Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Scrapbooks Collection Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Scrapbooks Collection FIREMEN PLAN BattalionJ$pi#ef Culligan Battalion Chief Joseph P. Culligan died a hero's death, from the effects of injuries CULLIGAN RITES sustained in the performance of duty.' These injuries, resulting from a three p.&CNOV* story fall at a fire on Nov. 3, proved more Ninety of the city's firemen will serious than at first supposed. Coupled form a detail for the funeral of with later complications they sapped his Battalion Chief Joseph P. Culligan strength. Friday. The sudden accident that was to cost t, * C. FEB 1 8 mo Appointed by Chief George N. the life of this valued and esteemed officer Fletcher, the group will attend emphasizes the risks that are the daily TbEnter services at Immaculate Conception experience of those who protect the public 10 a. m. one Ready Church at for of the from danger. Every alarm of fire is a call to wear -Business- most popular chiefs ever to danger, just as every detail' of duty is a uniform in the city fire depart a potential risk to the policeman. Chief ment. died morn Culligan Monday Culligan had been a fireman for 28 years, Not m to b uain e * executive*! ing in Genesee Hospital following rising by merit from one post to another. This it one of a aerie* of article* suffered at a fire Nov. 2. injuries At 53 he was able to look back a to with thm upon detigned acquaint you Brief services will be conducted career of faithful service, upon a long qualification* of Democrat and at the home of his brother, Charles record of challenging that Chronicle carriers who have dangers always J. Culligan, 98 Melrose Street, prior found him ready and unafraid. reached the age when they de- to church services. Chief Fletcher His death is a loss to the department to enter wider field* of bu*i- aire also appointed a special committee. and a cause of sorrow to the city that he nest. The** carrier* , have been to attend the services, including served. Words are a poor reward for through a long period of train' Battalion Chief Edward G. Selke, supreme devotion to duty; yet those who ing and experience in thi* newt* Capt. Raymond Schleyer, Lieut. COURT serve under the consciousness of a public carrier CRANE Harry Kirke and Fireman Charles paper'* organization. trust little more 19 YEARS OF AGE Hall. Bearers will be: Chief Fletch expect than that. Chief er, Battalion Chiefs Selke, John Culligan has joined the army of those Slattery and Frank Gallagher, Hall whose names are inscribed EducationCourt on Rochester's Crane has a high and Edwin Yockel. wall of memorythose who were faithful school education. He majored in Burial will be in Holy Sepulcher j lunto death. | commercial subjects and graduated | with an average rating. He has al so studied music and is a church I soloist. Court is a Ph *LP. Cm ; Special Capabilities big Joseph Chief lad and can stand plenty of physic On Culligan Ndv.'S; in a ally hard work. He is athletic and wlh^e^lgJfd' fighting fire, Battalion Chief Culligan fell three goes in for skating, baseball, ten stories. His with injuries, ensuing RteFridaV- nis and cross-country running. He compli '. ;- up V cations, have now led to his death. Filial tribute to their well-loved j: is somewhat of a draftsman and It was chief, P. will be the death of a man Joseph Culligan, would like clerical work or some- brave in the ]{ line of paid by Rochester firemen at duty, engaged in service on I thing to do with time keeping in a behalf funeral services Friday morning. cf the community. I factory office. He is open minded Chief George N. Fletcher has ap pointed a detail of 90 firemen to land easy to get with. Court Probably every fireman who has been along attend services at Con in active Immaculate a is clean-cut American born, service for a of a lad, period years has ception Church at 10 o'clock, which as a had narrow has J and has an excellent record escapes, perhaps been in will be preceded by a brief service It jj carrier salesman of the Democrat jured. is perilous work thus to battle at the home of Battalion Chief Cul- with ligan's brother, Charles J. Culligan, and Chronicle, serving readers of smoke and flames, often under 98 Melrose. A special committee for four years. weather conditions which this paper nearly greatly increase composed of Battalion Chief Ed the hazard. Court wants a job, any Job that is ward G. Selke, Capt. Raymond Lieut. Kirke and respectable. Chief Culligan was an Schleyer, Harry experienced, Fireman Charles Hall also will at capable man. He had been a member of tend the