THE DAYTONA DAILY 2 - NEWS, THURSDAY, MARCH 2. 1t17. 2 1 a-- ammmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaa- - 1 DIXIE FLYER DIXIE LIMITED ALL-STEE- L ELECTRIC-LIGHTE- D TRAINS FOR Ve Give it to Cs 3 CHICAGO AND St. LOUIS fa a e DIXIE FLYER DIXIE LIMITED Lv JMfciWwieta-- A G L tM PH Lv JacfcMmllte--. ACL SJ5 AM Ik-f- Ar Macon GS&F 4J2S AM at nacan GS&F 4.33 PM Gives it to eS Ar Atlanta Cof G 7.4 AM Ar Atlanta. ..CofG 7.33 PM Ar Cwattawaata .mill 17,1? PM Ar ICtStl XL4J PM The of this ia a half biUioa aaRar Meats Ar nirtvltia ICtStl L4S PM Ar KasAviH. ...ICtStl 4.07 AM dairy industry country jr4? Lv KastotiSa ICtStl SJS PM Lv NasAvKto.. ...LAN LIS AM enterprise and it is growing rapidly and aonitaatly. Tka V Ar St. Lauls I C 7.23 AM Ar EvamvKto. ...L&X 8.3 AM fact that the milch cow is rated fn valaa tar abova any No matter $Wj(il Lv Katiivttla IAN LSI PM Lv EvamvtSa. ...LAN L43 AM other animal for food values is very cloarty dcinonatrmtid I what Ar EvaasvCa LAN JU PM LAN f Lv EvamvMla CAEI X9.2S PM Lv by the many usages to which her pradacta ara pat. EvamvSa ...CAEI US AM ( wants Lv Vliicaniwi CAEI 12X3 PM Ar CAEI J yur may i r Ar Tarra Hauta ..CAEI US AM Ar Tt CAEI lill AM CONDENSE in Ar Danvl3a CAEI SOS AM Ar DsmOs CAEI Lt7 PM BUTTER, GHEESE, M b.e the mcat M Ar CMcaga C4EI 70S AM AT dtkaxo CAEI 135 PM Compartment and Ob natkm-Llbiar- y SlwpliU Cara, comfortable, rooaiy and netful. CREAM and MALTED MILE line Jacksonville to Chicago. we m ; can meet Ml JL lra wing-Roo- Stoaatag Can, Jacksonville to Chicago and St. Louia. in America can be at our atara ia con- Drawtaa-Roo-m Slecotaa Cara Jacksonville to Atlanta. produced bought (1 ck electnc-iicnte- a. Thovooghfara la, nisn-ba- seats, Jacksonville to Chicago. nection with a complete lino of the bast staple and fancy them. anH w DtninsCaraai all meals anroute, service a la Carte. SJ&r feiiA groceries obtainable. By keeping our goods an the wave rea ocTaii.ce laroaaavtoa. ai.cciaa caa mtciTioRi meet them al avt,T to tichit mint or we at all times are able to serve you with anything fraah. ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD WE LIVE UP TO OUR MOTTO OF with "THE STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE SOUTH' ways first meats -- quality the only A. W. F R I TOT J.C. RIRRLAND Gourlesy Cleanliness Honesty Service a. c L. kind you would buy or serve on TAMPA. FLA. WE ARE AS NEAR YOU AS YOUR TELEPHONE your CALL 61 table. We carry not only the staples but also the delicacies that go to make a com- plete market stock. We want to serve you. mim skew r. h. Mcdonald Office Phone 415. Ram 02 272 S. St. People Are Sure Talking Aboct Us Too Beach SAPHO.' t i a n kb i a Hugh Ford, w ho directed the Famous Fiayers Paramount adaptation of Dau-- 1 NORTHERN Mcdonald's det's classic "Sapho," in which the tal-- ; ented Pauline Frederick is starring, MARKET boatyardEstablished 1903 found the screen interpretation of j c. m. one of the most in ' W. P. BEARSE, Prop. Mcdonald son. "Sapho" interesting Proprietors all his varied experience. "A thorough Try our unsalted Butter, new Boats Built. Repaired and Housed study of the original story as well as TO SEE THE V - 80-To- n an of the methods em- cheese and Whipping Railways, Capacity A-7- 24 investigation . Agency for Leading Gas ployed in the stage version oonvinc-- Engines fit me.' he "that we would have FRESH WATER BASIN aa said, Guaranteed Satisfaction. Phone 30 Blue 499 S. Beach aja aja to effect certain important changes FINEST CELERY FARMS in construction of the screen WOMAN T the play. ONLY THE BEST ADVANCE AGENT . To this end we have tried to lighten V TO SPEAK AT ARCADE every or especially dramatic IfeZMS. Beach St. -- tragic IN THE WORLD Daytona 4 M of the story with little touches We Sell I I-- I 291 Green r r of humor. Also, the ending, which in the original was rather dramatic Prompt Delivery lnoz Hart, the pirl who is driving Good Automobile Roads From Everywhere GROCERIES from coast to oast and lu r and left an unpleasant impression of playing - t'U-i-trk- the whole has been chang- in all cities on the production, ' lalliojio ed and we have- made - way. will appear here at the Arcade completely PLUS--- theatre on two and Sat Sapho. who in the hook simply contin- days. Friday leav-- ! i.