Entomological Problems, 34(1–2): 143–144, October 2004 Stenelmis puberula: new distributional records from Slovakia Ján KODADA1, Zuzana ZAŤOVIČOVÁ2 & Fedor ČIAMPOR2 Jr. 1 Department of Zoology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University, Mlynská dolina B-1, SK-842 15, Bratislava, Slovakia. E-mail: [email protected] 2 Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, SK-845 06, Bratislava, Slovakia. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] KODADA, J., ZAŤOVIČOVÁ, Z. & ČIAMPOR Jr, F. 2004. Stenelmis puberula: new distributional records from Slovakia. Entomol. Probl. 34(1–2): 143–144. – Stenelmis puberula Reitter, 1887 is recorded from several streams of northeastern Slovakia. These localities represent the most northern distribution of species. Key words: Coleoptera, Elmidae, Stenelmis puberula, distribution, Slovakia. Introduction adults were collected. Their comparison with the adult specimens from Bosnia confirmed the occurrence of The genus Stenelmis comprises more than 170 spe- Stenelmis puberula in Slovakia. cies from the Palearctic, Afrotropical, Oriental and Nearctic regions and represents the largest genus of the family Material and Acronyms Elmidae (KODADA & JÄCH 2005). From central Europe, Stenelmis canaliculata GYLLENHALL and S. consobrina Material examined has been deposited in the follow- DUFOUR were recorded so far (e.g. STEFFAN 1961, JÄCH ing collections: CKB – Kodada collection, Bratislava, 1992). Among the central European Elmidae, the Stenelmis Slovakia; CZB – Zaťovičová collection, Bratislava; species appear to be ones of the most scarcely collected NMW – Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien, Austria; species, although they are distributed widely. Historical and SNM – Slovenské národné múzeum Bratislava, Slovakia. recent records of Stenelmis canaliculata in Germany, with a short listing of other European countries, were reviewed Stenelmis puberula REITTER, 1887: 259 by HESS & HECKES 1996. In contrast to S. canaliculata, the distribution of Stenelmis consobrina was mentioned in more Material examined. Adults (CKB, CZB, NMW, SNM): 1 complex papers (e.g. BOLLOW 1941, STEFFAN 1961, /, 1 ?: “SLOVAKIA, Svetlička, Svetlice env., Nízke Beskydy Mts., 49°09’58’’N, 22°01’33’’E, 300m a.s.l., 18. X. 2003”; BERTHÉLEMY 1979, OLMI 1976). From Slovakia, Stenelmis canaliculata is recorded 1 ?: “SLOVAKIA, Laborec, Mokré lúky pod Čertižným, Čertižné env., Nízke Beskydy Mts., 49°20’31’’N, 21°50’10’’E, 402m a.s.l., (BURAKOWSKY et al. 1983, NAGY 1999), but this data re- 19. X. 2003”; 12 //: “SLOVAKIA, Svetlička, Svetlice env., main unverified. Stenelmis puberula REITTER, 1887 is re- Nízke Beskydy Mts., 49°09’58’’N, 22°01’33’’E, 300m a.s.l., 16. corded from Caucasus, Afghanistan, Iran and Turkmenistan VI. 2004, Zaťovičová lgt.”; 1 /: “SLOVAKIA, Výrava, Svetlice (ZAITZEV 1910, 1951; OLMI 1981); and the species descrip- env., Nízke Beskydy Mts., 49°09’35’’N, 22°00’54’’E, 293m a.s.l., tion is based on a single specimen from Caucasus (REITTER 16. VI. 2004, Zaťovičová lgt.”. Larvae (CKB, CZB, NMW, SNM): 1887). The description of Stenelmis apfelbecki KUWERT is 3 specimens: “SLOVAKIA, Svetlička, Svetlice env., Nízke based on a single specimen from Bosnia (KUWERT 1890); Beskydy Mts., 49°09’58’’N, 22°01’33’’E, 300m a.s.l., 18. X. and according to GROUVELLE (1897) and other subsequent 2003”; 1 specimen: “SLOVAKIA, Udava, Hostovické lúky, Ni•ná authors (e.g. GANGLBAUER 1904, REITTER 1907, BOLLOW Jablonka env., Nízke Beskydy Mts., 49°07’48’’N, 22°07’21’’, 329m a.s.l., 23. IV. 2003”; 17 specimens: “SLOVAKIA, Svetlička, 1941, BERTHÉLEMY 1979), S. apfelbecki represents a junior synonym of S. puberula. Svetlice env., Nízke Beskydy Mts., 49°09’58’’N, 22°01’33’’E, 300m a.s.l., 24. IV. 2003”; 11 specimens: “SLOVAKIA, Výrava, Within the frame of the STAR* project several streams Svetlice env., Nízke Beskydy Mts., 49°09’35’’N, 22°00’54’’E, from the Nízke Beskydy Mountains were selected for ex- 293m a.s.l., 24. IV. 2003”. amination of macrozoobenthos. The first samples contained larvae of Stenelmis species, which were not identifiable by Distribution and habitat. Generally, the distribution any determination key for Central European species. The of Stenelmis puberula is little known, so far it is known localities were later revisited and, along with larvae more *STAR (EVK1-CT 2001-00089) is a research project supported by the European Commision under the fifth Framework Programme, contributing to the implementation of the Key Action “Sustainable Management and Quality of Water” within the Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Programme. 