Produced and Distributed since 1989 July 2021 By St John the Baptist Church Billesdon BILLESDON & DISTRICT PARISH NEWS & VIEWS I saw an elderly lady who lives on Brook Lane sitting alone in the church ground today and I said “Good morning” to her, she replied by telling me what a beautiful view it was from the bench and that a photo should be taken of it for the village magazine. It would certainly make one lady very happy. Rachel Toach dŚĞŚƵƌĐŚĞƐŽĨŝůůĞƐĚŽŶĐƵŵ'ŽĂĚďLJĂŶĚZŽůůĞƐƚŽŶ͖^ŬĞĨĨŝŶŐƚŽŶ͖ǁŝƚŚ,ƵŶŐĂƌƚŽŶĂŶĚ<ĞLJŚĂŵ &ŽƌKKDƐĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ͕ĐŽŶƚĂĐƚƚŚĞĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƚŽƌʹƌĞĂĞĂŶΘŽƉůŽǁĞŶĞĨŝĐĞ͗:ƵůŝĂ͘ƵŶŶĂΛůĞŝĐĞƐƚĞƌĐŽĨĞ͘ŽƌŐ 3DULVK3ULHVW Rev’d Alison Booker, The Vicarage, Gaulby Road, Billesdon Tel: 0116 259 6321 &XUDWHRev’d Rosie Homer, 20a Weare Close, Billesdon LE7 9DY Tel: 0116 259 9517 BILLESDON ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST The following services are held by =220 except Thursday when the church is open 10.30 - 11.30 for private prayer. 1st Sunday: All Age Worship. 3rd Sunday: All Age Holy Communion. 5th Sunday: Launde Deanery Churchwardens: Mr K Evans, 6 High Acres (0116) 259 6438 Mrs A Grindley, 3 Forge Court (0116) 259 6741 Secretary: Mr J Williamson (0116) 259 6448 Treasurer: Mrs. H Howe [email protected] Organist & Director of Music Dr Simon Ainge 07971 833110 Children’s Groups: Mr & Mrs Ratcliffe (0116) 259 6246 GOADBY ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Sunday Services: See Church noticeboard Churchwardens: Keith Evans & Andrea Grindley See contacts above Hon Secretary & Churchwarden: Charles Stewart, Hillcroft, Goadby (0116) 259 8310 Hon Treasurer: Hugh Stevenson, The Dower House, Goadby (0116) 259 8294 SKEFFINGTON ST. THOMAS BECKET Sunday Services: see church porch and printed notice. Churchwardens: Mrs B Preston (0116) 259 9147 Mr W G Ginns, White Lodge (0116) 259 6301 Secretary: Mr D Holland (0116) 259 6550 Treasurer: Mrs Valerie Chouler (0116) 259 9477 Organ: Mr D Holland & Mr M Griffiths (0116) 259 9254 ROLLESTON ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST HUNGARTON ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Sunday services: 1st Sunday see church porch Churchwardens: Cynthia Mclaughlan (0116) 259 5680 KEYHAM ALL SAINTS Sunday Services: 2nd Sunday see church porch Churchwardens: Richard Windle (0116) 259 5281 Hugh Henderson (0116) 259 5214 NOSELEY ST. MARY BILLESDON BAPTIST CHAPEL Sunday Service: 10.30 Sunday Worship & Wowzers (on ZOOM) Contact: Brian Boley Tel 07485 046000 This page is kindly sponsored [email protected] by: E C GILBERT Ltd Please let the Vicar or Churchwardens know of anyone who is sick, Great Glen or who would appreciate a visit. Holy Communion may be brought to anyone who is unable to get to Church. Tel: 0116 259 2267 July 2021 Vol 33, Issue 7 Editor: Richard Walkden, Billesdon 259 6505 e-mail: [email protected] Advertising: Charles Stewart, Goadby 2598310 Ramblings cluding, the article lacked local connection and the magazine should not try to be a Having consulted the village Face- national paper. However and additionally, book pages and asked for views on its not a bad thing to make people sit up a recent controversial article, I was and think. Wise words, worthy of conclud- both appreciative and enlightened ing the issue on content. by your response so “Thank You!” I was invited down to my nearest watering People feel our community is not exempt from hole to join a group of locals to watch the foot- the issues raised, which include those who ball on Sunday afternoon, in a courtyard dap- have had direct experience of the subject pled with sunshine and plenty of seating. A matter and are in support of the controversial great time was had by all. Of course the sun- article. I also received suggestions for reci- shine, warmth and football result reflected in pe's, articles on local memories and local cur- the success of the day and I left with a re- rent affairs minder of what a great bunch of people we have in our community. All responses are gratefully taken on board and hopefully will be addressed in future. It I hope England, Scotland and Wales remain does demonstrate the value of feedback and I in the contest and I would urge anyone who is hope it might illicit more. I confess to having looking for good company whilst watching had a secret delight in having received a re- future matches, to join in. sponse from an apparently indifferent reader- ship. Interesting to note now what commercial impact celebrity players have in interviews. Something I hadn't considered, to my dis- Ronaldo removed Coca-Cola bottles from his comfort, was that a younger generation read podium and vocally recommended water and the magazine. So going forward, a page com- Pogba removed Heineken beer