-i-nc ued her former mode of life after 0ONT ASK YOUR COOK unlaw advert the Ga anient pie meaning quality, service, proper r.hii-- " on ing the young Jean Gausin. instead tare. "The Triansle th lot Red treatment and first day and "The Lite f Charlie diiing this, turn Cross nurse for right prices. j t'u ' nil and vote the rest of lu r life to Chapl.n Saturday. ; Grill ward doing good anil making repara- Cattaneo's Miss Hart was advertising for the CLARENDON MEALS tion as far as pot-Mhl- H. CATTANEO, Prorietor. T ri.i nu 1 din for her early OTTO H. WEHNER tuiiiiuuv. t!irons;h the Mis Frederick has WHEN YOU rn p hi of t li t last dissipation. given Fl llMSII country year a char-- : and Groceries win-Sh- marvelous interpretation of this Staple Fancy and ciine i. Florida lor a short we SCRUB MATERIALS ttT is now her aeter and are that her thous- Special Table ALSO SERVICE The Store With the Red Front. slay, tui return and- of will tin! one of to the in i ;'n. admirers this 76 S. Beach St. Phone 148 Red the host, if not the host GET STANDARD GUOCKUlilri She 1 i i eiisin of the now famous unite picture d' Hote Dinner A LA CARTE tar 50c in which this famous has h.a t'Lti;' . who will he Tt Uielnheretl eer --WE SELL THAT IJI ALITY. i appeared."' SEA FOOD PLANKED STEAKS 0":. el the leading ladies ill "Zo!g-t- is ia s i: ! Feiiv.-."- " in Sapho"' the Paramount Future ;ii and later the at the I'rwtal theatre Fri.iaw Service Unexcelled BARGAIN laii..eaiit prigiini wita Fash leal. JOHN P ure - - - POLLITZ .J. .t. .r. u 52 South Beach street Daytona, Florida. in house and lot in Sea Miss Hart h.iS i't ivetl frtnt patt; .j. C7 Beach 41 - St. Phone Blue southeast corner Hali- s n t:lit- r new Phone 259 Black breeze, stent in a!i' oi hirgt THEDA BARA IS fax avenue and Earl street. (Dix- i t r in papers el ti tuii and Cau.tda . AFRAID OF MOUSE ie Highway); easy terms. as t :uc t!u oniv Lt.h a.lvanee agt-n- t a w GRAHAM THOMPSON, on ti It lor ork pro. hie .U .1. .u Holt A JOHN M. MESSING 296 South Beach ' Street, Daytona. ' of Cll; is a Miss f18H, SHK1MK Yacht Club ile rlie Cliaidin." Thoda Para, the popular star USTLHS opposite -t lour It e feature. iiitti has j',i.- li.i.i of the Fox photoplay s. is supposed to St Bay and W. Coast - Oysters a v IV i in Jackson- a hoidness- - a Wt SOLICIT YOUR PATRON- lit', esitll tin he girl of great vampire. viile. it with the lirst release a vixen, and many other things equal AGE - Mr. and Mrs. N. I.. Howe- and Miss of Chaplin and t litis with his alt si. ly unpleasant. She is often under- THE DAILY NEWS, 15G PER WEEK, DELIVERED Avenue - Cottage Natii.ilie Howe, a very attractive Today's- attraition at the Arcade stood as being hard hearted, cruel, sel- young holy of New York, are rt gister-e- d is Marguerita Fist her. in 'Miss Jackie fish, not afraid of anything a partner at tiie liidgcvvood to it Uiam until of the Navy." live reel story fuh of of Satan, as it were. tilt: t lose ot tiie scu.-o-u. inn and tin ills. A few days ago, while engaged in the prodtiition of "Tiie Darling of of Ath- After a delightful winter in Sea- - Paris." she discovered a mouse in her Mr. mi Mrs. Arthur Titus, hi at the Flint ess Issena. Mr. and room at the Fox at N. Y.. wiiti each winter at et;e dressing studios, ens, spend O H. of monu nt ev-- s a i. It it Havti.iia oti Mrs. Cunningham, Montciair, Fort The her got the Unigewi.od hou X. J.. we;. t to St ot t!.t m: rut r she streamed '1' lioin.' Augustine yester- gilllip to tor tio ir noiihein alter where will several at the of her voice. lor v day, they stop days top calling help. t winter here. Ht-ves- , ..n ti ry pica.saut in their way northward. Herbert who was in the ad- ATLANTIC COAST joining room, heard her tail ami went We print lews, while it is news. Mr. and Mrs. V. II. Whitteii and immediately to her rescue He thought Miss Je.-u-a Whitten. wtll known someone mieht he try inn to kill her. petipde of Grand Rapids. Mich . hut much to his astonishment he found drove up from Miami Tuesday and Miss Para standing on the highest LINE are at the Prince hotel t hair so overcome with fear that she TUT EATON'S guests George V while in Daytona.
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