NAME OF THE FIRM NAME OF PHYSICAL NO. OF REG. AGPO CONTACT CATEGORY ADDRESS TAX COMP PIN/VAT NO YAPGO VALIDITY EMAIL ADDRESS TELEPHONE (BIDDER) DIRECTORS LOCATION CERT CATEGORY PERSON Blue Print Computers (K) Toners and Computer P.O. Box 24725- Tumaini House - 4th KRAWON3453 NT/PPD/YP/1351 sales@blueprint- 0722228131/07118907 1 Michael Francis 155130 P051222604K 17/03/2017 Youth Michael Francis Limited Accessories 00100 Floor Room 417 032016 1/E group.co.ke 11 Amida Toners and Printing Toners and Computer P.O. Box 24725- Old Nation House - KRANON34065 NT/PPD/YP/1440 amida@blueprint- 0722228131/07252797 2 Michael Francis 436695 A003623583A 3/7/2017 Youth Michael Francis Solutions Accessories 00100 Ground Floor C3 32016 5/E group.co.ke 67 Olympic House, Urban Strenght Investemnt IT Network Security P.O. Box 35137- CPR/2013/12189 KRAEON31287 NT/PPD/YP/466/ angelina@urbanstren 3 Angeline Gachoka Suite 401 -Koinange P051455235C 30/12/15 Youth 2056091/0707466688 Angeline Gachoka Limited Provider 00100 0 12016 A gthLimited.com Street 1st Floor -Block The Arts and Graphics P.O Box 39794- threadcreative20042y 4 Dinesh Reveankar Art and Design No.11 Murang'a not submitted not submitted not submitted not submitted NONE none 733576877 Dinesh Revankar Edge 00623 ahoo.com Road Johnson Tours and Travel Thika Road Mall - info@johnson- 0732304722/07249542 5 Kizito Mwenesi Tours and Travel not stated not submitted not submitted not submitted not submitted NONE none Kizito Mwenesi Interantional 2nd Floor Room81 travels.com 47 P.O. Box 43993- Olekasasi - Ongat [email protected] 0723160888/07361608 6 Maasai Lodge no CR 12 attached Hotel not submitted not submitted not submitted not submitted none none Carol Linet 00100 Rongai m 88 Katangi Printing Works P.O. Box 388- KRANON73264 katangiprintingworks 7 Stephen Mwinzi Printing Services Kalsi House C.109074 P051159486Q General 20242225 Stephen Limited 00200 02017 @gmail.com P.O. Box 51637- Akiba Estate - South 8 Bold Media Victor Kipruto Media not submitted not submitted not submitted not submitted NONE none none not stated Victor Kipruto 00100 C, Ole Shapara Road Kalem International P.O. Box 76355- Sonalux House - Moi NT/PPD/YP/2680 kalem2012limited@g 0722945108/07224888 9 Joan Makau Construction CPR/2012/82801 not submitted P051398822L 15/8/18 Youth Joan Makau Limited 00508 Avenue /B mail.com 14 Park Suites 3rd P.O. Box 13561- 10 Aqua Vita Limited David Adungu Food and Beverage Floor, Suite 13, not submitted not submitted not submitted not submitted NONE none [email protected] 2396841/0704474000 David adungu 00800 Parklands Road Peter Nduati, Kellen Karikui, Andre Parkfiled Place, Resolution Insurance P.O. Box 4469- mhumbe@resolution 11 Musangi, John Insurance Services Muthangari Drive - not submitted not submitted not submitted not submitted NONE none 714522472 Mohamed Humbe Company Limited 00100 .co.ke Mwangi, mathew Off Waiyaki Way Myres, Tania Ngima Pasaiba Tourmaline P.O. Box 17151- Roasmi Court 1st KRAWON4525 NT/PPD/DGW/11 12 Irene Chemutai Healthcare CPR/2012/83103 P051398700E 17/3/18 Women [email protected] 2178026 Irene Chemutai Limited 00100 Floor- Muringa Road 282016 441/E page1of33 NAME OF THE FIRM NAME OF PHYSICAL NO. OF REG. AGPO CONTACT CATEGORY ADDRESS TAX COMP PIN/VAT NO YAPGO VALIDITY EMAIL ADDRESS TELEPHONE (BIDDER) DIRECTORS LOCATION CERT CATEGORY PERSON