LARUS Vol. 54, 2019 54 23-33 str. Zagreb 2019 LARUS (2019) 1 tablica, 2 slike Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti Primljeno 26.8.2019. Prihvaćeno na sjednici Razreda za prirodne znanosti HAZU 21.11.2019. Original scientific paper UDK 598.278.1(497.5) Izvorni znanstveni članak DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21857/moxpjhg3km EUROPEAN ROLLER Coracias garrulus IN THE PLEISTOCENE AND HOLOCENE OF CROATIA Zlatovrana Coracias garrulus u pleistocenu i holocenu Hrvatske ANKICA OROS SRŠEN1, MARTA ZAHER2 1Institute for Quaternary Paleontology and Geology, Croatian Academy of Science and Arts, 5, Ante Kovačića, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia 2School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Life Sciences Building, 24 Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TQ, UK ABSTRACT Fossil remains of the European Roller Coracias garrulus in Croatia are relatively rare. The European Roller has been found at four sites sit- uated along the Adriatic coast: Marlera I and Šandalja II in the northern Adriatic, and Vela Spila and Markova Spilja on the southern part. The oldest find is from Marlera I, which dates back to the Late Pleistocene (Marine Isotope Stage 3 - MIS 3) and the youngest are the Holocene (MIS 1) finds at Vela Spila and Markova Spilja. Immature bones were found in Vela Spila deposits, indicating breeding during the Late Pleis- tocene in the southern Adriatic. So far, the European Roller has not been determined in deposits from continental Croatia. Keywords: bird bones, fossil remains, Adriatic coast, continental Cro- atia, Quaternary e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] 23 A. Oros Sršen, M. Zaher: European Roller Coracias garrulus in the Pleistocene and Holocene of Croatia INTRODUCTION The oldest representatives of the order Coraciiformes in Europe are found in the Middle Eocene in Germany and Upper Eocene in France: Eocoracias bra- chyptera, Geranopterus alatus and Geranopterus milneedwardsi, respectively (Mayr & Mourer-Chauviré 2000, Mlíkovský 2002). The genus Coracias and species Coracias garrulus (European Roller) was first recorded in the Early Pleistocene of Tarchankut, Ukraine (Vojinstvens’kyj 1967, cited in Mlíkovský 2002 and Tyrberg 1998). Further records are the Middle Pleistocene of France, and the Late Pleis- tocene of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France, Israel, Italy, Poland, Russia, Spain and Syria (e.g. Tyrberg 1998, Tyrberg 2008). In Croatia, the European Roll- er was previously determined in the Late Pleistocene deposits of Šandalja II in Istria (Malez-Bačić 1979) and the Holocene deposits of Markova Spilja on the is- land of Hvar (Malez 1980). Here we present the most recent finds from two sites, Marlera I and Vela Spila, and revised material from the Šandalja II site (Figure 1). These finds were already mentioned in Mauch Lenardić et al. (2018) but are described in this study for the first time. Figure 1. The geographical location of the sites with remains of European Roller in Croatia: 1 – Marlera I, 2 – Šandalja II, 3 – Vela spila, 4 – Markova spilja. White dots represent sites which material is presented in this paper. Slika 1. Geografski položaji nalazišta u čijim naslagama su nađene kosti zlatovrane u Hrvats- koj: 1 – Marlera I, 2 – Šandalja II, 3 – Vela spila, 4 – Markova spilja. Bijelim točkama označena su nalazišta s kojih potječu kosti opisane u ovom radu 24 LARUS Vol. 54, 2019 Marlera I is a fossil cave (a remnant of the cave, completely filled with sedi- ments), situated in a limestone quarry 15 km southeast from the town of Pula in southern Istria. Faunal finds include large Pleistocene mammals, micromammals, amphibians, reptiles and birds. Radiocarbon dating reveals the Late Pleistocene age, around 50,000 y BP (Brajković et al. 2005) or Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS 3). šandalja II is also a fossil cave, situated in a limestone quarry 5 km northeast from the town of Pula in southern Istria. It is a well-known site which was com- pletely excavated from 1961 to 1989 by Mirko Malez (Brajković 2000 and refer- ences therein). Sediment deposits span from the Late Pleistocene (ca. > 30.000 cal. yr. BP) to the Holocene (ca. 7.000 cal. yr. BP), but the majority of sediments are from the Late Glacial age (MIS 2). Very rich faunal assemblage was discovered, including large Pleistocene mammals, micromammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, fish and molluscs. Vela Spila is a cave on the island of Korčula, situated above the town of Vela Luka. Fossiliferous sediment deposits span from the Last Glacial Maximum (ca. 20.000 cal. yr. BP, MIS 2) up to Middle Holocene (ca. 5000 cal. yr. BP, MIS 1). Fau- nal assemblage includes large mammals, micromammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, fish and molluscs (Mauch Lenardić et al. 2018). MATERIALS AND METHODS Here we describe a total of nine bones determined as Coracias garrulus: three humeri, one