US005435939A United States Patent 19 11 Patent Number: 5,435,939 Narayanan (45) Date of Patent: "Jul. 25, 1995 54) STABLEEMULSFIABLE GEL.MATRXAND 4,762,718 8/1988 Marks, Sr. ........................... 424/409 AQUEOUSMACROEMULSION PREPARED 5,002,938 3/1991 Wang et al.......................... 514/944 THEREFROM 5,071,463 12/1991 Narayanan et al............. 71/DIG. 5,139,152 8/1992 Hodakowski et al. ......... 71/DIG. 1 75 Inventor: Kolazi S. Narayanan, Palisades Park, 5,266,590 11/1993 Narayanan .......................... 514/938 N.J. 5,283,229 2/1994 Narayanan et al. ............ 71/DIG. 1 5,294,644 3/1994 Login et al. .................... 71/DIG. 1 73 Assignee: ISP Investments Inc., Wilmington, 5,317,042 5/1994 Narayanan .......................... 514/937 Del. * Notice: The portion of the term of this patent Primary Examiner-Richard D. Lovering subsequent to Apr. 5, 2011 has been Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Walter Katz; Marilyn J. disclaimed. Maue; Joshua J. Ward 21 Appl. No.: 89,070 57 ABSTRACT 22 Filed: Jul. 7, 1993 What is provided herein is a stable, emulsifiable gel matrix for an agriculturally active chemical, which 51 int. C. ..................... AON 25/04; A01N 25/30; matrix will form an emulsifiable gel concentrate upon B01J 13/00 addition of the agriculturally active chemical, and upon 52) U.S.C. ............................... 252/312; 71/DIG. 1; water dilution, a highly stable aqueous macroemulsion 252/311; 252/315.3; 252/363.5; 424/409; which avoids precipitation of the active ingredient on 424/418; 514/941; 514/944; 514/965 extended storage. In addition, the inventive emulsifiable 58 Field of Search ..................... 252/311, 312,315.3; gel concentrates may contain relatively high concentra 514/941,944, 965; 424/409, 418; 71/DIG. 1 tions of the agriculturally active chemical, the concen 56 References Cited tration sometimes referred herein to as "loading', mak U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS ing it advantageous from both the economic and han dling viewpoints. 4,002,456 1/1977 Maas............................... 71/DIG. 1 4,007,258 2/1977 Cohen et al. ........................ 424/418 4,502,975 3/1985. Kobayashi et al. .............. 252/315.1 1. Claims, No Drawings 5,435,939 1. 2 concentrate exhibit good stability with respect to the STABLE EMULSIFIABLE GEL MATRIX AND uniformity of the emulsion and to avoid precipitation of AQUEOUSMACROEMULSION PREPARED the active ingredients. If non-uniformity or precipita THEREFROM tion occursin the diluted form, then non-uniformity will result in the application of the diluted formulation to the BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION plants. 1. Field of the Invention Substantial progress in providing emulsifiable con The invention relates to a delivery system for agricul centrates which avoid the problems of the prior art are turally active chemicals, and more particularly, the disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,071,463, the contents of invention relates to a stable emulsifiable gel matrix for O which are incorporated herein by reference. The emul difficult to dissolve agricultural chemicals, an emulsifi sifiable concentrates of these disclosures all require the able gel concentrate with said agricultural chemical, presence of a hydrophobic solvent having the following and an aqueous macroemulsion of said concentrate with Hansens' solubility parameters: Dispersive component dilution water. from about 56 to 75%; Polar component from about 8 to 2. Description of the Prior Art 15 24%; and H-bonding component of from about 10 to Agricultural chemicals are most preferably applied in 30%. the form of aqueous emulsions, solutions, or suspen This second component should also have surfactant sions. Occasionally, they may also be applied in the properties and act as a non-ionic surfactant with an form of a dust wherein the active ingredient is adsorbed HLB value ranging from about 2 to 8. Examples of this onto or mixed with a finely divided inert carrier mate solvent or component include alkylpyrrolidones having rial, such as, china clay, or the like. With such pow an alkyl portion containing from 6 to 14 carbon atoms, dered or dust compositions, drift due to wind is a prob e.g., octylpyrrolidone, dodecylpyrrolidone, or N-(2'- lem and consequently, liquid formulations are pre ethylhexylpyrrolidone), alkyl gamma-butyrolactones, ferred. alkyl cyclic carbonates and combinations thereof, One of the problems with such liquid formulations is 25 wherein the alkyl chains contain from 6 to 14 carbon the fact that chemicals having agricultural activity atoms. The alkyl portion may be distributed at one or often exhibit extreme insolubility in water. This results more sites on the ring so long as one portion contains at in their having to be dissolved either in organic solvents least 6 carbon