![Art-Art Books Catalogue Graphic Design by Benjamin Critton](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
ii. 5 May – 9 June MMXII ii. Nos. 81 – 150 Arch-Art! Books consists of seventy publica- tions that present the artist book as a medium through which architecture might be photographi- cally and representationally explored. Using the periodicals in Archizines (17 April – 9 June) as its inspiration, Arch-Art! forms a complementary presentation of artist books that mine the over- lap and friction found in the recent resurgence of independent architecture and art publishing from around the world. I. Title C. II. Format ‡ C. 81 K. Sander, Rubensforderpreis 111 Outlooks Insights AF / 01–01 138 Lady Librty No. 02 81 300 × 210 mm. 114 210 × 210 mm. 147 130 × 190 mm. Siegen 112 Archer 139 Quadrangle 82 300 × 200 mm. 115 210 × 155 mm. 148 115 × 170 mm. 82 Jet Travel: Some Notes 113 Konzerthaus Liederhalle 140 Kraft 83 295 × 205 mm. 116 210 × 145 mm. 149 85 × 55 mm. 83 No Drama House Stuttgart 141 Park : Plan d’Evasion / A Plan 84 280 × 210 mm. 117 210 × 148 mm. 150 85 × 65 mm. 84 Contretemps 114 Hotel Rooms for Escape 85 280 × 600 mm. 118 210 × 150 mm. 85 Dad's Office 115 Agenda Noir et Blanc Design 142 J’ai Vu et J’ai Entendu à ‡ Height × width. Dept. / Irrégulomadaire 2010 Amsterdam 86 280 × 215 mm. 119 205 × 155 mm. 86 South Granville 116 Tiger Park 143 Model Studies 87 255 × 205 mm. 120 200 × 240 mm. 87 O.I.F. (Original In Farbe) 117 A List of Art Which Would Be 144 Service Entrance 88 250 × 180 mm. 121 200 × 125 mm. Destroyed If Ed Ruscha’s 88 HOME Painting “Los Angeles County 145 Yesilyurt 89 245 × 265 mm. 122 200 × 160 mm. Museum On Fire” Became 89 Where the Bus Takes Us Reality Today 146 Eleven Mega Churches 90 240 × 165 mm. 123 200 × 140 mm. 90 In Quest of the Perfect 118 Het Andre Behr Pamflet No. 147 70’s – 80’s 91 240 × 170 mm. 124 200 × 150 mm. Location 15 : The Stedelijk Wedge 148 Detroit City Map 92 240 × 165 mm. 125 200 × 150 mm. 91 Mexico ’68 119 Istanbul Buildings and Materials 149 Disco 93 240 × 165 mm. 126 190 × 130 mm. 92 48 Recent Photographs 120 Home of Tycoons 150 Where Am I 94 240 × 180 mm. 127 190 × 130 mm. 93 Neighbourhood 121 The Power Of The Right 95 240 × 170 mm. 128 190 × 130 mm. 94 Black and Blue Advisor 96 240 × 300 mm. 129 180 × 140 mm. 95 Un Sedicesimo 25–A 122 Petite Mort : Recollections of a Queer Public 97 240 × 170 mm. 130 180 × 140 mm. 96 Dedicated to the Warmest Flugelhorn Tone 123 Moscow, Zandvoort, Helsinki 98 230 × 165 mm. 131 180 × 140 mm. 97 P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Public 124 Perverted Nature 99 230 × 305 mm. 132 180 × 120 mm. Sculpture 125 Cities of Continuous Lines 100 230 × 230 mm. 133 180 × 140 mm. 98 Bad Driving 126 Architectural Space As Agent 101 225 × 140 mm. 134 177 × 127 mm. 99 An Architecture for the Poor 127 Natën e Mirë! 102 225 × 140 mm. 135 170 × 230 mm. 100 Houses / Homes 128 Cinema and Public Sculpture 103 225 × 140 mm. 136 170 × 170 mm. 101 Urban Studies – Chicago or If I Were A Monstrosity In The Urban Realm 104 225 × 140 mm. 137 170 × 170 mm. 102 Variation sur Metropolis 129 Persistent Huts 105 215 × 140 mm. 138 160 × 125 mm. 103 Where Are You? 130 Some Los Angeles Apartments 106 215 × 150 mm. 139 158 × 210 mm. 104 8th Avenue 131 Real Estate Opportunities 107 215 × 140 mm. 140 