Squire Law Library Accessions List November 2016 CN.m.4.V.1 Vickery, B. C. (Brian Campbell) Faceted classification schemes / by B.C. Vickery. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Graduate School of Library Service, Rutgers, The State University, 1966. CR.22.J.29 New Oxford companion to law / edited by Peter Cane, Joanne Conaghan. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. ISBN: 9780199290543 CR.22.J.95 Edwards, Anthony (Anthony Thomas Arthur) Blackstone's magistrates' court handbook 2017 / Anthony Edwards. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2016. ISBN: 9780198783794 (pbk.) D.9.K.63 Keating, Albert. Jurisprudence: / by Dr. Albert Keating, BCL, LLB, LLM, BL, DLitt. Third edition. Dublin 8: Clarus Press Ltd., 2016. ISBN: 9781905536849 (pbk.) D.9.S.137.71 Studies in law, politics, and society / edited by Austin Sarat, Department of Law, Jurisprudence & Social Thought and Political Science, Amherst College, USA. Special issue editors, Katie Hail-Jares, School of Public Affairs, American University, USA, Chrysanthi Leon, Sociology and Criminal Justice, University of Delaware, USA, Corey Shdaimah, Social Work, University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA. Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing, 2016. ISBN: 9781786350404 (hbk.) DE.9.W.9 Information dissemination and access in Russia and Eastern Europe: problems and solutions in East and West / edited by Rachel Walker, University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom; and Marcia Freed Taylor, University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom. Amsterdam: IOS Press; Tokyo: Ohmsha, [1998] ISBN: 9051994206 DF.9.T.4 Tymoigne, Eric, 1976- Rise and fall of money manager capitalism: Minsky's half century from World War Two to the Great Recession / Eric Tymoigne and L. Randall Wray. Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Routledge, 2016. ISBN: 1138650161 DH.9.B.54 Boylan, Michael. Practical guide to medical negligence litigation / by Michael Boylan. Haywards Heath, West Sussex: Dublin 2: Bloomsbury Professional, 2016. ISBN: 9781780438450 (pbk.) DH.9.E.20 Euthanasia: an edited collection of articles from the Journal of the Christian Medical Fellowship. London: Christian Medical Fellowship, 1994. ISBN: 0906747295 DH.9.H.57 Hä ring, Bernhard, 1912- Medical ethics [by] Bern[h]ard Hä ring; edited by Gabrielle L. Jean. Slough, St Paul Publications, 1972. ISBN: 0854390871 DH.9.M.96 McCarthy, Donald G. Care for suffering and dying persons / by Donald G. McCarthy. Washington, D.C.: Committee for Pro-Life Activities, National Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1978. E.7.L.1 Legal roots: the international journal of Roman law, legal history and comparative law. Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane. E.9.K.54 Krampe, Christoph. Proculi epistulae: eine frü hklassische Juristenschrift / von Dr. jur. Christoph Krampe. Karlsruhe: C.F. Mü ller, 1970. E.9.P.66 Pé rez, Antonio, 1583-1673. Antoni Perezi i.c., s.c. & r. majest. consiliarii, in Academia Lovaniensi juris civilis antecessoris, Institutiones imperiales, erotematibus distinctae: atque ex ipsis principiis regulisque juris, passim insertis explicatae. Editio novissima, post varias editiones externas denuò secundù m exemplar originale Lovaniense revisa & à mendis purgata. Venetiis: Ex Typographia Balleoniana, anno MDCCXXII. [1722] EF.3.1.1 Symposium Hellenisticum (6th: 1992: Cambridge, England) Justice and generosity: studies in Hellenistic social and political philosophy: proceedings of the Sixth Symposium Hellenisticum / edited by André Laks and Malcolm Schofield. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. ISBN: 0521452937 EQ.9.A.24 Afzal-ur-Rahman. Banking and insurance / Afzalur Rahman. London: The Muslim Schools Trust, 1979. F.c.3.27 Dag Hammarskjö ld Symposium on Respecting International Law and International Institutions (2005: Uppsala, Sweden) Report of the Dag Hammarskjö ld Symposium on Respecting International Law and International Institutions / [edited by Peter Wallensteen and Olle Nordberg]. Uppsala: Dept. of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University: Dag Hammarskjö ld Foundation, 2005. ISBN: 9185214426 F.gkg.3.2 River rehabilitation of international waterways (2000: Budapest, Hungary) Proceedings of the international symposium for living rivers: river rehabilitation of international waterways / edited by, Gyö rgy Ková cs. [Budapest]: EKO'21, 2000. ISBN: 963005597X F.gkg.3.3 International Law Association. Committee on the Uses of the Waters of International Rivers. Helsinki rules on the uses of the waters of international rivers / adopted by the International Law Association, at the 52nd Conference held in Helsinki on 20th August, 1966. London: International Law Association, 1967. F.mhq.9.L.4 Ladas, Stephen P. (Stephen Pericles), 1898-1976. International protection of literary and artistic property ... / by Stephen P. Ladas. