Scoping Report for the ESIA (Environmental and Social Impact Assessment) TAP Greece - East Section Page 2 of 158 Area Comp. System Disc. Doc.- Ser. Code Code Code Code Type No. Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0009 Document Title: Scoping Report for TAP Greece East Rev.: 00 Table of Contents 0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 11 0.1 Introduction 11 0.2 Purpose of this Report 13 0.3 Project Description 16 0.3.1 Overview of TAP Greece East 16 0.4 Baseline Conditions 18 0.5 Potential Impacts and Mitigation Measures 22 0.6 Terms of Reference for ESIA 23 0.7 Stakeholder Engagement 24 0.8 Public Comments and Suggestions 25 1 INTRODUCTION 26 1.1 Overview of the Project 26 1.2 The Project’s Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Process 30 1.2.1 Introduction 30 1.2.2 Approach to Scoping 32 1.3 Scoping Report Structure 34 2 REGULATIONS AND GUIDELINES 36 2.1 Greek and European Legal Framework for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) 36 2.1.1 Introduction 36 2.1.2 ESIA 37 2.2 EBRD Performance Requirements on Environmental and Social Impact Assessment 39 2.3 ESIA related International Conventions/Agreements 44 3 ALTERNATIVES ASSESSMENT 45 3.1 Introduction 45 3.2 Methodology of Alternative Assessment Process 45 3.3 Findings of the Alternatives Assessment 46 3.3.1 Route Corridors 46 3.3.2 Compressor Stations 50 4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 55 4.1 Introduction 55 4.1.1 General Description of TAP East 55 4.1.2 Safety 56 Page 3 of 158 Area Comp. 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Code Code Code Code Type No. Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0009 Document Title: Scoping Report for TAP Greece East Rev.: 00 4.2 Pipeline 56 4.2.1 Introduction 56 4.2.2 Pipeline Construction 57 4.2.3 Pre – Commissioning 61 4.2.4 Operation 62 4.2.5 Decommissioning 62 5 BASELINE CONDITIONS 63 5.1 Introduction 63 5.2 Environment 63 5.2.1 Climatic Conditions 63 5.2.2 Geography 65 5.2.3 Geology 66 5.2.4 Vegetation and Flora 68 5.2.5 Fauna 71 5.2.6 Protected Areas 72 5.2.7 Landscape 80 5.3 Socioeconomic 81 5.3.1 Introduction 81 5.3.2 Socio-economic Context 81 5.4 Cultural Heritage 84 6 POTENTIAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 87 6.1 Introduction 87 6.2 Pipeline 89 6.2.1 Construction 89 6.2.2 Operation and Decommissioning 99 6.3 Main Findings of Preliminary Assessment 103 7 TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR ESIA 104 7.1 Introduction 104 7.2 ESIA Objectives 104 7.3 ESIA Steps 105 7.4 Specialist Studies 105 7.4.1 Desktop Studies 105 7.4.2 Field Studies 105 7.5 Stakeholder Engagement 106 7.5.1 Main ESIA Consultation Phase 106 7.5.2 Integrated ESIA Disclosure 107 7.6 Structure of the ESIA Report 107 7.7 Provisional Scoping and ESIA Schedule 109 8 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 110 8.1 Introduction 110 Page 4 of 158 Area Comp. System Disc. Doc.- Ser. Code Code Code Code Type No. Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0009 Document Title: Scoping Report for TAP Greece East Rev.: 00 8.2 Stakeholder Engagement Phases for TAP Project 111 8.2.1 Overview 111 8.2.2 Route Verification Consultation 113 8.3 Scoping Disclosure Phase Stakeholder Engagement 114 8.3.1 Objectives 114 8.3.2 Stakeholder Engagement Activities 116 8.4 Grievance Mechanism 119 Attachement 01 121 APPENDIX 1 – Maps 121 APPENDIX 2 – Comments Form 122 APPENDIX 3 – Stakeholders List 124 APPENDIX 4 – Data Collection Meetings 131 APPENDIX 5 – ESIA Action Plan 143 Page 5 of 158 Area Comp. System Disc. Doc.- Ser. Code Code Code Code Type No. Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0009 Document Title: Scoping Report for TAP Greece East Rev.: 00 List of Tables Table 0-1 Main Rivers crossed. 20 Table 0-2 ESIA and Stakeholder Consultation Schedule. 24 Table 1-1: Summary of the ESIA Process for TAP East 32 Table 2-1 Greek Legal Framework on Environmental Impact Assessment. 37 Table 2-2 EBRD Performance Requirements. 40 Table 2-3: International Conventions and Agreements Signed/Ratified by Greece in Relation to the ESIA Process 44 Table 3-1: Compressor Station Location near Kipoi (GCS00) Alternatives Assessment 51 Table 3-2: Compressor Station Location near Serres (GCS01) Alternatives Assessment. 52 Table 5-1 Temperature data. 64 Table 5-2 Rainfall data. 64 Table 5-3 Cloud cover data. 65 Table 5-4 Wind data. 65 Table 6-1 Potential Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Related to Pipeline Construction and Pre-Commissioning. 89 Table 6-2 Potential Socioeconomic Impacts and Mitigation Measures related to Pipeline Construction and Pre-Commissioning. 94 Table 6-3 Potential Cultural Heritage Impacts and Mitigation Measures related to Pipeline Construction and Pre-Commissioning. 98 Table 6-4 Potential Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures related to Pipeline Operation and Decommissioning. 