The Christmas Prayer ;..· Printed In U.S.A. December 15, 1946 Page~ THE BAPTIST HERALD fFrll1 . HAPP~ E-NIMG Tbe Baptist ~era l d WHAT'.r • •• • • Published semi- monthly on the first and fifteenth of each month by the e On Nov. 13 the Rev. Al- C Evangelistic meetings were held in Evangelistic services were conduct­ '. e ROGER WI LL IAMS PRESS tDITO-lllAL bert Stelter of Arnprior, the West Center Street Baptist Church ed in the Central Baptist Church of 3734 P ayne Ave., Cleveland 14, Ohio Ontario, Canada under­ of Madison, South Dakota from Nov. 4 Waco, Texas from Nov. 10 to 24 with went a very seriou~ back lo 15 with Dr. ·John Leypoldt of Mil­ the Rev. C. B. Nordland of Forest Park, Mar tin L. Leuschner, D.D., Editor operation at Ottawa Hospital, w aukee, Wis., as the guest preacher. Illinois as the evangelist. The meet­ Ottawa, Ontario. He has Even though the. weather was some­ ings were greatly blessed with a fine • asked for the prayers of God's what unfavorable, the attendance grew r esponse of the people and numerous Contents children in his behalf. Let­ from , evening to evening. Several consecrations. Mr. Nordland also spoke Cover Pict u re ...... HnJ>Old M. Lamb er t Cleveland, Ohio December 15, 1946 ters can be sent to him at the Sunday School scholars accepted at a Gideons' breakfast meeting, the What's Happening . .. · · · . ...... ... 2 address: Arnprior, Ontario, Christ as Savior. The Rev. Henry P. Waco Baptist Ministers' Alliance and Editor lal- Volume 24 Number 24 Canada. Schroeder, local pastor, reported that a chapel service of Baylor University. "The Silen ce o! Chr istmas" . 3 "the whole church was greatly en­ Dur ing his absence the Forest Park "The Angels ' So ng" The Rev. John Kemnitz, e couraged by these meetings and is pulpit was supplied by Rev. Rudolf b y R e v. R. A. Gre nz . 4 formerly on the staff of our grateful to Dr. Leypoldt for his inspir­ Schade, Rev. Frank H. Woyke, Dr. "The Fellowship Fund's M in istry" . 5 The Sil ence of Christmas Publishing House in Cleve­ ing messages." C. W. Koller and Rev. Thomas Stoeri. "A Christmas Sonnet" HE SILENCE of Christmas is wonderfully awesome. It is land, Ohio, is now serving as by Robert Graetz . .... .... 5 felt in the hushed singing of "Silent Night! Holy Night." It an orderly in the department e A Union Thanksgiving Day service • At the annual business meeting of "Christmas a t Camp H olablr d" of neurology of Johns Hopkins was he1d on Nov. 28 by the Faith the B. Y. P. U . of the First Baptist by M. L . Leusc h ner . 6 is seen in every Christmas picture which depicts "the heavenly Church of Minneapolis, Minn., and the "Adventu r e s in W y omin g" T Hospital in Baltimore, Mary­ Church of Leduc, Alta., these officers peace" of God's revelation in the Christ-child. It colors the Ill land, He is also active in Riverview and Daytons Bluff Churches by Rev. Herbert K och . s were elected: Ardon Frederick, presi­ of St. Paul, Minn., at the Daytons "Christmas Gl!ts T hat Ne v e r ·Tarnish" spiritual preparation of every disciple of Christ for this greatest the West Baltimore Baptist Church, of dent; Helen Grunwald, vice-president; which the Rev. Gustav Schmidt is the Bluff Church with the Rev. L. B. by Rev. Carl W eisser . .. .... 9 festival of the year. Vera Hammer, secretary; P hyllis "A!ter Ma ny D ays" (A' Nov cl ) pastor. His address is 407 Brice St., Berndt of Minneapolis bringing the Grunwald, ass't secretary; Muriel Pe­ Chapter E ight . .. ... ....... 9 Christmas was the appearance of God in human life, the out­ Baltimore 23, Maryland. ters, treasurer; Clara Seecamp and Repo'r t e !rom t h e Fie ld . .. .. ... 13 burst o(his glory in the person of J esus Christ. That event has e The First Baptist Church of Dur­ THE 1947 AN NU A L Ruth Grabia, pianists; Eleanor Roth Obitua ries .... .. .. .. .. .... 