Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 7-26-1952 The Ledger and Times, July 26, 1952 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, July 26, 1952" (1952). The Ledger & Times. 1048. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/1048 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. , • . • • , 25, 1951' Selected As Best All Round Kentucky Community •hliss Fontaittli Over le hts , Newspaper for 1947 ly Hills home ta take a hem Why Not some daY. tilers not only has tandid Do All of such Hollywood lithls Weather Kentucky-Son-.e cloudiness se late Warner Baxtee, Bens and warmer with widely off, Teresa Wright and Lucii.ei Your Shopping scattered ,afternoon thunder he has shots of the behiad- IZ showers; hignest 90 to 95 in cenes tricks for making In Murray east and viper 90') in west how snow • is mania! ;ing .ctar. portion. : how outdoor scenes are faked backdropiraand so on. le home movies also eta ay that are anipatd L from scenes YOUR ga United Presa PROGRESSIVE HOME KIWI- public versions by the n ra PAPER FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY Murray, Kentucky, Saturday Afternoon, • MURRAY POPULATION — 1,000 • • • July /6, 1952 Vol' XXIII, No. 127 le•K COCKTAIL SPR1 'or a quick cockpit sward, max tad yellow cheese with a hat, It sauce and finely grated al. serve- on crackers- air ilk BIT iTE -1 INDIANkt !COnTrmICAUFORNIA1,--------'10ASADIUSEIMMICHIO at rounds. • CAPITOL 1211_ aRILO VIAND TODAY and SAT. Tii GOLD BANDITS in PENNSYLVANIA.. NEW JERSEYI LAND! r IIHODE ISLAND' 4 VERMq YOMINGIILWISCONSIN igNNESSEE GUN 0-011. 5ix-aun aortae rides 1 4 The Third Roll ('all into their knit Ice-President Owentborn,to Meet Fulton Alabama 22) _Stevenson at; K -JOHNNY MACK st To Be. fauver 7/12; Russell 14. Third Ballot Vote Gives In Series Alaska 161-Kefauver 6 Arizona (12/-quatiell 12 BR Sparkman A-battered Owensbora Oiler team Arkansas. (22)-Stevenson 20/12: headed by Fulton today to try to Kefauver 1/12. Candidate Nomination By United Press do what Kitty League teams must California (68) -Kefauver 68 I Stevenson has picked his do to make the pennaat race in- Colorado 116 P.-Stevenson 8/12 ; By United Press Stevenson picked up five in for running mate in the teresting-try to stop the Fulton Kefauver 4; Russall 3/12. The reluctant nominee- is the Colorado, a, in Iowa and in Maine. mocratic campaign. powerhouse. Connecticut (Lie-Stevenson 16. The willing candidate.- 2),; and he cut into the Maryland Is Senator John Sparkman Fulton Lookouts are riding Deleware tat-Stevenson 6. of Adlai Stevenson, governor of Ill- delegation for the first time to a. in first place, a cumfortable 14 Florida (24)-Kelauver 5; Rus- games ahead of the nearest • inois and a virtual -unknown out-- get 6 of the state's lee votes. - man, himself, confirmed he com- sell 19. petitor. Owensboro has slippe to side his home state one year Senator Kerr of Oklahoma, will n offered the vice presi Georgia 4281-Russe11.28. fifth spot. The two cribs open a Hawaii (11-)-Steventop is the Democratic nominee for only. 5), votes on thl 'seaond bal- post, and announced his 5; Ke- weekend series .tortigtt. (auver president of the United States. lot. decided he was out of it. lity for the job. 1. Pitching by aacason'e Cliff Idaho 11.2)--Steygnaan 12. The third ballot was dee charm. When he withdrew he had no votee all that remains is for Walling stopped italtop finally last Maryland (181--Stevenson 6 Ke- In the first two. Stevenson trailed on the third ballot, and his home °crane convention to IP- night by a 7 to 3 count. Jackson fauver PA Russell VA. aKefauver. Then candidate Averell state of Oklahoma had not voted. - Baraler. 14 l weft- stei.e...... - via.iv.„ with four runs in -the tiliati aownt-w- thirriman-the foreign aid boss- On the second ballot, Oklahoma aiimiumommomemei 36.41•111 do that at the final ses-` i inning to beat the Ptuton startelr, Massachusetts (36) -Stevenson had New York state chairman Paul had dropped Kerr anyhow. to dila' in...Chicago. scnedulea to be- Youngpill Pitcher. 23/12 Kefauver 5/12 Russell 1 Dever .Fitdpatrick take. the rostrun. In a cast its 24 votes for vice president EDT le at noon. i i . Meanwhile, Paducah climbed /12; Barkley his statement read by Fitzpatrick. Har- Barkley. SfABer. it had been teased that back into second place. beating Poll of Michigan snowed Stev- riman released his pledgel de- The vote went on...state by Selection of A! aepporters of Senator Estes Kee Owensboro, 13 to 11. HUSS Davis, -enson 33 Kefauver 5 2/3 Barkley legates. He had won 121 votes A Complete state. Michigan was a crucial ona. Meter would make a floor 'fight the Young Paducah Chief Third 1 absent 1 3. Oaesratine under unit on second ballot. 