Jewish News PHOENIX,ARIZONA Second class Every other Friday except VOL. XVII.No. 7 postage paid at monthly, July, August. December 27, 1963 Phoenix, Ariz. $3.50 per year BY ALPERT IN EARLY JANUARY UJWF Business-Professional Co-Chairmen Are Announced Israel Is Preparing For Visit of Pope JERUSALEM (JTA) this Israel’s Ministerial ate process of decision cussion and dialogue among Commit- and action to rectify ancient American Jews. The tee is making arrangements ferment wrongs. of re-examination is as healthy for the forthcoming visit by “At the same for Jews as Pope time, I myself for Catholics. Paul VI and setting in have been disheartened to “A plane will speed the Pope motion the detailed plans learn that my own recent state- in hours to the Holy Land. for the proper reception of ments on the significance of But, as he himself well knows, the Pontiff. Jesus as a prophet in the main- bold ideas for a new human A special subcommittee stream of the Jewish tradition accord, which must run the is expected to be set up by have caused some of my co- full gamut of fixed historical the religionists to rush to the con- attitudes, travel more slowly Ministerial Committee clusion that I was to facilitate news speaking to the human conscience. I coverage officially for Reform pray that, the whole- to coverage Judaism. through facilitate news of Needless to say, I was Pope’s and hearted efforts of all men of the visit. Already, am now speaking my- dozens for good will, mankind will speed- of newsmen from all self alone. I grateful over am that ily reduce the lag between our the world have made my statements on hotel this sub- scientific and spiritual prog- i reservations here. Among ject have provoked serious dis- ress.” Al them is a 10-man crew from LEWKOWITZ KAPLAN the television division of the National Broadcasting Com- ROSENZWEIG CHAIRMAN Harold H. Alpert, general Lewkowitz is general man- pany. chairman of the 1964 United ager of Korrick’s—Chris-Town, Pope Paul is expecting to Scottsdale Will Host AJC Jewish Welfare Fund cam- and currently president of the spend about 12 hours in Israel, paign, announces the ap- Chris-Town Chamber of Com- probably on Sunday, January pointment of the co-chair- merce. He serves on the board 5. Western Regional Conference of directors of the Campfire men for the largest major Statement by Rabbi Maurice Wayland The western Regional New York, chairman of the solicitation Girls, the Jane Home N. Eisendrath, president of unit in the cam- and the Conference of the Ameri- AJC National Executive paign. These appointees are Northwest YMCA. the Union of American He- Last year, he was vice-chair- can Jewish Board; David Danzig, asso- Jarril F. Kaplan and Jerry brew Congregations, on the Committee will director, AJC; and A. man of the mercantile sub-divi- ciate Lewkowitz. forthcoming visit to the Holy be held at the Safari Hotel, Murray, sion of the Business and Pro- Harold director of The Business and Land by Pope Paul: Scottsdale, January 16-19, the AJC Community Affairs Profession- fessional division. it al division involves 22 business V “Speaking for myself, I re- was announced by New- A program highlight will be and professional sub-divisions, joice that Pope Paul will per- ton Rosenzweig, chairman the panel discussion Saturday, covering approximately 2,000 The time table for the sonally visit the Holy Land, of the Regional Conference January 18, on “The Crisis in men prospects throughout the Business and Professional the cradle of the great religions Planning Committee. Race Relations” with Charles community. This large cam- division has been set by the of the world. The Pope will not The theme of the confer- Harlins, executive director of paign unit was established last co-chairmen. They are cur- only see the historic shrines ence is the American Jewish the Urban League; Grace Gil- year for the first time, involved rently lining up major sub- and holy places sacred to Ijis Committee A Movement Olivarez, careers for youth; over 250 volunteer workers and division heads. During Janu- religion and to others; he will in Jewish Life and will Charles Hoover, vice-president, raised a total of $65,924. In- ary, all business and profes- also see at first hand the mir- feature Morris B. Abram of National Conference of Chris- cluded were 350 new contribu- sional team workers will be aculous resurrection of the tians and Jews; and William tors. recruited, and the solicita- Land of the People and the Reilley, chairman, Phoenix Kaplan, a prominent at- tion program will be carried People of the Book in modern Commission on Human Rela- torney, holds a number of out during the month of Feb- Israel. tions. Jarril Kaplan, chairman important leadership posi- ruary. Announcements