services. would like further ln the Fire If you Department for 28 years, rising Bearers will be Chief Feltcher, merit formation regarding Court Cranm by to the responsible pqst he occupied I Battalion Chiefs Selke, John Slat to when the tery and Frank Gallagher, Hall or an interview with retpect accident occurred which cost him and and Edwin Yockel. Burial will call the circulation his life. employment, be in Holy Sepulcher Cemetery. Democrat and Chron- His death is a manager, loss to the department -j Main 7400, a cause of icle, deep regret to the men who worked with him and appreciated his character and capacity, and to the city hich received his devoted - Lines Form Centralin Hospital Library of Rochesterto andbee MonroeLhier County · Historic Scrapbooks Collection i D. frrNe4 !937T order even for him. So the little glass-in porch FORMER JUDGE Jo* Culligan'* conversation crushed. A large at the rear of the northwest wing ( of a fireeater. leaveg off where the plaster has become an waiting Joe was one of eight firemen in Impromptu | casta One peris begin. three-two alarm fire room for the friends of Joe. I jured in the j ' Room 417 is the rule. GETS In room JOB From his bod which added to the furor of elec at a time in the $6,000 Northwest. Oeneeee Hospital, Bat tion. Hurt mostly seriously, he has Joe has had other falls than the hos as far talion Chief Joeeph* wishes to in only one comrade left in that of Nov. 2, falls almost who is re- fell two form the world he's "okey from pital, James Garland, as the three stories he AS ENFORCER; fractures t he the knees up" artd recovering ng from lib weeks ago today, but always refers to rapidly from Election Night's bad Highland. bad escaped Injury- He 29 luck when he plunged three si ilgan's visit to Genesee Hos them now as "bumps." In years ti&c. he -.unci white fighting an pital was his first as a guest of in the Fire Department, figures, j Bechtold Attends are to catch with $*.*>.noo fue In two industrial plants any medical institution and he averages apt up were a little in Anderson Ave. has laid a neat bundle of problems a man, and they long authori in ham. Joint Committee Bfl leaves unsaid details bidden in the lap of the Genesee overtaking" is welcomed cheer be casts. But the hospital is ties. Everybody concerned fully the chiefeverybody but Kind to apeak for Joe, a courageous These problems are by Gathering with the and chrrrful patient from the be with visitors. The chief photographers. friends "Gee," he ruminated. "I'd sooner Appointment of a state director ginning. Both legs are fractured. genial smile has too many all to visit off the ladder ginj" ^ and a meeting of state legislators to an ankle Is shattered and * heel wants them ponder possible amendments last night focused attention on the new financial responsibility act for t ireini motorists that takes effect Jan. 1. V 26 1937 Sudden Fatal Former City Court Judge Bern Relapse ard A. Culloton of Kingston, a JMWP Democrat, was named to the $6,003 To Injured Chief Culligan a year job of director of the bureau n 1937 enforcing the new law, Tax Com Tfcff-WMWV missioned Mark A. Graves, an Chief Rites Apparently recovering from leg nounced. His appointment is the forerunner to fractures suffered in a three-story other designations le talwart colleagues who throughout the state expected to be with him fall while an election night had faced death many fighting made within two months. Monroe with bowed heads. P. Cul gathered fire. Battalion Chief Joeeph County is from two ' anticipating Joseph P. Culllgsn ligan took a sudden turn for the to four jobs. ire Department worse, and died in Genesee Hospi As the state administration was was home to ht final resting place the new sepulcher Cemetery this tal today. setting up bureau, a joint* of which Death struck the 53-year-old vet legislative committee, Bute Senator Karl K. Bechtold of eran of numerous battles with Rochester is met in veteran vicechairman, 10:50 a. m. flames at Alexandria Bay to discuss amend be on Culligan. 9* Chief Culligan seemed to ments. The main feature of *.ne maculate Con- the road to recovery yesterday. bill, providing a motorist involved to Unexpected complications set in In an accident causing $25 or more day and his death followed. or death, to damage, personal injury Injuries issued a oner David Atwater must post security to cover any due to com ulltgan died Monday In certificate of death judgment resulting from the acci in "it ir * ! suf i mttal of plications following injuries dent, will be unchanged, It was in the $85,000 firs which de fered said.
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