1618 July 10 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 2000 a digital bridge instead of a digital divideÐ you were going to be a great mayor, and you I think that all these things will happen if have been. Thank you. we don't forget our fundamental responsibil- I thank Chaka Fattah for being here for ities. Ron and for always being there for me and And I'm looking forward to observing and for the people of Philadelphia and for his to being a responsible citizen after the next truly exemplary leadership in the Congress. 6 months. And meanwhile, I will do every- One of the things that Chaka Fattah will al- thing I can to get everything I can done in ways be known for is getting us to adopt a the time we have remaining. program to put mentors into schools with The only other thing I would say to all poor kids, to tell them early that if they of you is, we have some Congressmen in both learned their lessons and took the right parties that are afraid if we don't have every- courses, they would be able to go to college, thing left to fight about, we won't have any- and we would be able to have the money thing left to fight about, and that's not true. for them. And we owe him a lot for that, Now, we could pass everything I proposed and I thank him for that. today and still have plenty left to fight about I want to thank Ron Klink for running. in the election. [Laughter] You know, I kind of identifyÐ So I ask everybody to take a deep breath, he started running, and everybody said, be grateful for the prosperity we have, under- ``Well, nobody can win the Senate race. They stand the enormous responsibility it puts on don't have enough money. They're going to us, and let's do what we can to make the have a primary''Ðblah, blah, blah. It re- most of it. minded me when I ran for President in 1991, Thank you very much. only my mother and my wife thought I had a chance to win. [Laughter] And on the bad Laughter NOTE: The President spoke at 2:20 p.m. in Presi- days they weren't sure. [ ] dent's Hall at the Penn Stater Hotel. In his re- So I want to thank him for running, and marks, he referred to the following Governors: I would like to thank his wife, Linda, for Michael O. Leavitt of Utah, NGA chairman; Parris being here and for supporting him and for N. Glendening of Maryland, NGA vice chairman; being great. Thank you. Tom Ridge of Pennsylvania; Tommy G. These races are tough for everybody. I'll Thompson of Wisconsin; William J. Janklow of tell you, now that I'm struggling to become South Dakota; James B. Hunt, Jr., of North Caro- a member of the Senate spouses' clubÐ lina; Dirk Kempthorne of Idaho; and George H. [laughter]ÐI'm a lot more nervous about Ryan of Illinois. The President also referred to Hillary's campaign than I ever was about former Secretaries of the Treasury Robert E. Rubin and Lloyd Bentsen; TANF, Temporary As- mine. [Laughter] I mean, you're running, you sistance for Needy Families; and the Electronic just sort of suit up and go out and play the Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, game. But otherwise, you just sit home and Public Law 106±299. claw the walls and hope it's working out all right. [Laughter] So I want to thank them for undertaking Remarks at a Reception for this. He has been a superb Congressman. Representative Ron Klink in We've worked together for almost 8 years Philadelphia, Pennsylvania now. Every time the interest of working fami- July 10, 2000 lies, the long-term interests of the ordinary citizen of this country were at stake, he was Thank you very much. Thank you for the always there with me, and I'm grateful. And wonderful welcome. I want to thank you, he could have stayed in the House and never Mayor Rendell, for agreeing to take this little been touched. You know, they told him, part-time job I offered you as head of the ``Well, you represent this sort of heartland, partyÐ[laughter]Ðand for doing it so well. old-fashioned district. You won't play in And thank you, Mayor Street, for proving be- Philadelphia.'' yond doubt that I was right when I came Well, one of the reasons I came here to- up here and campaigned for you. I told them night is there is nobody in the whole wide VerDate 11-MAY-2000 15:37 Jul 19, 2000 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P28JY4.014 txed02 PsN: txed02 Administration of William J. Clinton, 2000 / July 10 1619 world Philadelphia has ever been better to election is just as important as the two in than Bill Clinton, and I came to ask you to which I was elected and reelected President help Ron Klink play in Philadelphia, because and to which the Vice President was elected we've got to have you to win this race. and reelected Vice President. I think it's just I must tell you, this is somewhat awkward as important. And I'd just like to tell you for me tonight to be here because, you know, three things. You only have to remember tomorrow morning I'm going up to Camp three things about this election, and a few David to start the Middle East peace talks. odd details. And we're going to try to agree on a resolu- Number one, it really is a big election, for tion of these big, thorny issues that the par- President, for Senator, for Congressman. ties agreed, on the White House lawn in Sep- Why? Because how a nation deals with its tember of 1993, they would come to terms prosperity is just as stern a test of its judg- with a good while before now. And it isn't ment, its values, and its character as how a easy. nation deals with adversity. I just got back from Penn State. I went I mean, when I ran for President in '92, over to Penn State to speak to the Governors' the economy was in the dumps; the deficit conferenceÐthey're meeting over thereÐ was exploding; crime was going up; welfare and to go to the Creamery and get my ice was going up; social divisions and political cream cone. [Laughter] Anyway, I just got paralysis were getting worse. You didn't have back from there. And all these people were to be a rocket scientist to figure out we ought saying, that I've known forever, saying, to change something. ``Gosh, you look tired.'' I said, ``I am tired. But now everything is going in the right I've been up studying. Give me a test on direction. We've got over 22 million new some piece of land anywhere in Jerusalem jobs, the lowest unemployment rate in more or Israel. I know the answer.'' [Laughter] than three decades, the lowest crime rate in ``Ask me to draw a map of the West Bank three decades, the lowest welfare rolls in 32 in my sleep. I can do it.'' yearsÐhalf the size they were when I took But I say that to make this point. What officeÐthe longest economic expansion in really matters in our common life, when you history, the lowest minority unemployment strip it all away, are things like what Ron rate ever recorded, highest homeownerships saidÐquoting Hubert Humphrey. ever. So what are we going to do with this? I'm glad these children are here tonight. Here's the point. Think about these kids. What will this election mean for those who There's not a person in this room tonight, have most of their lives in front of them? not one over 30, who cannot remember one Did you ever think of that? A lot of people time in your life when you made a mistake, who have the most influence in elections are not because things were going so poorly but those who have lived most of their lives, but because things were going so well you the people that will be the most impacted thought there was no penalty for your failure by the decisions are those that have most of to concentrate. That is what this election is their lives in front of them. all about. This is a huge deal. We may never What will this election mean for the people in our lifetime, ever, get the chance we have who couldn't afford to come to this fund- today to build the future of our dreams for raiser tonight but get up every day and work our children. That's the first point. their hearts out, with dignity, and do their The second point I want you to know is, very best to raise their children and do every- there are real and honest differences. And thing else they're supposed to do, people like I hope and pray for my country's sake that the folks that served all of you your drinks we can have an old-fashioned election. I wish and helped you come in tonightÐwhat about it could be like the old Lincoln-Douglas de- them? What about them? [Applause] bates. I wish Governor Bush and Vice Presi- In a larger sense I'm here not just because dent Gore could get in a caravan and just I like Ron Klink and I'm grateful for the sup- go around the country and have debatesÐ port he's given to everything we've done for have 8 or 10 or 20 or 30.
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