--- „ ^ -------* — " ^ 'WWW* FINAL EXAMINATION SCHEDULE 8-11 A.M. 1 - 4 P.M. Monday, January 19 VIII II Tuesday, January 20 IX X Wednesday, January 21 XI VI Thursday, January 22 XII XIII Friday, January 23 XIV XV Saturday, January 24 XVI XVII WFW MAMPQMIPF Monday, January 26 XVIII IV INl W n AIYI i on I l\E Tuesday, January 27 XIX XX Wednesday, January 28 XXI XXII V O L . No. 42 Issue 14 Z413 Durham, N. H., January 8, 1953 PRICE — 7 CENTS Thursday, January 29 I III Friday, January 30 V VII Two New Dormitories, New Library, Salary Increases Await General Court’s Approval President Seeks Change Senate Proposes To Investigate Million-Dollar Request In Mill Tax Formula Lib Art Cut Rule Slated For Legislature A motion proposing the formation An increase in the mill tax formula from one and one-half to of a committee to investigate the new Two new dormitories, costing approximately $1,015,000, will be two mills per $1000 equalized valuation, which will amount to Liberal Arts College’s absentee rules built on the University of New Hampshire campus within the next $496,756, will be asked the New Hampshire legislature soon by the was carried at the Monday night meet­ two years, it was announced today by President Robert F. Chandler, University of New Hampshire, it was announced this week, by ing of Student Senate, held in Com­ Jr. President Robert F. Chandler, Jr. mons Organization Room. Another motion was also carried and The buildings, one for men and another for women students, The increase in state appropriations, it is essential that an increase is in­ five amendments printed in the Christ­ will be ready for occupancy by the fall of 1945, it was said, pro­ which will still keep the state’s aid to evitable. mas issue of the New Hampshire were vided the New Hampshire state legislature approves a bond issue the University under two million dollars passed. Included in the business of the The construction of the new library amounting to over a million dollars. annually, will be used primarily for the meeting were committee reports, and will be determined by passage of an addi­ ■“greatly needed” increase in faculty and appointments. However, University authorities tional appropriations bill calling for a staff salaries, and the construction of a Can Only Investigate thought there would be “ no trouble’’ in new library, which has been termed too bond issue of $1,260,000 along with the the passage of the bond issue because the full appropriation of $496,000. The new Regarding the proposition of the Prof. Deming Resigns small for the present enrollment of the absentee motion, Dean Everett B. new housing units will be operated on a University. library, to be situated behind the present self-liquidating basis and will be paid building, is expected to cost $1,040,000 Sackett explained that this committee The new library building will take an can merely investigate. Action can for through room rent charges and no while the remodeling of the present li­ To Accept Position state funds. additional bill by the legislature because brary will be done at a cost of $100,000 only take place by either directly ask­ a bond issue, amounting to $1,260,000, in order to make it available for class ing the University Senate to retract Six Dorms Since War must be passed. The actual cost of the room space for portions of the govern­ their ruling on cutting being up to the In Washington D. C. The construction of the new dormi­ building is expected to amount to ment, economics, and business adminis­ discretion of each college, or by deal­ tories, which will make six new housing $1,040,000, which <*wilh be the most ex­ tration, history, psychology, and sociol­ ing with the colleges themselves. units since World War II, will make pensive building on campus. ogy departments This new absentee ruling, he also unnecessary the use of Schofield Hall Of the $496,000 appropriation, $345,000 The retirement of the library bond will pointed out, is effective for predomin­ for women and East-West Halls for men. has been slated for faculty salaries in an cost approximately $88,000 per year with ately freshmen and sophomore classes. It was asserted by Raymond C. Ma- effort to bring the buying power of the $63,000 annually for the bond and $25,000 The number of absences will equal grath, treasurer of the University, that faculty and staff up to the 1940 stand­ annual interest. It will cost $120,000 to the number of credits. Excused ab­ low cost housing for men will not be eli­ ards. It has been stated by the Faculty install heat distribution lines to the new sences will be included in this count. minated with the construction of the new Welfare committee that because New library. Vague Petitions men’s dorms because the