123',.on the The state had cast all of its 40 t* pat their man the vice presi- baseman, had a double and a triple. rule Michigan Casts 40 votes OF for first. And he controlled 131, New votes for the favorite son Gover- .- dindid nomination. However. it ;law to lead Paducah's 10-hit attack. Stevenson_ the Popular Patterns at York votes alone. He uraed all nor Mennen Williams on the first 7the convention will vote Jack Hall drove in free runs for Minnesota (26)--Stavenson 13 who supported him to go far ballot. It went. 40 votes for Ke- sly for Sparkman, as a the losers. Kefauver 13 Stevenson. fauver ma the second. A majority - titian of unity and sup- Madisonville loat again to Hop- Mississippi 118)--etuar.ell 18 All Times Governer Paul Dever of Mass- had voted to do it that way. and port fair Stevenson. kinsville, the cellar team, 10 to 8, Missouri. Pa4a-Steveason 22 Ke- achusetts, a favorite son with 301., under unit rule, a majority meant Spellman was picked for the as the Hoppers chaaric in three fauver 2 Barkley e absent 1 Massachusetts votes on the second ail 40 votes. On the third ballot, ,two- spot on the Democra- runs in. the ninth. Jack .Rothen- Montana 112)-Stevenson 12 ballot-promptly came out for the majority went for Stevenson, early this morning just housler belted his 15tli home run Nebraska (12)_Stevenson 8 Ke- and Stevenson, too. • enly five and 2 3 votes for Ke- nor Stevenson had made Johnny Bohha and Chico fauver 3 Russell 1 Cortes had a That set the Sevensoa band- fauver. And under the unit rule. accep:mg the nomina- mere, aouble and Nevacia ,10)__S:even.:on 2; Ke- triple apiece as Urion wagon rolling to the, finish line. it meant 40 votes for Stevenson. sident City routed fauver /12; Russell iat. 144 two Mayfield pit'ners for an 8 to New Hampshire (8I-Kefauver Senator Estes Kefauver, the front By the time the vote had passed President Truman,' 3 win. runner on both the first and se- New York, Stevenson had 4011 national chairman Frank Nsw Jersey t32)-,Stevenson alet Paducah visits Jack:ion tonight, Kefauver 4 cond, ballots, suddenly appeared voCes„Ketauyer had only 155, Rus- and other party bit- Mayfield travel.; to Madisonville New Mexico 1121-Stevenson 7; on the rostrum while the Idaho sell 13.51 .` Barkley leadine the e tiny room just off and the Hopkinsville Hoppers play Kefauver 1/12; delegation was being polled. He other dark horses with 43. Steven- hall. Hassell 31/2• host to Union City in addition to New York 194e _ Stevenson wanted to speak. Chairman Ray- son was 216 votes away from opedolus.g name was mentioned the Owensboro-Fulton battle. 86/12; Kefauver 4;- Ewing 3; ab- burn said he couldn't. not while toe vim-president along with S'il- sent /12. a poll was on. victoryStevenson kept picking up more. auver and Senator Richard North Carolina '•32)-Stevenson Finally. the Virgin Islands wee Stevenson's two big corn Charles Eldridge - 7/12; Russell 24 Barkley la. ' Kefauver left the rostrum but called. The roll ended and Steven- presidential for the Completes Course Ohio i541a-Stesensoa 20 Kefauv- Senator Blair Moody of Mientektat Son had 613 votes. 'just lest Vice president Alben Bark-non'sation. er 27 Russell 7 got the message across. Moody than needed to nominate. second saiJt Refauves ley also was plugged for a r.r.xmiGfioN, Ky..- -Charles L. North Dakota (SP-Stevenson 8 intended ta ask the Kefauver had 279,,,. Russell'ef Stevenson had praised corivention to nominate Stavensan. Wm anis Eldridge, teacher of vocational are Ohio after poll Stec. nson 26 Ke- Georgia had 261',. Barkley still speech. him in Idi acceptance riculture at Murray Training High fauver 27 Russell 1 Moody's statemeni plus the fact had 67',. Other favorite sons had However. Barkley and Russell School, has completed a 2 1-2 week Oklahoma 1240-Barkley 24 that Stevenson is reported to like scattered handfuls. spot. course in turned doern. the number 1W0 agricultural education at Oregon 121-Steven3on 1 Ke- Kefauver, makes the Tenneesee Then the Governor of Tennessee the University fauver And; after like final huddlina Snark - ol Kentucky this 11 crimeboster high on the list of Gcrdon Browning, took th • flora:.
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