What to Do When (Continued on C~ver ill) If it is impossible to make a report by the date listed in the following calenda please notify the officer to whom the report should be sent. REPORT FORMS REQUESTED IN THE CALENDAR ARE SUPPLIED BY TH CENTRAL OFFICE. If not received two weeks before the deadline request the ce1 tral office to duplicate the mailing. · OCTOBER DECEMBER I-PLEDGE CHAIRMAN sends orde< for pledge hand I- SCHOLARSHIP CHAIRMAN sends to central ollie books to central office. national scholarship chairman and province preside: I-(or two weeks after opening) PRESIDENT sends a r eport of the· scholastic ratings for the previo1 program for chapter council to national chairman of year, and college grading system. chapter councils. IO-TREASURER places monthly finance report in rna I-(one week after rushing) MEMBERSHIP CHAIR­ . to chairman of budgeting and bookkeeping. MAN sends report to director of membership and province president. I-(or two weeks after the opening of the fall term) JANUARY TREASURER sends copy of the budget for school IO-TREASURER places monthly finance report in rna year to the chairman of budgeting and bookkeeping. to chairman of budgeting and bookkeeping. Upon receipt of her suggestions, mail three copies of IO-TREASURER places budget companson report ft corrected budget to her. all departments covering the first school term in rna I-TREASURER OF HOUSE CORPORATION sends to chairman of budgeting and bookkeeping togeth< annual report and copy of June 30 audit to the central with report on budget revisions for new tern office, chairman of budgeting and bookkeeping and Schools on quarter plan due January IO. Schools o chairman of housing, also names and addresses of all semester plan due February IO. house board members. IO-TREASURER places monthly finance report in mail to chairman of budgeting and bookkeeping and sends FEBRUARY chapter's subscription ($3.SO) for Banta's Greek Ex­ 10- -KEY CORRESPONDENT places ,semi-annual chapt< change and Fraternity Month to the central office. news for April KEY in mail to central office. Make checks payable to the Fraternity. 10- TREASU'RER places ·monthly finance report in rn a IO-I<EY CORRESPONDENT places semi-annual chap­ to chatrman of budgeting and bookkeeping. ter news for December KEY in mail to central office and 10- MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN of chapters having de pictures of Phi Beta Kappas, Mortar Boards or equiva­ ferre'd rushing send report to director of membershi lent honors received during past school year. (glossy and province president. print 3 x S, head and shoulders only) 15- REGISTRA R sends names and .school addresses c I3-FOUNDERS' DAY- Observe in appropriate manner. all active members for second term to the centn IS- CORRESPONDING SECRETARY sends revised list office, director of membership and frovince presiden· of chapter officers to central office and pruvince presi­ ~ends names and home addresses o any girls pledge dent. Send copies of current rushing rules and cam­ smce October report to central office, province pres pus Panhellenic Constitution to Kappa's P anhell enic dent and director of membership. Sends to centn officer, director of membership and province president. office annual catalog report. IS-(or two weeks after pledging) PLEDGE CHAIRMAN IS- ANNUAL ELECTION AND INSTALLATION 0: sends informal report of plerlge training program to OFFICERS held between February IS and April I~ the chairman of pledge training, central office, director 28- MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN elects or appoints merr of membership and province president. Place order for bership chairman and alumna adviser for next schoo year's supplies with the central office. year. 28-CORRESPONDING SECRETARY sends to centra office name of membership chairman with college ant summer address and name and address of adviser t• be published in April KEY. NOVEMBER I-TREASURER mails check for pledge fees to .central MARCH office for all fall pledges. Mails letters to parents of I-PRESIDENT OF CHAPTER HOUSE CORPORA pledges and actives. · TION notifies central office of house director re IO-TREASURER places monthly finance report in mail appointment or contemplated change for next scho~ to chairman of budgeting and bookkeeping. year. 30-TREASURER sends to central office the per capita IO-TREASURER places monthly finance report in mai tax report and tax for each member active at any to chairman of budgeting ancl bookkeeping. time . during the first half year, per capita tax for IS-(or before) CORRESPONDING SECRETARY send: assoctate members, check for bonds of treasurer names and addresses of officers and alumme adviser: house and coffimissary manager. ' to central office and province president. CHAPTER LETTERS FOR KEY PUBLISHED ONLY IN DECEMBER AND APRIL ISSUES. SEND SPECIAL FEATURES FOR EACH . ISSUE FOR SECTION ON CAMPUS HIGH