I·REGD. oo~ -sl Panaji, 7th March,1996 (Phalguna 17,1917) I. • SERIES II No. 49 .OFFICIAL. GAZETTE • GOVERNMENT' OF GOA EXTRAORDINARY No.2 : GQVERNMENT OF GOA Arid whereas in the opinion.of the Govenunent the provisions ohub­ -section (I) of section 17 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894(CentrillAct I of 1894) (hereinafter to as "the said Act") are applicable .. Department of Public He,:J.ith refetT~d , Now. therefore. the Govcriuncnthereby notifies under sub-section (1) Notification of section 4 of the said Act. that the said land isl~ely to be needed for the purpo~e specified abov~. No.ll/3/95-IIIPHD The Govenunent further directs under sub-section (4) of section 17 of Consequent upon the, starting ofNuising Home to' provide 'private the said Act that the provisions of section 5A.of the said Act shall not ward facilities at the-Gaa-Medical College.',Gavernment is pleased to apply in respect of the said hind." - prescribe theJ6110wing rates,to the patie~t who desire to seCQ.re adfJ1is­ 2. All persons interested. in the said land are hereby warned not to sian in the~eci~ r_~m_~f.the a~~e stated Nursing Home. obstruct or interfere with any surveyor. or other persons empioyed upon ~le said land for the purpose of the said aCquisition,. Any contract for the (I) SingleRoon'l ; .. NonA, c. Rs. 2501- per day. disposal of the said land by sale. lease, mortgage,' assigrunent, exchange (2) Smgle Room .;. A. C,' ... Rs, 350f-·per day. or otherwise qr any outlay commenced o"r improvements made thereon (3) Double Room . Rs.lOO/-j>erbedperday. without the s4TIction of the Collector appointed under paragraph 4 helow. after the.date of the publication of this notification, will, under clause (4)' V. I P.N. V.I P. suites (seventh) of srction 24' of the said Act be disregarded by hiin while (for other than V.I P.N. v. r. P.... Rs. 500/-per day. assessing compensation for such parts af the said land as may be fmally acqu:iIcd. this will come into force with immediate effect. 3. If the Government is specified that the. said land is needed for the By order and in the name of the Governor of Goa. aforesaid purPose, a declaration to that effect Wlder section 6 of the said Act will bei)l~blishcd in the OffiCial Gazette and in two daily newspapers E. A. Cardozo. Under Secretary (Health). and· public" notice thereof shall be given in due course. If the acquisition is abandoned wholly or in part the fact. will also be notified in the ,I Panaji, 4th March, 1996. same manrer. 4. The Govcrnm~nt further appoints under clause (c).of section 3 of -<)O,()_.__ ·the said Apt the lAmd AcquisitionOffiecr, PWD (Cell), Altinho, Panaji, to pcrfonn "the func~ions of a Collector, North Goa District,. Pan_aji under" Department of Revenue the said Act in respect of the said land. 5. The Government also authorises l.ll1der sub·section (2) of section4 of 'the said A,ct; the following officers to do the acts specified therein in Notification r~spcct of the said land. I No. 22/1I4/95-RD \. The Collector, North Goa District, Pariaji. • Whcrea:f'it ~ppears to the Government of Goa (herein¥,tcr referred to 2. The Land Acquisitio,:, Officer, P.W.D. (Cell), Altinho, Panaji: as '.'the,Govcr:nn1cnt'-') that th:! land specified in the Schedule hereto (here­ 3~ The Executive Engineer, Works Division XIII (Roads), pwb, < i!lafter re~erred to ~as·-iil(~-<lsaid land") is likely to Qe needed for public Mapusa. purpose, 'viz. work of widening of Chopdem-Keri road Phase-I fro~ . 