2 Sheets-Sheet 2. ` LE GRAND 'SKINNERI GUT-OFP VALVE GEAR. ‘ N0.’10_,405. À Reissued'lvov. 6, 1883; ­ UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. LE GRAND sKINNEE, oE EEIE, PENNSYLVANIA. cufr-‘oFF-VALVE GEAR. ­ I . SPECIFICATION forming part of Beissued Letters Patent No.v10,405, dated November 6_, 1883. Original No. 282,388, dated July 3l, 1883. Application for reissue tiled August 27, 1883.- l To all whom ib may concern. f view of the main valve of the'engine. íFig. 3 Be it known that I, LE GRAND SKINNER, a is a detail view of part of the loose driving citizen of the United States, residing_at Erie, pulley and connections. Fig. et is a perspec in the county of Erie. and State of_ Pennsyl tive view of the loose driving-pulley and mechf vania, have invented certain new and> useful anisrmconneeting the same to the shaft and 55 Improvements in Governors for Steam-En variable eccentric. Fig. 5 is a section through gines; and I do hereby declare the following the same, showing the arrangement of parts to be a full, clear, and exact description of in detail. Fig. 6 is a perspective view of the the invention, such as will enable others skilled variable eccentric as seen from its obverse IO in the art to which it appertains to make and side. ' . ' ' use the same, reference being‘had- to the ac­~ Like letters of reference indicate like parts companying drawings, and to the letters 'of reference marked thereon, forming part of this inA Thereall the isfigures. nothing novel" ­in the engine to specification. which my improvements are applied, as they My invention relates to improvements in may, with equal facility, be utilized in the.­ 65 governors and cutoff-valve gear for steam-en construction of nearly or quite all styles of gines, in which dynamic governors act [and engines, my improvements consisting in» the operate in conjunction with steam-pressure utilization of the steam-pressure in connec cylinders, thereby regulating the supply of tion with any ordinary dynamic governor Áfor steam to and the speed of the engine. ‘ controlling they speed of the engine. " ' - 70 The objects of my invention are, first, to Heretofore engines have been constructed govern the speed of au engine by the load it having dynamic governors which govern the ' is carrying operating on a­ dynamic governor speed of the engine by the load carried and or regulator, in conjunction with a pressure theV variations of load; also, engines having regulator operated by steam-pressure by means centrifugal governors which approximately of mechanism connecting the said regulators. accomplish similar results. However, by my With‘and operating the variable cut-off valve invention I not only utilize the load carried of said engine; second to produce in a steam and get equal results in governing the speed engine a dynamic governor having variable of the engine by its load and the variations 30 cl1t•oiî•valve gear and a regulator actuated by thereof, but at the same ­time utilize any vari~ steam-pressure, both said governor and regu ations in the steam-pressure for a like pur lator being automatic in operation, and in op pose, in`my invention the dynamic governor erative connection with avariable cut-offvalve, and the steam-pressure cylinder acting con- ’ whereby the movement of the steam-valve and jointly -for and in the governing of the speed 35 supply of steam to the'cylinder are regulated by of the engine and maintaining any given rate 85 the varying load of machinery and the varying of speed desired continuously, regardless of steam-pressure acting through and upon the' variations in either the load orsteam-pressurc, steam-valve; third, to constructl a steam-en or variations in both, thereby accomplishing gine'havlng a dynamic governor and asteam better and more satisfactory results. , pressure, cylinder, bothacting automatically ‘ In'the drawings, A is the engine-shaft, to 90 upon the cut-oil' valve and controlling the move which is secured the rigid arm B, having a ment thereof, whereby the'supply of steam to hub, b, upon which the loose driving-pulley „ theengineis regulated and controlled. I at ' C is placed. To a similar fixed arm, B', a tain these objects by the mechanism illustrat spring, D, or other flexible connection is at ed in the accompanying drawings, forming tached at one end, the other end. being con part of this specification, in which- ' ' nected with the arm of the loose pulley C, so Figure 1 is a side elevation, partly in see as to form a tension or dynamic connection. tion, of portions of an engine embodying `1ny The eccentric E is constructed with a hub, > invention. Fig. 