· CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 Parts XIII-A & B VILI.. AGE & TOWN DIRECTORY Series-8 JAMMU & KASHMIR VILLAGE & TOWNWlSE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT DISTRICT CENSUS DODA HANDBOOK DISTRICT A. H. KHAN of the Indian Administrative Service Director of Census Operations . ...Jammu & Kashmir CENSUS or INDIA 1981 LIST or PUBUCATIONS Central Government Publications-Census of India 1981-Series 8 -Jammu and. Kashmir is being published in the· following parts:- Part No. Subject Part No. Subject ,/ 1 2 3 I Administration Reports I-A £ Administration Report­ Enumeration I-B :£ Administration Report­ TabUlation II General Population Tables II-A General Population Tables n-B Primary Census Abstract m General Economic Tables m-A B-Series Tables of 1st priority m-B B-Series Tables of 2nd priority Social Cultural Tables IV-A C-Series Tables of 1st priority lV-B C-Series TablelJ of 2nd priority V Migration Tables V-A D-Series Tables of 1st priority V-B D-Ser18s Tables of 2nd prioritY VI Fertility Tables VI-A F-Series Tables of 1st priority VI-B F-Series Tables of 2nd priority VII Tables on Houses 8.Q.d disabled population vm Household Tables VDI-A HH-Series Tables covering material of constructions of houses vm-B Contain Tables HH-17, HH-17 SC & HH-17 ST 1 2 3 -----_- ---- IX Special Tables on S. C. and S. T. X Town Directory Survey Reports on Towns and ViIJages X-A Town Directocy X-B Survey reports on selected towns X-C Survey -reports on sel~ed villages XI Ethnographic studies on S. C- & S. T. XII Census Atlas Union bnd State/U. T. Census Atlas XII-A Admn. Atlas District Census Handbook If: XIDA "I Village and Town Directory >- Combined Village-wise/Urban ward-wise xmB J Primary Census Abstract :£ Not for sale * These are State Government's Publications CONTENTS Page No. 1. Foteword . • . ..... i-ii 2. Preface including acknowledgements lii-v 3. (i) Administrative Divisions of Jammu and Kashmir as ip 1981 Frontispiece .. (ji) Map of the district .. .. _. .. • • . 4. Abstract of the important statistics -of the district .. 5 5. Analytical Note (i) Census concepts .. .. 9 10 Oi) Brief history of the district and the District Census Handbook .. 10 (iii) Scope of Village Directory, Town Directory Statements and PCA 11-12 (iv) Physical Aspects 12 (v) Major Characteristics .. 13 (vi) Major Social and Cultural events . .. 14 (vii) Brief description of places of religious, historical or archaeological importance in villages and places cf tourist interest in the towns of the 15-18 district . .. _ . (viii) Brief analysis of the Village and Town Directory and PCA data based on inset tables • • . .. .. .. .. .. 19-27 PART-A VD..LAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY 6. Sectio. I-Viii... Director)" (a> T .b.n Ki.btwa r (0 Map .. 31 Cii) Alphabetical Jist of villages . • .. .. .. .. .. ":'3-35 (iii) Note explaining the codors used in the Village Directory _ 36--:7 (iv) Villlge Directory 38-51 Tebail Bbaderwab (i) Map .. .. - .. .. .. 53 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages - .. • .. I •• 5S-SP (iii) ViLlage Directory 60--81 ( ii ) Teul Doda (i) Map 00 83 eii) Alphabeticallist of villages .... .- .. ... - ....... .. 85-86 (iii) Village Directory '. ... .. .. 00 00 88-97 Tehsil R.... ba. (i) Map .. .. 99 ( ji) Alphabetical list ,of villages .. .. .. .. 101-102: (jii) Village Directory o. •• 0" ••• 104-111 (II) Appelldicea (I-IV) to tbe Villa.e Ditectery .,. .. .. 112-122 7. Section 11-Town Directory (i) Note explaining the codes used in, the Town Directory -. .. .. .. l25 (ii) Town Directory Statements (I to VI and IV A) .0 126-37 PART B-PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT (i) Diatrict peA (a) Tehsil-wise Total, Rural. Urban • . 0 0 • 0 •• • 0 o. 0 0 0 • 0 0 • 140-14a (ii) Tehail.wile peA '1 (a) Village-wise • 0 • , • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • 0 • • • • • • > 144-213· (b) Town-wise (within the toWll, wardwise) . 0 J (c) AppendD:: show~ totil scheduled castes Populati~-Urban Bloc .. -wise 214-217 (ii) S'J)ecial PeA OD Schedald Castes (Total Rural. Urban) •• 0 • 0 • 0 • 00 _ 218-1g. FOREWORD The District Census Handbook (DCH), compiled by only in local area planning but regulating the provi­ the Census Organisation on behalf of the State sion of goods and services as wen so as to mjnimiso Governments, is one' of the most valuable pro­ the regional imbalances in the process of development. ducts of the Census. The DCH is constantly referred A few new items of information have also been intro­ to by plannerS. administrators, academicians and duced' to meet some of the requiremen~s of the researchers. It is inter dlla used for delimitation of Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Such new items constituencies, formulation of local level and region,al of information as adult literacy centres, primary