The Inventory of the Rollo G. Silver Collection #457 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center SILVER, ROLLO COLLECTION Gift of June 1969 Walt Whitman Material Box 1 A) Whitman manuscripts and letters 1) "Old Age's Ship & Crafty Death's". Proof of poem with Whitman's holograph corrections. /", - (2)} 11 Sail Forth O Mystic Yacht". Poem. Holograph, 1 p. i '(3f)11 Notes for Lecture". Holograph, 1 p. 4) "I have had one feeling ... ". Prose piece. Holograph, 1 p. 5) Check. Holograph. "Pay to the order •of George W. Whitman. April 5, 1877." 6) Letters and envelopes: in chronological order: c;)} ALS to John Swinton, Feburary 23, 1863. Holograph envelope laid in. /\ ~)/ ALS to John M. Binckley (Acting Attorney General) re:leave of absence from the Attorney General's Office, Washington, August 31, 1867. Envelope laid in. Signed also by Binckley, granting request. c) Holograph envelope addressed by Whitman to John Swinton, postmarked April 5 which contained Scovel, James M., ALS to John Swinton re: Whitman, April 4, 1876. d) Postal card in holograph to John Swinton, Camden, New Jersey, March 12, ~1878J • '' _(§ ALS ~o Hank, his nephew, Camden, May 5, d-88~1 2 pp. on 1 leaf, Ii ir') 'Mary. - ~) Postal card in holograph to Mrs. CostellDW' (~fj Whitall Smith, later Mrs. Bernard Berenson) Camden U.S. Americaj, July 8, 1887, g) Postal card in holograph to Edward Carpenter, Camden, New Jersey, October 29, 1891, h) Holograph envelope to Charles W. Eldridge. Introducing Walter Godey. page 2 ROLLO SILVER Gift of June 1969 i) Holograph envelope addressed to Pete Doyle, rostmarked Philadelphia, August 14. j) Holograph envelope addressed to John Swinton. B) Letter to Whitman Unsigned holograph postcard, 1888 addressed to "Walt Whitman, the American Poet". Postmarked Paris (See Traubel's WITH WALT WHITMAN IN CAMDEN, Vol. 2, Part 1, P. 371) C) Whitman related items. 1) Colored wrapper for the 1855 edition of LEAVES OF GRASS. 2) Proof of advertisement for Whitman's Lecture on Lincoln's Assassination. 3) House of Representatives 49th Congress 2nd Session. Report No. 3856. "Walt Whitman" Report from Committee on Invalid Pensions, February 1, 1887. D) Correspondence relating~ Whitman's dismissal from the Interior Department by Secretary Harlan. 1) Ashton, J. Hubley. TLS to Charles W. Eldridge, Washington, D.C. June 3, 1902, 5 P• 2) Brigham, Johnson. TLS to John Burroughs, Des Moines, Iowa. November 14, 1910, 5 P• E) Advertisements and announcements for Whitman's books. 1) Photocopy of New York Illustrated News ad for LEAVES OF GRASS. June 9, 1860. 2) Horace Traubel's advertisement, 1902, for the publication of LEAVES OF GRASS (edition of 1860-1861) in facsimile of the poet's own copy. 2 copies. page 3 ROLLO SILVER Gife of June 1969 3) Photostatic copy of WW's own advertisement for the sale of COMPLETE POEMS AND PROSE, LEAVES OF GRASS AND PORTRAITS FROM LIFE. 4) Announcement of the Peter Pauper Press limited edition of LEAVES OF GRASS, October 6, 1950. 5) Prospectus for LEAVES OF GRASS. Comprehensive REader's Edition, New York University Press, no date. 6) Announcement of publication of AN 1855-56 NOTEBOOK TOWARD THE SECOND EDITION OF LEAVES OF GRASS and WITH WALT WHITMAN IN CAMDEN, from Southern Illinois University Press, 1959. 