19 had greater repercussions in human history than a dozen atom h <J m, Kansas conducted evangelistic Is Now Ready! and Iris Holland, librarians; Waldemar bombs. And yet services from Nov. 17th to Dec. 1st "It's a b undle of s p i r i t u a I Grabia, Ewald Price, Clarence Brown • Com i n g "How silently, how silently, with the Rev. F. E. Klein of Stafford, e n j o y m e n t." and John Seib, ushers. During the past Jt:DI LEE YEAR--1047' The wondrous gift is given! Kansas as the evangelist. The meet­ Price -F ifty Cen ts year 16 meetings were held consisting So God im parts to human hearts oi Bible lectures, devotional programs Some ot the startling new a n d amazi ng ­ ings were well attended throughout Roger Wi lliams Press, ly inte resting teatures ot the enlar g ed The blessings of His heaven." the campaign. The pastor, Rev. L. H . and testimonial services. The Rev. c. "Baptis t Herald in the 25th J ubile e Year 3734 Payne Ave., Cleveland 14, in 1947 are announced o n p a ge 20 o! this Smith, will report later about the re­ H. Seecamp is the pastor of the church. Is sue. The number s a r e bou nd t o g e t Out in the stipness of the Judean hills the message is br ought sults of these services. be tte r thro ughou t the y e a r. Make your to listening shepherds: "Unto you is born this day in the city message. The Riverview Church was e Eva ngelistic services were held in s u bscriptlon certain at o n ce I e In the announcement about the of David a Savior." Near the busy, crowded inn a first-born son r~presented b_y Prof. Edward Omark of the Emmanuel Baptist Church of Ma­ SPIR ITUAL ACHIEVEMENTS IN THE was laid in a manger and wrapped in swaddling clothes, and two new Seminary professors which Bethel Institute of St. Paul who has rion, Kansas from Nov. 4 to 14 with NE\ V YEAR appeared in the last 1 h;sue of "The been serving as its supply pastor since the Rev. Martin De Boer of Buffalo The e ntire d en o m ination w ill be Joseph "called his name Jesus," "for he shall save his people from Baptist Herald," the report should launc h ed on a great s p iritua l "A chieve­ their sins." A quest was laid upon the hearts of several wise the Rev. John Wobig left for Portland, Center, Iowa bringing forceful and in­ ment P r ogram" with pers on a l a nd c h urc h have stated t hat the Rev. Reuben P . Oregon. The Daytons Bluff Ch urch spirational messages, as report ed by the g oals on Jan. l, 1947. The p lan will be men afar off with the question that was silently but indelibly J eschke of Dayton, Ohio h as been Choir and a trio of girls furnished the Rev. J. J. Abel. From Dec. 1 to 15 o utlin ed and described by the promo­ tional sec r e t a r y, R e v. M . L . L euschne r . etched upon their souls: "Where is he that is born King of the appointed professor of English and special music. an evangelistic campaign was held at The yo uth g oals in the " Youth Se rvice Jews?" As silently as the dawn of a new day, so God pulled Christian E ducation. The field of P la n " will also be in ter preted by t h e R ev . From Nov. 4 to 17 the Rev. Lawrence the City Auditorium of Marion under aside the curtains of human history upon the marvelous event Christian Education will be given his 8 J. C. Gunst, y oung p eo ple's secr e tary. E. Wegner, pastor of the Immanuei the auspices of the Christian Business m ajor attention in his teaching min­ of his revelation of redeeming grace. Beiptist Church of Wausau, Wis., served Men's Comm ittee and some of the THE STATUR E OF OUR SElllINARY istry at the Seminary. churches. The r adio evangelist, Theo The Rev. Franlc H . Woyke, e x ecu tiv e "Silent n ight! H oly n ight ! as evangelist at special meetings held secr e tary, will picture t he S e m inary's • The Ridgewood Baptist Church of H. Epp, was the speaker with the music p lace in our d en o m in ational life in a Son of God, love's pur e light in the First Baptist Church of Rhine­ 'Radian t beams from thy holy face, Ridgewood, L ong Island, N. Y., has lander, Wis., of which the Rev. Ken­ directed by Mr. J. Darrel H andel. The ver y inter esting article . T his will be a Rev. Ar thur Schulz of the nearby pa r t o! the renew ed errort by ou r With the dawn of redeemin g grace, called Mr. William R. Siktberg, a third neth L. Beilby is the pastor. There c hurches to r each the g oal ot t he Sem­ J esus, L or d, at Thy birth ." year student at the Biblica l Seminary were 8 conversions during the meet ­ Strassburg Baptist Church served as ina r y E ndowme n t F u n d .
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