Federal Communications Commission Pt. 2 shall make appointments only from commis- COOPERATING COMMITTEE TO DETERMINE RE- sions of the States interested in the particu- SPECTING ANY REPORT OF STATEMENT OF ITS lar proceeding in which the committee is to ATTITUDE serve. He shall exercise his best judgment to (a) Whenever a cooperating committee select cooperating commissioners who are shall have concluded its work, or shall deem especially qualified to serve upon cooperat- such course advisable, the committee shall ing committees by reason of their ability consider whether it is necessary and desir- and fitness; and in no case shall he appoint able to make a report to the interested State a commissioner upon a cooperating commit- commissions, and, if it shall determine to tee until he shall have been advised by such make a report, it shall cause the same to be commissioner that it will be practicable for distributed through the secretary of the as- him to attend the hearings in the proceeding sociation, or through the general solicitor to in which the committee is to serve, including all interested commissions. the arguments therein, and the cooperative (b) If a report of the Federal Commission conferences, which may be held following the will accompany any order to be made in said submission of the proceeding, to an extent proceeding, the Federal Commission will that will reasonably enable him to be in- state therein the concurrence or nonconcur- formed upon the issues in the proceeding and rence of said cooperating committee in the to form a reasonable judgment in the mat- decision or order of said Federal Commis- sion. ters to be determined. CONSTRUCTION HEREOF IN CERTAIN RESPECTS TENURE OF COOPERATORS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED (a) No State commissioner shall sit in a co- It is understood and provided that no State operative proceeding under this plan except or States shall be deprived of the right of a commissioner who has been selected by his participation and cooperation as herein- commission to represent it in a proceeding before provided because of nonmembership in involving eight States or less, or has been se- the association. With respect to any such lected by the president of the association to State or States, all negotiations herein spec- sit in a case involving more than eight ified to be carried on between the Federal States, in the manner hereinbefore provided. Commission and any officer of such associa- (b) A commissioner who has been selected, tion shall be conducted by the Federal Com- as hereinbefore provided, to serve as a mem- mission directly with the chairman of the ber of a cooperating committee in any pro- commission of such State or States. ceeding, shall without further appointment, [28 FR 12462, Nov. 22, 1963, as amended at 29 and without regard to the duration of time FR 4801, Apr. 4, 1964] involved, continue to serve in said proceed- ing until the final disposition thereof, in- cluding hearings and conferences after any PART 2ÐFREQUENCY ALLOCA- order or reopening, provided that he shall TIONS AND RADIO TREATY MAT- continue to be a State commissioner. TERS; GENERAL RULES AND REG- (c) No member of a cooperating committee ULATIONS shall have any right or authority to des- ignate another commissioner to serve in his Subpart AÐTerminology place at any hearing or conference in any proceeding in which he has been appointed to Sec. serve. 2.1 Terms and definitions. (d) Should a vacancy occur upon any co- operating committee, in a proceeding involv- Subpart BÐAllocation, Assignment, and ing more than eight States, by reason of the Use of Radio Frequencies death of any cooperating commissioner, or of 2.100 International regulations in force. his ceasing to be a State commissioner, or of 2.101 Nomenclature of frequencies. other inability to serve, it shall be the duty 2.102 Assignment of frequencies. of the president of the association to fill the 2.103 Government use of non-Government vacancy by appointment, if, after commu- frequencies. nication with the chairman of the cooperat- 2.104 International Table of Frequency Allo- ing committee, it be deemed necessary to fill cations. such vacancy. 2.105 United States Table of Frequency Al- (e) In the event of any such vacancy occur- locations. ring upon a cooperating committee involving 2.106 Table of Frequency Allocations. not more than eight States, the vacancy 2.107 Radio astronomy station notification. shall be filled by the commission from which 2.108 Policy regarding the use of the fixed- the vacancy occurs. satellite allocations in the 3.6±3.7, 4.5±4.8, and 5.85±5.925 GHz bands. 317 VerDate 02<DEC>97 09:26 Dec 12, 1997 Jkt 174179 PO 00000 Frm 00313 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\174179.TXT 179txt Pt. 2 47 CFR Ch. I (10±1±97 Edition) Subpart CÐEmissions 2.913 Submittal of equipment authorization application or information to the Com- 2.201 Emission, modulation, and trans- mission. mission characteristics. 2.915 Grant of application. 2.202 Bandwidths. 2.917 Dismissal of application. 2.919 Denial of application. Subpart DÐCall Signs and Other Forms of 2.921 Hearing on application. Identifying Radio Transmissions 2.923 Petition for reconsideration; applica- tion for review. 