
THE TRIBUNE 02 HARYANA CHANDIGARH | FRIDAY | 10 NOVEMBER 2017 PRADYUMAN MURDER Aadhaar-bank Ayurvedic institute to be a/c linking now Conductor to sue Ryan Police under fire for up to Dec 31 set up in Panchkula: "M BS Malik lege "ould be started at framing ‘innocent’ Tribune News Service atikara 'illage in %ahen- Sonepat, November 9 dergarh district from next school mgmt, police Sushil Manav a'ailable "hen Gurugram Chandigarh, November 9 Chief %inister %anohar year$ Tribune News Ser i!e olice in'estigated the caseB- ,he go'ernment has 2al Khattar said that an 5hile referring to the Sunit Dhawan Chandigarh, November 9 ,an"ar t"eeted$ extended till 1ecember Ayur'eda medical insti- demands of 'illagers! the Tribune News Ser i!e ,he Gurugram #olice are %aria 5irth Cmaria"irth8! the last date for linking tute "ould be o#ened in an C% announced grant of Rs Rohtak, November 9 under fire for a botched "ho describes herself as a Ger- "ith Aadhaar the bank area of 67 acres in 6 crore to meet the After the CBI exonerated in'estigation into the man "oman li'ing in India for accounts of beneficiaries anchkula on the #attern demands and assured the Gurugram-based Ryan radyuman murder case and ;9 years! t"eeted! *4rom the of old age allo"ance and of All-India Institute of 'illagers that there "ould International School’s bus are being accused of framing start the arrest of the conduc- other social security #en- %edical Sciences$ be no dearth of funds for conductor Ashok Kumar of an >innocent’ bus conductor$ tor looked uncon'incing$ Big- sions in the state $ +e "as addressing a #ub- the de'elo#ment "orks$ the charge of murdering ?'er since the CBI has ger issueD ho" many of the %inister of State for lic meeting after laying In his "elcome address! Class II student radyu- come out "ith an entirely dif- #oor are in .ails! because the Social 3ustice and the foundation of an &i.ay Goyal #raised the man! Kumar’s Rohtak- ferent finding by a##rehend- real cul#rits "ere #rotectedB ?m#o"erment Krishan Ayur'edic dis#ensary at leadershi# of =arendra based la"yer has stated ing a class @I student for the 4raming someone is a crime$ Kumar said the #ro- Anand#ur 3haronth! the %odi at the Centre and that they "ould file a la" murder! ,"itter and other =eeds to be #unished$- gramme to link the #en- ancestral 'illage of 0nion %anohar 2al Khattar in suit against the school man- Pradyuman Ashok Kumar social media is abuAA "ith Ra.bir 1es"al! "ho recent- sion accounts of benefici- %inister of State for ar- the state$ Iut of his t"o agement and the #olice for #osts attacking the #olice$ ly retired as A1G ! Haryana! aries "ith their Aadhaar liamentary Affairs &i.ay ancestral houses in the 'il- defamation and torture. Ashok Kumar’s family prior to being presented *I’m sure all of you must ho"e'er! says there is noth- numbers had already Goyal! in the district today$ lage! one "ould be used for Kumar’s counsel! %ohit had hired &erma as the Bar before the media,” &erma ha'e heard "ho the real cul- ing shoddy about the in'esti- being started by the +e said that in order to the Ayur'edic dis#ensary &erma!said here today that Associations of Gurugram had maintained$ #rit is in the radyuman mur- gation by the #olice$ *,here de#artment but a number gi'e a boost to the and the other for library he had been stating from and Sohna had refused to ,he la"yer had stated der case$ ,he rich #arents! the are stages in the course of of senior citiAen organisa- Ayur'edic and 0nani sys- and museum! he added$ the 'ery beginning that his defend him. that the school manage- management of the school in'estigation and this is one tions and their re#resenta- tems of medical treat- State 0rban 2ocal Bod- client "as made a sca#egoat &erma had earlier refuted ment as "ell as the #olice and the Gurugram #olice "ho such stage$ Sometimes it ti'es had a##rised him ments! the state go'ern- ies %inister Ka'ita 3ain! in the case to #rotect the the #olice 'ersion and "ere trying to shield the did such a shoddy .ob! didn’t ha##ens that an in'estiga- about the #roblems being ment had started an Sone#at % Ramesh real culprit(s). maintained that the #olice real cul#rit in the case$ +e mind making a sca#egoat of tion hits a "all!- 1es"al says$ faced by them in this Ayur'eda uni'ersity in Kaushik! +aryana State *Ashok had been framed had tortured Ashok to had asserted that Ashok an innocent man whose only *Et has a##eared in certain #rocess$ Kurukshetra and a college Agriculture %arketing in the case. +e was brutally obtain his confessional had carried injured Pradyu- crime "as his #o'erty!