143 from Afghanistan, Bosnia, Caucasus, Iran, Slovakia, Deutschland (Coleoptera: Elmidae). Koleopterologische Turkmenistan and Turkey (ZAITZEV 1910, 1951; OLMI 1981; Rundschau 66: 191–198. JÄCH & KODADA, unpublished data). JÄCH, M.A. 1992. 42a Familie: Elmidae, pp. 69–82. In: LOHSE, The streams, where S. puberula was found, lie in north- G.A. & LUCHT, W.H. Die Käfer Mitteleuropas, 13 (2. eastern corner of Slovakia. Orographically the studied re- Supplementband). Goecke & Evers, Krefeld. KODADA, J. & JÄCH, M.A. 2005. Elmidae, p. 903–943. In: BEUTEL, gion fall into the province Východné Karpaty, subprovince R. & LESCHEN, R. (eds.) Handbuch der Zoologie, Coleoptera, Vonkajšie Východné Karpaty and area Nízke Beskydy. The Beetles Vol. 1. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin - New York. streams belong to the Laborec river basin. Their geologi- KUWERT, A. 1890. Bestimmungstabelle der Parniden Europas, der cal bedrock is formed by flysch, substrate is formed of Mittelmeerfauna, sowie der angrenzende Gebiete. Verhand- pebbles, cobbles, gravel, submerged wood and mosses. The lungen zoologisch-botanische Gesellschaft in Wien XL: sites studied lie in altitude 300 – 402 m a.s.l., and they are 3–42 [15–54]. located close to the human settlements. Water is slowly NAGY, Š. 1999. Composition of Macrozoobenthos of the Čuňovo running and moderately organically polluted. reservoir with respect to trophical potential for fish com- munities, p. 233–240. In: MUCHA, I. (ed.) Gabčíkovo part Acknowledgements of the hydroelectric power project. Environmental impact review. Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University, This study was partly supported by the Slovak Scientific Bratislava. Grant Agency Project No. 1/0114/03, and the project of Euro- OLMI, M. 1976. Coleoptera: Dryopidae, Elminthidae. vii + 280 pean Commission (STAR EVK1-CT 2001-00089) under the 5th pp. Fauna d’Italia. Vol. XII. Calderini, Bologna. Framework Programme. OLMI, M. 1981. Results of the Czechoslovak-Iranian entomologi- cal expedition to Iran. (Together with results of collections References made in Anatolia in 1947 and 1970.) Coleoptera, Dryopidae and Elminthidae. Acta entomologica Musei nationalis Pragae 40: 337–339. BERTHÉLEMY, C. 1979. Elmidae de la region paléarctique REITTER, E. 1887. Neue Coleopteren aus Europa, den angren- occidentale: systématique et répartition (Coleoptera zenden Landern und Sibirien, mit Bemerkungen über Dryopoidea). Annales de Limnologie 15(1): 1–102. bekannte Arten. 3. Teil. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift BOLLOW, H. 1941. Monographie der palaearktischen Dryopidae XXXI(I): 241–288. mit Berücksichtigung der eventuell transgredierende Arten REITTER, E. 1907. Übersicht der mir bekannten Stenelmis-Arten (Col.). Mitteilungen der Münchner Entomologischen aus der paläarktischen Fauna. (Col.). Deutsche Entomolo- Gesselschaft 31: 1–88. gische Zeitschrift 1907: 483–484. BURAKOWSKI, B., MROCZKOWSKI, M. & STEFANSKA, J. 1983. Katalog STEFFAN, A.W. 1961. Vergleichend-mikromorphologische Fauny Polski Czecz XXIII, tom. 9. Chrzaszce (Coleoptera). Genitaluntersuchungen zur Klärung der phylogenetischen Scarabaeoidea, Dasciloidea, Byrhoidea i Parnoidea. Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der mitteleuropäischen Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa. Dryopoidea (Coleoptera). Zoologische Jahrbücher, GANGLBAUER, L. 1904. Die Käfer von Mitteleuropa. Die Käfer Abteilung für Systematik, Ökologie und Geographie der der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie, Deutschlands, Tiere 88(1): 255–354. der Schweiz, sowie des französischen und italienischen ZAITZEV, Ph.A. 1910. Pars 17. Dryopidae, Cyathoceridae, Alpengebietes. 4(1), Karl Gerolds Sohn, Wien, 286 pp. Georyssidae, Heteroceridae. p. 1–68. In: SCHENKLING, S. (ed.) GROUVELLE, A. 1897. Remarques synonymiques sur quelques types Coleopterorum Catalogus, Vol. XIV. W. Junk, Berlin. d’Helmides et d’Hetérocerides de la collection du Musée ZAITZEV, Ph.A. 1951. Vodnye zhuky Turkmenistana. Trudy de Serajevo. Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France Murgabskoj gidrobiologicheskoj stancii 6(1): 53–76. 1897: 206. HESS, M. & HECKES, U. 1996. Verbreitung, Status und Ökologie von Stenelmis canaliculata (GYLLENHAL, 1808) in Manuscript received: 20. 7. 2004 144.
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