BULLETIN OF ”CAROL I” NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY 3 / 2020 SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION HIGHLY ACKNOWLEDGED IN THE FIELD OF ”MILITARY SCIENCES, INFORMATION AND PUBLIC ORDER” OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR ATTESTATION OF ACADEMIC DEGREES, DIPLOMAS AND CERTIFICATES, INDEXED IN INTERNATIONAL DATABASES EBSCO, CEEOL, GOOGLE SCHOLAR, INDEX COPERNICUS, PROQUEST, DOAJ & ERIH PLUS . PUBLICATION FOUNDED IN 1937 ”CAROL I” NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING HOUSE BUCHAREST, 2020 Cover: Andreea GÎRTONEA © Reproductions are allowed under the condition of specifying source. Full responsibility for the articles lies with the authors. The articles of journal are under the similarity verification standard using sistemantiplagiat.ro. The articles published in the Bulletin of ”Carol I” National Defence University, ISSN 2284-936X, L 2284-936X, are also found in full text – title, author, abstract, content and bibliography – in the Romanian version of the journal, ISSN 1584-1928. Bulletin of ”Carol I” National Defence University EDITORIAL BOARD 1. HONORIFIC BOARD Brigadier Gen. Dorin-Corneliu PLEȘCAN ”Carol I” National Defence University Georgeta GAVRILĂ, PhD Ministry of National Defence Brigadier Gen.Prof. Constantin Iulian VIZITIU Military Technical Academy Brigadier Gen.Prof. Ghiță BÎRSAN, PhD ”Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy Brigadier Gen.(Air) Prof. Gabriel RĂDUCANU, PhD ”Henri Coandă” Air Forces Academy Commander Assoc.Prof.Eng. Alecu TOMA, PhD ”Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy Col.Assoc.Prof. Marius-Victor ROȘCA, PhD ”Carol I” National Defence University Col.Prof. Valentin DRAGOMIRESCU, PhD ”Carol I” National Defence University Col.Prof. Daniel GHIBA, PhD ”Carol I” National Defence University Col.Prof. Ion PURICEL, PhD ”Carol I” National Defence University Col.Prof. Ioana ENACHE, PhD ”Carol I” National Defence University Col.Assoc.Prof. Cosmin-Florin OLARIU, PhD ”Carol I” National Defence University Col.Prof. Doina MUREŞAN, PhD ”Carol I” National Defence University Col.Lect. Florin CÎRCIUMARU, PhD ”Carol I” National Defence University Col.Prof. Marinel-Dorel BUŞE, PhD ”Carol I” National Defence University Col. Alin CRIVINEANU ”Carol I” National Defence University Col.Assoc.Prof. Ștefan-Antonio DAN ȘUTEU, PhD ”Carol I” National Defence University Col.Assoc.Prof. Daniel ROMAN, PhD ”Carol I” National Defence University Maj.Assoc.Prof. Marinel-Adi MUSTAȚĂ, PhD ”Carol I” National Defence University Lect.Florian BICHIR, PhD ”Carol I” National Defence University Col.Prof. Cezar VASILESCU, PhD ”Carol I” National Defence University Inspector Carol Teodor PETERFY Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical (Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013) Weapons – OPCW 2. SCIENTIFIC BOARD Assoc.Prof. Iulian CHIFU, PhD ”Carol I” National Defence University Prof. Daniel DUMITRU, PhD ”Carol I” National Defence University Prof. Gheorghe MINCULETE, PhD ”Carol I” National Defence University Prof. Teodor FRUNZETI, PhD ”Titu Maiorescu” Christian University Prof. Sorin TOPOR, PhD ”Carol I” National Defence University Prof. Marian NĂSTASE, PhD The Bucharest University of Economic Studies CS II Alexandra SARCINSCHI, PhD ”Carol I” National Defence University CS II Cristina BOGZEANU, PhD ”Carol I” National Defence University CS III Sorin CRISTESCU, PhD ”Carol I” National Defence University Pavel OTRISAL, PhD University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic September, 2020 3 Bulletin of ”Carol I” National Defence University Assoc.Prof. Elena ŞUŞNEA, PhD ”Carol I” National Defence University Elitsa PETROVA, PhD ”Vasil Levski” National Military University Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria Jaromir MAREȘ, PhD University of Defense, Brno, Czech Republic Lect. Cris MATEI, PhD Center for Civil-Military Relationships, USA Assoc.Prof. Tengiz PKHALADZE, PhD Georgian Institute of Public Affaires, Georgia CS Richard WARNES, PhD RAND Europe Piotr GAWLICZEK, PhD ”Cuiavian” University in Wloclawek, Poland Assoc.Prof. Piotr GROCHMALSKI, PhD ”Nicolaus Copernicus” University in Torun, Poland Marcel HARAKAL, PhD ”General Milan Rastislav Štefánik” Armed Forces Academy, Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovak Republic Lucian DUMITRESCU, PhD Romanian Academy Prof. Anton MIHAIL, PhD ”Carol I” National Defence University Prof. Constantin IORDACHE, PhD ”Spiru Haret” University Prof. Gheorghe ORZAN, PhD The Bucharest University of Economic Studies Prof. Gheorghe HURDUZEU, PhD The Bucharest University of Economic Studies CS II Mihai-Ștefan DINU, PhD ”Carol I” National Defence University Assoc.Prof. Magdalena POPESCU, PhD ”Carol I” National Defence University 3. SCIENTIFIC REVIEWERS Col.Prof. Marilena MOROȘAN, PhD Col.Prof. Ion ANDREI, PhD Col. Ștefan-Antonio DAN ȘUTEU, PhD Commander Prof. Florin NISTOR, PhD Commander Prof.Eng. Laurențiu Răducu POPESCU Lt.Col.Assoc.Prof.Eng. Dragoș BĂRBIERU, PhD Lt.Col.Assoc.Prof. Tudorel-Niculai LEHACI, PhD Lt.Col.Lect. Gabriel Constantin CIAPA, PhD Lt.Col.Assoc.Prof. Ciprian PRIPOAIE, PhD Lt.Col.Lect. Cristian ICHIMESCU, PhD Lt.Col.Assoc.Prof. Alexandru HERCIU, PhD Lt.Col.Instr.Sup. Dan PETRESCU, PhD Maj.Assoc.Prof. Ciprian IGNAT, PhD Assoc.Prof. Diana-Elena ȚUȚUIANU, PhD 4 September, 2020 Bulletin of ”Carol I” National Defence University CONTENT Updating legislation in the field of national security – adapting to the new realities. 