'Liliom' to Start at Klein Friday • Story on P a g » S ..-i f :£ C R § j j f r IlmliMaoSAu UlAALLa u n i v e r M v y , o t ■na^tpoiT vuuipvi vvccny Voi. 23 BRIDGEPORT, CONN., FEBRUARY 28. 1951. No. 15 Council Juggles Budget As Enrollment Decreases By GENE VALENTE, JR. In order to meet the financial crisis caused by the decrease in enrolment at UB, the third Student Council meeting of this semester has been forced to reallocate student funds for the remainder of the year. The original budget was based on an estimated $11,850 from thé tuition of 1800 students However, since student enrolment has drop­ A TENSE MOMENT in a scene from the Office of ped to 1450, lack of funds has forced a cut in the budget of $1,100. Campos Productions play “Liliom” is created by Ed­ This sum is determined on the ward Heske, Liliom, when he threatens to strike his basis of the day enrollment: $6.20 wife, Joyce Mathewson. The play will be presented at for each paying student and 25 SCAC To Investigate cents from each- Student Activi­ the Klein Friday and Saturday night. ties book. The following figures are the Improving School Spirit official figures of the Student By MARILYN SORRENTINO Council Budget Com m ittee Con­ Fate of Prince Valiant cerning ' the Student Activities. Improving school spirit will be at the last meeting were the fol­ B udget: the major objective to be acted lowing: Camera Club, Economics RECEIPTS FROM ADMINISTRATION: Club, Wistaria Hall, French Club, Pint semester (r.800 students) .. $5,500.00 upon by the Student Council Ad­ Spanish Club, Sociology Collo­ Second semester (1,450 students) f 4,495.00 Up to Student Body SC RECEIPTS FROM STUQEMT AC­ visory Committee this semester. quium, Marina Hall, Alpha Gamma TIVITIES: By JOAN RECK First Semester (at 25 cants per At the Feb. 20 meeting, a school Phi, Pi Omega Chi, Debating So­ book) ....................................... 450.00 Prince Valiant’s fate hangs in the balance once again, spirit committee was organized. ciety, Sigma Phi Alpha, Marketing Second Semester tat 25 cents per according to the newest developments from the Student Its members include Larry Sea- Club, SCRIBE, Wistarian, Theta book) 362.50 Council. Therefore, the question of the week is, "Will the mon, chairman and vice-president Sigma, Phi Theta -Kappa, Strat­ TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR of SCAC; Leo Kney, vice-chair­ ford Hall. Milford Hall. Biology ALLOCATION THE ENTIRE YEAR: * 10.807.50 students raise enough money to keep the Great Dane or TOTAL FUNDS FROZEN TO ORGAN­ was the unusual burst of college spirit last Fall just a re­ man; Frank Vadis, Bryant Hop­ Society, National Student Associa­ IZATIONS: per, Dick Handler, Syd Litwak, tion, Social Activities Obmmittee, NSA ............................................. 636.48 SCRIBE .............................; ......... 3.694.08 action to the ‘Forbidden Fruit'?” Ron Brandenburg, Ben Raubvogel, and Pi Delta Epsilon. reaction was enthusiastic on the SAC . — . 2.736.00 Unless the stu d en t body is Chick Levan thal, and Suzanne WisUrian ......... 1.169.21 Interested enough tojuep a con­ part of the students and doubtful Inter-Hall Council . 355.20 Lefkow . stant balance of $150 in the bank in the administration’s point of Whoops! Ww Dood It Alpha Phi Omega loan . v . i . « 225.00 SUGGESTION URGED for food and maintenance, the Continued on PAGE S TOTAL: .......... .............. .................. 8,016.04 The idea of acting on the prob­ And W o'ro Rood Boys! PLUS STUDENT COUNCIL EXPENDI­ dog will- be returned to the owner TURES: ............................ ............... who originally presented him to lem of lack’ of school spirit was D «e to b typographical Debaters Invaded TOTAL FUNDS NOT ALLOCATABLE the University as a gift. A t referred to the-SCAC by the stu­ error» the results of the ROTC FOR SECOND SEMESTER: ................ 9,491.47 present, thfre is barely enough dent body and the Student Coun­ vote hi the last issue of the UConn & Rutgers cil as an acute problem at the TOTAL FUNOS SUBJECT TO RE­ money to support the mascot SCRIBE Were wrong. Below ALLOCATION: . w . ................ .... 1,316.03 Until March 15. The UB Debating Society affirm­ University. Larry Seamon stat is the correct vote: PLUS FUNDS MADE AVAILABLE ative and negative teams will THROUGH REVISION IN BUDGET: True to the tradition of the ed, “Anyone having suggestions or * f V , FACULTY ' ’ 1 380.00 Psnonwt Eniwocy scribe %........ day, the "Ides of March" will travel to Stons today to meet interested in working on this proj­ NSA .................. ........................... 159.28 tat the flaal story ef the both teams at the University of ect should contact me.’* Strongly Favor « f Total . 459.28 F avor .................. 11% •% . Ualvenity*s mascot. The Connecticut.