Complete Patroniw ('«jniuunity and MaiHMfl and Gold Campus Coverag« aroon And Gold Adrvrtiaera Fub)i>ifae[J By and For Stndenta of Blea C*Uece VOLUM E XII £LoN O L Ec.b. N C WEUNE.-DAY(, NOVEMBER 24, 1937 N 0 .6 Shrew Tamed Quakers To Be By Elon Class Met In Finale Costumes And Greensboro W ill Stage Colorful Be Scene Of Game Waugh And Mastro Stai Many To Play Last Time Last ni^ht, the Shakespeare The Elon Chrisitians and the “The Taming of the Shrew” as Guilford Qujakers tofnorrorn' en­ Clas-s presented Shakespeare’s gage in what will be the last its annual production. A1 Mastro, game of the season for both teams. ■star ILneniaji of the Christian foot­ Pictured above ia the last scene from “Foneral Flownrs F«r the Bride,” which is to be presented in WhitleyMfttmorial A^itorinia, From all inidic;ationj it will be a ball team, had the role of Petru- very fiercely contested t>attle. chio, and used much of his grid­ December 2, by the Carolina Playinakers. The play is hilarious Pictured above ig a scene from “Learin’s", a one-act play to be BoFth teams are out of the rufl'uinK iron ability to tame Katherine, comedy dealing with South Carolina mountain f6llL ^ ureiiiented by the Carolina Playmaliers in Whitley Memorial Audit- aa fair as 'confereacs honor» are the Shrew, who ijs Miss Juanita -riam Th^ursday evening, December 2. This play, by Janie Malloy conceitied but eath team will try Waugh, of Burlington. The play, !rltt, poiirays an interestinj; Lincoln legend, and is a simple story to trample the other into the dirt S colorful i*omauce, was full of AilC I' aculty To Elon Represented At ased on simple love. of the Memorial bitadiwoi ia comedy and action, and although <five Reeitai Nov. 29 Christian Conference Greensboro. Mr. Mastro did not throw Kath­ lio>th tenins have been defeated erine for any ten-yard losses, he Carolina Play makers Bring by the AppuUchrain Bears who did block many af her kicks and The first recital by the Depart­ The annual session rf *i have clinched the uorth jtate con­ knocked down several of her at­ ment of Music will be presented North Caroliina and VTg'nia Con Monday evening, November 29, at Three Plays Here Next Week ference chantpionship for this tempted passes. ferenee of the Congregationa' 8:15 o’clock in Whitley Mem>r;al year. The Christian's were defeat­ The supporting east was com­ Christian Church, of which our Auditorium. Stuart Pravt will ed 31 to 0 whereas the Quakers posed of fourteen members of the El. in chuich rs a member, conven­ • lay a group cf piano solos and were defeated 37 to 0. Scoiw class, and the production, like that ed at Reidsville. N. C. Iiie aay Elon Singers To wo groups of organ siolos. Helen don’t prove anything though and of ‘The Tempest,” last year, is an morning, Nov. 16, continuing Prodiicti<^s On Present Handel’s (Jhamblee, Soprano, will sing t«o just what the outcome of the bat­ outgnowth of clasjroom activity. through Thursday 18. Several ot .'loups of songs. She will be ac- Messiah Sunday tle tomorrow will be it is hard to The scene of this' famous come­ OUT officials a.nd stu'dent.s were in Native Sayicts jmpanied by Fletche'i M^ore. The predict although the Elon aggre­ dy iwas the Elon Little Theatre, atteiiuance throughout the session. j^omplete program couid not be gation should win by several where an Elizabethan stage had Dr. IvV. Bearde cf Soochovv, The annual performance of i o'.’ined lor publication, but all touehdowins. been constructed. The Shake­ China, whom many-of the studeni.s In Whitley Auditorium Handel’s oratorio. The Messiah, i iniisic lovers are assured c.f an At the beginning of the 'season speare wardrobe had been increas­ met here in Chapel and class­ viil be given Sunday evening,'s enjoyment. it looked as if Goa\;h Smith wa» ed this year, and much time had room, gave three splendid ad- >e; e.T .ber 5, at 8:30 o’clock in the On Thursday, December 2, in faced with a hopeless task of de­ been spent to see that the cos­;3 on the wu-ik in'C hina; ■V h i 1 1 e y Memorial Auditorium. the Whitley Memorial Auditorium, veloping a football team at Guil­ tumes were typical of :Shake- ■MLMSTERIAL ASSOCIATION .he,-e messages weie timely in­ ProfesiJor Pratt will conduct the ford. In spite of the meager sup­ speare’s day. They lent a great at 8 P. M., under the .