150 × 105 mm. 105 Underneath Providence : Findings Thus Far 132 Common Ground 108 215 × 255 mm. 141 150 × 210 mm. 106 NANCY 133 Twentysix Gasoline Stations 109 215 × 215 mm. 142 150 × 210 mm. 107 Dailysituations.com 134 Plants Do Things 110 215 × 140 mm. 143 150 × 105 mm. 108 Beauty’s Only Screen Deep 135 Auto Scope 111 210 × 148 mm. 144 145 × 225 mm. 109 Some Las Vegas Strip Clubs 136 Chimneys 112 210 × 210 mm. 145 140 × 215 mm. 110 Lawrence Weiner : NYC 137 Veintiocho Casillas de 113 210 × 150 mm. 146 140 × 140 mm. Manhole Covers Seguridad ii. C. C. III. Location & Year C. IV. Author(s) / Artist(s) C. 81 Siegen, Germany. 1994. 111 Berlin, Germany. 2011. 137 Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2009. 81 Karin Sander. 113 Karin Ruggaber. 145 Karin Ruggaber. 82 San Francisco, CA, United 112 Rotterdam, Netherlands. 138 Brooklyn, NY, United States. 82 Pablo Guardiola. 114 Markus Schmölz. 146 Travis Shaffer. States. 2011. 2006. 2009. 83 Julien Bismuth, Jean Pascal 115 Martine Cléron, Catherine 147 Kerekes Gábor. 83 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2005. 113 London, United Kingdom. 139 New York, NY, United States. Flavien. Houbart, et al. 2004. 2010. 148 Kati Rubinyi. 84 Modena, Italy. 1978. 84 Arnaud Claass. 116 Masahito Yamamoto. 114 Munich, Germany. 1999. 140 Zurich, Switzerland. 2011. 149 Asher Penn. 85 London, United Kingdom. 1999. 85 Nigel Shafran. 117 Michael Crowe. 115 Paris, France. 2009. 141 Gent, Belgium. 2002. 150 Lena Guimont. 86 Vancouver, Canada. 2002. 86 Robert Linsley. 118 Simon Cutts. 116 Tokyo, Japan. 2011. 142 Besançon, France. 2009. 87 Dusseldorf, Germany. 2003. 87 Katja Stuke, Oliver Sieber. 119 Karin Ruggaber. 117 London, United Kingdom. 2011. 143 London, United Kingdom. 2011. 88 Marseille, France, 1997. 88 Andrea Blum. 120 Angie Waller. 118 Amsterdam, Netherlands. 144 Philadelphia, PA, United 89 Arnhem, Netherlands. 2001. 2010. States. 2007. 89 Peter Spaans, Hans Eijkelboom. 121 Anonymous. 90 Copenhagen, Denmark. 2007. 119 London, United Kingdom. 145 London, United Kingdom. 90 Christiane Dellbrügge, Ralf de 122 Joshua Lubin-Levy, Carlos 2005. 2007. Moll. Motta. 91 Baden, Switzerland. 2009. 120 New York, NY, United States. 146 Lawrence, KS, United States. 91 Heidrun Holzfeind. 123 Mieke Woestenburg. 92 London, United Kingdom. 2008. 2010. 2008. 92 John Maclean. 124 Mieke Woestenburg. 121 New York, NY, United States. 147 Budapest, Hungary. 2010. 93 London, United Kingdom. 2009. 2011. 93 John Maclean. 125 Rossella Biscotti, Kevin Van 148 Los Angeles, CA, United Braak. 94 Oslo, Norway. 2011. 122 New York, NY, United States. States. 2008. 94 Morten Andersen. 2011. 126 Markus Miessen, et al. 95 Mantova, Italy. 2011. 149 New York, NY, United States. 95 Nathalie Du Pasquier. 123 Amsterdam, Netherlands. 2011. 127 Alexis Zavialoff. 96 Zurich, Switzerland. 1997. 2007. 96 Claudio Moser. 150 Berlin, Germany. 2011. 128 Jörg Obergfell. 97 Ljubljana, Slovenia. 2010. 124 Amsterdam, Netherlands. 97 Tadej Pogacar. 2008. 129 Derek Sullivan. 98 Melbourne, Australia. 2011. 98 Louis Porter. 125 Amsterdam, Netherlands. 130 Eric Doeringer. 99 Stockholm, Sweden. 2008. 2007. 99 Mats Eriksson. 131 Eric Doeringer. 100 Bergen, Norway. 2000. 126 Paris, France. March, 2011. 100 Thera Mjaaland. 132 Fabrice Gygi. 101 Paris, France. 2002. 127 Budapest, Hungary. 