78 112–13 Web presentations. See device detection, 275–76 unsupported, 6, 24–25 Web presentations, external applications USB devices, 111, 114–15 Impress used, 275 Heinlein, Robert A., 3 the work area, 216 first-time setup, 274–76 Help Installations. See Linux, in- Generate Joliet Exten- context-sensitive bubble, stalling sions box, 279 50 Instances, 121 interface, 276 file tips, 67–68 Instant messages, 135–41. Microsoft Windows, HOWTOS, 9, 24, 110 See also GAIM using CDs with, 279 life-preserver icon, 50 Internet music CDs, creating, Linux Documentation default route, 128 280–81 Project (LDP), 9 domain name server permissions, 276, 279–80 Linux User Groups (DNS), 128 projects, 276–77 (LUGs), 9–10 IP addresses, static and Simulate Writing option, mailing lists, 8–9 dynamic, 128 279 Open Office Writer, IP packets, 128 starting, 274 192–93 TCP/IP protocol suite, Writing on the Fly op- Tip of the Day, 57, 245 127–28 tion, 279 tooltips, 50 Internet, connecting to Kaiman, 269 user guides and manuals, cable modems, 133–34 KAsteroids, 295–96 9 DHCP, 133 KBackgammon, 300 Web site support for dial-up access, 129–33 KBattleship, 299 book, 8 DSL service, 133, 134 KDE 2 Classic window deco- History tab, 66 Ethernet cards, 133 ration, 87 $HOME, 62–63 HOWTOS, cable KDE Control Center Home directory, 62, 66 modem, 134 hardware information, HotBot, 163 information, ISP-provid- 112–13 HOWTOS, 9, 24, 110, 134 ed, 128–29, 144 keyboard shortcuts, 92 Hubble, 300 instant messaging, loading, 85–86 135–41.
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