7) Announcement for OUT OF THE CRADLE ENDLESSLY ROCKING and PICTURES by The June House, Cos Cob, Connecticut. 8) Broadside announcing NOTES AND FRAGMENTS, July 1899. 9) Advertisement for THE WOUND DRESSER, Small M~yna~d. 10) Publication announcement of NEW YORK DISSECTED, The Press of the Pdtoneers, 1935. 11) Ad for FAINT CLEWS AND INDIRECTIONS Edited by Clarence Gohdes and Rollo G. Silver. 12) Advertisement for WALT WHITMAN'S BLUE BOOK THE 1860-61 LEAVES OF GRASS. Facsimile of copy in Oscar Lion Collection, New York, Public Library, 1968, 13) Notice of book "from an unpublished MMS by Walt Whitman" 100 copies, F) Reviews of books E1. Whitman. 1) "Walt Whitman's Poems" by W.M.Rosetti. Review of LEAVES OF GRASS. New·Yotk Citizen, August 10, 1867. page 4 ROLLO SILVER Gift of June 1969 2) "Walt Whitman and the Poetry of the Future". Review of LEAVES OF GRASS. Clip from a New York paper, 1881. 3) LEAVES OF GRASS. Rees, Walsh edition. Clip from newspaper, Ca. 1882. 4) LEAVES OF GRASS. Random House edition. Clip from newspaper. 5) Alt 1855-56 NOTEBOOK TOWARD THE SECOND EDITION OF LEAVES OF GRASS. Review by Roger Asselineau. Reprint from ftudes Anglaises t. XII, no. 4. 6) WALT WHITMAN'S BACKWARD GLANCES. Review in THe Times Literary Supplement, October 4, 1947. 7) I SIT AND LOOK OUT, EDITORIALS FROM THE BROOKLYN DAILY TIMES. News clip. Source and date unknown. 8) CALAMUS. Version nouvelle de Leon Bazalgette. Review "Whitman in France" in Times Literary Supplement, Feburary 26, 1920. 9) FAINT CLEWS AND INDIRECTIONS edited by Clarence Gohdes and Rollo G. Silver. In The Columbia Missourian, April 21, 1950. G) Pieces by Whitman 1) "Autobiographic Note. From an old remembrance copy". Photo­ duplication. 2) "Bardic Symbols". Poem, no date. Tearsheets from The Atlantic Monthly, April 1860. 3) "The Dead Tenor". Poem. In The Critic and Good Literature, November 8, 1884. 4) "Death's Valley". Poem. Tearsheet, no source. 5) "Facts in the Matter of Worthington Illegally Publishing 'Leaves of Grass' 11 • Typescript, 1 p. , of manuscript in the Huntington Library, San Marino, California. page 5 ROLLO SILVER Gift of June 1969 6) "Last Words". Special printing of poem not previously published. The Kindle Press, 1959. 7) "Kentucky". Poem. Reprint from Prairie Schooner. Vol. 32, No. 3, Fall 1958. 8) "O Captain! My Captain!". Poem. (The Death of Abraham Lincoln April 16, 1885). Broadside, no date. Illustrated by Schnell ✓. 9) "O Star of France". Poem in The·sattirday Review·of Literature, Vol. XXV, No. 46. November 16, 1942. 10) "Old Chants". Poem. Tearsheet· from Truth, no date, 11) "Rise, lurid stars". Poem. Tearsheet. Reproduction of manusc±Jpt. 12)"Ship of Democracy". Poem in Think on These Things. Published by Association Press, 1943. Given to servicemen/ by YMCA, 2 copies, 13) "This Is What You Shall Do". Poem. Broadside, July 4, 1955. 14) "To the Sun-Set Breeze". Tearsheet of poem with printed signature. No source, no date. 15) "Wood Odors_", Poem in Harper's, Vol. 22, No. 1327. December 1960. page 43. 16) "The Sobbing of the Bells". Poem in Garfield Assassination memorial illue of The Boston Daily Globe, September 27, 1881. 