2.301 Station identification requirement. 2.924 Marketing of electrically identical 2.302 Call signs. equipment having multiple trade names 2.303 Other forms of identification of sta- and models or type numbers under the tions. same FCC Identifier. 2.925 Identification of equipment. Subpart EÐDistress, Disaster, and 2.926 FCC identifier. Emergency Communications CONDITIONS ATTENDANT TO AN EQUIPMENT 2.401 Distress messages. AUTHORIZATION 2.402 Control of distress traffic. 2.927 Limitations on grants. 2.403 Retransmission of distress message. 2.929 Nonassignability of an equipment au- 2.404 Resumption of operation after dis- thorization. tress. 2.931 Responsibility of the grantee. 2.405 Operation during emergency. 2.932 Modification of equipment. 2.406 National defense; free service. 2.933 Change in identification of equipment. 2.407 National defense; emergency author- 2.934 Change in name and/or address of ization. grantee. 2.935 Change in control of grantee. Subparts F±G [Reserved] 2.936 FCC inspection. 2.937 Equipment defect and/or design Subpart HÐProhibition Against change. Eavesdropping 2.938 Retention of records. 2.939 Revocation or withdrawal of equip- 2.701 Prohibition against use of a radio de- ment authorization. vice for eavesdropping. 2.941 Availability of information relating to grants. Subpart IÐMarketing of Radiofrequency 2.943 Submission of equipment for testing. Devices 2.945 Sampling tests of equipment compli- ance. 2.801 Radiofrequency device defined. 2.946 Penalty for failure to provide test 2.803 Marketing of radio frequency devices samples and data. prior to equipment authorization. 2.947 Measurement procedure. 2.807 Statutory exceptions. 2.948 Description of measurement facilities. 2.811 Transmitters operated under part 73 of this chapter. VERIFICATION 2.813 Transmitters operated in the Instruc- tional Television Fixed Service. 2.951 Cross reference. 2.952 Limitation on verification. 2.815 External radio frequency power ampli- fiers. 2.953 Responsibility for compliance. 2.954 Identification. Subpart JÐEquipment Authorization 2.955 Retention of records. 2.956 FCC inspection and submission of Procedures equipment for testing. GENERAL PROVISIONS NOTIFICATION 2.901 Basis and purpose. 2.971 Cross reference. 2.902 Verification. 2.973 Limitations on notification. 2.904 Notification. 2.975 Application for notification. 2.905 Type acceptance. 2.977 Changes in notified equipment. 2.906 Declaration of Conformity. 2.907 Certification. TYPE ACCEPTANCE 2.908 Identical defined. 2.981 Cross reference. 2.909 Responsible party. 2.983 Application for type acceptance. 2.985 Measurements required: RF power out- APPLICATION PROCEDURES FOR EQUIPMENT put. AUTHORIZATIONS 2.987 Measurements required: Modulation 2.911 Written application required. characteristics. 318 VerDate 02<DEC>97 09:26 Dec 12, 1997 Jkt 174179 PO 00000 Frm 00314 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\174179.TXT 179txt Federal Communications Commission § 2.1 2.989 Measurements required: Occupied Subpart MÐAdvance Approval of bandwidth. Subscription TV Transmission Systems 2.991 Measurements required: Spurious emissions at antenna terminals. ADVANCE APPROVAL PROCEDURE 2.993 Measurements required: Field strength of spurious radiation. 2.1400 Application for advance approval 2.995 Measurements required: Frequency under part 73. stability. 2.997 Frequency spectrum to be inves- Subpart NÐFCC Procedure for Testing tigated. Class A, B and S Emergency Position 2.999 Measurement procedure. Indicating Radiobeacons (EPIRBs) 2.1001 Changes in type accepted equipment. 2.1005 Equipment for use in the Amateur GENERAL Radio Service. 2.1501 Introduction. CERTIFICATION 2.1503 Test environment. 2.1505 Test instrumentation and equipment. 2.1031 Cross reference. 2.1033 Application for certification. ENVIRONMENTAL AND OPERATIONAL TEST 2.1035 [Reserved] PROCEDURES 2.1041 Measurement procedure. 2.1043 Changes in certificated equipment. 2.1507 Test frequencies. 2.1509 Environmental and duration tests. FILING FOR APPLICATION REFERENCE 2.1511 Measurements of radiated emissions. 2.1061 Submission of technical information 2.1513 Measurements of modulation charac- for application reference. teristics. 2.1063 Disclaimer re technical information 2.1515 Spectral measurements. filed for application reference. 2.1065 Identification and changes in equip- DATA RECORDING/REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ment information filed for application 2.1517 Data recording/reporting require- reference. ments. DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY FIGURES 2.1071 Cross reference. 2.1072 Limitation on Declaration of Con- FIGURE 1ÐMEASUREMENT SITE formity. FIGURE 2ÐTYPICAL AUDIO WAVEFORM 2.1073 Responsibilities. FIGURE 3ÐEXAMPLE OF IDEAL EPIRB SPEC- 2.1074 Identification. TRUM 2.1075 Retention of records. FIGURE 4ÐEXAMPLE OF EPIRB CARRIER COM- 2.1076 FCC inspection and submission of PONENT equipment for testing. 2.1077 Compliance information. AUTHORITY: 47 U.S.C. 154, 302, 303, 307 and 336, unless otherwise noted.
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