2 . 2 . 94 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 32/1 I (Information) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT WRITTEN QUESTIONS WITH ANSWER WRITTEN QUESTION No 611/92 The Member States have two years within which to by Mr Jean-Pierre Raffin ( V ) transpose the provisions of this Directive into national law . to the Commission of the European Communities (23 March 1992) France will therefore be required to provide a state of ( 94/C 32/01 ) conservation favourable to the brown bear as from June 1994 . Meanwhile , actions integrated within the French 'Bear Plan' Subject; Protection for the habitat of the brown bear in are scheduled for support under the LIFE programme . France í 1 ) OJ No L 38 , 10 . 2 . 1982 . ( 2 ) OJ No L 206 , 22 . 7 . 1992 . What steps will the Commission take to ensure that France provides proper protection for the habitats of the last remaining Pyrenean bears ? The measures belatedly taken in 1990 by France ( ban on hunting and regulated use of forested tracks in areas inhabited by bears ) cover only a small proportion of the land WRITTEN QUESTION No 1134/92 area essential for the survival of the species and are more or by Mr Gérard Fuchs ( S ) less ignored . to the Commission of the European Communities (11 May 1992) Answer given by Mr Paleokrassas ( 94/C 32/02 on behalf of the Commission (9 August 1993) Subject: Controlled use of asbestos Council Directive 85/610/EEC ( ) of 20 December 1985 on Protection of the habitat of the brown bear comes within the relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain scope of the Berne Convention on the Conservation of dangerous substances and preparations recently amended European Wildlife and natural habitats which was approved on 31 October 1991 by the Committee on Adaptation to by the Community by Council Decision of 3 December Technical Progress includes provisions controlling the use of 1981 ( ! ). asbestos . Although the Commission has repeatedly affirmed its The brown bear is covered by Directive 92/43/EEC on the support for the controlled use of asbestos, DG III has quite conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and illogically expressed its intention of drawing up a new flora ( 2 ) which was notified in June 1992 . directive prohibiting the use of asbestos . No C 32/2 Official Journal of the European Communities 2 . 2 . 94 What new scientific information has emerged leading the Answer given by Mr Pinheiro Commission to modify its views with regard to the on behalf of the Commission controlled use of asbestos ? (24 August 1993) (!) OJ No L 375 , 31 . 12 . 1985 , p . 1 . By means of the Jean Monnet Project, launched by the Commission in 1990 in response to a direct request from the academic world , the Commission has , over the last three years , supported a total of 652 initiatives selected from among more than 2 600 applications . Answer given by Mr Bangemann on behalf of the Commission (28 September 1993) A table giving the number of universities per country which have benefited from the scheme is sent direct to the Honourable Member and the Secretariat General of the European Parliament . The Commission has on several occasions expressed its intention of finding a Community solution to limiting the marketing and use of asbestos . Such a solution would take Subsidies are offered to set up new teaching activities in account of the fact that the controlled use policy has led to European integration, that is Community law, European national measures undermining the principle of free economic integration , political science and the history of circulation of products containing asbestos . European integration . The subsidies are for : The Commission has since 1991 made efforts to find a — European 'chairs', a symbolic term signifying a full-time solution acceptable to the majority of Member States and is teaching-post entirely devoted to Community studies ; still examining the possible approaches with a view to reaching a Community wide solution . — Permanent courses on European Integration; — European modules offered as an option or as a complementary course of study for students in a wide range of disciplines ; — Research projects linked to the new 'chair'. WRITTEN QUESTION No 1844/92 As regards conditions of eligibility, the scheme is exclusively by Mr Jaak Vandemeulebroucke ( ARC ) intended for higher education establishments within the to the Commission of the European Communities Member States . However, since June 1993 , a similar Jean (23 July 1992) Monnet project has been launched , by the Polish and the Hungarian authorities together with the Commission . This ( 94/C 32/03 programme has been taken on their own national Phare budgets . As regards selection, the Commission is advised in both cases by the European University Council for the Jean Monnet Project which assesses the academic feasibility and Subject: Funding for universities to finance European studies courses scientific worth of applications . Subsequently, universities are free to make