- On Friday of this “With the election of new of­ NEW TOTAL SUBJCCT TO REALLO­ stu d en ts on the original week, the negative team will meet Indifferent ...... 1% 4% CATION: ........ ............... 1.775.31 ficers and the increase in inde­ Opposed ................ 2% 1% »FSS STUOENT COUNCIL RESERVE mascot committee are unable Rutgers University team of New pendence of the SCAC, any stu­ FUNO: . a . ï . A i . 300.00 to continue their work, and Jersey in the first of a series of Not Voting ____ 13% 13% b. ~ Reserve fond for second dent may submit an article for STU0ENTS somester for four classes 8100.08 na one has given hint of two debates at New Jersey. The the agenda by contacting Diane Psnnawsnl Em-rgency Centtaftacies » 200.00 Interest. Bridgeport team’s topic on Fri Strongly Favor . .4$% O’Hanna, secretary, at Seaside Tatal Reserve $300.00 If this situation is not remedied day will be: “Resolved: That the Hall on Mondays before 3 P. M., F avor .......... .. .1 1 » 14% by March 15, the students will be non-Communist nations should announced SCAC p r e ild e a t Indifferent - •% •% NET TOTAL FOR REALLOCATIONS. V475.31 The Budget . Committee has letting down the University itself, form a new international organi­ Charles Smith. Opposed *% as. well as. Roland Blais, Flank sation.” Speakers for UB will be Not Voting ___ .26% *•% Caattaaed an PAGE S Stackpole, Patricia Ode, and the Mark I. Ritter, and Rprvey G. REPRESENTATION A MUST other enthusiastic students who Burney. All campus organixdbons must n e a rly wore themselves out The debating .society split send a representative to the SCAC making Prince Valiant a success home and home series with the meetings on Tuesdays at 4 P. M., FLU ON EASTERN TRIP on campus. After March 15th the Bell arm ine Debating Society of in the conference room of West- gtudents will be unable to jnake Fairfield University, Feb. 14 and port Hall. Organizations not rep­ CATCHES UP WITH UB any attempts to bring back Prince Feb. 21. Wilbur J. Land, Robert resented at the meetings are, sub­ .Valiant. F. Bergal, King B. Fraser, and ject to the jurisdiction of the Stu­ By I t ft r ii^ The February winds have announced it this year, and once When the mascot Idea was first Carlos Luria participated in these dent Council. The organizations represented again the common cold has made its annual bow. on the UB earn* introduced on the campus, the events. ------ h pus. Moat students, both commut­ ing and the residence hall, have been affected far the epidemic row existing on the Eastern seaboard. NSA Foreign Tours Announced For the fast two weds both the men’s women’s infirmaries k’wWtth the aim c f furthering mu­ addition, formal and informal sem­ prices^ The trips are completely 15. Since accommodations are have fata occupied to their full tual understanding between Amer­ inars have been arranged at-vaibj student operated, with the student UndtaA rod there are quotas for capacity. ican and foreign students, the Na­ ous European universities.., gy! 'groups acting as hosts fa their re­ each c(L the 27 tours, Norden Many donas have housed the tional Student Association an­ The costs cjt -the tours rapete spective countries, thus offering Hahn, Acting Chairman of the 81 studepts because of the lack cf nounces tint li wm continue fas from $35fitc9800t including trans- grottier contact with natives, and NSA Oanpus. Commission at UB, fa&ramry ' program o f nock, study and, trav- Atlantic trensportaticn, all land many special events. advises rturtsntf to file their ap­ ’ The University nurse, Mte. D ei. el projects abroad this summer. Lauspoet in the organised part Applications can be obtained by plications as soon as possible. is C Hoffman has stated that “A . , This program las been in opera- Of toe tour, room and board, tfcfe writing to the USNSA Travel De­ Final selection of participant» marked number of stsencM from . tjon for the past Hace- yearn ets, program expenses,' and inci­ partment, Hotef ^Poqfhteck, Suite wiH . be hate»: far,; th e. NSA. A fter clames fa the'last week have beca caused by thff’uaiplwiafaff *tppete Open* to all Staiteli of the dental Charges. It does not Include, 42«, W. 43rd St, New York 18, tiw applicant is notified of Mi ac­ respiratory infection’.” I M M S tates sad Canada, the Iwonvtefefe a.-personal expend N. T. The deadline for application ceptance; he will receive informa­ tures, or money spent during tl I n BJL toute fall U fa' four main hi tion regarding passports, currency, free days provided in the taunt _______________ ordi­ fteateggtes:-- study touts, interna­ Becaipe NSA-la a«pM »rofit ed­ nary ndes of health.' Namely to tional tatos, work camp arrange- ucational group, the tours can be Cove, Quebec, on j S i l ^ M k a w deEte^^^faníw^n get plenty of rest, to avoid be- t oMpte, and hospitality, tons.
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