_!K t-4 ,rr^ : ■fllatt^Btor Vmdh 1 9 OAiLr caoDLAsmt ’ Hto Mewlk M d t , ISSi ■ Ferseos* ot U. which has carrlsd the former Paw­ who arlli also sing the solo numbers. tucket lad through 37 states and ’The pageant was written by the HANYATPARBrSNIGirr Save Your Money A1 - Building lot for sale Hanford Rev. Asa W. Mellinger with the ool- BOARD TO DECIDE witfc IBOUTTOW N ‘ ARIZONA DUKE* will add as many more on the way SO-ft. -frontage, aidewalk, gaA 5,868 back, has worn oS a dosen sets of iaboraUoo of F ra A Rtrong, head ABEL’S a ( On A i m * OMdsoal ahewen *eiri|M aa< T tS , ' of ^ nature study of tbs camp and OF VACATION SCHOOL water, sewer, 43 Strickland St. day: me* m nek ehaoge bi.tan|Mai^ I lita y 0*Oonnor, teacher tfi shoes since be started out nearly a O N T m P P E A U Cut Rate Auto and Tmcb VISITOR IN TOWN year ago. Alexander Sokol, head of the craft ■ Fred H. Norton ' Street ecbool, yeeterday department The Pageant is under REPAIRS ISO Main St., Manchceter, ■ Conn nt a major opefatkm in St. MANCHESTER— A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM the direction of the author who has Biblical Pageant Presented by. Rear 26 Cooper St. Est. 1921 a hoMrital, New Haven. Her as bis assistants Head counsellors, Selectmen to Act On Pro- VOL, LV., NO. 264 eo p » o 13.) „ la tn Southington. Reporte Pawtnek^ Cowboy Bomd Nathan Oatcbell, Leonard Asquith, Classes Sponwred by MANCHESTER, CONN,, MONDAY, JULY 27, 1936 (FOURTEEN PAGES) t night were that the operation WOODSTOCK ROYS Jay VanZandt, Swimming instruc­ Churches at North End. PRICE THREE CBI I heelB eneceeafuL tor, Phillip Smith and their Coun­ cednre in Several Assess­ for Ranch After VUit selling staff. Costumes for the pro­ kJUbert Downing, carrier at the TOGI^PAGEANT duction are provided, by the Colum­ The daily vacation school con­ jtew beater poatoffice, la having a bia Costume^Closet ment Suits Pending. Mother Love Key to “Missingr** Boy Riddle Fitfa His Mother. ducted by the North Methodist It’s Bound to Be Right QUEEN MARY MAKES ly e a tlo n . church and the Second Congrega­ To Present Dramatization of tional church, held ‘Tarenta’ and WITH THE KEG IN SIGHT There wlU be a meeting o f the CnCKENS GIVEN FIVE ‘The selectmen. In a special session Friends’ night" Thursday evening in At The AMERICAN REFUGEES iBmightera of Uabella In the Knlgfata "Arisona Duke”, 28, hard-rldln’ Monday at 8 p. m. in the Municipal the Congregational church. The COlumhua home Tuesday evening. eon of Pawtucket, R. I., transplanted Camp Ufe at 4 O’Gock building, will confer with Town affair was well attended by mem­ FASTEST OCEAN TRIP FTroortant business is to come before to Wlckensburg, Arisona, was In BY POPULAR MARKET Counsel William S. Hyde regarding bers, parents and friends. meeting. the settlement of several tax ap­ PARK town yesterday enroute back to the A biblical pageant, “Teachings of Tomorrow Afternoon. peals and the procedure to be fol­ the Book", was given under the di­ IP''"'Otiiiiesaiiinii .Herman Kopple- cactus-lands after visiting his moth­ ’The following were winners of lowed In the tax collector’s office ARE SENT TO COAS' rection of Mias Geraldine Tenney. But Blue Ribboi StiD Re- iPVHBm and Oovemor Cross, will be er, Mrs. Dellna Bourcler, of Paw­ two chickens each In the weekly after Collector George H, Howe’s TAVERN tucket. ’’Duke" made the 8,000- drawings 'Thursday night at the Johnson Block BANK,EC0N0MIC liw iong the spudeers at the outing "Following the ’Trails," an out­ resignation becomes effective Au­ 3 ^ the Toimg Democrats of Hartford mile trip from Arisona on "Mesa", door pageant with a east of over 100 Popular Market, Rublnow -Build­ gust IS, n u n s With Nonnandie S'itJounty at the gathering to be held a four-year-old broncho which was boys will be presented on the shore ing: ' • ■ The properties in dispute in the 2 FREE PRIZES Spanish GoTemment \ IB ‘Windsor tomorrow. A large bom on the Wlckensburg dude ranch of Black Pond at Camp Woodstock, Mrs. Anna Hennequin, 28' Cottage assessment appeals have been re­ TONIGHT! EXPERTS VISIT ^m hher o f the local members of the in the hills northwest of Phoenix. Sunday afternoon at 4:00 d. s. t. street; A. McMullen, 11 Edmund viewed by the assessors and James WATKINS BROS. SPECIAL — RAVIOLI Which Trayeled More U. S. Diplomats Flee ^Hancbeater Toung Democratic Cinb "Duke” stated that he left Phoenix The pageant is a dramatic interpre­ street; Mrs. Martin, 82 Wells street; M. Cleminshaw of Cleveland, head INOORPOBA’rED Sandwiches of An Klnde. Train at Diqiosal win attend. The program starts at on September 6. 1938, for the long- tation of the dominant interests of Mra Desplanck, 178 Cooper street, of the firm which made a qulnten- MOes on Record Trip. G.0.P J01NEE ». 