of Thus, the avenues of in- of Phoenix Unit of AJC will tions in the Jewish and gen- sub - division appointments terfaith understanding are be chairman of the session. eral community. He is presi- and special dates of meetings broadened. This is hearten- The Phoenix Unit Execu- dent of the local chapter of will be announced in the ing in view of the difficul- tive Board members are: the American Jewish Com- near future. ties which are so frequently David Bush, Herbert Finn, mittee, president of’the Jew- The United Jewish Welfare placed in the way of inter- Milton Gan, Mrs. M. B. Gold- ish Family and Children's Fund is the annual campaign religious concord. It is one man Jr., Jonathan Marshall, Service, and is a member of which is conducted among the thing for the more enlight- Melvin Myland, Rabbi Al- the Phoenix Human Rela- Jewish residents of Maricopa ened Catholic fathers to bert Plotkin, Allen L. Rosen- tions Commission. Last year, County on behalf of 65 nation- plead for removal of the age- berg, Harold Schnurer. Kaplan was a vice-chairman al, local and overseas benefi- old imputation of deicide H. George Shefler and Har- in the Business and Profes- ciaries, including the United against Jews. It is another for old Toback. unit, sional heading the pro- Jewish Appeal. the Ecumenical Council to Founded in 1906, the Ameri- fessional sub-division. formalize this enlightened can Jewish Committee is the view. It is to be hoped that pioneer human relations agen- the Pope's visit will acceler- cy in this country, combating Johnson Asks Feldman To Stay bigotry, protecting the civil and religious rights of Jews On In White House Position Expansion Os Schools here and abroad, and advanc- Encouraged By Shah ing the cause for human rights WASHINGTON (JTA) tional committee during the ROSENZWEIG for all. President Lyndon B. Johnson 1960 presidential election cam- NEW YORK The Emper- has asked Myer Feldman, paign. Designated as Deputy or of Iran has assured one of Rabbi Pressman Will Be Principal Dedication White House deputy special Special Counsel to the Presi- the world leaders of the Alli- counsel, to continue serving in dent, Feldman works personal- ance Israelite Universelle that Speaker; Mayor Graham To Represent City the same capacity and also to ly with the President and is he wants to encourage expan- advise him responsible on Jewish and Is- for vital communi- sion of the organization’s work Rabbi Jacob Pressman, Beth rector Zach Merr;n. Others raeli matters as cations with Congress and Feldman did Fed- on behalf of the Iranian Jew- Synagogue Beverly on the program will be mem- for President John F. Kennedy. eral agencies. Am in ish community, it was an- Hills, California, will be the bers of the Jewish War Vet- In addition to these duties, nounced here by the American erans, the youth choir, a Feldman has accepted Pre- main speaker at the dedication President Kennedy, directed Friends of the Alliance. of the religious school building prominent Catholic priest sident Johnson's invitation. to and outstanding He him maintain liaison be- A cable received here re- of Beth El Eynagogue, 1137 W. an protes- will continue serving as tween the White House and the tanl minister. the senior official of Jewish ported that the Shah of Iran Myrtle, on Sunday, January American Jewish community. faith on the White House this week-end received Admir- 26, at 1:30 p.m. Mayor Milton Details of the program will staff. It was learned that al Louis Kahn, of Paris, deputy Graham of Phoenix will repre- be announced shortly by a president Jerry President Johnson made Is Elected of the alliance. Show- sent the city in the program. committee headed by known that he would Finn ing himself as being well in- Smith. follow The school the practice of President Herbert Finn, 6539 N. 13th formed of the work of the al- building, first of The new building, especially proposed Beth Kennedy in placing reliance St., was elected recently to the liance schools in Iran where the El com- planned for education, will 6,000 in on Feldman as his National Board of Directors of Jewish students are now plex the growing northern eventually be one of a group personal area of Phoenix, consultant on Jewish issues. the Sports for Israel Commit- enrolled, the Shah told Admir- will be of structures planned for the tee, which is traditional spon- al Kahn that he is interested dedicated during a program West Myrtle location. Other Feldman came to the White sor of United States participa- in the welfare of the Iranian that will feature Rabbi Press- buildings will include a 1,500 House with President Kennedy tion in the World Maccabiah Jews, who have enjoyed peace- man.
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