Western powers. At that time, < THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. A-7 m Preparedness Is Best he predicted, Japan would rise • WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 8. IBM again in one or two generation*. pRALEIGH HABERDASHER OPEN THURSDAY, 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M.- m Hr Peace Hope, Grew Leqnan Looks Back. P. Leeman, - ».¦"• -Mm' "3HB Herbert chairman '« ¦m t WH , . * JK '¦¦%&&: of the dinner committee, pointed ;"i»r ”*'' Kg|H , v|- :' - 'MHgUgmmBF our Hr IHf Blf HP'- IH Tells Inhabitants out that, in his time with the I /. 1/ exclusive MW- .JHHI <v .JHHHHIHf- 1.1 Joseph C. Grew, American group, he could remember four : Ambassador to Japan 13 years presidents. They were Theodore ¦gyjjl Bj ago at the time of Pearl Har- W. Noyes, former editor of Hie ,j$ Star, who was president of the ipMffcElirv ... >&*gJBSEMKt -mM bor, and a former Undersec- KNOX HAT ¦*£ Oldest Inhabitants for 30 years retary ofState, last night warned and built up the organization; that the best way to preserve the John Clagett Proctor, Washing- SHmMhL. ’ . ;- ¦••:¦ ¦k. ifa- .<ks9b|k jggttgßiJmm peace is to be prepared for war. ton historian; Jesse Suter, who CERTIFICATE H J ’. Mr. Grew, now 74, was prin- was civic editor of The Star, and 3» - ¦k -. - vjßptttEeml * cipal speaker at the 89th birth- now Corcoran Thom, who last v <; night made the •" -I. ''V day celebration of the Associa- welcoming re- ' o Tom V Jerry mug tion of the Oldest inhabitants, marks. attended by some 150 persons in Assisting Mr. Leeman on the f: the Hotel 2400. dinner, committee were Walter L. fi frTfp WT Let him choose exactly the Christ- It was on December 7, 1865, Lyddane, sr., and A. Gray Daw- mas hat he wants at his leisure. that the BU| group was formed. son. The reception committee too with the was He'll be delighted jolly Japan in Danger. headed by Edward C. Wil- cox, aided by Albert K. Hovey* miniature "Tom 'n Jerry" mug or Mr. Grew, in his talk, warned King and Walter J. Procter.' bonk have gift of dangers Santa we with every the of Communist in- Members of the Oldest Inhab- . certificate. So . roads into Japan and urged must at 50 years come in today strong itants be least military preparedness to old, with 35 years of it only takes a minute to buy one in ward off danger. residence in this the District. amount The speaker, who had 41 years any for the hot he'll choose in the diplomatic corps, said he himself. believes the United States can Traveling Leaf .501# count on Japanese friendship in GREENVILLE, Pa. (JP). —J. 8 S4O the future “ifwe play our cards B. Rimer found a giant syca- right.” more leaf measuring 14 inches He traced the events leading across and 12 high —Star Staff Photo. inches in his to the Pearl Harbor catastrophe. yard. The discovery was particu- pLD TlMEßS—Herbert P. Leeman, committee chairman (left); Joseph C. Grew, former Am- He said he saw war with Japan larly startling because Mr. Rimer as early as 1935, a war in which bassador to Japan (center), and Thom, president, have an informal chat before the said there Isn’t a sycamore tree %ALE!SH Corcoran Japan would be crushed by the within miles of his property. * HaIeRDASHER* f st. Washington's' Society of Oldest Inhabitant# 89th anniversary dinner last night at Hotel 2400. 1310 finest mln s store na. 8-9540 ! & Street Lewis Thos. Saltz... 1409 G HIS FAVORITE SHIRTS FROM HIS FAVORITE STORE! ONE GIFT THAT'S ALWAYS WELCOME! AND IT'S SO EASY TO CHOOSE FROM 4 g: Valuable Hint to the Ladies |pj | i When a man sees our name on a Christmas gift, it tells him much about the giver. It means that you have been thoughtful, not care- less, in your choice. It reveals your good taste, and establishes your good will. Because this name stands for quality and depend- ability among the men of Washington. If you would have the men on your list enjoy a merrier-than-usual Christmas, we know you’ll take the hint. Our Christmas stocks are now ready in great variety. IMPORTED BROADCLOTH PENDLETON TOPSTER MACINTOSH ENGLISH . RAINCOATS BY “HATHAWAY” , r,te,ul, , An m "n wo ““ be S f for _ . ... The original time-tested Eng- There ..Iky .n . J ‘ it t opuUnce Pendleton leisure jacket ... v . H(h made fine * raincoati of ' ' . ) ltt g neM ¦. Egyptian cotton poplin; plaid J v that is v ’ , TI T! , . 