2010. 101 Gerold Tagwerker. 133 Michalis Pichler. 102 Paris, France. 2006. 128 Seoul, South Korea. 2008. 102 Maya Schweizer, Clemens von Wedemeyer. 134 Zin Taylor. 103 Paris, France. 2006. 129 New York, NY, United States. 2008. 103 Olga Kisseleva. 135 Heike Baranowsky. 104 Paris, France. 2006. 130 Brooklyn, NY, United States. 104 Stefan Brecht. 136 Lynne Yamamoto. 105 Philadelphia, PA & Cambridge, 2009. MA, United States. 2011. 105 Alex Lukas. 137 Victoria Bianchetti. 131 Brooklyn, NY, United States. 106 Bretiguy-sur-Or, France. 1999. 2009. 106 Bertrand Lamarche. 138 James Prez. 107 Brooklyn, NY, United States. 132 Bern, Switzerland. 2002. 107 Brian Bell, Linn Edwards. 139 LeRoy Stevens. 2009. 133 New York, NY, United States. 108 John Fekner. 140 Peter Piller. 108 New York, NY, United States. 2009. 1983. 109 Julie Cook. 141 Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster. 134 Toronto, Canada. 2011. 109 Las Vegas, NV, United States. 110 Lawrence Weiner. 142 Priscilia Thénard. 2008. 135 Frankfurt, Germany. 1997. 111 Amos Fricke. 143 Thomas Demand. 110 New York, NY, United States. 136 Northampton, MA, United 2001. States. 2009. 112 Harmen de Hoop. 144 Michael Cataldi. Printed Matter & Storefront Gower, Michael Manfredi, William Menking, Margery Perlmutter, Linda Pollak, Robert M. Rubin, Printed Matter is the world’s larg- Arch-Art! Books at Storefront for Storefront for Art and Architec- Artur Walther, Mabel Wilson, and est non-profit organization dedi- Art and Architecture ture is a nonprofit organization Karen Wong cated to the promotion of publica- committed to the advancement tions made by artists. Recognized May 5 – June 9, 2012 of innovative positions in archi- Director's Council for years as an essential voice in tecture, art and design. Since Kyong Park, Founder the increasingly diversified art Curation 1982 Storefront has presented the Sarah Herda, Joseph Grima world conversations and debates, Adam O'Reilly for Printed Matter work of more than one thousand Printed Matter is dedicated to the architects and artists who chal- Board of Advisors examination and interrogation of Exhibition lenge conventional perceptions of Kent Barwick, Stefano Boeri, Peter the changing role of artists’ pub- \ / |< | \ | space-form aesthetic experiments Cook, Chris Dercon, Elizabeth lications in the landscape of con- (Giancarlo Valle, Isaiah King, to explorations of the concep- Diller, Claudia Gould, Dan Graham, temporary art. Ryan Neiheiser) tual, social and political forces Peter Guggenheimer, Richard that shape the built environ- Haas, Brooke Hodge, Steven Executive Director Graphic Design ment. The organization’s gallery Holl, Steven Johnson, Toyo Ito, James Jenkin B.C...A.D. space includes a 12-panel facade Mary Jane Jacob, Mary Miss, (Benjamin Critton) designed in a collaborative project Antoni Muntadas, Shirin Neshat, Associate Director by artist Vito Acconci and archi- Hans Ulrich Obrist, Lucio Pozzi, Max Schumann Printing tect Steven Holl that is regarded Frederieke Taylor, Anthony Vidler, Linco, Long Island City, NY. as a contemporary architectural and James Wines Distribution Coordinator landmark and that exhibiting art- Shannon Michael Cane Arch-Art! Books presents a selec- ists often utilize in their creations.
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