radius, one carpometacarpus and four tarsometatarsi (Table 1). Two humeri from Šandalja II were already determined by Vesna Malez (Malez-Bačić 1979) and revised by Oros Sršen (2015), the rest of the bones are described here for the first time (Oros Sršen 2015, Zaher 2017). The specimens are stored in the collection of the Institute for Quaternary Palaeontology and Geology, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZPGK). Anatomical-taxonomical identification of the bones was conducted using recent comparative osteological collections at the Institute for Quaternary Pal- aeontology and Geology, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts and relevant literature (e.g. Kessler 2019). The anatomical terminology follows Baumel & Witmer (1993). Measurements were taken using a digital calliper to a precision of 0.01 mm and following inter- national standards developed by Von Den Driesch (1976), and additionally by Kessler (2019). Relative age was determined depending on the degree of the bone porosity and fusion: immature or juvenile bones are not fully ossified, bones are porous, with unfused or partially fused epiphyses, whereas adult bones are full sized and fused (Serejantsen 2009, Table 3.2). 25 A. Oros Sršen, M. Zaher: European Roller Coracias garrulus in the Pleistocene and Holocene of Croatia RESULTS A total of nine specimens of European Rollers (Figure 2) were identified in avifaunal analyses from the Pleistocene deposits of Marlera I (n = 1), Šandalja II (n = 2) and Vela Spila (n = 5), and Holocene deposits of Vela Spila (n = 1). Remains from Vela Spila include three porous bones of immature birds. The measure- ments are presented in Table 1. Figure 2. The bones of the Coracias garrulus (a-d, f-h) and cf. Coracias garrulus (e, i) from Croatia: a) right humerus from Šandalja II (Ša Bd 1880.), cranial and caudal aspect; b) left proximal humerus from Šandalja II (Ša II D 1879.), cranial and caudal aspect; c) right dis- tal humerus from Vela spila (VS04 342.4/A), cranial and caudal aspect; d) left radius from Marlera I (MRL I 06 11/A ) dorsal and ventral aspect; e) right proximal carpometacarpus from Vela spila (VS06 8/32 3/A) dorsal and ventral aspect; f) right tarsometatarsus from Vela spila (VS06 4/39 1/A) dorsal and plantar aspect; g) left tarsometatarsus from Vela spila (VS06 4/39 2/A) dorsal and plantar aspect; h) right tarsometatarsus from Vela spila (VS06 4/40 1/A), dor- sal and plantar aspect; i) right distal tarsometatarsus from Vela spila (VS06 4/39 3/A) dorsal and plantar aspect. Slika 2. Kosti vrste Coracias garrulus(a-d, f-h) i cf. Coracias garrulus (e, i) iz Hrvatske: a) desni humerus iz Šandalje II (Ša Bd 1880.), kranijalni i kaudalni pogled; b) lijevi proksimalni humerus iz Šandalje II (Ša II D 1879.), kranijalni i kaudalni pogled; c) desni distalni humerus iz Vele spile (VS04 342.4/A), kranijalni i kaudalni pogled; d) lijevi radijus iz Marlere I (MRL I 06 11/A ), dorzalni i ventralni pogled; e) desni proksimalni karpometakarpus iz Vele spile (VS06 8/32 3/A), dorzalni i ventralni pogled; f) desni tarzometatarzus iz Vele spile (VS06 4/39 1/A), dorzalni i plantarni pogled; g) lijevi tarzometatarzus iz Vele spile (VS06 4/39 2/A), dorzalni i plantarni pogled; h) desni tarzometatarzus iz Vele spile (VS06 4/40 1/A), dorzalni i plantarni pogled; i) desni distalni tarzometatarzus iz Vele spile (VS06 4/39 3/A), dorzalni i plantarni pogled. 26 LARUS Vol. 54, 2019 Order: Coraciiformes Family: Coraciidae Genus: Coracias Species: Coracias garrulus European Roller Material: damaged right humerus (Ša Bd 1880.), proximal left humerus (Ša II D 1879), distal right humerus (VS04 342.4/A). Remarks: In general, the specimens resemble the humerus of the modern specimen of Coracias garrulus, as well as characteristics highlighted by Kessler (2019). The crista biccipitalis is rounded, as well as crista pectoralis. The processus supracondylaris dorsalis is slightly protruding cone shaped. The measurements do not fit Kessler’s (2019) in all proportions but they are in accordance with those of a recent specimen in ZPGK’s comparative collection (Table 1). Table 1. Measurements of the Coracias garrulus bones. Measurements A-G are after KESSLER (2019). Letters in the brackets are measurements after VON DEN DRIESCH (1976). Italic – ap- proximate measurements for slightly damaged or juvenile bones. * = E* for carpometacarpus. Tablica 1. Mjere kostiju zlatovrane Coracias garrulus. Slova A – G označavaju mjere prema KESSLER (2019), dok su kratice u zagradama odgovarajuće mjere prema VON DEN DRIESCH (1976). Kurzivom su pisane približne mjere malo oštećenih ili juvenilnih kostiju. Element A C E / E* F D G /Inventory number (GL) (Bp) (SC) (Bd) Humerus / Ša Bd 1880. 48.56 3.98 9.31 5.42 Humerus / Ša II D 1879. 11.26 Humerus /VS04 342.4/A 4.07 10.15 4.98 Humerus/ Recent – ZPGK 88. 51.74 10.42 4.05 8.94 4.72 Radius / MRL I 06 11/A 3.20 2.11 4.40 Radius / Recent – ZPGK 88.
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