2x2 broadcloths Trstars to masculine good7T*flooks are the . 0 . Most men never have enough good white shirts . c . lined. Tailored in jaunty Brit- so Arrow "Dart"—America's Favorite White Shirt. man. ...... impress a Single needle reasons for its great popularity, .. • . ish; to .1 ... .... _ .... fashion to give that Raleigh team up something . wearer and Arrow do about Raleigh has actually 64 different collar and sleeve tailored throughout the lnimi- . sizes in virgin in , Pure wool, checks and „ , , QC . __ rain . , ___ well-dressed look come or it. got most range in We've the complete . table Hathaway manner. Low authentic tartans 817.50 of collar the shirt that most men wear . most men wont. J slope collar, French cnffs, styles in town as well as sleeve lengths to Non-wilt medium point collar with Mitoga Pendleton Shirts, SUSS & 513.95 Treuehcoat with warmer, S6B tailoring for ' assure him of perfect $8.50 Pendleton Robe-in-a-bag, sl7-95 a fitting. So take the guess- smooth perfect fit. Sanforized for less than 1 % shrink- ¦! work out of giving . come on in for the one age. Christmas gift that's "fool-proof" in the way it's , sure to please him. ™ #* . , Jm_ , . <¦' •. ST JOHN’S BAY wINITIALED IMPORTED ENGLISH RUM SHOE SHINE KIT original HANDKERCHIEFS This after-shave akin traveler, . For the the fastidious , . ... You could spend ten timet as and bath is ... bracer refreshment , . gentleman. Genuine leather case ™ c g * g .... • measuring j’ust 5x6 inches mide from the aromatic «1 of |* u con- th* ¦* m* “n * per *°na ‘ VirdinVirgin Island'sMiami• Bavnay trees». Its I®°®“- tains two fine brushes, two tubes We hive the new TV square* of Meltonian cream in black and scent is a great avor- masuhne colored initials; regular brown; also shine cloth Sturdi- well .. ... ite groomed . „ ... Iy in Very with men. handkerchief, whit,¦ made England. with initials. priced . t „ tt cn $5.50 t-o*. bottle, S2.SO; 16-o*„ S 3 JO All made of finest unported plus me federal Excite Tax linen..sl.so, $2.50, $3.50 a Par. Soft, wide-spread Drew. Medium-short Arden. Non-wilt Hull. Medium long collar with stays. Button point non - wilt collar spread collar with short point, low-bond collar, or French cuffs 3.95 with low band. Button points. Button cuffs, Button cuffs 395 dJ i I A cuffs 3.95 3.95 Sizes 18>/z to 20, 4.50 A FAMOUS “ROLLS” O ENGLISH RAZOR CUAI HANGERS > Sheffield Hand-forged eteel is Made of seasoned imported “ROSEBUD*’ ROBE hollow-ground and tempered to for a life- beechwood and built Viyella is luxuriously soft a microscopic edge. Has a life- time of service. Shaped to the lamb’s wool add fine Egyptian time blade and is semi-auto- human frame, they hold the gar- cotton woven in England. Com- matically stropped and honed ment without wrinkling. Have pletely wasbsble and wears for ». - , . cotton ’ . /»,. made of Tour. White ... by a device in its own ease. trouser attachment wit h* broadcloth with long Dale. Fine grade broad- Gordon Suttex. Shorenam. correct Wonderful gift for the traveler, heevy fittings with locking lever ** Sizes 10 tolß 945 point soft collar with cloth with non-wilt reg- Oxford cloth. Soft, dress shirt for formal for - $17.59 easy handling $2.95 Other Viyella Robes in tartans 3QC ular length collar. wide spread occasions. Non-wilt at- French cuffs * collar in With extra blade $2125 md pastel ehechs, 535 to $5925 3 French or button cuffs, button-down or plain tached collar, French y \ $5 v styles $5 cuffs g. 50 Handsome Mail and Phone V-• »' • -* ts\ * 'f- t ..: - « • • ¦ •' * Gift Wrapping Orders Receive Use Your Group Shopping Plate At Raleigh Haberdasher Without Charge Prompt Attention Lewis &Thos. Saitz %AtEISH / 1 ® HaIeRDASHH^* 1409 G Stott, N.W. aUcnAnUM 1310 f ST. * WASHINGTON’S FINEST MEN’S STORE NA. 34540 '¦ i I . K K >¦.
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