MAINE CENTRAL R INDEX ailroad Page Portland to Bangor (Lower Road) 1-2 Bangor to Portland (Lower Road).M. 3-4 Royal Junction to Waterville...,..... 5 Waterville to Royal Junction ) ; • t;.0 .n-,. Skowhegan Branch ..... Lewiston Branch ~.. Farmington Branch ... .;....... < ' ,;jr E Harmony Branch ..., 7 Rockland Branch Dover-Foxcroft Branch .......... v. f No. 2 Kineo Branch . .Vi."Civ-il-iK tih i«1 Rangeley Branch.. jwUui.cJ. .irsik|qus to. Canton Branch.....m*.ims.fhm'-dks-i OJW Portland to St. Johnsbury : 11 FOR EMPLOYES ONLY St. Johnsbury to Portland 4? Quebec Junction and Beecher Falls.. 13 EFFECTIVE AT . .•'-.!,} iJ»'-i . JO 12.01 A. M., MONDAY Bangor to Vanceboro i Vanceboro to Bangor ..-..».. 14 ci'.il iOia. Bangor to Calais 15 JUNE 26, 1933 Calais to Bangor 16 Bucksport-Mt. Desert Ferry 17 Eastport and Princeton Branches 17* SUPERSEDING General Special Instructions 18-19-20 TIME TABLE NO. 1 AND ALL Portland Division Special Instructions. 21-32 IOi gilO 1SUPPLEMENT S THERETO Eastern Division Special Instructions.32-36 J. W. SMITH, GENERAL MANAGER. S. E. MILLER. F. W. ROURKE, ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT. F. O. WOOD. T. M. MCLAUGHLIN, SUPERINTENDENT SUPERINTENDENT PORTLAND DIVISION EASTERN DIVISION To /I// Oncers and Employes Who Use This Time Table: ill jL. gg 1 You have this time table because you are directly interested in railroads and primarily interested in the safe and successful operation of the Maine Central Railroad. You know that the railroads are having a hard time. In this respect they do not differ materially from almost every other kind of business at the present time. The railroads, however, are facing a number of problems 'iii^^^ii^S^I^^^' their own. One of these problems is the unfair competition'^t^je In^riway _ , , , ooilSiiaX Isg&X of slirnsa*"*? motor truck. Hardly a day passes when we do not see the motor truck, becj^ise . of this unfair competition, either breaking down our rates or takmg^awj business. The seriousness of this situation cannot b* exagerated,. Approximately one-half the gross income of the railroad is paid for of officers and employes. Approximately 6% jpf the gross income js.] governmental agencies for taxes, and in addition large .sums of money are to industries and merchants for materials antH supplies, to bondholder interest on money invested in the property of tte railroad, and for insurance, hire of cars and facilities. These expenditures are Widely distributed and dir or indirectly affect the welfare of the people in ^ach community served lines of the railroad. • Your management is aware of the competitive conditions which face railroad but believes that with an alert and aggressive personnel it can^ much of the business which has been lost and hold its present business, however, can only be done with the earnest co-operation and assistance of officer and employe of the railroad. Take advantage of every opportunity presented to you and report all possibilities or suggestions for improvement in methods of handling b to the proper officer of the Company. D. C. DOUGLASS, Executive Vice President. '-.•4 1 PORTLAND DIVISION EASTWARD TRAINS—FIRST CLASS. 1 Mtos 71 21 •153 A53 155 701 203 5 707 1 721 213 503 fraa Mixed STATIONS. Wad. and Wad. and Wad. and Ex. Snn. B. A AT. PftfttMd Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun. Sat. Only SatOaly Sat. Only Sun. Only Dally Wad. & Sat. Sun. Only Ex. San. Sun. Only Ex. Sun. EX. Sam. A.M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A.M. A. M. %: M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. 