quadrangle, con­ Hampshire salaries are the fifth lowest George Batchelder, president of Stu­ sisting of Engelhardt, Hunter, and Gibbs In the general appropriations bill of any land grant institution in the nation dent Senate, revealed that plans for Halls, will be made into low cost hous­ $63,756 will be spent for the installation and the threat of the loss of maintenance the setting up of an Education Policy ing units by a reduction in rent. employees to the air base and navy yard, (continued on page 8) Committee are in the making. He also East-West To Stay expressed the view on the ineffective­ The ^present East-West Halls, which ness of vague student petitions which have been termed “ fire hazards,” will Dean Woodruff SubmitsResignation are not Student Senate sponsored. He not be razed, but rather will be made into based his argument upon the opinion apartments for married students because stated by several faculty members, three of the present veterans’ units will To Retain Economics Professorship who said that petitions through the have to be torn down to make room for Student Senate are more powerful. the new men’s dorm. The reason for this feeling is that Sprinkler systems in both East-West Student Senate is the unified voice of and Schofield Halls will be installed and the students. the latter will be remodeled to house Precinct Voting was praised in the graduate students on the first two floors; Elections Committee report presented and third floor will remain vacant. by Gordon E. Wiggin, chairman. Here The actual cost of the men’s dorm, to the chairman quoted the plan o f the accommodate 250 _ students, in connected new sytem of voting as being a “ fair buildings each with room for 125 men, and good plan.” It was recommended Prof. George Deming will cost an estimated $606,000, while that future elections be run on this the women’s dorm, which will help remedy same idea. Prof. George H. Deming, Executive the present lack of women’s housing (continued on page 8) __ Secretary of the Bureau of Govern­ units, will cost $334,000 and house 125 ment Research, has submitted his students. resignation, effective Feb. 1, to accept To Face Ravine a position with the Washington office In accordance with the policy of de­ of the American Municipal Associa­ Official Notices veloping the ravine in back of T-Hall, tion, according to an announcement All students are responsible for knowledge the library, Hood House, and the present of notices appearing here. from President Robert F. Chandler Notch, the new men’s dormitory will be Jr. on the south side of the ravine close to Drop and Add Cards for Semester Prof. Deming, who joined the’facul­ Gibbs Hall. Final plans and the bids for II will be accepted in Room 101, ty in 1948, has been actively working construction will be made after the legis­ Thompson Hall, through Jan. 9. None with governmental agencies af New lature has approved the bond issue, the will be accepted after Jan. 9 until Feb. Hampshire at state, county and local second such appropriation bill that the 2. levels. University is seeking this year. Students who dropped a Semester I He has been chairman of the Dur­ The women’s housing unit will be lo­ course which is a pre-requisite to a ham Planning Boardj a member of cated in the area behind Scott, Smith, Semester II course, should drop the the Governor’s Continuing Committee and Sawyer Halls in the place of the Semester II course. A student is res­ (continued on page 5) (Continued on page 8) ponsible for any course for which he is registered. If he does not intend to complete such a course, he must drop it officially or receive a failure in the Torchlight Parade, Ice Show, Jazzy course. A student who fails a Semester I course which is a pre-requisite to a Highlight of Winter Carnival Semester II course for which he is by Claire Nickerson Friday’s festivities will start off with registered, must drop the Semester II The return of a torchlight parade, ski events in the afternoon. As pre­ course. The Semester II course is not an amateur ice show, and a jazz con­ viously mentioned, the Carnival Ball automatically canceled. cert will be among the new features to will be held Friday night. Seniors and Graduate Students who highlight this year’s annual Winter Saturday afternoon will see more ski expect to complete their requirements Carnival to be held Feb. 12-15, it was events. Because jazz concerts have for a degree in June will please file announced this week by Ron Hill, been very successful here in the past, their Application for Graduation form chairman of the Outing Club com­ a concertjhas been incorporated in this in the Recorder’s office immediately mittee.
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