MISSIONARY ADVOCATE. HIS DOMINION SHALL BE FROM SEA EVEN- TO SEA, AITD FROM THE BIVEB, EVEN TO THE ENDS OF THE EAETK VOLUME XVIII. NEW YORK, JULY, 1862. NUMBER 4. DEATH OF DR. BANG-S. In 1819 we had no missions to those o f a sionary friends will see in the goodly company foreign tongue, but now our general summary his beloved Merwin, and Fisk, and Cookman, “ My father, my father, the chariot o f Israel and the horsemen thereof." shows : and Olin, those great missionary advocates; This will be the exclamation o f thousands F o r e ig n M is s io n s in 18G1. and there, too, William Case, Peter Jones, and o f the friends o f missions in our Church as the Missionaries. Members. James B. Finley ; and Cox, and Ann Wilkins, A frica .............. ........... 20 1,473 news shall reach them that the venerable Dr. o f Africa; Lee, o f Oregon; and. Collins, o f South America... ...... 1 9 4 Nathan Bangs has been called home by the China, with others, their fellow-laborers, who China..................... ......... 6 68 loved him. The fruit o f those missions, too, Lord God o f Elijah. Germany............... ........... 19 2,181 From the time he entered the ministry o f India..................... ........... 17 93 is before the great white throne : our aborig­ the Methodist Episcopal Church, in 1802, “ he Bulgaria............... ines, those o f Ethiopia who stretched out their was clad with zeal as a cloak.” Our melan­ Scandinavia........ ........... G 67 4 hands unto God, and from China the first- choly province this day is to make a record of T ota l.......... ...... 72 4 ,5 8 3 fruits have gone. his relation to the Missionary Society, as the D o m e s t ic M iss io n s to F o r e ig n P o p u l a t io n s . Before the great Three One author o f the constitution under which it was German................. ____ 257 24 ,2 8 0 They all exulting stand, organized, on the 5th of April, 1819, in the Indian................... .... 14 1,463 And tell the wonders He hath done old Forsyth-street (formerly Second-street) Scandinavian......... ____ 31 1,975 Through all their land. French................... 0 50 Church, as the author o f the first address and The F u n e r a l O b s e q u ie s .— The Board o f W elsh .............. 12 690 circular which it issued to the Church, and as Managers o f the Missionary Society assem­ Total............... __ 31 6 28 ,4 5 8 its steadfast friend and laborer until called to bled at the house o f L. Bangs, Esq., (the esti­ enter his Master’s joy. O f the officers who were elected with him mable son with whom he had resided for many A t the time of its organization he was elect­ but three survive him, namely. Rev. Joshua years.) and from thence followed his remains ed the third vice-president, Bishops George Soule, Francis Hall, and Daniel Ayres ; and to the church and to their last resting-place. and Roberts being the first and second. In but three of the first Board o f Managers, The family and friends had selected as pall­ the course of a year or two he succeeded namely, Samuel B. Harper, James B. Oakley, bearers Rev. Dr. Spring, o f the Presbyterian Joshua Soule as the treasurer o f the society. and William B. Skidmore. He commenced Church; Rev. Dr. De Witt, of the Reformed In April, 1836, he was elected the fourth vice- his course as a missionary himself to Canada, Dutch Church; Rev. Dr. Tyng, of the Prot­ president and corresponding secretary; in ' and was sent to Bay Quinte and Home Mission estant Episcopal Church; Rev. Mr. Rainke, o f 1838 the resident corresponding secretary. In ; District, where there were but 1,500 members the Moravian Church; and the following cler­ 1840 he was one o f three corresponding secre­ and nine ministers besides himself in that gymen o f our own, namely : Dr. L. Clark and taries, Rev. Dr. Capers and Rev. E. R. Ames country, all of whom preceded him in the pas­ Rev. E. E. Griswold, of New York East Con­ being associated wúth him, one for the South, sage over Jordan. Now the Canada Wesley - ference ; Drs. Richardson and Holdich, o f the the other for the West. ans alone number 53,564 members and 476 New Y ork ; Drs. Cooke and Kenney, of the In 1841, removing temporarily from the ministers, and there are also 18,250 members Philadelphia ; Dr. Cummings, of the New En­ city, his active connection was suspended. Up and ministers o f the Methodist Episcopal gland ; and Dr. Porter, o f the New Jersey. to this time it is probable he had written every Church in Canada. The total number of mem­ The services at the church were attended by one of the annual reports. In 1843 we find bers in the Methodist Episcopal Church in an overcrowded audience, and were conducted him again taking an active part in the doings America when he entered the ministry was by Bishop Janes, assisted by Drs. Osbon, Abel of the society, which he continued to do down 72,874, and o f ministers 35S. The total num­ Stevens, and Carlton. They were most sol­ to the monthly meeting in February last. It ber o f members at his death is, including the emn and affecting. is supposed that he never missed a meeting, probationers, (without any reference to those The presence o f life-long associates, such as when in the city, from the very first, except Churches which have gone out from us,) Rev. Laban Clark, D. D., who was associated on account o f sickness. Everythin"' with 988,523, and o f ministers, effective and super­ with him in preparing the Constitution o f our him gave place to the missionary meeting, annuated, 6,934. “ What hath God wrought!” Missionary Society; o f Messrs. Francis Hall, being, with his early associate, Rev. Joshua This prince and great man in our Israel not Daniel Ayres, J. B. Oakley, and William B. Soule, o f opinion “ that the time would come only started with our society, being one o f its Skidmore, officers or members o f the Board when every man who assisted in the organiza­ principal founders, but has ever been our mis­ from its organization, with a great number o f tion o f the society, aud persevered in his un­ sionary standard-bearer. No mission has been aged brethren and sisters of this and adjacent dertaking, would consider it one of the most started but has either been originated by him cities and villages, with their pastors, some of honorable periods o f his life.” or had his hearty approval and zealous sup­ them coming from a great distance, served to The receipts o f the treasurer for the first port. No man could more properly, though heighten the interest o f the occasion. There year were $823 04; the amount for the year no one would be less likely to say it o f him­ was nothing in all the scene that more tenderly 1861 was $250,374 9 3 ; the total amount o f self, “ The zeal o f thy house hath eaten me up.” affected us than to see an, aged widow urging receipts from the beginning to the day o f his But he has passed away to the society o f those her way through every hinderance, and deliber­ death was $4,569,094 95. he loved, and O what a host o f them! Mis­ ately take her seat at the head o f the coffin; No. 208. 26 MISSIONARY ADVOCATE. and turning our eyes toward the foot, we no­ to Africa as a missionary among the people greater number than I can take care of. In the ticed there a man o f silvered hair, an old from whom he had descended, and to preach to beginning several o f them ran away; but those friend and admirer o f the doctor and true them the Gospel o f Christ. He indicates in now with me, falling in love with some ap­ friend o f the Saviour. Love had drawn them the letter below how, and under what circum­ proaches to civilization, are getting not only there, aud we were touched with the thought stances, he has executed his high commission. to love their books, but to love the story o f that no parties to the obsequies were more The letter is addressed to the Corresponding the cross, and to love Him who suffered upon truly in sympathy with them than they. Secretary, and is written at Monrovia. 1862. it.” She says that three have lately expe­ The removal of the remains from the church He says: rienced a change o f heart, and others are peni­ was much delayed, on account o f the disposi­ It is now about ten years, wanting a very tently seeking an interest in the Saviour’s tion o f such numbers to linger over the re­ few days, since I landed on this part of the coast, blood. mains of one whom they had known and so distant from my native land; and although I M o n r o v ia A c a d e m y , L i b e r i a .— Our acade­ am persuaded that there has never been a fam­ revered from their youth to mature and even ily that has suffered more than mine and yet my in Monrovia is a very important and interest­ to old age.
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