P.O. Box 50358- Adalyn Court Block KRANON37626 abwestlimited@gmail 0722779690/07234555 13 AB West Limited Lucy Chesire General Supplies not submitted P051437836L not submitted NONE none Lucy Chesire 00100 B Suite - Ngong Road 52016 .com 56 Computer Spares & P.O. Box 22385- Uniafric House - 2nd KRAWON3141 NT/PPD/YP/443/ dataflexsolutionslimit 0721588154/07012500 14 Data Flex Solutions Peter Kabuki CPR/2009/7322 P0513694483V 30/12/15 Youth Peter Kabuki Software 00100 Floor 552016 A [email protected] 05 P.O. Box 50517- Old Nation House NT/PPD/DGW/47 15 Best Retail Limited Salome Wangui Medical Equipments 0.02 P051518463Q Women 722992958 Salome Wangui 00100 Mezz Floor 98E P.O. Box 50517- Old Nation House KRA201601418 NT/PPD/PWD/14 16 Cevitas Supplies Irene Wangari General Supplies BN/2015/388565 A004765661I PWD Irene Wangari 00100 Mezz Floor 246 46/E P.O. Box 103992- Tumaini House -4th KRAMCS21208 NT/PPD/DGW/89 officecaremax@gmail 17 Office Caremax Merchants Peter Kyalo General Supplies BN/2015/372823 A0088221961 30/9/17 Women 720978285 Peter Kyalo 00100 Floor 32016 48/E .com Retail and Computer P.O. Box 22001- Tumaini House KRAKAK36714 NT/PPD/YP/1351 altimus.trading@gma 18 Altimus Trading Walter Munyao BN/2016/403227 A005433906M 18/4/18 Youth 720683941 Walter Munyao Stationery 00100 Room 458 2016 1/E il.com P.O. Box 28115- Garden terraces PVT/2016/00596 KRAEON31287 NT/PPD/DGW/13 valentinemusoga@g 19 Myvella Limited Valentine Musoga General Supplies not submitted NONE Women 717456770 none 00200 E4,Kabarnet Road 0 12016 268/E mail.com P.O. Box 51493- NAS Apartments - richardmosera@hota 20 Onyancha & Associates Charles Onyancha Legal not submitted not submitted not submitted not submitted NONE none 725029099 Charles Onyancha 00200 Milimani Road mail.com Ripen Complex 3rd Zachaeus Kirobi and brandientadvertising 0727327252/07237767 21 Brandient Advertising Advertising not stated Floor- Syokimau not submitted not submitted not submitted not submitted none none Zachaeus Kirobi Regina Wambui @gmail.com 36 Junction P.O. Box 24663- Dagia Plaza - balozibranding@gmai 0719509997/07029279 22 Balozi Branding Agency Doreen Ndanu Advertising not submitted not submitted not submitted not submitted none none Doreen Ndanu 00100 Kirinyaga Rd l.com 74 Cekim Construction P.O. Box 2363- KRANON11696 NT/PPD/PWD/01 cekimconservices@g 23 G K Nganga Construction Ngara Road BN/2014/283412 PO51531775G 5/11/2017 PWD 722670841 George Ng'ang'a Services 009099 12015 16/B mail.com P.O. Box 13818- Krishna Centre - NT/PPD/DGW/56 sales@speedbirdsafari 24 SpeedBird Travel & Safaris no CR 12 attached Airtickets C.40602 not submitted not submitted 7/11/2015 Women 4443096/0721240992 00800 Woodvale Groove 5/W s.com page2of33 NAME OF THE FIRM NAME OF PHYSICAL NO. OF REG. AGPO CONTACT CATEGORY ADDRESS TAX COMP PIN/VAT NO YAPGO VALIDITY EMAIL ADDRESS TELEPHONE (BIDDER) DIRECTORS LOCATION CERT CATEGORY PERSON P.O. Box 65188- Lap House 1st Floor - NT/PPD/YP/1192 goodlifeenterprises@ 25 Goodlife Enterprises Muroki Ncebere Printing Services 477413 not submitted A003832259A 20/11/16 Youth 722141595 Muroki Ncebere 00618 Kweria Road 4/E yahoo.com Christopher Ndegwa P.O. Box 630- nkubuheritagehotel@ 0728134936/07118371 26 Nkubu Heritage Hotel and Caperina Hospitality Nkubu not submitted not submitted not submitted not submitted NONE none Yvonne Gitonga 