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1938. F.mhq.9.L.5 On scrolls, artefacts and intellectual property / edited by Timothy H. Lim, Hector L. MacQueen, Calum M. Carmichael. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, c2001. ISBN: 1841272124 F.nh.26.7 Blackstone's international human rights documents / edited by Alison Bisset, Associate Professor in International Human Rights Law at the University of Reading. Tenth edition. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2016. ISBN: 0198768303 F.nh.3.39 Multilateral treaty framework: an invitation to universal participation: Focus 2002: sustainable development / United Nations. New York: United Nations, c2002. ISBN: 9210330862 F.nh.9.E.23 Essex human rights review: special issue: human rights perspectives: what we have learnt so far. Colchester, UK: Human Rights Centre, University of Essex, 2008. ISBN: 9781874635444 F.nh.9.N.23 Novic, Elisa. Concept of cultural genocide: an international law perspective / Elisa Novic. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2016. ISBN: 9780198787167 (hbk.) F.njk.3.5 Collection of international instruments concerning refugees. Second edition. Geneva: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 1979. F.nm.3.35 Wyngaert, Christine van den. Transformations of international criminal law as a response to the challenge of organised crime: general report, Fourth Section / Christine Van den Wyngaert. [Antwerp]: [University of Antwerp], [1998?] F.nm.3.40 International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991. Statut: rè glement de procé dure et de preuve = Statute: rules of procedure and evidence / Tribunal international chargé de poursuivre les personnes pré sumé es responsables de violations graves du droit international humanitaire commises sur le territoire de l'ex-Yougoslavie depuis 1991. [Netherlands]: [ICTY], [©1994] ISBN: 9210567005 F.rjp.7.I.20 International trade law review / editors, Folkert Graafsma and Joris Cornelis. Second Edition. London, United Kingdom: Law Business Research Ltd., [2016] ISBN: 9781910813256 (hbk.) F.rp.3.1.2 ILO, standard setting and globalization: report of the Director-General. Geneva: International Labour Office, 1997. ISBN: 9221098826 F.sj.9.K.9 Kolb, Robert. Article 103 de la Charte des Nations Unies / Robert Kolb. Leiden, the Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff, [2013] ISBN: 9789004267930 (pdf) F.tn.9.T.4 Thirlway, H. W. A., 1937- International Court of Justice / Hugh Thirlway. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2016. ISBN: 9780198779070 (hbk.) F.ug.3.1.3 Commemorating the centenary of the 1907 Second Hague Peace Conference. [The Hague]: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, [2008] F.um.9.O.5 Ohlin, Jens David. Necessity in international law / Jens David Ohlin and Larry May. New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press, 2016. ISBN: 9780190622930 (hbk.) G.c.TNR.3.1.1 Die eigenverantwortlich-schö pferische Komponente in der Rechtsanwendung und ihr Einflu€ auf die gesellschaftliche Wirksamkeit des sozialistischen Rechts: Materialien d. 6. Berliner Rechtstheoret. Symposiums / hrsg. von Karl A. Mollnau. Berlin: Institut fü r Theorie des Staates und des Rechts, 1986. H.h.9.J.3 Jacquemet-Gauché , Anne, 1984- author. La responsabilité de la puissance publique en France et en Allemagne: é tude de droit comparé / Anne Jacquemet-Gauché , Docteur en droit, Maî tre de confé rences à l'Université Panthé on-Assas; pré face de Hafida Belrhali-Bernard, Professeure à l'Université Grenoble-Alpes. Paris: L.G.D.J. Lextenso é ditions, [2013] ISBN: 9782275040202 H.jl.9.M.33 Trials of art / edited by Daniel McClean. London: Ridinghouse, 2007. ISBN: 1905464037 H.jn.9.S.14 Stucke, Maurice E. Big data and competition policy / Maurice E. Stucke, Allen P. Grunes. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2016. ISBN: 9780198788133 (hbk.) H.k.9.R.4 Materials on international, TP & EU tax law / selected and edited by Kees van Raad, Professor of International Tax Law at the University of Leiden (Netherlands), Chairman of the International Tax Center Leiden and advisor on tax treaty law. Sixteenth edition, 2016/2017. Leiden: International Tax Center, 2016 ISBN: 9789082585407 H.q.9.L.2 Lindell, Geoffrey. Tribunals of inquiry and royal commissions / Geoffrey Lindell. Annandale, N.S.W.: Federation Press in association with the Centre for International and Public Law, Faculty of Law, Australian National University, 2002. ISBN: 1862874565 H.qk.7.R.7 Real estate M&A and private equity review / editors, Adam Emmerich and Robin Panovka. London, United Kingdom: Law Business Research Ltd., [2016] ISBN: 9781910813089 (hbk.) H.qs.9.D.2 DiMatteo, Larry A. International contracting: law and practice / Larry A DiMatteo.
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