'Chopdem to Mandrem. 4. T!1e Director of Settlement and Land Records, Panaji: . .. ~ ;-. 490 . OFFICIAL GAZEITE..,- GOVT. OF GO~ SERIES II No. 49 (EX1RAORDlNARY No.2) 7TH MARCH,1996 .~6. A:ough l?lan of the said land is available' fQAnsPection in the office . (1) (2) (3) of the Land Acquisition Officer, P. W. D. (Cell), Altinho, Panaji, for a period of 30. days from the date of publi,ationof this No;ification.in the Official Gazette. 331/1 part 0: 1.. Rajendra Vasudeo Desh?Prabhu. 394 2. RaghurajVasudeo Desh'Prabhu: SCHEDULE n n part ,0: 1.. Manorarna Balkrishna Parsekar. 25 (Description of the said land) ·2. Janakibai BaJkrishna parsekar. ' 3. ShrikantOV asudeo Parsekar. Taluka: Pernem Village: Mandrem 4. IndirakantBalkrishna Parsekar. 5.' Gangararri Balkrishna Parsekat. 'Survey No.! l'f~es ~f the perso~ Approx. area 6. Laxiniikant Balkrishna Parsek:rr. 7. Subhas Iialkrishna Parsekar.- /Sub-Div. No. believed to be interestet;! in sq .. m~. ," 10 .. (1) (2) (3) 0: I. Vislmu Ganesh Desh'Prabhu. 80 2. Nagesh Ganesh Desh 'Prabhu. 334 .part 0: 1. G\lanasham Parshuram Desh'Prabhu. 340 3. Rozariya Peadade Fernandes. 2. Krishnaji Parshuram Desh'Prabhu. 4. Francis Shaviyar D'Souza . '3. Rajar';" Krishnaji Desh'Prabhu.. 5. Indirakant1lalkrishna Pars~kat. 4. Raghunath Narayan Desh'Prabhu. 11 .. 5. Jag,!=ath Yesaji Mhamal.' 0: 1: Prabhakar Nar"ayan Dessai. 65 \ ,2. 6. Jimji Jairam Mhamal. Raghunath Narayan Dessai. 7, 'GovindSal'ajiMhamal. 14 '0 ····S·.- -FrancisJuze Luis Fernandes. 0: 1. Madh~sudan Krislmaji Shenvi Dess:U. 120 9. VisJuiu Sabaji Mharnal. 2. Ba1krishna Ladkoba Desh'Prabhu . • 10. Bahu Laximan Mhamal. 3. Narayan Govind Desh'Prabhu. 11. An""t Laximan Mhamal. 4. Rajaram Shrirain Desh'Prabhu. 12. • Atinararn Dattararn Mhamal. 5,. Kj-ishtlaji Parshurarn Desh'Prabhu. 13. Yeshwant Anant tylharnal. 6. Ghanasham Paishurarn Dcsh'Prabhu. 14. Rajararri Punaji Mharnal. 7. Chandnikant Nagesh Dcsh'Prabhu. 15. Laximan Punajl Mhamal. 16 .. 16. Laximan Balaji Dessai. 0: 1. Balkrlshna Ladoba Desh'Prabhu. 25 17. Ba1krishan LadkobaDesh'Prabhu. 2. Narayan Govind Desh'Prabhu. 18. Devaki Gopal Mharnal, 3.. Rajaram Shrirarn Desh'Prabhu. 19.. Jaidev Hiroji M!tamal. 4. Krishnaji Parshuram Desh'Prabhu. ,20. Jose Lui!; Fernandes. S. Ghanasharri Parshurarn Desh'Prabhu~ 21. tylukund Balaji Dessal. 6. Chandrakant ~agesh Desh'Prabhu. 22. Shan)car Shiva Akhan)car.- 17 .. - 23.Anant Shivaji Mharnal. 0: 1. Sadhashiv Laximan Lad. 50 24. Kashirarri Sadu Mhamal.· 2. Vasudeo B alkrislina Thall. 25. Datta Shiva Mhamal. 3. Anita 4. Naik.· 26. ChandroNarayan Mhamal. 27. Rajaram Bhaskar Mharn.l!. ·18 " '0: 1. Babibai Kalavant Mandtekar. 25 28: . Ragh6bha Dattaram Mhamal .. 2 .. Kashibai KalavantMandrekar. 29. Devu Navso Mharnal. 3. Vatsal YoumunaMandrekar. 30. Mabadev Sabaji Mharrial. 4. Raghuvir Youmuna Mandrekar. 31: JaidevSabaji Mhamal. 32. Mukund Balaji Mharnal. 330/2 .. 0: 1. Laximan SadhashivLad. 53 33.. Jairarri Pandu Mhamal. 2. Vasudeo BalkrlShna Thall. 34. .Ladu Ramchandra Mharnal. 3~ Alexsu Asumsao Mascarencs. 35. Tukoba Ramchandra Mhamal. I 3 .. 