Welcome Home Celebration TOWNSHIP Memorial Dedication SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1946 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1946 Woodbridge Township To Honor Its Ranking Officials To Participate Fihtinff Men. Plan Gigantic In Dedication Ceremonies Military Parade. Honoring- War Dead. VOL. VIII.—No. 44 FORDS, N. J., THUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1946 PRICE THREE CENTS Main St. Store Robbed 2nd Time in Few Weeks 11 Injured Township Getting Ready for Biggest Ceremony Transfer WOODBRIDGE — For the second time within a few weeks, thieves entered Blake's Station- In Holiday Of Pupils ery Store, 100 Main Street, Mon- In History — GI Day'— To Take Place October 6 day night and stole $107 in change, $25 in bills and a $2.36 WOQDBRIDGE — Arrange- I tions in the line of march. The parade, a tentative line of march who served in the armed forces, check. j Accidents ments are rapidly falling into the various servicemen's organizations has been set up as follows: assem- the Mayor's Committee is hopeful Stirs Row The robbery was discovered pattern for Woodbridge Town- will have the places of honor, and bly at the-'Legion Stadium, march- that any suggestions which these by John Gur'saly, 289 Main 4 Mishaps Occur During ship's GI Day, October 6. in addition all other local civic, ing down Rahway Avenue to Free- veterans would like to see incor- Street, an employe of the store The Mayor's Committee which fraternal and patriotic groups man Street, to Linden Avenue, porated in the program, are made Mothers Present Stiff when he opened the place for Labor Day Weekend; is planning the event will hold have' been asked to participate. Grove „ Avenue, Barron Avenue, known. Tliey are asked to transmit Protest Over Shift I do a quick burn every business Tuesday morning. Mil- Soldiers in Crash another of its sessions tomorrow All of the industries within the Green Street. Amboy Avenue to these suggestions at once so that time I consider the way the ton Ruff, the owner, told Officers night in the recreation room of Township will be requested to en-Albert Street, to Fulton Street, no effort be spared to provide To Strawberry Hill Kenneth Van Pelt and Thomas WOODBRIDGE — Eleven per- The INDEPENDDENT - LEADER ter a float, and any other sponsor Main Street, School Street to thefor them, but since the time government is conning Lockie that entry was made sons were injured in four accidents to discuss additional details in may also arrange to take part in location of the monument in the WOODBRIDGE — With some this way by notifying the Com- remaining before the . dedication mothers threatening to keep their around the veterans when through a rear cellar window. over the Labor Day weekend in connection -with the dedication park. A reviewing stand for local is growing short it is hoped the it comes to providing a place the Township. of a memorial in the park for mittee. • officials and visiting dignitaries children from school and others On Labor Day, three people those who lost their lives in both A speaker of national import- will probably be erected" at the recommendations will- be made as promising to storm the next Board for them and their families were hurt when two motorcycles World Wars. A suggestion to the ance will deliver the principal junction of William and Main promptly as possible. of Education meeting in protest, collided on Route 25, near the several veterans' organizations address, and negotiations now are Streets, and the speakers' stand Certain areas along the parade everything was not in harmony to lay their heads of a night. Success Story when schools opened yesterday * * * * Raritan Township line. Patrol- that the ceremony take this form under way to finally settle this will be located at the scene of the route are to be decorated, but the man Anthony Peterson and Motor- was quickly accepted by all of phase of the ceremony. As soon dedication. Committee asks that local busi- morning-. The stor- m clouds ap- Meyers, Employe 20 cycle Officer Joseph Fai-kas re- them. as confirmation of the speaker , Especial arrangements are being ness firms, industries and homes peared on the hoi izon when scores It wasn't so very long ago of mothers learned their children Years, is Now His ported that a motorcycle oper- Preliminary arrangements call is received, his name will be an-made for the families of those throughout the entire Township that ever y politician who ated by Albert Paris, 25, 302for the longest street parade in nounced. who lost their lives. display their flags and other pa- had been transferred from Schools could buy, borrow, beg or Own Boss Belmont Avenue, Newark, hit the history of the community, with Tentative Parade Route Since the day and the occasion triotic dress on the