
University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 8-4-1965 Kabul Times (August 4, 1965, vol. 4, no. 110) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (August 4, 1965, vol. 4, no. 110)" (1965). Kabul Times. 1061. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1061 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .----:.----~ - --''-'=''::::::'''' , .' I. '.. ' .. .- , ,- " -' ", ." '. - ". c:.... ."_ -_ , : ~ , , , .' , .. , .. ..... ". -.- ':: '- ,:' .-~' "'. ~ ~, - . -- '.;- -' .;~ " " ' . :. ,.' " ,.- . ~ '" ", . -. - - .." "' .' - .- " , ;'-' " . .. ,"-:'- " ." -.-: - .-: . - ',. :" : . ", : :.. - . " PAGE 4. '. KABUL- ,TIMES ' AUGUST 3, 1965, -- ',NEwS' STALLS-\ " --', THEWEATBER .' ,-.,: - 1.-.' ,' - -'- lulllrl . ~ Is an'&H. at: Education Offidals .;S~'Wants Eo German. Leader. AT·THE·C1NEMA in;et~ ,~ tJ P'an,.ing ,. r...,..,......,.... , JQjIlM, 'R .. 0 'N:uc'ear ~ .. .:. PARK ClN£MA: Mar. + 31°C. Mliilinum 12°C. ~ . IIO&elf ," '''~',-, __ - C.onclude'Three- .. Arid WeQpolJ~ Litnitation·. , Voices' HoPe Of At ..2:30.. 5:30, 8, 10 p.m. ~e­ SUD' seis today at 6:50 p.m. , ,.,"' p~', Omf • 'Kahl 1JIfer. ' ~- , " rican filriJ. SPLENDOR IN. ,~BE Sun rises tomorrow at 5:09 a.m. , . '. ", utJoUl :, ., .' : " .' . -- . C '. 'WASHINGTON, AUlU.St" 3; (DPAl- . - GRASS'with Dati trans'altio.n, . Tomorrow's Outlook: Clear .-~- • .e: _• ;:.--.-::.. •• Days Of Meetings ReunificatiOn ',- .. .s. Secretary'Qf State, Dean RusIi, )aid:'here Monday,·tile· KABUL CINEMA:' . " U'. United, Stiltes:,'would continue efforts tOwards an iDtenia- ' POTSDAM, East Germany, Aug. At":V5, 7..' p:m.. Italian:French 'VOL. IV, NO. 110 WEDNESDAY:AUGUST (ASAi::H3;~ l~·.SH.J ~, .' ,.z- - _ " KABUL, Aug. 3,-The- three- f c1' b t H fo KABUL ~ 4:"1965, ~.-' .',=':: day meetings of the prov.incial tiona! :a~m.eDt on'.non-llrolifera ~n o.,nu ear w~~!l 3, (Reuter).- opes r a rap, filin with,Dari translatiOn. ..:Ij-:- .' -: J - .... _' _ _ • ¥ ••;: _ directors -- of -education·in < ,the, at the same time·woUld go ahead.With lllaJis'for a multilakral ,proachement between East. and BEHZAD QINlMA: .. : .......; West Gennany -were voiced -by the M 2, 5, 6:30 .'p.m. Russ!~, filril Institute of Education ended :yes· NATO n,uclear l?trike force., . ,.. ,'.. '. .. East German F,:>rergn Minister, with Tajikf tral!sllition. '.. terday .' Rusk said, neltl1er a non-proli- vldmg lmp?rtil1h aid J? ~e .mill- Otto Winz!:r Monday at a cere'- His Majesty, Mikoyan Stress At vesterday's, meeting the' sub: feration treaty· nor the NATO tary field:m .south ,vIetnam, .but mony markihg the 20th anniver- }ects ~ teacher-training· and tip-' stqke iorce, was regar.ded a~ more the use of Its ~ombat troops IllIg?t s of the Potsdam' agreement. Historical~Growing Ties, :, . proved metbods 'of teaching were Vital thaIl,the .'other..' ~nng . th~ Vlet~ pro~lem m ~e agreement:- signed by by ,HOT?,-- discussed. Dr. Robert 'SimPson " He said, this pomt has pe~ 1IIl)Tledlate ronr.ectlD,n WIth the Stalin, Trllman, and Attll!j!-pled­ .Why not~'tiY. the ,cooi jUld of the Columbia 'Universit,L "Team, bI'ougbt up only, by t~e SOVIet Chmese -problem. .:' 'th- .if ged allied leaders, to wipe out fresh air' of; Paghman-the Between 'Afghanistalt, USSR :-',. -- :', Abdul Samey Hamid, Director- lJilibn' . He conc1uded by saymg at Ge' ,.lit . nd Naz'lSm .most beautiflil slUDJl1e~ re­ MOSCOW, August: ,~.