0: '1. Babibai Karnlakant Mandrckar. 20 ! 36: Arjun Didu MhamaJ-. ; 37. Anand Vithal Mh';"al.. 2. Kashib:ii Karnl3kant Mandrckar. ! 38. Vishwanath Sadashiv Mharnal. 3., Vatsala YomunaMandrekar. 39. Vaman Tatulo Mhamal. 4. RaghuvirYomunaMandrekar. I 40. Ram. Krishan Mhamal. ' 4 .. ,9: 1. Radhakrishna Chandroji Chari. 41. Dattaram Kashirarn Mhanial. 25 .2. Krishna Saba Chari. 42. Parshuram N8ku1 Mh"';aI. 3. Pramabai Appa CharL 43. Babli Dharma Mharnal. 4: Dattararn Bablo Chari. 44. Murari Rajesh Mharnal. 5. Bhikaji Balkrishna Chari. 45. Babaji Rajun Mh"';',u. 6. Dattararn Bal!<rishna Chari. 46. Hanumanth L. Mhamal. 7. Janardhan Gurka Chari. 47. PunajiLaximan Mhamal. 8.' Rarnesh Upendra Shiroc!kar . 48. Gajanan Laximan Mharnal . 49. Rajaram Pqnaji Mharnal. 5 .. 0: 1. RarnchandritSukado Chari. 20 '50. VisJum Sakararn Mharnal. 2.' Kashi Raghoba Parsekar. f I~ . OFFICIAL GAZETIE - GOVT. OF GOA 491 SERIES II No; 49 (EXTRAORDINARY No. 2) 7TH'MARCH,1996 (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (:~) 330/6 part 0: 1. R~ghuraj Vasudeo Dcsh'Prabhu. 16 322{63 part 0: 1. l'rabhakar Shautaram Maudiekar. ~O T: 1. Bhiva Ladu Kalshalkir. "/9 " 0: 1. Sitaram Raghunauth Chari. 2 "/64 " 0: 1. Jivaji Narayan Mandrekar. 16 "/10. " 0: 1. Dattaram Anant Chari .. 20 2. Shridhar Bhikaji Maudrekar. 2. Vasu Navso Chari. 3. Achut Bhikaji Maudiekar. 3. Sonn Narayan Chari. 4. Dinkar Bhikaji Mandrekar. 4. Shankar Dattaram Chari. 5. Milhadevo Bhikajl Maudrekar. 5. Krishna Narayan Chan. 6. Rajaram Parshuram Mandrekar. 7. Gurunath Parshuram Maudiekar. ~/ll " 0: 1. Kashinath Atmaram G avade. 40. "' T: 1. Shautaram Ladu Kalshalkar .. 2. Gangadhar Krishnaji Dessai .. • 3. Paridurang Narayan Des~ai . "/65 " 0: 1. Sak!,,"am VinayakMandiekar. 45 4. Mukund Vaman Dessai. 2. Shivram Vinayak Mandiekar. 5. Indirabai Anaut Dcssai. 3. Mahadev Vinayak Maudiekar. 6. Dell Shantaram Sawant .. 4. Laximikant Vinayak Mandiekar: 5: Anlmt VinayakMandiekar. "/12" 0: 1. Rajendra Vasudeo Desh'PrabhU. 25 6. Raghuvir J agannath Maudiekar. 2. John Kresenesio D'Souza 7. Raghunath Ghauasham Mandiekar. T: 1. Bala Hari.Kalshalliar. "/14 " 0: 1. Sitaram Tukaram Palkar.. ' 8 .319/ 20 " 0: 1. Moreshwar Naray'an Parsekar . 235 ~ "/15 " 0: l. Aleza Britto. 50 2. Ramakant Narayan pm-sekar. 129/29 " 0: L Shrikaut Laximan Lad. 4, "/17 .. ,0: l. Ciferirt D'Souza. 15 2. Liban.D'Souza. " "j2;2 .. 0: l. Vinayak Anaut Sakardaude: 105 3. Xavier D'Souza. 2. MarlrusRazai Fernandes.' 4. Martes D'Souza. T:.... L ..Bablo Babu Kenlekar. ' 5. ' Ana D'Souza. 6. NifaD'Souza. - "/23 " 0: l. Sitaram Ghauas)lam Desh'Prabhu. 65 2: Vasant Laximan Kenlekar. :~§. " 0: '1. Salvador Fernandes. 2 3: ' MadhUkar Krishna Kenlekar. "' 4:. Pandurang Krishna.Kenlekar. _"/6 " 0: 1: ~do- 10 , T: 1: Krishna Bablo Kenlekar., T: 1. Rajaram.Ladu P~sekar. 324!11 " . 0: !. Deb. Gunajf MandrcRar. \ 850 "/7 " 0: i. Lorcnse Thomas Kuyel~ . 25 \ ' ' 2 . Bablo Krishna Maudiekar. T: 1. ~a. Francis KuYcl. 3. .' Rama Bhivgo Mandiekar., - ,. "/8 " 0: I. Ghaspar Kuyel. 30 323/47 " ' 0: l. ' Rajendia Vasudeo Desir Prabhu. 290 ,T: I. Pataris Ghabrial Pernandes. 2. Mangu~sh Savlaram Maudrekar.· "/9 " 0: 1. Anthon Bavtis Ask~vkar. 30 T: I. Han Vasudeo PednCkar. ' T: t. Tukaram Ladu Kash@car. 2.
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