A * / * l * ; ! 3 Vy V/ • - he a w r en tia n VOL. XLV. Number 63 T LLAWRENCE COLLEGE, APPLETON, WIS. Monday, June 11, 1928 Gold, Silver, Bronze Members of Hand O tt Elected Keys Aie Awarded Seniors Get ‘Lawrentian’ Given Recognition ‘World Based To Glee Club Members Emblems For Work To Receive Gold, silver, and bronze keys were Degrees At Establishes On a basis of faithfulness of at­ On Peace’ Dr. awarded glee club veterans for work tendance at rehearsals eighteen mem­ dining the 1928 season by Dean Carl bers of the first official Lawrence Spector Cup S. Waterman of the Lawrence con­ Graduation Student Fund band were awarded gold and silver Wriston Says servatory of music. emblems of recognition. Honor Is Awarded Annually To James Archie, Reynolds Challoner, Award Diplomas To 125 Today; Newspaper’s $3,000 Surplus To E. C. Moore, director of the band, “ Found Life On Assumption of Best All-Round Senior Lael Westberg and Wen/el Albrecht Four Honorary Degrees Be Awarded As Student was awarded an honorary gold ke*y by Peace” President Tells Student received gold keys for four years Granted Scholarships his pupils, and Lola Payne was also Seniors Today service in the club, while Kenneth awareleci a gold ke»y. Silver ke*ys went Elmer Ott, Kau- Emmons, Howard McMahon, Diehl A new scholarship fund has been to Leonard Zingler, Erne*st Gribble, The seventy-second annual com­ “ The world as we know it is founel- kauna, wns award- established al Lawrence college with outgoing seniors, and Ernest Eng- Snyder, David Seoular, Alan Har­ mencement exercises of Lawrence cil upon the assumption of peace, and ed the SjK*ct«r the income of $3,000, accumulated ejuist, an etflicer of the organization. wood, Milton Leadholm, Everett college were held Monday morning at unless that assumption can be sup­ cup, given to the surplus funds of the Lawrentian, col­ Silver emblems were awarded Hir­ Rouelcbush, and Carl Engler received ten o ’clock at Lawrence memorial ported, the work you are prepared to best all around lege newspaper, assigned as se liolar- am Armstrong, Agnes Barlass, Jack silver keys for three years service. chapel. At that time a total of one do and the lives you plan to live, must senior, as a result ships to worthy students. The Law­ Benton, Robert Bertram, Franklyn Bronze keys were awarded to the hundied twenty-seven degrees were be profounelly altered and may be of his vietory ov­ rentian surplus which has been ac­ Else, Marguerite Graass, George Hos- following men who have seen two awarded to members of the graduating destriyed, ” said Dr. Henry Merritt er four other can- cumulating for the past five years lett, John Paul Jont‘8, Dorothy Place, years with the glee cluj>: Koss Can­ class, while conservatory of music di­ Wriston, president of Lawrence col­ didates in the fin­ w.:s put to this use through the sug­ Wendell Rather, j\Clarenee Schwa rt- non, Xorman Knutzen, Charles Peter­ plomas and teachers’ certificates were lege, in his commencement address al election Wed- gestion of student members on the ing, Mabe*l Sheldon, Lester V o ig t, son, Victor Quum, Robert Leonard- also granted. Honorary degrees were this morning. “ During most of the Ebner Ott Iiesday. Lawrentian board of control. Harold W’urtz, anel Helen Ziegler. son, Oscar Fredrieksen, Franklin La- conferred upon four outstanding men world’s history, society was founded The Spector cup, donated by M. The scholarships are to be awarded The future plan of award will pro­ Fevre, Milton Leadholm, Bryce Ozan- and women, prominent in science, ed­ e>n the assuption of war and was or­ Spector of Appleton, is awarded to the by the president of the college, pre­ vide for silver pins for first year play­ ne, Jack Rudolph, Frank Seadden, ucation and religion. The candidates ganizes! to withstand the stress of best all-around senior as chosen by a ference being given to students ma­ ers, bronze ke*ys for second year play­ George Krause, Myron Kittleson and were presented for their degree by conflict. In the modern world, how­ vote of the student body and faculty. joring in journalism. ers, silver keys for third year play­ Carrol MacEathrin. Dr. Wilson 8. Naylor, dean of the ever, it is organized on the assump­ Ott has been very active on the cam­ Professor F. W. Clippinger, one of ers, anel golel keys for fourth year No awards are made to first year college of liberal arts and Professor tion of peace. players anel as honors to eiutgoing pus, having been president of the members. Carl J. Waterman, dean of the con­ the faculty members of the board of “ The industrial revolution has re­ Y.M.C.A. and captain of the 1928 servatory. They