E1078 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 16, 2015 Junior College, and marks the fifty-second na- RECOGNIZING GOTEMBA, JAPAN On August 1, 2015 the Brevard Small Busi- tional championship for TJC since athletics ON ITS 55TH ANNIVERSARY AS ness Assistance Council will achieve a great was first organized at the school back in the CHAMBERSBURG, PENNSYLVA- milestone in its life and celebrate its 30th An- 1940s. NIA’S SISTER CITY niversary. The TJC Apaches traveled to Kinston, North I urge my colleagues to join me in congratu- Carolina along with a host of devoted Apache HON. BILL SHUSTER lating BSBAC for their successful efforts over fans, where the doggedly tenacious team de- OF PENNSYLVANIA the past 30 years to support local business feated Joliet (Illinois) Junior College with a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES development, and salute their continued com- final score of 10–9. They never lost sight of Thursday, July 16, 2015 mitment to enhancing commercial and govern- their unified goal of capturing another national Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ment procurement opportunities for Brevard title for TJC. The TJC Apaches pushed on- recognize the city of Gotemba, Japan on the County and Florida’s small businesses. ward with unmitigated perseverance and de- occasion of its 55th year as Chambersburg, termination, despite a season wrought with Pennsylvania’s Sister City. f In 1958 the Gotemba City Assembly took weather related delays and cancellations. RECOGNIZING KEN ‘‘KENNY’’ STA- the first step in creating an exciting inter- A tremendously skilled coaching and admin- BLER OAKLAND RAIDER LEGEND national bond when it voted to establish a Sis- istrative staff helped lead the Apaches to an- ON HIS PASSING ter City relationship with Chambersburg, PA. other consecutive victory. Those individuals in- With a vibrant population of nearly 89,000 clude Head Baseball Coach Doug Wren people and a picturesque location near the (NJCAA Div. III Baseball Coach of the Year); base of Mt. Fuji, Gotemba has been an ex- HON. ERIC SWALWELL Assistant Coaches Chad Sherman, Taylor traordinary partner and gracious host. OF CALIFORNIA White, and Trent Buchhorn. Originally presented as an opportunity for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The exceptionally talented, resolute, relent- building friendships and exchanging ideas and less national championship team is comprised cultural interests, this arrangement has cre- Thursday, July 16, 2015 of Zane Ancell, Austin Ballew, Cody Brown ated long-lasting connections and spurred ex- (Tournament MVP), Landon Brune, Jace periences that any international city would be Mr. SWALWELL of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise with Congressman JIM COSTA of Cali- Campbell, Derek Clemons (Tournament Elite lucky to have. Long after the first personal contact by citi- fornia, and Congressman BRADLEY BYRNE of Hitter & All-Tournament Team), Aaron zens of Chambersburg visiting Gotemba oc- Alabama to recognize Oakland Raider legend Clemons (All-Tournament Team), Michael curred in April, 1960, our friendship remains Kenny Stabler on the occasion of his passing Crews, Manny Galvan, Jonathan Groff, Jacob strong. It is my honor to help welcome the away from colon cancer on July 9, 2015 at the Hickman, Chantz Holland, Tim Hunter, Jimmy Gotemba citizens and highlight their 2015 visit age of 69. Johnson, Garrett Johnston, Alex Masotto (All- to Chambersburg, as it is not only the first of After playing football at the University of Tournament Team), AJ Merkel, Chandler its kind in a decade but also marks the 55th Muckleroy, Brady O’Borski, Zane Otten, Jared Alabama, Stabler joined the Oakland Raiders year of our unique relationship. Additionally, I and was their quarterback during the fran- Pauley, Gunnar Quick, Reese Read, Taylor would like to recognize those who have built chise’s glory years from 1970–1979. Rich, Drew Robertson, Adan Ross, Reid Rus- and maintained the Sister City status, for they sell, Sam Sitton, Weston Smart, Travis Smith, have made this milestone and all of its posi- In his time as the Raiders’ starting quarter- Brady Usherwood, Jace Vines, and Brandon tive impacts on both of our communities pos- back, Stabler compiled a record of 69–26–1, Webb (All-Tournament Team). Of course, sible. was named to the Pro Bowl four times, earned every great team needs assistance to round Today I am proud to celebrate the 55 years NFL MVP honors in 1974, and won a Super out and hold them together as a team and Chambersburg and Gotemba have shared as Bowl in 1977. He was one of the most accu- keep them physically on the field playing, and Sister Cities and wish this international union rate passers in football and revolutionized the that help came in the very able assistance of endless success in the future. quarterback position with his mobility in an il- Training Staff Eddy McGuire, Jeff Derrick, f lustrious career that also included stops with Spenser