Artists open up A guide to camps Yonkers’ Blue Door Gallery is hosting a series Check out our special section on all the camps of events exploring the creative process, B section. and kid-friendly activities available this year, C section. Vol. 64, No. 2 Thursday, February 28, 2013 1 DollarDDolllar Clinton community speaks out against DOE co-locations By Sarina Trangle [email protected] José Mejia delivered a math lesson at the Feb. 21 hearing on co-locating two other high schools at DeWitt Clinton. The high school senior said that while his 12 years of schooling may look meager next to the degrees ob- tained by Mayor Michael Bloomberg and other Department of Education officials, a few diplomas couldn’t com- pare to the 116-year history threatened by the DOE’s plan to introduce two dis- trict schools into Clinton next fall. “Our school isn’t just the Macy pro- gram. It’s much more. And by taking away more programs and adding in new schools, you’re not just going to kill the resources, but you’re going to kill DeWitt Clinton’s spirit,” José said. “Our legacy is going to die.” Regardless of whether the Panel for Education Policy approves the co-loca- Photo by Marisol Díaz tions, education officials say they will BRONX SUPREME COURT cut Clinton’s student body by about 1,550 students and phase out half of its academic programs over the next four years to allow the school to focus in on individual students’ needs. Courthouse patronage Beginning in September, the school will no longer admit freshman into its animal professions, future teachers and public and community service tracks. Macy honors gifted program Politics plays key role in appointments in the sciences and humanities, health professions and business enterprise By CUNY Graduate School of Journalism Gonzalez, who was elected in November as the will continue accepting students. investigative reporting students in Bronx’s new judge of the surrogate court, re- The DOE aims to expand the com- conjunction with Riverdale Press editors peatedly tapped leaders of the Bronx Democrat- munity’s access to quality education by ic County Committee, commonly referred to as New surrogate filling the building’s new space with [email protected] the Bronx Democratic Party, to serve as court- two high schools. If approved, both appointed counsels, designations that yielded schools would start with about 105 to Despite years of reforms, in some Bronx court- tens of thousands of dollars in fees. Since she joined old game rooms, it is still just as helpful 115 freshman in 2013-2014 and add a began making appointments By Joe Stepansky and Jacob Hodes grade every year until their registers to know the judge as the law. in 2010, Judge Malave-Gon- included between 420 and 460 students Sometimes, it’s even more so. A Press zalez’s most frequent appoin- [email protected] apiece in 2016-2017, according to the That’s the finding of a tee, records show, has been DOE’s educational impact statement Riverdale Press review of dis- special report Assemblyman Jeffrey Di- In January, the Bronx got a new sur- on the proposal. cretionary appointments by nowitz, who has represented rogate judge for the first time in nearly a The schools would share large spac- local judges and the legal First in a series Riverdale and Kingsbridge in quarter-century. es such as the library, pool, Montefiore practices of politically con- Albany for 19 years and who Nelida Malave-Gonzalez became the school based health center, alumni of- nected attorneys who often serves as chair of the Bronx first woman and the first Latino to serve in fice, dance studio, two record rooms appear before them. Lawyers with political Democratic Party’s county the position, replacing longtime surrogate and three gyms. The review found that in connections are getting committee. Lee Holzman, who retired amid scandal . Dozens of people who showed up spite of repeated efforts to • Howard Vargas, a past The youngest of 12 children, Judge Ma- at the hearing said the co-locations divorce the courthouse from many of the lucrative executive director of the lave-Gonzalez, 49, grew up in public hous- would not help Clinton improve its 50 the political clubhouse, links appointments handed Bronx Democratic Party who ing in Morrisania. She graduated from percent four-year graduation rate or to between judges who must currently serves as the party’s Fordham University and Queens College move away from the “priority” label it seek election and the lawyers out by Bronx judges. For legal counsel, has won 87 ap- Law School and was elected civil court received for ranking among the 5 per- who help them win ballot lines a searchable list, go to pointments from local judges judge in 2005. cent of lowest performing schools in and votes, remain strong. since reforms went into effect After being promoted to acting