» » sìsL'Vìt SD« -* * .*■*-: -, ^ / . iM. , r- I LAWN MOWERS ALL LEADING MAKES “Pti.1>rfrtpl£," “Town. Mud,** and'other*. H u it Display to - Viin.ONitr - - 4 - an d * CHRONIC — - ___ ______«i .j'iéwii iiiimiiKi« i ,1 iii.Jtifc— ------------------------------ I_—* “__. P ric e « fro m $ 7 J 0 to $30 No. 12. CRANFORD, N. J., THURSDAY. APRIL 30. I923~ ED AND FERTILIZER F I V E C E N T S I ' . ■ . 'WgACIffinES I. Chakwien Hanna then announced the chainaen of the acvcral sub- n u o n o r u ? fare Company FUGMAN EELED high school tbaox KBAR !“***•* Ltaà ta ObMrriag folboy _ COMTLKTIOll * OUITOU, N, i >*>» f t » » Groat la- scons Tbe lunch nl’d .s l track «in Frsxer YowaaXip S m r u u i t AT GRADE CROSSING Held Is nearing completion Tlie lUghtft Xorrls Brisco. Vhr* Tims Hattoaal Tsaais ohaaa- contractor has b«>en diligently w«irk- . <■». eewiwmlcatton art- Ing on the track for the past six - ’ Week. Euh dar tie* tng tbat the roods be coated in the . Plea W ill Qlv* Exhtoitlea at Oraa- weeks and will nnibably. complete ^ Mw section ot-the pro- Sprint, brought «at facte favoring ford-W ill Meet Deaa Ms they, for- («eorge Itose. a fiageman employ- the work by the latteriatter partpa * of* May”“ *b £ »««« ! - t Sunday—the I and D»U coating. msrtyMaUeaaKBayOeart DeoUa* « I by the (Vntral It. It. at the Tlie- - construction of the track_ is I «tinted an follow»: **• BoardofEdnca Ckamploa, for Bey Bemta I n t H l nl«»n avenue grade crossing, was Interesting.. Elrst ■a "«scoop v»«|i «IIMIVIIdrawn 11«by »»7 to Church. M0“ “ W“ « for more eocrgetle work !l’ .Uin,, y kll.,wl l,wt »'fl'lav night a tra,'ter was used. to escavato thè to finishing ftaasr field for track Tennis enthusiasts ot Northern lust before nine o'rlnek by the Kast- necessary ammint of «llrt ami tho - S f i i { * * •“ Sebuola. New Jersey will have an unusual f W J f Day to Citizenship. work waa amrored and ordered for- **und llarlshurg Express at Unlori ¡nell were set to wnrk tllllng In par- OVES ly-Bor* Day at Home. w»ded toTbe Board, a petition opportunity of seeing the National avellile crossing Just what happen tiBiljr uttti Iftrirr Mtonoii whirh iirih -Boy»r Day at Rotary, from citizens. aaktog that better Champion. “Big Rill” TUden to ae. ou Is not known. as nu «me saw tin '■•ut thè clmlcrs freni shlftlng and gstttog be placed In the Township ¡nan stmek. Re Was s.n-n the bolli them. In iliaci. Then followml i Health Day. tlon on tbe courts st Cranford, Sat­ oy»’ Day Out of Door*. Room» was spprfrred and passed on . ^ / T\ A l trarks Just heforo the dyer came two Isyers of lieavy clmlers ami to. *be Township Committee. urday afternoon, May 16. The exhl- 5 1 through and It was not led In- was , b,'n layer of fine clmlurs. Wltli Dternattonal take* special • -pi \¡•< 4*y ?• Chalrmsn. Hanna asked for reports bltkm Is under the auspleed of the !wi‘- trBl,i bad pass- all ibis rarefili cnnstrtirtloh work ■• all work for the boy*. worn the several committees. thè-(rack v*III he mie of thè lliiest • men of the future and Boy Scouts and has attracted a n - T . l i 1 search and the liti,I reported big of the Inni y down (he track ncBr In tho niuiity ami svili amply fili l and works to every way effective and useful work In great deal ot attention already. ly opposite the ticket olllce. The thè ni'eds of thè team. * hoy. Cranford Rotary many lines done by the Junior Po­ Previous to the exhibition of the train that h|t Rose is mimlM>re<l P.ii At present thè traek Is steiut »exception and has done tlireiMpiarters compì,>led and Ls In > etonr apeclai work for i J*.°i?mnl? d by f'hlef Hennes- famous player, the (Inals ot the An­ "'J.1'1.” * to*' table, Howard Horn of f2 * discouragement of MUal oth, was engluer ami Wm. very fluì, sha|ie allliotigh It has hoc ■ Cranford. Today the tthe JuniorPollce by former Com- nual Boy Scout Tournament will be jet loqin sonked or rolled «hlwn. The l«»o ot Cleveland 111»« '4 i l <iv,’iV‘ of. J'Tr,>y Uby. iiinihirtor «kmeis and appreciative of the played off. The winner of the Iloy ,It ' Is"j thouglit’ Va.