received their de­ control, said of the new institution, seniors worthy of special commenda­ organized industry upon a vulnerable football team. He is a member of gree's from Dr. Henry M. Wriston, “ It is the finest project any student tion. basis. Machines have be*en concen­ Delta Iota, Tau Kappa Alpha, Mace, president of the college. organization on this campus has car­ The main purpose of the baud, ac- Alexander Breaks trates! in facteiries, easily destroyed, Blue Key, Pi Hpsilon Delta, the “ L ” Mrs. Ruth Winslow, ’78, Appleton ried through in years.” cording to Moore, is to provide a and are operated with power, of elub, and Sunset players. lie has was giveu the honorary degree of 1* or the* past two years the Law­ training school for instrumental pu­ Ground For New which the dynamiting of a elam or a bee*n active in dramatics as well as master of arts. In conferring the de­ rentian has been edited by Violet pils. Rc‘gular credits are given for railroad may rc*adily deprive them. athletics and has taken part in sever­ gree Dr. Wriston said “ Because as Christensen. Last year Forrest Muck the band course at the conservatorv. Lawrence “Gym” Aggregations of capital are so great al campus major dramatic produc­ an alumnus you have carried on the was business manager of the paper that idleness of the plant produces a tions. high tradition for which the college while this year Burton Behling man President of Hoard Turns First gre*at financial strain. The present The election was close, one or two is organized, maintaining an intellec­ aged the» finance's and advertising. Fifteen Are Given Spade Ref ore Students structure of industry cannot be reeon- points deeiding in O tt’s favor. Other tual life* ever active, and because, Mary F. Bennett edited the pijH*r for and Faculty cile*d to war as its very nature dem­ seuiors who survived the primary through half a century you have con­ the two years preceding Miss Chris­ Honor Awards At onstrates the expectation anel neces­ election were Alex Hunter, Mary stantly gven thought, amidst all the tensen ’s editorship. sity of peace. Morton, Lael Westberg and Edith A brief program Saturday after­ problems that engross one’s time, to Annual Exercises noon marked the official breaking of R**eve. Last year the cup was award­ m tters of the mind and spirit. ” Hundreds Attend 1928 “ Even our home life represents ed to Gordon Clapp, at present per­ ground for the new Lawrence college The degree of doctor of science Class Day Exercises Cash Awards For Excellence In D if­ this change of presumption, fe»r there sonnel director of the college. gymnasium, the ceremony taking place was given to Reinhardt Thiessen, ’95, ferent Fields Are Pre­ is not a hint of exaggeration in the Hundreds of friends and relatives on the east bank of the Fox river “ in recognition of the years of sin­ sented assertion that the moelern city was near the Whiting athletic field. The» attended the annual class day exer­ Receives Degree gle-minded study and research which planned with absolutely no thought first spade of earth was turned o y r cises which were held on the east His doctorate degree has been con­ you have devoted to enlarging and . Fifteen students were honored at given tii its defensibilitv. In the old bv Lewis M. Alexander, president of campus Saturday morning. In past ferred upon Charles Marsh, ’25, by deepening our knowledge of the the annual commencement exercises •lays the necessities of life wvre close the board of trustees, who spoke a years the class day program has al­ the university of Illinois, according earth on which we live, work which in receiving cash awards, totaling contained, so that in time of war few words on the college, and its fu­ ways been presented in the chapel, to word received here. While at Law­ has become known and respected on several hundred dollars, for excellence subsistence could be maintained, but ture development. but since the baccalaureate and com­ rence Marsh was a member of Beta both sides of the Atlantic.” in their respective fields. The»se now we levy tribute on three contin­ mencement exercises are both held in Sigma Chi, Mare, Pi Delta Epsilon, Dr. Henry Wriston was also a Thiessen received his Ph.B. degree awards aie offered in various depart­ ents for an ordinary day’s food. Com­ the chapel it was decided to vary the and Was president of the all college speaker at the ceremony, and Dr. ments of the college on the basis of merce is now organizes! so intricately from Lawrence and his S.B. and Ph.D. procedure this year. club. Richards Evans gave invocation.
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