weekend of the No. 1 and 11 to Strawberry Hill another cycle operated by Cpl. at least twenty musical organiza- ceremony. School. steal a stump and/or a soap- John Hayes, 23, Camp Kilmer, Because of the length of the | are dedicated completely to those Efforts yesterday to communi- box, was making the skies WOODBRIDGE — From em- when the drivers became confused cate with Supervising Principal ring with promise of the ploye to boss—in 20 years. in their signals. Paris, Hayes and 9 Victor C. Nicklas were unavailing:. That is the story behind the PFC Agnes Vandinich, WAC, 22, Reformatory Term I Caution in 'School Zone Areas. Cook, Paratrooper, The transfer had been suggested grandeur in all things that request of a transfer of a liquor Camp Kilmer, riding with Hayes, j by Stephen K. Werlock, supervi- would be the serviceman's license now held by Gerson Rob- were injured and taken to Perth sor of elementary education, in lot when—and if—he arriv- inson at the Port Reading ter- Amboy General Hospital in St. Given Amboy Pair Safety Guarantee, Antoists ToldStudies in Japan. his Plan No. 3 which caused so minal, Port Reading, to Harry John's First Aid Squad ambu- much controversy during the sum- ed home. Now the GI is get- Meyers, for the same premises. lance. WOODBRIDGE Intermediate (Suecial to Independent-Leader) mer months. At the June 10 meet- ting the same promises, all Mr. Robinson, who conducted Paris sustained abrasions of the School Opening Places School Safety Patrols which are WITH THE EIGHTH ARMY IN ing of the Board of Education, terms in the New Jersey State trained each year under the di- Mr. Werlock pointed out there wrapped up tightly and in- the Port Reading tavern for scalp, arm and h-ip while Hayes Reformatory, Avenel, were given New Responsibility SAPPORO, JAPAN (Delayed) — extricably in red tape, a com- years and who, police officers suffered possible fracture of the rection of Captain Benjamin Par- Private Leonard L. Cook, 18 year were several empty rooms in say was one of the best in the ankle and ribs and contusions of to Joseph Testa and Harold Bol- On Them, Chief Says j sons.' The boys and girls who con- old Avenel, New Jersey paratrooper Strawberry Hill School and No. 1 modity which for obvious business because his place hands and legs. The girl was ton, both of Perth Amboy, in the stitute these patrols are doing is now serving with-the 511th Air- School would be overcrowded. He caused them little if any trouble, Court of Quarter Sessions Friday WOODBRIDGE—"School Zone" splendid work in accident pre- borne Signal Company of the lltli suggested pupils residing on Le- reasons has never been in treated for lacerations of the foot vention. They are always on the gion Place,'St. James' Avenue, De is retiring due to ill health/ He and abrasions of knee and legs. by Judge Charles M. Morris. The signs, disregarded during the va- Airborne Division. He is stationed short supply. This is because cation period, are taking on their alert to safeguard fellow pupils, at Sapporo, capital of the Japan- Kalb Avenue, De Sota Avenue, is selling his tavern to Mr. Mey- Four persons were injured Sat- two pleaded guilty to the robbery the entire Federal govern- ers who served him as an em- urday morning as the result of a full significance as a life-saving but their efforts will be hampered ese island of Hokkaido. He is at- Clinton Street. Flood Street, Oak ploye for over 20 years. of Milton Stern of $102 at Wood- without complete co-operation of tending. the, radio code school of Avenue, Bunns Lane, Fulton ment, for years, has been collision of a Lincoln Transit agency, Chief George E. Keating motorists." Street, Jean Court, Bergen Street, Company bus and two passenger bridge. the company, learning to be a working overtime manufac- The transfer of the license declared today when he called radio operator. Lillian Terrace, Columbus Avenue, turing- it. was approved unanimously by cars at the Cloverleaf. The injured, Joseph Toth, Flood Street, motorists' attention to the re- Berry Street, Eleanor Place, Sher- the Township Committee, Tues- all of whom were treated at Perth pleaded not guilty to breaking out Before entering the service Cook ry Street, Gordon Street and Coley Even my stomach, which is Amboy General Hospital, were of the Middlesex County Work- sponsibilities attendant upon mo- Intrepid Nimrod Takes was an employee of Army Ord- day. tor vehicle operations now that Street, be transferred ,to Straw- much stronger these days, can't Frank Russo, Newman Avenue, house to where he was sentenced Pot Shot at Iselin Cow nance at the Carteret Motor Re- berry Hill School. stand the rank stupidity and dup- Verona; Joseph Gaeta, 39, 382by Recorder Arthur Brown arid schools have re-opened.
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