from his podi- mitted to our younger generation seems ap- um as alcohol is against his faith. propriate as well as tailoring articles to consid- er younger readers. This seemingly simple act caused ripples in the stock market. And set me wondering if our Coaxed, into the garden by the weather I whole village controversially changed or looked over my wall to compare mine and my stopped a particular product with all the me- neighbours gardens. I do feel I am now way dia attention we could muster, what impact ahead on the veg growing but nowhere near might it have? on the obligatory, perfect English lawn. Hus- band and wife were out gardening and finding We could call it the “Parish Protest” and it difficult to refrain from an insidious remark nominate offending products for their impact on the inequality of task allocation between on us or the environment, company policy the two, I endeavoured tongue in cheek, to stir towards issues we hold dear, or a nations up controversy. actions. But, with no takers, as it appears, a state of A logo like “We Protest against Palm-Oil” in harmony exists, over the wall, we entered into a broad banner across the village, could have a conversation about the latest magazine. Its us determining huge multinational companies difficult to report verbatim as occasional inter- future policies. ruptions do occur but I gleaned opinion in- Of course this is only fantasy, I am not been very much muted. sure it is in the nature of the average ru- ral English-person to stand up and pro- As we think of how blessed we are to test, It was the mantra from the two wars live in our rural space ‘normal’ might seem idyllic, and in many ways it is, but that “We do have it good” and “We anyone who watches programmes like shouldn't complain” even during the Spring or Autumn watch or indeed any worst of times. nature programme knows that amidst the beauty and tranquillity there is Is that our Achilles heel or do these struggle and pain, fighting and hard- communities identify too strongly with the ship, life and death, as well as love and establishment to protest? friendship of course. But, our friends across the channel had And so it is for us, despite our sur- two wars and equal hardship and boy do roundings we have not been immune they express their views when riled. from the loss this last year has brought. Bashing into our ships around the Chan- nel Islands and closing roads with trac- So whether back in church (which we tors. This is of course not a call to action are doing sometimes) or on Zoom as we gather weekly, we will wander on anything in particular or a chal- through the beauty of this season but lenge…. I’m just saying... also wonder at the comforting pres- ence of God in the difficult times, when Richard Walkden suffering comes and there seems to be The Churches of Billesdon cum no good explanation – sometimes no explanation at all, simply no words. We Goadby and Rolleston; have this time to think about our faith in Skeffington; Hungarton realistic ways, not ignoring the way the and Keyham world is, but recognising the way it is and exploring what our faith means in At this time of the year in this world which we inhabit. the church we are journey- ing through the ‘Sundays This ‘ordinary time’ can be anything but after Trinity’ often known as ‘ordinary ordinary. It is a time of growth and time’. Our church colour is green and in thinking, a time of faith and doubt, many ways it is a peaceful space. questions and answers, but most of all it is a journey and when we arrive at The celebrations of Easter, Ascension, the next season we will be different Pentecost and Trinity Sunday are all because of the journey. over and it is as though we can now find some space to go for a wander in Wherever you are this July, whatever it our green and beautiful countryside. brings, I pray for good wanderings and good wonderings. This year of course it has been rather different… space to wander and the Rev’d Alison appreciation of our beautiful surround- ings has definitely increased. The cele- brations of everything though have Projectors and Screens in both Lounge and Main Hall Billesdon Baptist Chapel Last month I said Sunday Worship we were waiting for planning permission Sunday 4 July, 10.30 a.m. at the Coplow for the chapel build- Centre, Billesdon marks the start of our ing development – face-to-face gatherings whilst the Chapel building is redeveloped. I am very pleased to say that permission has now been granted, and the construc- These will be all age worship services tion work should have started by the time throughout July and everyone is most you read this. welcome. It is the intention to run Zoom alongside so you can join in using that Now what happens? We were just about too.
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