ThursdayI j Night I™ r- m ’ FieldhousePerformance For Library Benefit I ^ _ j • . ^ a_ fwh B<>twee^3,0«(^a„dj.^^^^ oord^nt'“ ’“^'^T nelT tre'-C A C information deek. General admission tickets a n WU ^11 available at the CAC and at ers Hollatough s, according to spokes­ men. Tickets cost $2. To, Stage The Trio is composed 0# David Guard, recognized leader of the grro^; Bob Shane, and Nick Roy- 2S " o Honolulu, AT LAROE—Hie "Kinirston Trio" wfll inrinrf-. i *1. • ‘My Fancy’ and Shane in Hilo, Hawaii. Rev- ly r^aeed album ■‘Kingaton Trio At Urge^*%!i!« hk "’"T* **■' from their recent Goodbye, My Fancy," a three- Thuraday in the Fieldhouse. ^ lAbrary Benefit Concert will be held at 8:15^ m . ^ comedy, will be presented Gailf. The three were drawn to- March 10, 11, and 12. Taking the p th e r because of a common in- leading parts in the comedy with wrest in the music of Hawaii, a cast of 21, are Felix Peters Tahiti, Mexico, Spain, America, Karen Pyles, Pam Postier. Jon and the Calu Calypso rhythms of Blul^ugh. Gary Bender, and Su- the West Indies. san Taylor, They were discovered by a San FVancisco publicist, and rose to Ctthers in the oast are Jo Holm- fame with their first record, "Tom o-------------------- ffic ia l stu d en t pub licati------------^ R«el, Linda Summers. D^ley.” They skyrocketed from Vol. LXIV—No. 33 University o f W ichita WIMriVT^ir------------------------------ ------------------ Hollow. Mike Kucharo, the campus scene in 1968 to one -------------------------- ^ Wichita, Kansas February 23, 1960 H»*ter8on, Judy Everett, Jean of the top recording groups today. ------------------- -------------- Annetr -VStevens, , --- ’ Susan Ai^iiKcinian.Engelman. Among their other hits are “Ti­ ^ y e Peters, Pat Hennessey, John juana Jail” and “MTA." j^ce, Merril Grohanan, and Patti TTie trio and their manager, Packard to Speak Editors, Staff WooUey. Asefatant student direc­ Frank Werber, thought the name tor IS speech major Steve Gibson. Kingston Tno to be appropriate Of Lit Mag The play, under the direction of bwause it suggested both the I Eh*. Eugene Hoak with set de- Galypso trend and the ivy league In Commons Tonisht campuses. 8»gTi8 by Prof. David Fleming, is A social c.riHp nf tt Plan Coffee a modem comedy with a college Although the Kingston Trio is known primarily as a vocal group ^itors and stajf mentbere of setting. It is the story of a liberal Mikrokosmos. campus literary Congresswoman who returns to e^h member is also a skilled musi­ ^ g az in e, will sponsor a coffee her old school to be awarded an cian on various instruments They B o a ; ^ \ r 8 '? ? r p . r ! ' n « r r s from 2 to 5 p.m., Friday, in Rm. honorary degree. ^company their songs with Mr. Packard, who has caused • . 210 of the CAC. ^ngs and rhythm of guitars, quite a controversy in the fields received his master’s de- Since her wartime experiences (Continued on Page 4) banjos, bongos, and conga drums of advertising and sociology will Columbia Graduate Anyone interested in the maga­ to achieve a distinctive style. discuss material from his book '. ?^ Journalism. Before he zine IS invited to attend, according "The Status 8eekerc!^^ IHi^ li a mr n u o si t he^ S r to Jerry George, managing editor recent findings in the sociallocial <«ri.sci­ i ’® fPef't4 ----- five ^years j ^ ns n E.specially invited ore those who ences set forth in his last book, (Continued on Page 2) submitted work to the magazine AFROTC to Select Coed show a trend towaixl a more rigid Inst semester, or who may |>e in­ class system dispelling the myth terested in contributing or work­ of the classless American society ing on the staff of the second Queen of Military Ball PAC to Hear semester issue, to be published in Has Traveled Widely S a TTIA /*/vo/4 *^411 ____ May. George said. Some coed will soon 1have .1the Ball Queen. The “Status Seekers," which ap­ honor of serving as hostess of the pears to have provided a topic Robert Love The staff will be available to annual Military Ball. She will be “It is felt that this newly for discussion for some time to discuss any aspect of the publica­ Mr, Robert Love, director of queen of the event. To be eligible adopted policy will not only afford «me. was written after the author tion. according to George. In ad­ for the contest, a coed must have the cadet a chance to nominate traveled in IB states and eight Kansans for the Right-to-Work, will speak to the Political Activi­ dition, work submitted for the past a aOO overall grade average, the girl of his choice, but will oreign countries to bring together issue will be returned. Contributors ties Club at 7:30 