Star Frontiers Expanded Weapons Charts Advanced Star Frontiers Weapons Charts The Alpha Dawn game provides a succinct, easy to reference set of charts for many of the standard weapons found in the Star Frontiers universe. This document is not intended to replace that convenient system but rather to supplement it. What follows is a compilation of various weapons that were published in Alpha Dawn(AD) , the Zebulon’s Guide (Zeb) plus the Star Frontiersman (SFM) and Frontier Explorer (FE) magazines with a few of my own weapons thrown in. A few weapons, such as the ancient lasers, were developed by Chris Donovan and posted on the Star Frontiers Wiki site. The Zebulon weapons listed here have been converted to the Alpha Dawn system. Although the original Zebulon rules offered a chart of universal weapons’ ranges, it was incompatible with AD weapons. For example, the point blank and extreme ranges were eliminated in Zebs. Plus, there were several Zeb weapons, such as the helmet rafflurs, that even violated these universal ranges. Although I tried to note the origin of some of the weapons, when it came to the P.G.S. (projectile, gyrojet, sprayer) section, I found it more convenient to list the ammo costs in the same chart so there was no room for this other information. When it came to fan-created weapons from the magazines, I did alter some of the prices where I saw fit. Also, I provided a weight category for items such as powerclips, P.G.S. clips and grenades that previously had no weight in response to discussions on the starfrontiers.us website. Illustration from Dragon Magazine #120 --Joseph Cabadas Nov. 15, 2016 Page 1 of 34 Star Frontiers Expanded Weapons Charts Chart 1: Laser Weapons Cost Wgt Damage Ammo SEU ROF Defense Range Notes (Cr) (kg) PB/S/M/L/E Blast (laser) Pistol 200 1.5 4d10 20 SEU Clip 2 1 Albedo 5/15/--/--/-- AD p172 Blaster Model 2501 500 1 1d10 per SEU 10 SEU clip 1-10 1 Albedo 5/20/40/80/160 SFM __; fail 99 Evran Laser Pistol 580 1 1d10-1 per SEU 20 SEU clip 1-10 2 Albedo 5/20/50/100/200 SFM __; fail 99 K’raktan Laser Pistol2 580 1 1d10 per SEU 20 SEU clip 1-10 2 Albedo 5/20/50/100/200 SFM __; fail 99 Laser Auto Rifle 750 3 1d10 per SEU/ 20 SEU clip 1-20 / 3(1) Albedo 5/15/30/60/150 SFM __; 5d10 per burst 10/burst burst +20% to hit Laser Pistol Ke-10003 600 1 1d10 per SEU 20 SEU clip 1-10 2 Albedo 5/20/50/100/200 AD p63 Laser Long Pistol Ke-15004 750 2 1d10+2 per SEU 20 SEU clip 1-10 2 Albedo 5/30/60/150/300 Z p60 Laser Rifle Ke-1800 800 3 1d10 per SEU 20 SEU clip 1-20 2 Albedo 10/40/100/200/400 AD p63 Laser Rifle Ke-2000 1,200 4 1d10+6 per SEU 20 SEU clip 1-20 2 Albedo 10/50/150/250/450 Z p60 Laser Sniper Rifle 1,500 5 1d10 per SEU5 20 SEU clip 1-20 1 Albedo 20/100/500/1km/2km SFM __ LE-1000 Laser Derringer6 500 0.5 1d10-2 per SEU 10 SEU clip 1-10 2 Albedo 5/20/50/100/200 SFM __; fail 99 LE-1500 Laser Pistol7 700 1.25 1d10+2 per SEU 20 SEU clip 1-10 2 Albedo 5/20/50/100/200 SFM__; fail 99 Heavy Laser Ke-5000 6,000 15 1d10 per SEU 100 SEU pack 5-20 1 Albedo --/100/500/1km/2km AD p63 Magstar F8 Laser Pistol8 400 1.5 1d10 per SEU 20 SEU clip 1-4 2 Albedo 5/20/50/100/200 SFM __ Magstar Laser Pistol 580 1 1d10 per SEU 20 SEU clip 1-10 2 Albedo 5/20/50/100/200 SFM __; fail 99 Heavy Laser Ke-60009 8,000 18 1d10+10 per SEU 100 SEU pack 5-20 1 Albedo --/100/500/1km/2km Z p60 1 Made by a firm called Special Defense Forces, it is an “entry-level,” basic laser pistol. 