their own appointments to the posts created . The selection criteria are that the courses should On 13 April 1992 the Commission reportedly decided to deal specifically with European integration, that they should grant financial support to universities to finance European be compulsory and amount to a new initiative . Priority is studies courses . given to undergraduate courses . Can the Commission state what funds have been earmarked Establishments successful in obtaining a Jean Monnet for which universities ? Can it at least state how much the subsidy undertake to maintain the teaching for at least seven various Member States and regions have received or will years, that is to say for four years after the period of receive ? co-financing . This condition applies to 'European chairs' and permanent courses which receive funding for three years . In the Member States , the level of co-financing may What conditions must a university meet in order to be not exceed 80 % , of the direct teaching costs with a eligible for such support ? Must the funds be used for a maximum of ECU 25 000 for a 'chair', and ECU 5 000 for a specific purpose ? Is there any monitoring of the way in permanent course or a module . Amounts have been adapted which they are spent ? to local criteria in Poland and Hungary . 2 . 2 . 94 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 32/3 Universities are required to provide a report on the activities Answer given by Mr Van Miert co-financed and a breakdown of expenditure each year, to on behalf of the Commission enable the Commission to satisfy itself that the teaching (29 November 1993) went ahead as planned and the co-financing was properly used . An evaluation of the Jean Monnet Project is being carried out by the European University Council for the Jean The Commission is sending the tables showing the requested Monnet Project in 1993 , and will be ready by the end of information directly to the Honourable Member and 1993 . Parliament's Secretariat . WRITTEN QUESTION No 2514/92 by Mr Sotiris Kostopoulos ( NI ) WRITTEN QUESTION No 1943/92 to the Commission of the European Communities by Mr Paul Staes ( V ) (12 October 1992) to the Commission of the European Communities ( 94/C 32/05 ) (1 September 1992) ( 94/C 32/04 ) Subject; Harmonization of asylum policy and Amnesty International Subject: Aid to companies Amnesty International recently issued a statement expressing its concern at the forthcoming harmonization of asylum policy in the European Community and noting that Pursuant to Article 92 ( 1 ) of the EEC Treaty, any aid granted applications for political asylum must be considered by by a Member State which distorts or threatens to distort independent committees of experts familiar with the competition by favouring certain undertakings or the relevant legislation and the state of human rights in the production of certain goods, in so far as it affects trade various countries concerned . How does the Commission between Member States, shall be incompatible with the common market . view this whole matter today, in the light of this statement by Amnesty International ? The Commission must be informed , in sufficient time to enable it to submit its comments , of any plans to grant aid . If it considers that any such plan is not compatible with the Answer given by Mr Flynn common market, it shall without delay initiate the on behalf of the Commission procedure provided for in Article 92 ( 3 ) of the EEC Treaty and the proposed measure may not be put into effect until (16 September 1993) the procedure has resulted in a final decision . The Commission noted with interest the statement issued by The latter can take the form of a decision which the Member Amnesty International , entitled 'Europe : Harmonization of State concerned must comply with pursuant to Article 189 asylum policy'. That statement concerned in the first ( 4 ) of the EEC Treaty . If the Member State does not comply instance proposals which were before Ministers responsible with the decision, then the matter may be brought before the for Immigration Policies at their meeting in London in European Court of Justice . November 1992 . As these meetings are of an intergovernmental character, it would be in the first instance for the Presidency to give this type of information . Can the Commission list for each Member State : Nevertheless, the Commission can indicate that the substantive recommendations contained in Amnesty 1 . The number of Commission decisions regarding aid to International's statement relate to areas of procedural companies incompatible with the common market, their asylum law which have yet to be addressed by Immigration date, the names of the companies concerned and the Ministers . It should be recalled that the Work Programme sums which were unjustly paid . adopted by the European Council of Maastricht in December 1 992 acknowledges the need for harmonization of certain procedural aspects, as does the Commission's 2 .
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