0.00 Portland Yard 8 W 1.57 Portland Union Sta. W-N 12.15 3.00 4.40 5.05 6.00 6.05 6.10 6.10 6.20 11.00 2.41 Tower Fire N Woodford* 3.12 12.20 3.04 4.44 B 5.09 f 6.04 6.09 B 6.14 f 6.14 S 6.25 fll.05 4.19 Deering Junction X-W-N 12.23 3.07 4.47 B 5.12 6.07 6.1-2 B 6.18 f 6.18 f 6.29 fll.09 6.56 P. T. limit 12.26 3.10 4.50 5.15 6.10 6.15 6.21 6.21 6.32 11.12 7.92 West Falmouth 11.07 Cumberland Center W 12.33 3.16 4.56 f 5.22 B 6.16 6.21 { 6.28 f 6.28 S 6.39 fll.18 13.30 Royal Junction N 12.36 3.19 4.59 5.25 6.19 6.24 6.31 6.31 6.42 11.21 15.09 Yarmouth Junction N 5.01 S 6.30 S 6.50 20.64 Freeport N 5.08 S 6.40 s 7.00 25.32 Hillside 5.14 6.46.572 7.07.172 29.21 Brunswick X-W-N S 5.20 S 7.00 S 7.22 30.46 Topsnam X 33.05 Cathance 7.06 7.28 36.90 Bowdoinham D s 7.11 s 7.35 40.58 Harwards a g f 7.17 f 7.41 44.64 Richmond W-D 1 S 7.27 s 7.50 48.23 Dresden o •4 f 7.32 f 7.55 • 51.87 <B s 7.39 S 8.02 '> 56.10 LawrencGardinere Mills—G^nX-herN in 56.34 Cobbossee Crossover « S 7.49 s 8.11 • 67.84 Farminftdale CroMOrer 3 MUUkens Crossover 58 40 Hallowell X « S 7.58 s 8.20 662.40 384 Augusta X-W-N s 8.16'M s 8.31 66.33 Kennebec 8.22 8.38 70.09 Riverside 8.27 8.43 73.91 Yass&lhoro 8.32 S 8.49 80.21 Wlnslow X f 8.38.493 of 8.59.082 S 8.62 9.10 84.381.762 Watenrille X-W-jN 2.35 4.30 5.08 8.55 85.16 Fairfield X 2.40 f 4.45 5.13 - { 8.57 S 9.15 s 9.01 89.14 Parkers Crossover ! 90.11 ClintoCanaan n Road Crossover fi; 2.49 5.21 f 9.06 S 9.25 95.41 Burnham Jet. X-W-b 2.56 5.28 f 9.14 s 9.36 99.10 Half Way 3.01 5.33 9.20 9.42 102.48 Pittsfield X-N 3.06 5.38 S 9.27 S 9.47 106.71 Detroit f 9.33 f 9 53 t 109.49 Newport Junction X-W-D 3.15 5.47 s 9.41 slO.OO i 112.19 East flewport D 3.19 5.50 f 9.46 £10.05 v s Lewis a 117.87 Etna 3.27 5.57 f 9.54 fl0.13 i un 121.8119.729 Damascus 124.50 Camel 3.32 6.02 flO.Ol no.20 • > 126.22 HermoDabscoon Ponk Crossoved r jN 3.38 6.08 fl0.08 flO.27 129.96 Center—Hamon Center X-W 3.43 6.18 no. 13 fl0,32 131.29 Northern Maine Jet. X-N 3.45 6.15 10.15 c10.35 12.45™ 136.56 Bangor Frgt. Yd. X-W-N 3.53 6.23 ,10.23 10.43 .12.55 136.93 Bangor X-W-N 3.55 6.25 10.25 10.45 12.57 A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A. M. A. M. P.M. WESTWARD TRAINS ARE SUPERIOR TO EASTWARD TRAINS OF THE SAME GLASS, UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED. No. 71 is superior to No. 602. # No. 153 will not run on Wednesday, July 5. No. 153 is superior to Nos. 502 and 504. A No. 53 will not run on Wednesday, July 5. No. 1 is superior to Nos. 502 and 504. Trains using Portland Terminal Company tracks will be governed by Portland Terminal Company timetable and rules, and assume corresponding schedules of that timetable. Train schedules and all regulations shown in this timetable as applying within Portland Terminal Company limits are lor information only. • For references, see page 21. PORTLAND 2ZSSL EASTWARD TRAINS—FIRST CLASS. THIRD CLASS. Milts Patthii Sidings. from Capacity STATIONS. HrtUnd Cars. Rigby Yard W-N 0.00 Portland Yard 8 W 1.57 Portland Union Sta. W-N 2.41 ToiverFive N 3.12 Woodfords 4.19 Deering Junction X-W-N 6.56 E. 47 P. T. Limit 7.92 West Falmouth 11.07 Cumberland Center W 13.30 E.74 Royal Junction N 15.09 E. 35 Yarmouth Junction N 20.64 48 Freeport N 25.32 Hillside 29.21 61 Brunswick X-W-N 30.46 Topsham X 83.05 Cathance 36.90 110 Bowdoinham D 40.58 6503 Harwards 44.64 W. 113-21 Richmond W-D 48.23 W.73 Dresden 51.87 E- 86 Lawrence Mills—Garfmer 56.10 56.34 W. 39 Gardiner X-N 57.34 Cobbossee Crossover 59.40 Farmlngdale Crossover 60.34 MUMkens Crossover 62.48 Hallowell X 66.33 108 Augusta X-W-N 70.09 E. 51 Kennebec W. 19- Riverside 73.91 E. 107 Yassalboro 80.21 Winslow X 81.76 W.54 Waterrille X-W-N 84.32 Fairfield X 85.16 Parkers Crossover 89.14 Canaan Road Crossover B.58-E.59 Clinton 90.11 107-63 Burnham Jet. N 95.41 72 Halfway 99.10 W.56 Pittsfield X-W-D 102.48 Detroit 109.4106.791 W. 44 Newport JunctionX-W-X-ND 112.19 W.
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