­ f T h tr '·,· '. 1 ' ~_1..ed rman ml arlSID a , ..'. General 0 eac er ammg ,In ,Rusk stressed"that nucle~r.plan- a pea~ sett em~t !'Jere. re~ 'and'fixed the Order-Neisse line as .sort of tile' capital. :Oilly fit; A.T a cllimer given in' his honoUl' by the·Presidium of ·the , the Ministry of Education, Prof. 'ning has nothing to ~? WIth the. all military forc~-~ort4 ,.vlet-, Germany's eastern boundary . teen inlDutes drive WUl take .- Supreme Soviet of the USSR at the Kremlin last night, His ~e:dIsCOIIlfOl1& Mohammad Yasm Azeem, '"Deputy proli{eration 'of m~clear weawrlS namese umts as. v.:ell as ..,y.S. Winzer said West Germany was you away'from Majesty characterised the friendship between Mghanist;m and Ch~ef of the_Institute. of Educa- 'in national possessIOn, troops,-c~>uld, be WIthdrawn u,om still not -free of militarism and of the hot:SlUIlJIier heat. 800)[ your room ;In. Bahar," Piunir, the Soviet Union as mutual; historical, and steadily· groWjng'., , tion. Joseph .Castellani of t?e Rusk said it would be -a, COrlS- South Ylemam.. that the USSR was the. only sig­ President of the Presidium that "frieridship is' oDe'-hundred TCCU, and, Dr. Moha.IIllIlad Sld-- tructive step,if countries, not yet ,He sald If North Vle~ese ag-, .na1x>ry country which had hon­ .and· Mahtab- ,HotelS . where' a Coli~ge prices 'a:re'inosh"easoDa~leand Anastas Mikoyan in his welcom- year long run' ", IVJikoyan said. '. dlq, Dean of the c:>f. Edu- possesslpg nuclear weapons but gresslOn were ended, .there would oured all the terms of that original I . ing speech at the dinner noted "The peoples of ,the .~vi~ -cation and Horne EconomLCs, capable 01 producing. them in the lie no further need for U.S. troops agreement. deliciouS' foOd ,is served. \\',ere among the 'speateri;. .' f t Id renounce ato- in' Vietn3.m. 1 h te " Advt. that "there are few r..eighbours Ur.~on follow with sympathy tlie, Ii . near' u ure, wou . Ca ling. on t ewes rn powers . .:. that can mark in our troUbled efforts ,of the Afghan, people ?JlQ . ·Castellanl. speakm!-\ on t e ac' i mic \\·eapons.·.. Atlantic. Powers to eliminate Nazism 'and Hitla-' age such stable relations between the royal governmept aimed 'at tlVlt1es of the .English Langua~e _ He said the main thing was for *. rism Winzer also asked for an. 'Radio_~Owners states." ' the dev~lopmentof their'~untry," ·Departrrlent. saJd thatd 1,100 urn- -somethmg'to' be done, since time N A ' t end to dlScrimination against East. ''Attention' Mikoyan pointed out that "the he emphasised. versity: students at: 11,616 stu- was running Qut:- . ear ,gre,e,!,£. Germany, -and for the state'to be ~r. Atigee!s Radio, .Engbi- , ~econdary .\~~re ~T~rnip.g' n 45th anniversary of our treaty of "Afghanistan has made fiile '. , dents of schools ' to· 'the' ;Vietnam -prob: recognised in the United Nations. .eering wodi'shop has lI10ved friendship ,falls within: half a year progress in recent yeqrs. ,This,was . ',' lakmg aovantag.e Of the faCllrtles lem ·Rusk said the United States --Both 'German states should re'- to Karti-De-Nau; EaSt of,'tlie ' wo~ld On "DisarrnaJRent imd the 35th anniversary of our fa~ilitated by the policy of non; . ": .proVided by thiS deparfI!lent. .I back every ..United' Nations nounce'the production, acquisition, , gas station at the pagJiinin treaty of neutrality and mutal alignment ira .neutrality pursued ' -In the after~oon, the BroVincla . move aimed at bringing the war- GENEVA. Aug. 3.