atoms and the total number of alkyl car or utilized in the form of emulsions or suspensions. With bon atoms does not exceed 14. For each of the above respect to the use of organic solvents, these are gener 30 examples, the 6 to 14 carbon alkyl portions may be ally disadvantageous from an environmental and cost straight, branched, or cyclic, with straight chains being viewpoint. Particularly, such organic chemicals may preferred. The preferred component or hydrophobic exhibit toxicity or side-effects which may be adverse to solvent is indicated as being long chain alkyl, and par the effect of the agricultural chemical itself or to the ticularly those selected from pyrrolidones having the subsequent fruit or vegetable produced in the particular 35 agricultural use. This toxicity may also be disadvanta formula geous with respect to handling. When attempts are made to provide emulsified or suspension formulations, difficulties are encountered with respect to providing a desirably high concentra tion of the agriculturally active ingredient. Thus, when such agriculturally active chemicals are formulated into an emulsion, it is difficult to maintain the emulsified state. This makes it difficult to maintain a uniform for wherein R2 is hydrogen or alkyl having from 6 to 14 mulation, particularly, when the formulation is diluted 45 carbon atoms and R3 is alkyl having from 6 to 14 carbon with water for application to the plants. atoms with the proviso that at least one of R2 or R3 must Typically, for example, an agriculturally active ingre contain at least 6 carbon atoms and the sum of the car dient is mixed with one or more of a variety of conven bon atoms in R2 and R3 cannot exceed 14. tional solvents and an emulsifying agent to form an Accordingly, it is an object of this invention to pro emulsifiable concentrate. This concentrate may be in 50 vide a stable, emulsifiable gel matrix for an agricultur the form of an emulsion, suspension, or solution. The ally active chemical. concentrate is then stored until it is transported to the Another object of this invention is to provide an site of use or may simply be transported and stored at emulsifiable gel concentrate upon addition of the agri the site of use. In any event, the concentrate normally culturally active chemical to the gel matrix. will undergo some period of storage until it is ready for 55 Still another object herein is to provide a stable, aque use. Understandably, it is most desirable to be able to ous macroemulsion upon dilution of the concentrate transport the agriculturally active ingredient at the with water. w highest concentration possible so as to minimize the A particular object of the invention is to provide a volume of material which need be transported. By the stable, emulsifiable gel matrix and concentrate which same token, however, at the use site, it is normally not can be readily dispersed in dilution water to form the feasible to admix ingredients together or to process aqueous macroemulsion. them other than to dilute the concentrate with water. These and other objects of the invention will be made Accordingly, it is important that the concentrate emul apprent from the following description of the invention. sify easily, i.e., exhibit good "bloom', upon the addition of water. In addition, at the use site, it is often necessary 65 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION to store the diluted concentrate for extended time peri What is provided herein is a stable, emulsifiable gel ods until the actual application to the plants. Conse matrix for an agriculturally active chemical, which quently, it is important that the diluted form of the matrix will form an emulsifiable gel concentrate upon 5,435,939 3 4. addition of the agriculturally active chemical, and upon atoms. The alkyl portion may be distributed at one or water dilution, a highly stable aqueous macroemulsion more sites on the ring so long as one portion contains at which avoids precipitation of the active ingredient on least 6 carbon atoms and the total number of alkyl car extended storage. In addition, the inventive emulsifiable bonatoms does not exceed 18. Preferred 6 to 18 carbon gel concentrates may contain relatively high concentra- 5 alkyl portions are composed of straight chains. tions of the agriculturally active chemical, the concen Branched or cyclic alkyl portions may also be used. tration sometimes: referred herein to as 'loading', mak Accordingly, the hydrophobic lactamsolvent is pref ing it advantageous from both the economic and han dling viewpoints. erably selected from pyrrolidones having the formula More particularly, the stable emulsifiable gel matrix O of the present invention is composed of a surfactant to provide both dispersing and wetting functions for the agriculturally active chemical, a solvent
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