99 Table 6-5 Potential Socioeconomic Impacts and Mitigation Measures related to Pipeline Operation and Decommissioning 100 Table 6-6 Potential Cultural Heritage Impacts and Mitigation Measures related to Pipeline Operation and Decommissioning. 102 Table 7-1 Tentative ESIA Report Structure. 108 Table 7-2: ESIA and Stakeholder Consultation Schedule for TAP Greece 109 Table 8-1 ESIA Stakeholder Engagement Phases. 113 Table 8-2 Key Stakeholder Groups for Scoping Disclosure Phase Engagement. 114 Table 8-3 Scoping Disclosure Meetings. 117 List of Figures Figure 0-1 TAP Overview 11 Figure 0-2 TAP Greece East. 15 Figure 1-1 TAP Overview. 26 Figure 1-2 TAP Greece East. 29 Figure 1-3: Schematic of the ESIA Process . 31 Figure 3-1 Alternative Corridors ALT 1 and ALT 2. 48 Figure 3-2 Alternative Corridor ALT 3. 49 Figure 3-3 Alternative Corridor ALT 4 50 Figure 3-4 GCS00 Alternative Sites. 53 Figure 3-5 GCS01 Alternative Sites. 54 Figure 4-1: Regular Working Strip 58 Figure 4-2 Compressor Station - Typical Layout. 60 Figure 5-1 Typical irrigated lands along TAP Greece East corridor and the existing pipeline. 83 Page 6 of 158 Area Comp. System Disc. Doc.- Ser. Code Code Code Code Type No. Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0009 Document Title: Scoping Report for TAP Greece East Rev.: 00 Acronyms BCM Billion Cubic Meters BV(S) Block Valve (Station) CBO Community Based Organization CS Compressor Station DESFA Hellenic Gas Transmission System Operator EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ENT E.ON New Build & Technology GmbH ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plan EU European Union GIS Geographic Information System GPS Global Positioning System HDD Horizontial Directional Drilling HSE Health, Safety and Environment ICH Intangible Cultural Heritage IGME Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration IFC International Finance Cooperation JMD Joint Ministerial Decision LEA Land Easment and Acquisition m.a.s.l. Meter Above Sea Level MEECC Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change NGO Nongovernmental Organisations OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development PD Presidential Decree PDER Preliminary Determination of Environmental Requirments PEIA Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment PR Performance Principles RoW Right of Way SCI Site of Community Interest SEA Special Environmental Authority SPA Special Protection Area TAP Trans Adriatic Pipeline VIPE Industrial Area WB World Bank WFD European Water Framewrok Directive Page 7 of 158 Area Comp. System Disc. Doc.- Ser. Code Code Code Code Type No. Project Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0009 Document Title: Scoping Report for TAP Greece East Rev.: 00 Glossary Block Valve: Valve for isolating the pipeline into distinct sections. Block Valve Stations are the first line of protection for pipelines. With these valves the operator can isolate any segment of the line for maintenance work or isolate a rupture or leak. In the TAP Project, block valve stations are located approximately every 24 km and occupy an area of approximately 600 m² Bundling Principle: It is common practice to bundle new linear infrastructure (such as pipelines) with existing linear infrastructure, to the extent possible. The aim is to reduce environmental and social impacts and impacts on cultural heritage by minimizing the area where land use restrictions needs to be applied and by avoiding fragmentation of land uses and habitats. Centreline A line that divides something into two equal parts. Currently, all centrelines mentioned in the document are preliminary. Cleaning pigs: Pigs are used to perform various maintenance operations on a pipeline such as remove dust or fluids and drying. This can be done without stopping the flow of the product in the pipeline. The pig is inserted into a 'pig launcher' (or 'launching station') - a funnel shaped Y section in the pipeline. The launcher / launching station is then closed and the pressure driven flow of the product in the pipeline is used to push it along down the pipe until it reaches the receiving trap - the 'pig catcher' (or receiving station). There are several types depending on the device built-in to perform the cleaning tasks: Foam or Brush pigs. The pipe cleaning process by means of pigs is usually known as pigging or swabbing. Code of Conduct: Code designed by TAP that provides a broad range of guidelines for proper business conduct and for preserving integrity. Commissioning Is the process of assuring that all systems and components of a building or Phase: industrial plant are designed, installed, tested, operated, and maintained according to the operational requirements of the owner or final client Compressor Station A Compressor Station (CS) is a facility which helps the transportation of natural gas from one location to another, by maintaining or increasing pressure.
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