p.m„ Thursday, carry at least nine semester hours, ^so offer more women the chance findings of more than 160 sociolo- not obtaining their work at the and must submit an 8 by 10 glossy od serving as the Queen of the Rists. in the PAC room on the third floor co(ffee will have to see the editore Military Ball,” said Henderson. n the Math-Physics Building. or colored photograph no later “The Hidden Persuaders," a dis­ personally in order to have it re­ than March 11. turned to them. Besides the cadet corps, the cam- cission of techniques employed by According to Jerry feole, presi­ Photographs must be submitted pus sororities, Gnace Wilkie Hall * ertising apecielists to encourg^ dent of PAiC, Mr. Love is also n The Mikrokosmos staff was to Don Henderson, cadet group and the Angel Flight are also to buy, was published director of the National A-ssocin- plea.seii with the success of the last commander of the AFROTC. making nominations. •n 1^7. Soon after Its release, it tion of Manufacturers, past direc­ is.Mie, stated the managing editor. Cadets to Nominate To Choose & Finalists c lim ^ to the number one spot tor of tile Kansas State Chamber AM 400 issues of the magazine This year the cadets of the Air on the nation’s best seller lists and of Commerce, a director of the The list of nominees will be nar- weie sold, and 100 more copies Force ROTC have been offered ro v ^ down to 20 by the cadet ® r was translated into nine lan- Wichita Chamber of Commerce, were printed than during the pre­ something unique in relation to and of the Union National Bank storf and the coeds will be present­ Nearly one million copies vious year. the queen contest. ed to the cadet group on Thursday, are now in print. The discussion is open to any For the first time, any cadet March 17. A native of Pennsylvania, Mr. George said an increased number interested persons, Cole said. (Continued on Page 2) can nominate any coed of his choosing for the 1960 Military Elections will be held on the _____(Continued on Page 4) Press Queen Deadline Nears; Hopefuls Have Only 8 Days OnO nlvJy eightAlO^VlF days remain to submit applications___________ forf». zthe i. Teas Queen contest. A University coed will be named “The We’d Most Like to Go to Press With.” The deadline is 4 p.m., March 1. to ap- be filled out and returned with an ' mu ®oo” possible," 8 i)y 10-inrh photograph to the ttid Betty Klricendall, editor. “Sev- Sunflower office, Rm. 004. Com­ I -I . ^ofcrlty members have com- mons Building, before the deadline. P’®te,| applications. To Hold Tea From photos and applications, Welcome Unaffiliates the Sunflower staff will select ^ ^ 0 would also like to have un- eight finalists, to be announced j- enter the contest. Coeds in the Friday, March II, issue. be »Pon.ored by any I o^nizatlon." - • »>I1On iniiiy-iiMarch 1.<,15, tia IVHtea will ncbo Iiciuheld •ddefl. Miss Kirkendnll finalists for the purpose t ^ .1 . 2 .1 ■ - ^ 11 ■ M y^jl , inof individually......u.jj .interviewing...............................-------------- the 1 ior w Junior, and sen- , oods, Final judging for the queen •Usable. Candidates will be announced March 22, in L-p ® 2.6 grade point aver- the Sunflower. Her picture will I • 12 semestersemester hours.hours. winner will be entered os at are still available the Universify’s• . ?. » candidate„ j : A _ in ithe U.. PROPOSED LIBRARY—Proceeds from the "Kings (on Trio" — * l iInfg n w ® Sunflower office, the CAC Drake RelaysFtolays Queen(Jueen Contest and «n«tniction of the proposed library. nbrarV^d!!ianI!l t .' ” *** sorority houses, will rweive siiecial recognition in coat $\,s million dollars. The proposed site for the construction T*v**? ^ Grace Wilkie Hall. They should the Pninnssus and Sunflower. Hall. “ *a*t of Yale street, north of Neff Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives • ArW '>*^ - . 55T7~ 10 Radio-TV Students Pershing Rifles Elects Officers To Attend Clinic At OU John B. Bandy, Buainesa Junior, has been elected Company Com­ M tor*« M t*: S6A, kM WMk, paned • raaolatioa « t * ^ tfce logralty Ten students wiU attend the fifteenth Mijual mander 0# Periling Rifles for prafklea tk« National Dafeaao BdaemUon A ct T%« raaolntlon haa Conference and Qinic March 4 and 5 at Oklahoma Univer- •eeond semester. caaaod onair caatioyata j <« caaipaa. Hia ofrialoBa of the Simnower Milton L Sullivan was re-elected wwa pnaoatod la tte adltorial c^ aan of Um loot teane. si^, Norman. conference, three students entered They are membere of a ^ o - announcing contest and two Ezeoative Officer of the Comnnny.
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