Deeken, Lynsee Jistel, and Nathan the Houston Oilers (1980–1981) and New Or- RECOGNIZING THE 30TH ANNIVER- leans Saints (1982–1984). Tanaka; and Student Support Staff consisting SARY OF THE BREVARD SMALL of Chad Cunningham and Justin Doelitsch. BUSINESS ASSISTANCE COUNCIL More than any statistics or records, (which were impressive enough in their own right), Without question, there is a long legacy of Stabler was a clutch performer who was cool academic and athletic achievement at Tyler HON. BILL POSEY under pressure. Nicknamed ‘‘the Snake,’’ he Junior College, even as it continues to reach OF FLORIDA embodied the toughness, grit, yet fun-loving new levels of prestige under the meticulous IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES spirit that epitomized the Silver and Black dur- leadership of TJC President Dr. L. Michael Thursday, July 16, 2015 ing a storied era. Metke; Athletic Director Dr. Tim Drain; Assist- Mr. POSEY. Mr. Speaker, small businesses Stabler was at the helm for some of the ant Athletic Director Chuck Smith; Athletic De- are the backbone of our economy and have NFL’s most iconic moments including the ‘‘Sea partment Coordinator M. Angela Clemons; and historically created the bulk of new jobs in of Hands’’ completion to Clarence Davis to de- Provost and Vice President for Academic and America. Wherever and whenever efforts are feat the Miami Dolphins in the 1974 playoffs, Student Affairs Dr. Juan Mejia. undertaken to encourage small business de- the ‘‘Ghost to the Post’’ to Dave Casper lead- One must also recognize the unwavering velopment and entrepreneurship, we make our ing to a victory against the Baltimore Colts in support of the players’ families, Tyler Junior economy stronger and provide new opportuni- the 1977 playoffs, and the ‘‘Holy Roller’’ fum- College alumni, faculty, staff members, and ties to hard working Americans and their fami- ble he initiated to secure a victory over their the entire East Texas community. Without this lies. One such organization dedicated to this AFC West rival San Diego Chargers in 1978. cause is the Brevard Small Business Assist- remarkably loyal support system, the Apaches’ In fact, NFL Hall of Fame Coach and Com- ance Council (BSBAC). road to back-to-back national championships mentator John Madden said that if he could Founded in 1985, BSBAC is a not-for-profit would have been a much more difficult jour- only have one quarterback in all of NFL his- ney. organization dedicated to promoting the growth of small businesses in Brevard County, tory to lead a final game-winning drive, it It is with great pride that I join the constitu- Florida, by providing networking opportunities, would undoubtedly be Kenny Stabler. ents of the First District of Texas in congratu- learning and coordinating advocacy on issues Kenny’s Commitment to Excellence with lating the players and athletic staff of the 2015 that influence businesses in Brevard County. Pride and Poise was truly extraordinary. Along NJCAA Division III World Series National Some of its members include Brevard Coun- with Congressman COSTA and Congressman Champions, the TJC Apaches Baseball Team, ty’s local governments and chambers of com- BYRNE, I want to acknowledge him for his stel- whose legacy is now recorded in the CON- merce, banks, legal offices, the federal gov- lar career and pass along my condolences to GRESSIONAL RECORD that will endure as long ernment and many prime contractors for the his family, friends, and the Oakland Raiders as there is a United States of America. Air Force and NASA. franchise. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:16 Jul 17, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K16JY8.001 E16JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 16, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1079 RECOGNIZING NIKI KENNEDY’S Mr. Speaker, as the congregation gathers John Grossenbacher has given INL a legacy FULBRIGHT SCHOLAR ACHIEVE- for their 70th anniversary celebration, I am of leadership and world class capabilities. MENT pleased to honor and recognize St. John Mis- John still has lots of energy and a desire to sionary Baptist Church for its important role in serve his country; and I am confident we will HON. BILLY LONG enhancing Sacramento’s community. I ask my see him soon in some other significant capac- OF MISSOURI colleagues to join me in wishing them contin- ity after his tenure at INL comes to an end. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ued success and thanking them for their serv- Speaking for many, many others let me say, Thursday, July 16, 2015 ice to the Sacramento region. Admiral, thank you for a job well done. f f Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- ognize and congratulate Niki Kennedy on re- TRIBUTE TO ADMIRAL JOHN CONGRATULATING VALDESE ceiving a renowned Fulbright English Teaching GROSSENBACHER WEAVERS ON 100 YEARS Assistant Award for the 2014–2015 academic year.
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