9 Needs and challenges Georgian POP Romaniaʼs place and role on Cohen՚s model of cooperative security 26 Commander Valentin-Cătălin VLAD, PhD Candidate Military power centers with active manifestation in the eastern european 32 insecurity area Lt.Col. Valentin PETRESCU, PhD Candidate Col. (ret) Prof. Ion BĂLĂCEANU, PhD Aspects regarding the use of active sensors in surveillance missions 37 Col.Adv.Instr. Pătru PÎRJOL, PhD Configuring armored battlegroups in the land forces 45 Lt.Col. Florin-Ioan CIOANCĂ Training, conceptual delimitations. Adaptation of training to regional 53 risks and threats Capt. (Navy) Nicu CHIREA, PhD Candidate Capt. (Navy) Assoc.Prof. Lucian Valeriu SCIPANOV, PhD The opportunity for using remotely operated underwater vehicles 62 in support of naval actions Capt. (Navy) Assoc.Prof. Lucian Valeriu SCIPANOV, PhD Capt. (Navy) Denis DOLCEANU Approaches to medical equipment life cycle 69 Col.Eng. George UDROIU, PhD Candidate Col. (ret) Prof.Eng. Toma PLEȘANU, PhD September, 2020 5 Bulletin of ”Carol I” National Defence University Terrorism during the Coronavirus pandemic – Covid 19. Evolutions and forecast 76 Prof. Costică VOICU, PhD Police Chief Commissioner Ion GANE, PhD Candidate Strategic communication – element of influence essential in exercising power 84 - soft power or smart power Lt. Antonia Teodora MARIȘ, PhD Candidate The evolution of influence: from cultivation theory to selective targeting 91 Lt. Antonia Teodora MARIȘ, PhD Candidate Factors influencing the mobility and countermobility of forces 96 Col. Adrian-Robert GHEORGHE, PhD Candidate The use of aerosols, force protection measure in the defence operation 103 of the large tactical unit Lt.Col. Ionel COTOARBĂ, PhD Candidate The importance and necessity of using emotional intelligence (IE) in a PR career 109 Assis.Prof. Luminița CRĂCIUN, PhD Static and dynamic factors of combat power in the land military operations 116 Lt.Col. Florin-Ioan CIOANCĂ The strategic shock in the design of war between classic and contemporary: Covid-19 121 Lt.Col. Valentin-Claudiu JORĂSCU, PhD Candidate Maj.Eng. Teodora ZECHERU, PhD Lt.Eng. Laviniu-Octavian HALLER, PhD Candidate Proliferation of ballistic and cruise missiles, an increasing threat 126 upon the eastern european’s operational environment stability Lt.Col. Valentin PETRESCU, PhD Candidate Col. (ret) Prof. Ion BĂLĂCEANU, PhD Mobility ‒ countermobility correlation in military engineering 132 Col. Adrian-Robert GHEORGHE, PhD Candidate 6 September, 2020 Bulletin of ”Carol I” National Defence University Brief historical milestones on the evolution of UAV systems: 1914 - 1939 137 Lt.Col.Eng. Grigore Eduard JELER, PhD Opinions regarding the ways of ensuring effective maintenance 144 of land forces military technique in peacetime Capt. Grațiela-Elena VOICILĂ, PhD Candidate Lt.Col.Adv.Instr. Petre-Răzvan ENACHE, PhD Ideas on the development of physical education in the online environment 150 Lt.Col.Lect. Gabriel Constantin CIAPA, PhD Games in military physical education lessons 156 Lt.Col.Lect. Gabriel Constantin CIAPA, PhD The motor capacity – foundation of military training 163 Col.Adv.Instr. Alin PELMUȘ, PhD Using the Beep Test as an alternative to measuring the military՚s aerobic capacity 168 Lt.Col.Sup.Instr. George-Florin BĂIŢAN, PhD The importance of physical training in the military using the sandbag for fitness 176 Lt.Col.Sup.Instr. George-Florin BĂIŢAN, PhD Optimization of the evaluation process of students’ military physical education 183 from the command master’s degree study programs, organized by the ”Carol I” National Defence University Col.Adv.Instr. Alin PELMUȘ, PhD Strength – a driving quality with an essential impact in the military activity 188 Lt.Col.Sup.Instr. Marius Constantin ISTRATE, PhD Candidate Recovery of the fighter’s body after effort 193 Col.Prof. Ion ANDREI, PhD September, 2020 7 Bulletin of ”Carol I” National Defence University 8 September, 2020 Bulletin of ”Carol I” National Defence University 10.12753/2284-9378-20-32 UPDATING LEGISLATION IN THE FIELD OF NATIONAL SECURITY – ADAPTING TO THE NEW REALITIES. NEEDS AND CHALLENGES Georgian POP* Romanian legislation specific to the national security is, at a great extent, quite obsolete. The laws were established in the 90s’ and are submitted to the logic specific
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