justice the state. Those ties surface glar- riverdalepress.com. in 2003. Mr. Vargas’ court des- on the Bronx Supreme Court three years Students said they were concerned ingly, the review found, when ignations over the years have ago, she got the backing of the Bronx that the array of advanced placement, judges are called upon to ap- included about two-dozen appointments as a Democratic Party to run for surrogate. honors and electives classes would point attorneys to serve as legal representatives receiver for troubled multi-family properties in She went uncontested in the primary shrink along with sports and extracur- for those unable to care for themselves, or to bank foreclosures, although records show that ricular offerings. Teachers voiced con- handle estates and foreclosures. (Continued on page A9) cerns that the school would be entitled • As a Supreme Court judge, Nelida Malave- (Continued on page A9) (Continued on page A2) Students use DNA to trace ancestry By Sarina Trangle Two sets of eighth graders helped [email protected] finance the project, which involves pur- chasing kits to test their own DNA. Stu- This is not your average history dents have fundraised $900 so far and class. they aim to collect $2,000 by the end At Riverdale Country School, of the school year, according to eighth- eighth graders are uncovering the grade history teacher Jessica Shapiro. routes their own ancestors took out of Genographic director Spencer Africa, while simultaneously helping Wells and his team finance the Legacy scientists discover how humans came Fund by selling DNA analysis kits, to populate every corner of the globe. which allow people to learn about their For the past two years, the school own ancestors’ journey out of Africa. has raised money for National Geo- Riverdale Country School bought the kits and submitted swabs of stu- graphic’s genographic project, which Photo by Osjua A. Newton uses differences in DNA from indig- dents’ cheek cells for analysis this enous communities to map out the January. various waves of migration people During a Feb. 21 visit to the school, May I have this dance? Mr. Wells thanked the students for took after evolving in Africa 200,000 OMAR RIVERA, 23, and Michelle Beldtran, 18, dance at Manhattan College’s second years ago. their support and explained his re- (Continued on page A2) annual Latino Fest on Feb. 22. 212.939.7500 The Latitude Luxury New Condo. Open House Saturday and Sunday from 1-4 PM at 3585 Greystone Avenue. latituderiverdale.com Select 1, 2, 3 & 4 Bedroom Residences, Outdoor Space, Parking, Doorman & FHA Approved 95% Financing. 605924 THE RIVERDALE PRESS - Thursday, February 28, 2013 - A9 Politics still plays a role in court appointments (Continued from page A1) appointments, making $126,664 their friends have had more to do few avenues for making extra several of the buildings contin- over the last decade. with familiarity than with politics. money, with an easy side gig. ued to deteriorate under Mr. • Gerald Sheiowitz, a promi- This series was reported and written by a class on “The problem you really “By and large, it’s pure pa- Vargas’ administration. nent Bronx attorney who cur- confront as a judge is this, you tronage,” he said. • Lorraine Coyle, a promi- rently serves as a treasurer for investigative journalism taught by Tom Robbins have a list of people in front of Adam Skaggs, senior nent member of the influential the Bronx Democratic Trustees, at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism. you who want to be considered counsel at the Brennan Cen- Benjamin Franklin Reform Dem- is the second highest earner for these appointments, but you ter for Justice, said attempts ocratic Club, wife of longtime from Bronx court-appointed Contributors include: Lindsay Armstrong, Carla don’t really know the quality to change the law to prevent Councilman Oliver Koppell, as positions, dating back to 1970. Astudillo, Sean Carlson, Tristan Hallman, Jacob of their work,” Judge McKeon county committees from hav- well as an attorney and a realtor, Since reforms went into effect, said. “Often, you’re going to ing exclusive power over put- has been the fifth highest earner he has earned the third highest Hodes, Alex Robinson, Rachel Sapin, Jorteh Senah, turn to someone who you’ve ting judges on the ballot — and of fees received as a court-ap- number of appointments from Joe Stepansky, Emma Thorne, and Kate Trafecante. had experience with and who thus owing favors to the people pointed fiduciary since reforms Bronx courts. His daughter Hill- you believe can do a good job.” who put them there — had went into effect, records show. ary served as treasurer for vari- Adam Wisnieski and Kate Pastor of ‘The Press’ But The Press’ review found gone all the way to the United Mr.
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