-ponsor.-hip deed, insofar as tney helped -one ,ei fjrmance. The soloist are: ply of material he had to work deal to the setting and atmosphere >f the Elon College Lyceum Ccm- Dr. Campbell, of the faculty of e ilizj the wiiole »iti_ation in Helen Chamblee, soprano; Evelyn with, Coach Smith has developed of the play. Students in charge mittee. The Carolina Playm.ikeTfJ, v'aaderbilt Un.versi y, cf h- hiaa t -day. Di. L. E. Smith Sarnes, tontralco; John E. Pom.s, a pretty good team. They have of research and design of co?- .'n tour from the University ol iile, ierine.-see, was the guest gave a fine address in t!.e i.'iie.t;.-! :enor; Walter Va.-iisar, basis. Ac­ fight and intes.tional fortitude tume.s were Melvin James and .N'arth Carolina, v/'ll pie nt a biil pe_ker to the Mini.s-tei .al gi^u^, li .lie joik'ge euLio*i i:. companiment will be furnished by enough to make up fo'r the size of Beatrice 'Wilkins of Haw River; f thiee new one-act plays, “Fun- ; >.\.vember 15. s6i'ieral. Utiiei auuie^i^s anU ;u- Fletcher Moore, at the organ, and the .-Hiuad. The Christians, and Margaiet Ea.p .f Green.-'boro; and .:ral for the Bride,” a hilarious Lev'otionul reading was -cvc ..Jag a 1.. ileien Boone, at the piano. yuaker.^ have been enemies in Florence Reeve of Riverhead, N. ■ medy cf Sou.h Carolina moun- :ul; by Presicienc \ ’ii;toi -iurchi- .h';]e e s.un lively and enjoy It is eXpected that the au- every type of .spwrt since way Y. a::! folk; "Leavin's,” a <.iraina '.1, after M \h me speaker was . 1 lim be filled to caijacity back and from the looks of tilings The players: 'cn tructed from the legend siii- duced by Dr. D. J. Bawdtn. i'iubauiy the crowning even:, .aunding the birth of Abiahuin ro'r this tiaditional Elon ceremony. novv, it is to be a bitter Christopher Sly—Charlie Hamrick '. 'iL. Cami-beii’s mes.-a‘,e was in- ti.e ^je ui y.jhi aciibe, u: :aL„lii; an., ‘’Sunuay Costs iiie ii^ni. to tne finish tom^^rrow. Hostess ct' an Alehjuse—Floience io.U'.e and ile -aid W.I.- Lne a.cion of rue Ec'.u- This will be the last time that Reeve . a la n e dealing with cer- Fashion Show Held . e-- ence that t.^3 miaisce. cati..nal L^aici cl tiie . ..i... ia -u.eresiiig cit.^en; uf tne naif of the EKn team will don a A Lord — Isai.ih Sears .n bell.,!! „i -fc eiai i.,n,n aL bo we'aaed n.s v, '.k ,.j. .,0 ; ai.Kij, a t.'un in jieXi- The late't style- for young men football uniform and do battle un­ First — ooule Chandler A., the 'lnuI^ac^y inaniuig ■. : a siave ro ii., a n ’i th..t ->v . r,v .0. ind v. ere .slii.wn in the der the Chia'.-tian ba.nner. Abbitt, Second Hunt .man—Marshall Wal­ a t)i;aia Vu.e.. e.\._na i; iiy,::. beauiif.i! coiiii.aai..;. uiu i; i' indeed fortunate that cn .V'h!tley Auditorium Thursday Day, Captain Caruso, Beaver, ker - e ia. j . Saiidfri .-aa, t;ra; ^ ' aion„ s, way. lis, [heii :i5tii tour, 'ihe t^.ay- ■vening, November 18. by Meyers Ala cro, ar.a Braoiey aie seniors Serving Man — Janies White ■-a i.i 1....1 by tile C-.i.. i. !,e .n;-; oi.' tite i ii-.eis v\e;e available for a I'aok- tnd (’jmpany, and the Wright wlio coii.sLitwie tiie batkbone of the Ba'itholoniew — ,i .e HilK-sen v,UiXtjr6i* _ 6 ul - .... ; I'.'ni ,c. ;iii ■ -g in Eia.i Loiiege. 'Tne travei- .lothing Si.iire of Green-boro. Lion team. Lu.-£nt;o, sun of Vincentiu — '1 di-uiL.' i-, ic VOLfed Do i.. j ^'Mini-.'ssaa'i ■'4 oump.iuy colli..r s^:..^ wiiat . 'lne (ttuaker.-i do not have any Landun aiker W'hile C'harlie Hamrii.-k played (-■ill,! L \ i 111. n 1 li’fc r.'t ^ L i i". ■ i -i..-..oiiXp u6 hi..!. .p„i.ed .J be Jie most t:iien..ei. )i '- grand piano on the stage ol outsianaiiig jilayers sucn as Ab- Lucti.uion, '.’-ei.aiit jf Lucentio-- 1 .Hr- t,-v;;nib^i l-o ; I. .1 . ' L_ na\'e -L ure< -ie auaii-oriuni, cumely El.^n gills bu:, Mastro, CaiU.-io, oneiton and Ur,--'feiwotid • c-...., V . i i - L^j. - - n~ . MiuLy, t;iTma...jEf i-ied.;: iiii .h’= ,.-n ii. ni .iolled the enscmbh-s.
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