2 Made by Tunix Weaponry, this pistol is specifically designed to fit the Vrusk hand. 3 The “Ke” laser series is a UPF designation for laser weapons that basically have the same characteristics. 4 The Ke-1899 Laser Long Pistol is unavailable until approximately 75 FY. 5 An Enforcer can multiply his Weapons: Beam skill level times the damage rolled, but only if he takes two turns doing nothing but aiming. 6 Interstellar Weaponry’s LE-1000 is a miniaturized version of a standard laser pistol, making it more concealable, but with an offsetting decrease in damage. 7 This is basically an upgrade of the Ke-1500 by Interstellar Weaponry. 8 Manufactured by Tunix Weaponry, this is an older style laser from the time of the First Sathar War. Some gunsmiths have been known to tinker with its settings so it can use up to 6 SEUs per shot, but it will have an automatic failure rate on a roll of 99-100. 9 The Ke-6000 Heavy Laser is unavailable until approximately 75 FY. Page 2 of 34 Star Frontiers Expanded Weapons Charts Chart 2: More Laser Cost Wgt Damage Ammo SEU ROF Defense Range Notes Weapons (Cr) (kg) PB/S/M/L/E Archaic Laser Pistol10 400 2 2d10 20 SEU clip 2 1 Albedo 3/10/25/50/100 SF Wiki Archaic Laser Rifle 450 6 2d10/4d10 20 SEU clip 2/4 1 Albedo 5/20/50/100/200 SF Wiki SD-CLCr Laser Pistol11 580 1 1d10 per SEU 20 SEU clip 1-10 2 Albedo 5/20/50/100/200 SFM __; fail 99 Tizzle Laser Derringer12 300- 0.1 1d10 per SEU 20 SEU clip 1 or 5 2 Albedo 3/8/15/--/-- SFM __ 3,000 WarTech KTX-40 Pistol 700 1 1d10 per SEU Two 20 SEU 1-5 3 Albedo 5/15/40/75/150 SFM __ clips WarTech SE-9 LWS Pistol 700 2 1d10 per SEU 20 SEU clip 1-10 2 Albedo 5/20/50/100/200 SFM __ WarTech SE-9 LWS Rifle +650 +3 1d10 per SEU 3x20 SEU clip 1-20 2 Albedo 10/50/100/200/400 An SE-9 with an extended stock Chart 3: Beam Ammo Cost Wgt Energy Recharge Type Cost Wgt Energy Recharge Type: (Cr) (kg) (Cr) (kg) Micro Powerdiscs 10 0.1 2 SEU No D.S. Fuel Cell 75 0.5 6 shot cell No Mini Powerclip 50 0.25 10 SEU No D.S. Extended Fuel Cell 100 0.75 10 shot cell No Standard Powerclip 100 1 20 SEU 1 Cr/SEU D.S. Rifle Fuel Cell 150 1 12 shot cell No Power Beltpack 250 4 50 SEU 1 Cr/SEU D.S. Rifle Ext. Fuel Cell 200 1.5 18 shot cell No Advanced Power Beltpack 300 3 50 SEU 1 Cr/SEU Electro-Mag. Signal Stunner Cell 250 1 4 shell cell No Power Backpack 500 10 100 SEU 1 Cr/SEU Gauss Assault Rifle Clip 50 1 100 shots No Advanced Power Backpack13 700 6 100 SEU 1 Cr/SEU Gauss Sniper Rifle Clip 5 -- 10 shots No Power Econopack 1,250 25 250 SEU 1 Cr/SEU Gauss Traveller Rifle Clip 25 0.5 40 shots No PGM-13 Powerpack 50,000 7 800 SEU 1 Cr/SEU Energy Bracer