60202 Nkubu gmail.com 11 Enterprises George Okado, Fred Bright Technologies P.O. Box 19706- Lyric House - 4th 202241229/072038726 27 Obwora and Nicholas ICT not submitted not submitted not submitted not submitted none none [email protected] Mary Njeri Koigi Limited 00100 Floor, Kimathi Street 0 Gitonga P.O. Box 83672- BN/2015/ KRAEON29858 NT/PPD/YP/1985 0722442099/07331549 28 Bailandos Ventures Timothy Masila General Supplies Mombassa A003868493V 11/1/2018 Youth [email protected] Timothy Masila 80100 396733 82015 3/E 26 P.O. 87269- KRAMSN32477 NT/PPD/YP/1926 0722442099/07242151 29 Trevian Investments Vivian Mwikali General Supplies Mombassa BN/2015/400375 P051577183V 23/2/18 Youth [email protected] Vivian Mwikali 80100 92016 4/E 90 Trifilms Blues Creen masoudnuhu4@gmai Masoud Owour 30 Masoud Owuor Media not stated not stated not submitted not submitted not submitted not submitted NONE none 723460956 Enterprises l.com Nuhu Joyce njogu, Berbard P.O. Box 31781- Sarakasi Dome - CPR/2014/13854 NT/PPD/YP/2158 scribesmedia@yahoo. 31 Scribes Media Solutions Media Production not submitted P051532731X 8/12/2017 Youth 735353003 Joyce Muthoni Timbe and Rith Were 00600 Ngara 2 C com New Nyanza Houe- P.O. Box 51675- KRANON36615 NT/PPD/DGW/48 0722981128/07359811 32 Ontime Investments Jacinta Ngina ICT Services 2nd Flr Suite 12- BN/2010/79365 A005703742T 14/04/2017 Women Jacinta Ngina 00100 82016 0/A 28 Jainsala Road Uganda House - 2nd P.O. Box 2477- CPR/2013/11835 KRAWON4403 NT/PPD/DGW/20 ultimatesuppliesLimi 33 Ultimate Supplies Limited Musenya Mwithi General Supplies Floor , Kenyatta P051439337L 6/3/2016 Women 0733123954/4401117 Musenya Mwithi 00100 4 792016 22/W [email protected] Avenue P.O. Box 52034- KRAWON3777 NT/PPD/DGW/94 0725115989/07227475 34 Mkana General Supplies Pauline Makungu General Supplies Komarock Road BN/2014/262239 A002217935S 27/4/2017 Women [email protected] Daniel Mang'era 00200 952016 41/E 13 P.O. Box 45135- KRAWON2770 NT/PPD/DGE/80 cardiagencies@gmail. 35 Cardia Agencis Caroline Nzioki General Supplies Uganda House BN/2015/368601 A002764995P 18/8/17 Women 722331184 Caroline Nzioki 00100 822016 81/E com Dickens Agesa and P.O. Box 47737- KRAEON18049 MOF/PPD/YP/022 admarggraphics@gm 36 Admarg Graphics Limited Graphic Design Uniafric House CPR/2011/51263 P0513620240 6/7/2016 Youth 724394503 Dickens Agesa Beatrice Njeri 00100 42015 6/C ail.com page3of33 NAME OF THE FIRM NAME OF PHYSICAL NO. OF REG. AGPO CONTACT CATEGORY ADDRESS TAX COMP PIN/VAT NO YAPGO VALIDITY EMAIL ADDRESS TELEPHONE (BIDDER) DIRECTORS LOCATION CERT CATEGORY PERSON P.O. Box 2477- KRANON36167 NT/PPD/YP/1425 mutuarosenduku@ya 37 Jaysma Enterprises Rose Mutua General Supplies Uganda House BN/2014/328244 A006670202G 3/4/2017 Youth 715201692 Rose Mutua 00100 82016 /E hoo.com P.O. Box 9997- Jathalal Chambers - KRA450029852 NT/PPD/YP/7065 38 Alesha General Supplies Caroline Katunge General Supplies BN/2013/259048 A00777199J 14/4/2016 Youth [email protected] 73809928 Carolyne Katunge 00100 Tubman Road 014 /E Georgiadus Musonye Global Digital Centre P.O. Box 37254- Uniafric House CPR/2015/17787 KRAEON18345 NT/PPD/YP/1770 globaldigitalcentre.co 39 and Florence ICT Services P0515468061 30/7/178/7/2016 Youth not stated Florence Wanjiku Limited 00100 Room 365 0 32015 /A m Wanjiku P.O.
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