3 o’clock and the speakers will be anticipated visit to his home town. the boys of the YMCA camp. Dur­ and Mrs. Susan Demko, 68 Ridge nlal reappraisal last year. His re­ ROBERT R. ANDERSON Try theee beers — served from San Sebastian Area heard starting at 4 o’clock. The He went north Into Utahi Colorado, ing the summer they have been or­ street. port has been given to Mr. Hyde Fnneral Director our Kooler-Keg System by our Those Wishing to Li , p ro g ra m arruiged calls for water Idaho and visited In Wyoming, Kan­ ganised In an Explorer’s Club which These winners—as was required who will present It to the selectmen old time bartender: BallanUne, s p o ^ and a program of out of door sas. Arkansas and up through the has followed many nature Interests, in the rules of the drawings—were Monday night. Funeral service in home­ Roppert’e, Croft Ale, Blieingold. N«w July 37.— (A P)— Notables on Calling List of Madrid Two p . qwrts with dancing in the evening. south to Rhode Island. ’n e craft groups have been organ­ all present when their names Until August 15 the collector’s '' Oreat Britain’* B. S. Queen Mary Waahlngton, July 27.— (A P)—Ansald nationals of Panama aad Chiba After three weeks In his home like surroundings. Increasingly omlnoua picture of war-«alao were being sheltered. ized Into clubs and named In honor T/ere drawn. About five names of office will be In charge of Edward docked today after m.kin|> the faat- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ballsleper are town he tired of the hustle and of some illustrious personage as the McKnIght of the H. N. Alexander tom S;Spain emerged today from La- A short time before these develop­ persons not present were dra'wn. 142 EAST CENTER ST. aat croiaing ever recorded for a Governor Landon; Senator conic dlplonuiUo dispatches aa Am- Women leaving Mionday for a two weeks’ bustle of the mill town and his feet patron of their guild. The pageant As In previous weeks, George company, certified public account­ ments, the American oonaul at Bar­ vacation at Martha’s Vlne3rard yearned, he said, for the "feel” of sketches brief scenes of various ants. It is expected that the select­ •teamer between Europe and New baasador Claude O. ~ Bowers’ Aides celona scene of bitter fig b ti^ In Olds, veteran Sports announcer, Telephone: abandoned the American summer Mass. the plains and the breath of the high scientists and craftsmen who have men will arrange to retain him In York—but her commander did not Vandenberg Is One; Knox which an American consular em­ Assaulted hy Rioters. mountains. The land of his adop­ been builders of notable trails, and ’Thursday night conducted the draw­ the office until a new collector is Office 5171 House 7494 Embassy at San Sebastian In the ploye was killed earlier In tbe week, ings and announced the names. The elalm the blue pennant at Atlantic Oood crowds attended the Do'wnle tion "had been his salvation In 1928 have made. elected at the annual town meeting TO MAKE mmremkey. belief there may be "terrible blood­ appealed for the dispatch of the when a sickly boy of 17 he went The pageant will be read by Rev. store was packed with those who In October. Ceremony Thorsday. shed" there. heavy cruller Quincy to that :^ th e rs circus yesterday afternoon figured they might be lucky and YOUR HOME *’We very well do not deserve It,” Madrid, July 27 — (AP)— and evening despite showers that west for his health—and regained E. T. Thienes. ’The music is under 101 Ways Hike Hew aald Sir Edgar Britten, skipper of Fleeing before sanguinary f l u t ­ port He reported that "aU com­ have their names drawn. Secret Courier to Hendays, F n h ^ ^ Started before each performance. A It. ’Then the cactus country claim­ the direction of Harvey Woodruff the liner. ing In and near San SelMUtian, munication U threataned", but gave targe ctx>wd remained on the lot ed him as her own. with Johns-IVlanville Building Materials So the blue ribbon, emblem a t At­ Topeka, Kas., July 27__ (AP) members of the summer Embassy no further details. —After a week of terror, huddledJ staff took .refuge on the United their embaaries, American and j after the evening show, watching "Duke" has visions of starting a lantic speed, remains with France's Gov. Alf M. Landon, busy assei The Quincy arrived at Gibraltar big "dude" ranch on his four-acre Normandie, which in June, 1938, av­ States Ctoast Guard cutter Clayuga, yesterday and was scheduled to con­ Ish refu|«es today w e r e ___ the “big top" go down as the circus bllng material for three speeches which bore them and their diplo­ evacuated to AUcante, on the soutL men moved on to another town.
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