LIGHTS. WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER REGULAR OR SPECIAL ELECTIONS SECRETARY OF CHAPTER AND ALUMNJE GROUPS REPORT CHANGES TO CENTRAL OFFICE. ALL FEES ARE SENT TO CENTRAL OFFICE. ALL CHECKS ARE MADE PAYABLE TO KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA FRATERNITY. Entered as second class matter March 29, 1929, at the post office at Colum- ) bus, Ohio, under the act of March 3, 1879. Additional entry at Menasha, · . Wisconsin. Accepted for mailing at the special rate of postage p_rovided for in the Act of October 3, 1917. Copyright, 1949, by Kappa Kappa ~ Gamma Fraternity. Volume 66 NUMBER 2 The first college women's' THE KEY fraternity magazine OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF Published continuously KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA since 1882 APRIL. 1949, CONTENTS A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT ... ................... .. 67 MARJORIE HAMILL HAS REGULAR SPOT ON WNYC ........... .. 68 GLORIFIED BEAN-BAG HOBBY BECOMES FULLTIME BUSINESS .... .. ......... 69 SIX PLAYS PUBLISHED BY KAPPA AUTHOR • . .••• . .. ... .... ... .. ...... 69 KAPPA BECOMES INDIANA's FffiST COED LEGISLATOR . • .......... ... ..... ... 70 DUCHESS OF KENT PRESENTS WIGHTMAN TROPHY AT WIMBLEDON ..... ..... 71 JAPANESE KAPPA FELLOWS ARRIVE IN UNITED STATES ••... ... .. .. ... ..... 72 ELIZABETH "KRATT WRITES FROM PARIS ... • .....•........... ............ 73 GARDENING MADE EASY FOR NOVICE .......••............... .. .... .... 74 KOREA HONORS MARCH OF PROGRESS CHAffiMAN ••. • .•. • .... • ...... ....... 74 THE KEY VIsn:s SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, CHOSEN FOR NEWEST KAPPA CHAPTER • . 75 "HE CAN CONQUER WHO THINK~ HE CAN" IS ALLENIAN MOTTO . 78 COMPOSITE IMPRESSIONS COLLECTED AT INSTALLATION . 80 FRATERNITY 1949 . 83 MEUDON CHILDREN AND MAYOR SAY " MERCI" FOR KAPPA KAMPSHIPS . 85 TOP-LEVEL DEANING POSITION FILLED BY DORIS M. SEWARD . • . 87 'CHOOSING AND PLANNING A HOME • • • • • . • . • . 88 PRETTY IS AS PRETTY DOES • . • . 89 CAMPUS HIGHLIGHTS • . • . 90 IOWA STATE CAMPUS INAUGURATES PANHELLENIC DAYS • . 91 THE MOSQUITO WAY . • . 93 JANE DALLAS ACTIVE ON MIAMI CAMPUS . • . • . 93 TRADITIONS . • . • . 95 ALUMN.tE NEWS AROUND THE GLOBE . • . 97 HOUSTON HOI.DS CHRISTMAS PILGRIMAGE . • . 98 NORTHERN VffiGINIA OPENS SANTA CLAUS SHOP . 101 YOUR GIFT CAN BE A LIVING MEMORIAL . 101 KAPPAS MAKE NEWS . • . 102 CHAPTER NEWS • . • . 103 IN MEMORIAM . 113 [tALUMN.tE ASSOCIATION AND CLUB NEWS . 114 PLEDGES . 132 MEMBERSHIP CHAmMEN... .. ... ......... .... ....... .... .. ... .. .. 13{)1 ALUMNA;; MEMBERSHIP RECOMENDATIONS CHAffiMEN . 138 DIRECTORY . 141 l1fublleation datea: THE KEY is published four times a year, in February, April, October, and December, by the George Banta Publishin~ Company, official printer to Kappa Kappa Gamma F raternity, 450 Ahnaip Street, Menasha, Wisconsin. The pnce for a single copy is SO cents, for one year $1.50, for two years $2, and for life $15. Change of addreoo is to be reported direct to Central Office, 603 Ohio State Savings Building, Columbus 15 , Ohio. Requests for change of address must reach Central Office. the lOth of the !f!Onth previous to date of publication. Duplicate copies cannot be sent to replace those undehvered through fatlure to send such advance notice. ;temo of a busineoo nature should be sent to the Business Manager, Clara 0 . Pierce, B N, 603 Ohio State Savings Building, Columbus 15, Ohio. Material for publication, and editorial corrcopondenee should be addressed to Central Office, 603 Ohio State Savings Building, Columbus 15, Ohio. Member of Fraternity Magazines Associated. AT INDIANA'S STATE CAPITAL, JANE NOBLE, !-DePauw, has a hard week. She attends session of the legislature, answers all mail from her 70,000 constituents, including letters farmers who think women should stay out of politics. Her pay: $1,200 a year. AMessage from the President Harnessing Our Resources s KAPPAS gather in province meetillgs rightful obligation and trust. Athis year, thoughtful discussion . will What resources will provide the framework, tter about the theme, Harnessing Our Re­ the technique for carrying out our purposes? trces. Your leaders have chosen . puq)ose­ The ramifications of our carefully planned and ly in focusing our minds on those resources dovetailed organization, both chapter and have as Kappa women, and upon 'the im­ alumnre, stemming from each corresponding tance of utilizing them, on campus ~ in com­ branch of the national organization provide nity, and in our personal lives. us with the mechanics. Your fraternity organi­ ~ducators and administrators throughout the zation has been the outgrowth of experience, mtry, and even occasional authors of criti- good reasonirig, good planning by leaders over articles in the press, are admitting the the years. It is doubly effective when used in at "potentialities"
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