-The 'four and use of nuclear weapons as and Silo rOads. We','repafr direotors V'ISIted the Teacher-. t"t .th conference 1.... f !!Dn-aggression. falls within a under the gUidance of '¥'oitr Traming -school \\·her.e ,th~y were ,ong paT les 0 .~. .' , Atlantic alliance countries at the well as access to t..em In any _orm Radios" ,PhonographS, ,TaPe . year" Majesty, the devotion to the i~ Recorde!'S, .~ectrlc' Shavers, , d f' f' f lable D!sarmament conference have whaJsoever', Winzer added. Lenin has said at the eighth of peace and national inde~" ~ , , .' " _ ~ taken on a roun . 0 m,spe~ lon 0 At' the ,samD' time, however. lle made' prQgress toward agieemer.t _~~ Vacuum Cleaners; Bair Dry-­ ~'ale ~; All-Russian Congress of Soviets dence -of peoplcs," the PreSidium " ':" ~~:'the: '~r;' ',;'~e sb3king. ---"an.ds ,.~tIi,- inaS,~, MikOY~ the.Piesi-de~' of the different sectlO.ns. 'They also . 'pointed out there was stUl little on a draft treaty to bar 'dissemi- For ers, 'Electric' Fans, and 'Ws - " met Dr: Sarahl, yJce'-Presldent of. SIgn that .Peking and Hanoi'want" nation of nuclear' weapons, .. Bri- 0 formers~ We have: four' 'years in 1920, Mikoyan recalled, "that we President continued. tbe-Presidi~ of the Supreme ',Soviet ,of ,the USSR 'at,. Krenilllf" yesterday:' ~ " " ., ' the Un!Verslty, ,later lD -the after-' t" t must also emphasise'that friendly Mikoyan said talks in; the piI,St, ..' _"< ", ... _. , ", ". d to kp.·eJl~dla of expepence abroad; siX years _~. ~ noon to exchange views on inat...-e R he. 0 d the 'use tish Disarmament Minister Lord Mercedes 300 in excellent experience 'here, and _modem' relations are- increasingly being If,etween leaders of the ',t§;;o coun- -'..' _ ", '.' ,.': , ," ' ' '" :. .0l01J.diJ)3,L. ' , , ., th un" I:S·ty and us sal e opp s~ Chalfont' said Monday, estab~shed tri~ ~frw ',.'~'.-.' ,'~' ~ ',~'. :.~" '~',', ~'_,' tel'S conceI'?IP.g. e. Ive I " of NatIonal Chinese, (,;ombat He indicated that', the four- condition. Only to privileged instmments: WIlen yon come, . and, strengthened by had always and ... '" ., .. ° ° ", ','-'-', _ :' " ':_, " .' ," ".', the proVIDclal directorates of ~, .' 's tli V' t ' persons. Telephone 20548 from look for the'·sign "Kash!ify . Afg~anlstar." fr~tful. ~~ sure,~t ~ . -.' ' troops lD oy .le nam, .', Britain. Canada, Italy and the us With Maj~sand was .Clean ·Sorf,·'R4unns,,~, Ce'-emonles Mark,Comnfefion' '-::.",>,~ _' educatIon. " He said National China'was pro, United States-would out a.joint -9 a.m. till 2 p.m. , Radio". "Our treatles and agreements. His VlSlt would provide '.' . - ., '.: .:.,. ,,_, , r:,.. " " _, _ AdVt-. Advt: our contacts, our friendship have another opportunity' to exChange 'B f' -- ."I;t:.;.;' -:,:;.' '.' .' '.1;;. '.: =':'d" L ":L"'.~' L.".,' " " 'Of T '.
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