plans and as an aid to District Administration. The health sub-centres, and community health workers in district census bandbook is the only publIcation the village have been introduced in the village which provides Primary Census Abstract (PCA) data directory with this objective in mind. The new item upto village level for the rural areas and ward-",ise on approach to the village is to have an idea about for each city or town. It also provides data ~n infras­ the villages in the district which are inaccessible. tructure and amenities. in villages and towns, etc. A new column, "total population and number of households" has been introduced to examine the correlation of the amenities with the pop Illation and The district census handbook series wa~ initiated during the 1951 ',Census. It contained important uumber of households they serve. Addition of two ccn:;us tables and PCA for each village and town \.If more appendices listing the villages where no amenities are available and according to the proportion of the district. Du~g, 1961 census the scope of the DeH was enlarged, and it contained a desctiptive scheduled caste and scheduled tribe population to the aecount of the 'district, administrative staLhtics. total population has also been made with this view in , mind. census tables and a ;village and town directolY, .i,llciud­ ing peA. The 1971' DCR Series was planned m three The formats of the Town Directory have also been parts. Part-A related to vilJ.age and town directory, modified to meet the requirements of the Minimum Part-13 to village and town PCA and Part-C com­ Needs Programme by providing infonnation on a prised analytical report, administrative .iialistics. few new items. A new statement on civic and other District Census Tables and certain Analytical Tables amenities in slums in Class-I and Class II towns based on PCA and amenity data in respect of villages. (Statement IV-A) has been introduced with this objec­ Howevcr, in some States it was confined to district tive in mind. It is expected that this will help f;ho census tables and in a few cases altogether given up p~~ers to. ~halk out programmes on provision· of due to delay in compilation and printing. CIVIC amemties for the improvement of slums. The colum~ o~ Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tn"bes WhHe designing the format of 1981 DCH series POp~!lOn m Statement IV relating to civic and other some new features along with the restructuring of the amemties and adult literacy classes/centres under formats of Village and Town Directory have been ~ducationaJ facilities in statement V are also added attempted. At the same time, comparability with the Inter alia with this view. A significant addition is class 1971 data has also been kept in view. All the ameni­ o! town in all the seven statements of the to\\<n ties except power supply in the village have been directory. brought together in the villag-e directory with the instruction that in case an amenity is not available in 1 he infrastructure of amenities in urban areas thl" re-ferrent village the distance in broad ranges of the country can be best analysed by taking the from the nearest place where the amenity is class of towns into consideration. The addition of the available may be given. The restructuring of the columns on civic administration status and pop_ format of the village directory and incorporating lation in a few statements also serves this purpos: more e~haustive data on infrastructure aspect parti­ . The format of the primary census abstract for the ~lar1y in relation to amenities and land ·use pattern Villages and towns has been formulated in the light 1S expected to further meet the need of micro level of changes in the economic and other questions can­ planning for rural areas. It is expected tc' help Dot vassed through the individual slip of 1981 Censu.,. ii In order to avoid delay in publication of 1981 DOl This publication is a joint venture of the State serjes jt has been so designed that Part-A of the Government and the Census Organisation. The data volume contains village and town directory and have been collected and compiled in the State under Part-B, the peA of villages and towns including the the direction of Shri A. It Khan, lAS, Director of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes peA up to Census Operations, Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar on Tehsil/Town levels. At the beginning of DCH a behalf of the State Government which has borne the detailed analytical note supported by a num~er of inset cost of printing. The task of planning, designing and tables based on peA and non-census data in relation to co-ordination of this publication was carried out by the infrastructure bas been introduced to enhance its Shri N. G. Nag, Deputy Registrar General (Social value.
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