with coil clips14 500 1 Two 20 SEU clips 1 Cr/SEU 10 Archaic laser pistols and rifles represent technology that hasn’t been manufactured for decades or centuries. Their power packs are so primitive that they cannot be recharged with modern connections but a technician can attempt to jury rig an adapter. Make a Repair Machinery check at -25%. A failure means that the power pack no longer works. Likewise, repairs to the weapon are made at a -25% modifier and a failure means the weapon no longer functions. 11 This is a Ke-1500 laser pistol manufactured by “SD,” a Yazarian-owned firm on Pale (Truane’s Star). 12 This weapon is illegal on most Frontier planets. It is made on the Outer Reach (Dramune) and has only two power settings, 1 and 5. Characters have a 25% chance to palm or hide a Tizzle Laser during a casual search. 13 The advanced power beltpack and backpack are house rules. These units are made of extra light materials. 14 The energy bracer comes from an article by Bill Logan is Star Frontiersman magazine, Issue 19m pg. 41. Page 3 of 34 Star Frontiers Expanded Weapons Charts Chart 4: Rafflur, Maser & Cost Wgt Damage Ammo SEU ROF Defense Range Notes Bolt Weapons (Cr) (kg) PB/S/M/L/E Rafflur Helmet 625 0.5 4d10+5 microdisc x 2 All 1 Synth 1/6/12/--/-- Z p70 Rafflur M-1 Derringer 300 0.5 4d10+5 microdisc x 2 All 1 Synth 1/6/10/--/-- Z p60 Rafflur M-2 Pistol 650 1 2d10 per SEU 10 SEU clip 1-5 2 Synth 5/15/35/70/150 Z p60 Rafflur M-3 Pistol 825 2 2d10 per SEU 10 SEU clip 1-5 2 Synth 6/20/40/80/160 Z p60 Rafflur M-4 Combat Rifle15 1,000 3 Special, 4d10+5 10 SEU clip 10 1 Synth 6/25/40/60/80 Z p60 Rafflur M-6 Rifle 900 4 4d10 per SEU 10 SEU clip 1-10 1 Synth 9/35/75/180/375 Z p61 Rafflur M-8 Sharpshooter Rifle 1,200 5 4d10 per SEU 10 SEU clip 1-10 1 Synth 15/50/200/400/500 Z p61 Rafflur M-10 Heavy Weapon 5,000 20 5d10 per SEU Parabattery 5-25 2 Synth --/120/550/1100/2.2km Z p61 Maser Penetrator Pistol 675 1 3d10+2 10 SEU clip 2 1 MasMesh 5/20/60/125/250 Z p61 Maser Raser Rifle 850 2 4d10 10 SEU clip 2 1 MasMesh 10/30/80/200/400 Z p61 WarTech Alpha Bolt 3,000 2 1d10 per SEU 10 SEU clip 1-10 1 Gridsuit 10/30/80/200/400 Z p61 WarTech Omega Bolt 4,000 3 1d100 20 SEU clip 5 1 Gridsuit 10/30/80/200/400 Z p61 WarTech Gamma Bolt II 5,000 2.5 1d10+5 per SEU 20 SEU clip 2-10 1 Gridsuit 10/30/80/200/400 Z weapons chart WarTech K-Pulse Pistol16 250 2 3d10 20 SEU clip 2 3 Inertia 5/10/20/40/80 SFM 19-19 WarTech Mark V Blaster17 700 2.5 4d10 20 SEU clip 4 1 Synth 5/15/35/75/150 SFM WarTech Mark VII Rifle18 850 4.5 5d10 20 SEU clip 5 1 Synth 10/40/120/225/450 SFM WarTech Mark XII Cannon19 5,000 25 10d10 Parabattery 10 1 Synth --/325/750/1500/3km SFM WarTech PGMP-1220 10,000 6 6d10 240 SEU pack 6 ½ Gridsuit --/100/200/375/750 SFM WarTech PGMP-1321 65,000 9 8d10 800 SEU pack 8 1 Gridsuit --/125/500/1000 SFM 15 Rafflur weapons were introduced by the Rim Coalition and are uncommon before FY 65 and the M-4 combat rifle is unavailable until FY 75.
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