2 is a top viewàof the main c, having' an arm, d, which is pivoted to the 50 valve of the engine. Fig. 2l is a perspective rigid arm B at c. The eccentric E has also. 2- ; ‘ , 145,405 cutLthrou-gh it at \right angles to the-arnrd au control the amount of I'steam supplied t'o the oblong slot, A’, which permits» the eccentric engine-cylinder, and thereby regulating and E, pivoted on its» arm d, to be moved acroœ controlling the speedof­ the engine. \ ` ~ the shaft A, to vary the throw ofthe valve. I have thus far shown and described a sim .70,7 5. To the arm d of theeccentric is pivoted a link, ple means and plan for utilizing my invention. f, which connects it with ythe upper endof the ` However, instead of one‘valve, as shown in lever g., This lever g is pivoted at or nea'r its the drawings, >two >or more valves may be em center» to lthe ñXed arm B, and’ at its lower end ployed; `or separate main _andcut-oif valves ris attached to a link, h, the _other end of which may be used, if desired. _ ' ‘ f y 75 io link is connected to a lug on‘the inside of the _ I- do notlimit myself to the particular' con rim Iof the loose pulley C, the action ­of thisv struction, and‘arrangement .of-»parts -herein >mechanisinfbeing to shift- the. eccentric yE shown and descríbed,.‘as many different de across the shaft A, as the load 4is increased or vices and forms of construction and arrange `» ' diminished, by the greater or less tension of ‘ment will readily suggest themselves to a _me » I5 the belt on the driving-pulley?, as shown by chanic desiring to ­utilize my invention, and f' the dotted arrow in Fig. 1. thereby _accomplish the same results as I do. ` The eccentric - rod F is connected to the I am aware that pendulum-governors have _valve-stem G’ in the usual manner. The valve been heretofore used in connection with press stem G’ passes> through an ordinary stufïing ure-’cylinders operated by water-pressure from 85 box into the. steam-chest I, and is attached to a main; but in a steam-engine these are’not so j the valve‘G by passing through the slots i2 efticient’and sensitive asa dynamic­ governor i (seevFig. 2l) and having nuts or collars on used in conjunction with a steam-pressure cyl-` either side of the ­slots iïlsee Fig. 1,) so as to inder, whereby I attain better and more satis- ' ’ permit of a vertical movement of the valve G factory results. ` upon the valve-rod G’. _ . The operation of' my invention is obvious, \ The_fvalve _ G is constructed lwith _oblique and will be readily understoodfrom the fore sides, and the ports p in the ' cylinder H are going description by those conversant with - constructed at a like angle with the sides _of steam-engines and their construction without the valve G. The 4valve G has also >along itsl further ‘ explanation. ' _ ' ' upper side alug, i, provided with a slot,` í’.' ` Having thus described `my invention, whatI ‘ Upon the top of the steam-chest Iv is con ­c1aim,\and desire to secure by Letters Patent, p structed a steam-pressure cylinder, m, which is is open below and communicates with the steam 1. In asteam-engine, the comhinationofa » chest I or other portion ofthe engine, so as tov dynamic governor on the .shaft of the engine IOC 35 ­receive steam at boiler-pressure and be oper-_ with a regulator actuated by steam-pressure" ated thereby. In this pressure-cylinder'is‘ a oiï the shaft, said governor and regulator being piston,_l, having piston-rod k, the lower end geared to coact in theautomatic regulation of » ' of which passes through the slot i’ in the top’ the variable cut-oil' valvev for governing the of the valve G, and is secured therein by col speed of said engine, substantially as set forth.` 105 larsor nuts, as shown in' Fig. '1, so that it will 2. In a steam-engine, a variable cut-oil' move through the slot t" longitudinally. The « valve which is acted upon to automatically upper end of the piston-rod k passes through vary the cut-off by two separate regulators,­ the hollow nut O in the upperl end of the cyl ‘ one of _whichis mounted upon the shaft and acts dynamom etrically to regulate from the va ' inderthe upper m, andjhas end of aroundwhich. bearsit a spiral against spring,.fn„ ythe nut“ riations in the load upon the driving pulley, O, and the lower end rests upon a bearing, n’, and the other is mounted off the shaft of the on the piston-rod k. The' n'ut y O, _ operating l ­ engine, and'is operated'by steam-pressure to ~ upon the spring n, serves to increase or di-` ` regulate the speed of the engine, substantially f minishl the tension .
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