** » thatv" " 1, the‘ GW noiseIHMBf! ofOf a tractor limi In en at work fllllug In J entmtatoed at luneh- help given by the present Commis- Scout Tournament Is to be paired pausing \\ est lx..... freight prevent- tbe low plscre in thè ground Inside otary Club at Haynshi'ai »toner and Chief Hemwswey with .Dean Mathey against “Big Ç-I the lagiuan from Î,eirlng the of tinii traek and a very '.guai pian x every church to Cran­ * ^»„»-wmmlasloiier Brisco made B ill and his - protege "Shrimp“ CHANPORD HIQII SCHOOL GIRLS’ MASKKTBALL TRAM approaching liasenger train, lie was wherehy ilio ll«>l«| may ho <|rnlm>d I attention was given to the following report: Thomas of Klujora, In a special on the tra«*ks when s«>en aiqiarently has lu>en fouiid. .. To services. On Monday County Champions, lass v F .THE YEAR; .k .. ,my report f wish to call doubles'match. Crossing towards tim nillk train on Oli Ilio wItole tho traek wlll In- I the achoola for awhile Tills exhibition will bo ono of the j 'B-P Row Left to Rlght-lluth Weldon. Jennie IVderson. Ag­ I»k2 -i.,£ ? l0Bi f..the OomnUttee and the further Easthoond track. 1 1 m «leml he a great asset to tlm lllgli (food Job It to »aid. | the citizens of the town to tbe fine most Interesting It has ever been1 Sellimi ami thè w lui le town wlll cor» I i. .. light, boys of the High the good fortune of Northern Jersoy- i m t!*" aara Kantnor, Helen llrenncn; Alt Holmes, coach. Vanf'ïiî ,,lr,í*’d “ I*.by trainmen and lire department that we have -to !,Bottom Row -Phylll. Kklllln. Dorothy Krele. captain. Esther llinman i,T ii-L/!. A"11 <«’«**»«'»» am| taken Jater talnly ho Interest,>,l when tbe flint •nbwd as a Township L illi0.” . O w t o r i . both In re. Ites to witness, for Mathey lias held ‘ “ » W 'n . morgue at Kllxnlieth. honie trark-nieet is Imiti. - (R DIGNITY. I at the Turnshlp Hoorn», ‘ he equipment and person­ a high place In the tennla world tor Mr. Itosi, rame to Cran funi almiit ! Interested audience ol nel of the department Many of iis. many years and has often been tire two years ago with Ills .daughter ,1 students and a number opponent of “Big BIU“ Mathey was York, and' tho feeling.'she oxper- Oli May ‘-Wli, In the Nlierman [ nfp_ wc Uve here, do not realize GET GOLD BASKETBALLS loncpd wticn tho |oam won Its ilrst Llnr«t«l‘’Vl.'Ílu,i,í’ í*^11 wlfubi he |lve<| [.of the Rotary Club, bid i if ^ “ S L ‘Jeprnment I formerly National Clay Court at 51 South Union avenue, lie had wú i'"' ’• '"ebatd’s l'Iaycre “bough the meeting lust am sure that if you Inspected*the Doubles Champion, who paired with ■“".•"’•••H <»( thè lloanl een flini'loyed ¡,y the Railroad (V Will give the "Hurry-up Urlile.-’’ un­ wre used to It equipment of other towns of our' Church, and who hashat always’ glvon’ a Preitatetloa to Msrnban of OlrU of Educatlon, Mrs. T*<tloy presenteil hut a few montila MC Hos*> was à der the auspices of tho lidi,Iren of k e t ’ s up Clerk: Robert Crano »[te nrohably any place In _ good account or himself in tho big Toam That Won tho Oouaty Olia- gold haskethalls to tho inembors of widower ami was IQ yearsT.ld H, eettog to order and ask- the national matches. tho team: Captato. Dorothy Krelo, L lL'.V SUt? ’ I"0" «“ old not find ploaship for Cranford High SsbeoL V dl«"«']'’1' ihy i*1*, ,,Bll<fbters. Mrs nations for Chairman of a better equipped department As “Shrimp“ Tiiomas has been picked PhvÌH. U£i!!i,w,;,-,,>t,iSr lllnman, I hyllls Sklllln, Clara hantnor, Ag. b l l J r ? of Cranford ami S h o p p e «ft consisting of Everett ,he Personnel, I do not by Tlldcn as tho most promising In rhapel ot High School last Fri- Tranío-AJnsrloan O oB tt y Stonger. Jr, Alfonse U for me to hoy player of the present time and day■-■«y. tilt»Hie champlonxlilpchampion«................... girls’ basket- a ÌÌÌ 1'? ’ f01!1 'Yeldon, manager. Jjto Brisco, and Richard U °*<***f*7 fortunately, ho Is « New Jersey hoy nail tram rocolved At tho beglnntog ot thè eliapel tho : Buca Qraag* Julo* Liir 'T » « ™ 1"* this. You hull team received golif basketball« girla wpre presente«] wlth thelr ma­ AVENUE f latter was unanlmuosly ! i A . 1 be department's record being a student at Battln High from the Board of Education to roc ' « ■ ¡ ' Ä ........... ' « , Braiarvad Olagsr i School at Elbabetli. , : ■ ogni tlon of tlielr fino work In the jor lettere for wlnning tho roqulrod pillerai services were held at 3 756J, 356J «h of acceptance. Chair- H» jX 100” *“r,t taUen down 00 . So much comment- has already liant fM'asim. number of thelr gamos" «liirlng thè Itoypune Tuesday.^ frinii the linine Oalvaafoot Jally must sucressful girl.»’ biwketban se*.
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