- "rites media re#orts that the CBI ,he minister made it and hos#ital of 0nani Board Chair#erson Krish- tortured to confess to the statement. man and put him in a car on Renuka Shahane! actor! in got CC,& footage enhanced clear that no #ension of medicines in =uh$ na Gahlaut! +aryana crime "hich he had not *Ashok had been wrongly directions of the school her #ost on 4acebook! "hich from a +yderabad lab! "hich any beneficiary "ould be ,he Chief %inister said Back"ard Classes =igam committed$ ,he CBI in'es- implicated in the case. He authorities$ +e said t"o she later t"eeted$ made mo'ements of #eo#le deducted and "hen their that besides #ro'iding the Chairman Ram Chander tigation has nailed the real was brutally tortured dur- schoolchildren "ho #rac- Ashok ,an"ar! state Con- mo'ing around the toilet accounts "ere acti'ated facilities of three 3angra! B3 ’s state media cul#rit and "e "ill no" file ing his police remand, sub- tised taekwondo were pres- gress #resident! has accused clearer$ ,his ty#e of ad'anced after the Aadhaar linking! Ayur'edic hos#itals! 8F head Ra.i' 3ain and the defamation suit and .ected to electric shocks and ent in the "ashroom "hen the Gurugram #olice of mis- technologies and where"ith- they "ould be #aid social +omoeo#athic and G9H other office-bearers of the seek action against the administered injections of Ashok #icked u# the boy leading the in'estigations$ als are not a'ailable with the security #ension "ith Ayur'edic dis#ensaries to #arty "ere #resent on the police,” &erma maintained. some intoxicant/sedative from there. *5as this CC,& footage not state #olice!- he laments$ arrears$ #eo#le! an Ayur'edic col- occasion$ HARYANA STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION Bays No. 67-70, Sector- 2, Panchkula-134151 De-addiction (www.hssc.go!.in) Rao Inderjit resents centre raided, ANNOUNCEMENT non-allocation of funds Final Result Notice for the post of Agriculture Inspector of Agriculture 40 rescued Department, Haryana against Advt. No. 06/2016, Cat. No. 36. for AIIMS project Tribune News Service On the basis of Written Examination (Online Computer Based Test), Scrutiny of Documents and interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Agriculture Inspector of %&riculture Department, Haryana Rewari, November 9 ❝Having waited or two Yamunanagar, November 9 against Advt. No. +,"-+.6, Category *o. 36, the Commission has finalised the result. The result Rao Inder.it! 0nion %inister! general budgets, we have ,he #olice ha'e booked a has been shown Roll No. wise and category-wise and the marks secured by the last selected today ex#ressed resentment no other option now but #erson for illegally confin- candidate in each category have been shown in the bracket. against his o"n go'ernment to meet the PM along ing G7 #ersons at his de- Advt. No. 06/2016, AGRICULTURE INSPECTOR CA(. NO. 36 (59 Posts) General -"9 Posts) at the Centre o'er the non- with all Haryana MPs. &e addiction centre in Ra.#ur ,.,/,+.2.3 ,.,/,+/.3, ,.,/,+4//5 ,.,/,+5-5+ ,.,/,+2,+3 ,.,/,+64.3 allocation of funds for estab- will urge him to provide 'illage of Sadhaura block lishing an AII%S branch in in the district$ ,.,/,+6,/3 ,.,/,+6244 ,.,/,+363, ,.,/,.646- ,.,/,.666, ,.,/,-+6.- budget for e'ecuting the %anethi 'illage here$ +e also 1r Ra.inder rasad! Ci'- ,.,/,-4/35 ,.,/,-445/ ,.,/,-5.4/ ,.,/,-5.5/ ,.,/,-,+42 ,.,/,-,+56 announcement of the sho"ed discontent o'er the CM. il Surgeon! said that a ,.,/,-,,23 -"1.0 ❞ non-com#letion of Sainik Rao Inderjit, UNION MINISTER team led by 1r Sunil General Waiting School building e'en after Kumar! along "ith #olice ,.,/,+.35/ ,.,/,+/45+ ,.,/,+5.55 ,.,/,.6,/6 ,.,/,-/5.4 -"130 se'eral years$ "aited for t"o general budg- officials! raided the de- *1es#ite the Central Go'- ets! "e ha'e no other o#tion addiction centre! 3i"an SC (08 Posts) ernment’s #olicy for setting no" but to meet the rime 3yoti =asha %ukti Kendra ,.,/,-.,5. ,.,/,-.255 ,.,/,--26, ,.,/,-44/+ ,.,/,-4,54 ,.,/,-5,64 u# a branch of AII%S in each %inister along "ith all at Ra.#ur 'illage! "hich ,.,/,-,-56 ,.,/,-,25. -"4.0 state! the #ro.ect is lying +aryana % s$ 5e "ill urge "as being run illegally$ SC Waiting unexecuted e'en after t"o him to #ro'ide budget for ,he team found 98 #er- ,.,/,+,43+ ,.,/,-2-6, -"430 and a half years$ I! along "ith executing the announcement sons admitted to the cen- C% %anohar 2al Khattar! of the C%$- tre for treatment$ BCA (09 Posts) called on Arun 3aitley! Khattar made the announce- Sources said that G7 of ,.,/,+.4.+ ,.,/,+42.5 ,.,/,+2+23 ,.,/,.666.
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