17) Facsimile of letter of Whitman to Dr. Johnston, Bolton, February 6, 1892 with "Extract from letter: Horace L. Traubel to Dr. Johnston, Bolton, England. in which he says WW wanted facsimile of February 6th letter made and sent to friends. H) Advertisements for book s about Whitman (Arranged alphabetically by author.) 1) WHITMAN'S IDEAL DEMOCRACY AND OTHER WRITINGS by Helena Born. 2) WALT WHITMAN by Richard Maurice Bucke, 1883. page 6 ROLLO SILVER Gift of June 1969 3) SONG OF THE OPEN ROAD: WALT WHITMAN. Portfolio of sketches by Lewis Daniel. With holograph note to Rollo Silver signed "Bertha". 4) I, WALT WHITMAN by Randolph Goodman. Published by the Library Associates of Brooklyn College, 5) WALT WHITMAN AS RELIGIOUS AND MORAL TEACHER: A Study by William Norman Guthrie. 6) WHITMAN: THE POET LIBERATOR OF WOMEN by Mabel McCoy Irwin. With an announcement of lecture series by her also: "Walt Whitman and His Gospel". 7) WALT WHITMAN THE POET OF HUMANITY by William Sloane Kennedy. 8) tHE MAGNIFICENT IDLER: THE STORY OF WALT WHITMAN by Cameron Rogers. 9) 100 WHITMAN PHOTOGRAPHS by Henry S. Saunders Photostat of holo­ graph advertisement. 10) AT THE GRAVESIDE OF WALT WHITI-1AN Harleigh, Camden, New Jersey, March 30th and SPRIGS OF LILACS 1892, by Horace L.Traubel, 2 copies. 11) IN RE WALT WHITMAN by Horace L. Traubel, no date. 12) WITH WALT WHITMAN IN CAMDEN by Horace Traubel. 13) CHANTS COMMUNAL by Horace Traubel. 14) WHITMAN AND TRAUBEL ~y William English Walling. 2 different advertisements. 15) INDEX TO EAR.LY AMERICAN PERIODICAL LITERATURE 1728-1870, no. 3. Walt Whitman. 16) List of privately printed books published in small editions by Henry S. Saunders. 6 books re: Whitman. page 7 ROLLO SILVER Gift of June 1969 I) Reviews of books about Whitman arranged by author. 1) Gay Wilson Allen's WALT WHITMAN. Review by William Leo Finkel in The Journal of Philosophy, Vol. XLV, No. 2, January 15, 1948. Page 55. 2) Newton Arvin's WHITMAN and John Erskine's THE START OF THE ROAD. Review by Ralph ~mpson in The New York Times, October 25, 1938. 3) Newton Arvin's WHITMAN. Review by Wilson Follett: "Walt Whitman as the Poet of Socialism" in The New York Times Book Review, November 27, 1938. 4) John Bailey's WALT WHITMAN. Review in Times Literary Supplement, June 17, 1926. 5) Clara Barrus' WHITMAN AND BURROUGHS: COMRADES. Review by R,L.Duffus: "Burroughs and the Whitman Cult" in The New York Times Book Review, June 7, 1931. 6) William E. Barton's ABRAHAM LINCOLN AND WALT WHITMAN. Review by Joseph Collins. Newspaper clip, source unknown and newspaper photograph: "The Interior of the Linoln Room in Dr. Barton's Museum at Foxboro". 7) Harold Blodgett' s WALT WHITMAN IN ENGLAND. "Whitmanism" review in Times Literary Supplement, August 30, 1934. 2 copies. 8) Gerald Bullett's WALT WHITMAN. Review in Times Literary Supplement, January 22, 1925. 9) Henry Seidel Canby's WALT WHITMAN. Review by Clifton Joseph Furness in.Boston Globe, November 10, 1943. 10) Henry Seidel Canby's WALT WHITMAN, Review in New York Times Book Review by John Erskine, November 7, 1943. page 8 ROLLO SILVER Gift of June 1969 11) Basil de Selincourt's WALT WHITMAN: A Critical Study, Review in Times Literary Supplement, February 26, 1914.
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