The Weather Jin! S~rvin8 the State ~ 10,. 'dll, Univenity Of Iowa Partly eloulll' and some­ ~ whal warmer today. ml"h t~ Campul and toOY, 88; low, ~5. Hlp I 10 Iowa City Wedntsdu. 80 ; low, 58. Blr. at owan, tlill lao. • Iftlt Iowa City. Iowa. Thursday, July 24. 1952 - Vol 86. No. 206 ~!iII eat. , ... • e 1111 Ie \I • ~ f eee e e Ion •~ I· Rayburn Hints Comprom;;se Brin9..s Demo. Platform : loyalty Pledge Factions Not Satisfied Interlude ·with Interlandi But Approve Plank Stevenson Is I Not Required CONVENTION HALL, CHICA­ CmCAGO (IP) - Democrats Silent On Talks produced Wednesday niillt a GO (JP) Albcn W. Barkl('y, rampaign platform promJsing doughty Democratic patriarch, prosperity, peace and progress. summoned the schism-threatened With Chapman party legions Wednesday night to By and large, the document is an endorsement of and pledge to CHICAGO (IP) - Gov. Adlai unite in a .renewed "crusade" fOl' conUnue the foreign and domestic Stevenson had planned to attend vIctory over lhc GOP. programs of the Truman admin­ the convention session Wednesday And for the moment, the Demo­ istration. night to hear the speech by his cratic national convention closed The civil rights plank as adopt­ second cousin, Alben vi. Barkley. ranks in a trernendous throbbing ed represented a compromise ot But late in the day an aide an­ ovation for the 74-year-old vice· the thorny issue that long has split nounced that he would stay in his president who hid the hurt In his northern and southern wing3 at temporary residence and watch heart over being forced from th the party. Neither side was en­ the proceedings on television. presidential nominating rnce. tirely satisfied with it. though The governor is staying in the Gov. Adlai Stevenson of Illinois each decided it was acceptable. home of an admlnistraUve assist· Was out ahead in thal me(', sUII The platform was adopted by ant, William McCormick Blair. saying he wasn't running. Presi­ voice vote. There was a sizeable Stevenson had a lonl conter­ dent TI'uman was, for the mo­ volume at "noes" shouted but ence with 3 Truman cabinet mem· , ment, kceping hands ofr. ber Wednesday - but neither dis­ Chairman Sam Raxburn declared Dixie Delerlltes Parade the "ayes" had it. closed whether the President had The Georgia and Mississippi del­ reserved a sea t on the ,overnor's Here in this tremendous con­ vention amphitheater, Dixie dele. eg~ tion asked to be recorded as bandwagon. voting "no." The Wlnois governor talked for gates who had seemed ready to Compromise Was Main SubJeet 2 hours and 15 minutes with Os­ boit in a rage over a loyalty oath, The compromise plank was the car Chapman, secretary ot the In· grabbed state banners and parad­ main subject of a final eight-hour terior who Is regarded as Tru­ SEN. OUN JOHNSON OF SOUTH OAROLINA (rl,h!), confers ed with nil the rest In a long, session of the 108-member plat­ man's emissary to the Democratic with members of the Geor&ia delcration 011 the convenlloD lloor. roartne demonstratIon for Bark· form committee which produced national convention. Both states were expected to "take a walk" over Ure loyalty oath ley. the document. Rep. John W. Mc­ Parley Ral3ea QUtstlODI asked of all state deleratiolls. Wednesday nlrht, however, they For a while It had appeared Cormack of Massachusetts headed The parley raised a number ot joln'ed the other states In a rousing 24-minute demol18tration for that South CHolina, at least, and the committee. questions. Did Truman give his Vlce·Presldenl Barkley prior ~ his speeeh. probably Virginia and Louisiana The draft document pledged the blessing to Stevenson [or the --- --------------------.,....---­ would take a walk. They talked of party to repeal of the Tan-Hart­ party's presidential nomination? it openly. ley Labor act-legislation which Did Stevenson definitely make up But then Sam Rayburn of Tex­ President Truman has declared to his mind to accept the nomina­ Broadcast as, taking over as permanent be unfair to workers. tion by a convention that seems WSUI Will chairman at thc convention, drop­ As had been forecast, the farm 10 be getting ready to o!!er it to ped a hint that so far as he was plank would promise to support him? concerned thc loyalty pledge producer prices of basic crops at These question - and they 'Cosi fan tutte' T~night would not be forced upon them. not less than 90 per cent at parity. were the bie questions of the day RJrhts of Delerate8 On the issue of taxes, the plat· ..... went unanswered.. A complete broadcast ot to­ "It is my thoueht," Rayburn form said Ihe Democrats favor Stevenson has said he does nl)t nigM's performance of "Cosl tan of fine arts. said, "that every delegate seated reduction of levies "as rapidly as want the top place on the natioll­ tutte" will be carried by wsur, This year's opera is the first to here has a right. to be here and defense requirements permit," es· 'fRoid it - this is from the television people . they've lost the sound on your al ticket, but he has not said he according to Richard C. Setter· be broadcast since the last Will', each and everyone of them shall pecially for lower income eroups. would turn it down. berg, the station's program super­ although two other operas have visor. have decent and courteous treat- Other planks In brief Included: picture and it looks like you're promising too much without il!" Newsmen went into a briet been given since then. meot.JI Educatio'l - urged federal can· The Mozart opera is spansoL'ed huddle with Stevenson and Chap­ Wednesday night in convention trlbutlons to states and local units man when the parley en~ed. by SUI's school of tine arts and to help finance schools. co-produced by the departments Iowa Records 20th hall, the show was all Barkley's. No Special Messare "I am not here," he said, "as a Oushlon Medical Expenle of music and dramatic art as a Truman Calls Industry, .CIO · to Talks The governor acknowledged they feature of the 14th annual fine Polio Death in 152; candidate for any office the can· Medical care - advocated a WASHINGTON (IP) - President had talked "about the conven· arts festival. vention can offer. If I were, I "resolute attack" on the heavy U­ tlon." would not be here at this hour be­ Truman Wednesday caUed the top seit-ute of a small portion of the The program wllJ orlgina te in Epidemic Spreads nancial hazard ot serious lllness. Chapman was asked If he had cause 1 recognize the proprieties Housing - pledged fulfillment· union and Industry leaders in ·the Industry under the draft act was MacBride hall, beginning at 7:53 Iowa's 19th and 20th polio brought a special message from p.m., Setterberg announced, with of those who seek oltice." of private and federal housing receiVing "serious consideration" deaths for 1952 were recorded nation-wide steel dispute to a Today's Convenfion Truman. Mark Munn, WSUl director of in­ Wednesday as the epidemic programs authorized by the Hous· at the White House. It would ap­ Many delegates took that as a White House conference Thurs­ ply chiefly to plants producing OHICAGO UP} - Present plans "1 didn't bring a message lrom school broadcasting, and Dave showeQ signs of spreading. transparent rap across the knuck­ ing act of 1949. anybody," he replied with an en­ Hall, Iowa City, station music li­ day In a personal eUort to end the special steel for guns, ammuni­ are ~ pick the presidential can­ At University hospitals, 16· les for Sen. Estes Kefauver or Land and water resources - igmatic smile. brarian, announcing. {,vored "sound, progressive" de­ crippled 52-day· old strike. tion, tanks, etc. dliate tonJrht then IldJourn the year-old John Lee of Dubuque Tennessee, one of the rivals fOl' ChAoman was asked it Steven· The English language is used died. His was the first case of the presidential mantie. Kefauver, velopment of the nation's land The White House said Truman Truman's decision to take per­ convention unU! Friday nlrM. son had given him his views about in this version of the opera, Set­ pollo reported in Dubuque coun· a convention delegate like Bark­ and water resources for flood summoned CIO President Philip sonal charge of the long-stalmated NaUonal Ohalrman Frank Mc­ Klnoey, teUhl1" of the plans Wed­ the nomination. "I didn't have' to," terberg pointed out. A synopsis at ty this year. There are 14 polio ley, twice has shown up on the control, navigation, IrrigaUon~ Murray and President Benjamin n('gotlations came amid these re­ neaday, &aiel President Truman Stevenson cut In. the action will a Iso be given b~­ hospitalizations here at the pre­ convention floor. ilOwer drainage, soil conservation, Fairless of U. S. Steel to meet with lated developments: wUl Introduce the nominee ~ the The governor explained hts lore each of the two acts, so lis­ sent time. and creation of new, small family. him at 8 a.m. (CST). Barkley Oonfldent U, S. Defenae Hurt convention Friday nlrht after the meeting with Chapman this WilY, teners can easily understand and Frank Brienza, 23, of Sioux City sized farms. Speaking "from the heart," thc Both Murray and Fairless 1. Secretary of Defense Lovett Demoerats pick his runnlnl" mate. "Oscar called late last night. I follow the action. died at a hospital there, marking It would dedicate the party to vice-president confidently told the promptly accepted the invitation. compared the impact ot the steel Tocl.ay'.
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