Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 2-25-1967 The Ledger and Times, February 25, 1967 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, February 25, 1967" (1967). The Ledger & Times. 5598. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 2 • 4 , II I; WM" 11!tig R4 II - x a c K,13 irlIntrri"trt tririrgg tri it &C.3 ci g :11 :e4 .414:= I/1 ist- 1 IR! l!k !Alba .41 5 51E 41 illIgig s 4411 ig liegl141541411 113 V I:• W ! 4 ;:i1;1ii5 14 '145: isfil;11 q-6:1° illit 111%! pi' 111-wl;le & > q4a " 1 91,5 it 4troi 0171018110240 ti-. lk -il 054 isl 41!8 OIL I E "x l Ili kg , -I 161 /1 i I 15 i t qi t5151 gl'`41 I 115"111. 1 ii ocb I a J8 iIIII, g *Iliiil 0 15414 It11=1.140i3 841/14 Y1W 44 AP!'E55 illigaltillf4,1111:1 Ithallilildilla A ilv IIR4 II i ilAI ilh un r auflpf ;=Hgt 03 Pltd4ml i liVii 1 11 Eig 5L-t4-14/ itilyWV4111 Vi 11 ;,E5JK 177' ?Ii. 0 12- "15s Nor leRP!°114" 11 , 1Fr r yll; 10.1 tfilkz c, ;61: 42"[W 4 'V54 OR 4 15 Figai g E;49.1 e t 110 i 0 0 54a51 :11 0)1t • > 1 a clil Ei 1 4401 U.5.1 g x0131'1 711:1°q11 i2-045 24 : 2 1 cFNc.ri = 0e°11 eta1,11,wg 4114g1 "V:T> 1°24 ita rtliWililla70;11;1 1 1/Igh t4 ! 141 SW! 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III ill;g11 1444/4 CC 41 !I r1 4Tflal IfOlful ;it 40;1 . ." t124:15 gii81 1!5 11 :i0.1,111 • • • ,ariaremeamoggiareerefifiri litgalibtou T H E Lapvls& & T$IE6I Musa - FEBRUARY 25, 1967 liweinversarawannseirelunia • THE LEDGER & TIMES Racers In Track Fred Lorenazen Meet At MomPhis PA( PLIALSIIIKED bg WM= t enao boo Coosolidation at the Murray Lad, lkil Fairgrounds Today Cletsbar 30. um, rod ins Weld lteotoddes. JonsiVi COME TO WORSHIP 1, LIME Mau To Watch Mauve .5.4a4e Voitierst7 will m- 411,111111 C WILLIAMS, PUSLISIEHIR AND ar a 17-soap LW* Itt the Ideate* REJOICE.. Jaycee Indoor Toot Wei today at We raserve ibe neat to repeat any Adairtialog. LOAM to the Man Tomorrow Me Iliessetta reirgeguhh- et Public Vino Woe *OM In our cipiskan. onat kw lee best to The MO WOK Cliegek larder Saixial Absalom ata Othweig has utia Ste WOW* cli- Own of our readars. Say. WNW Jetelage. pease Tigers DroP 11114/11 al lbe Memel& meet for four By CHARLES S. ALBINO= NATIONAL Illociay School 10:00 as. KIPILWANTATIVSS. WALLACII WITMER CO, 1,01 i,q,uo, ries nes strata* years. 06.17014•4 WOW E'n• Kt. Madison Ave., learerbia Teem; Dine dr Lies Mac New Yawn NY Last Manes Weeds* 12:e5 SAL Worn Owen sat Qball Today the Heading the Racer team will be ?red Lorenzen, who as a yoUndater 1 - 'l". Dela" Is Sauarda) Prayer Meet Wed, 7:411 David Bain. ranister 4t, Mich Feb 26 Game sprinter Jr11 Premark at !hell**. 1111.. Ma en of 1967 with 306 to fon hey% Moser 10:00. am hit,e4iertok 44•000 tee remota Itreining Oaks V* Bala nwa Mowed at Me Peet Otboe, Murray, Karalucay tor tranodideit low Weirdo who won the 70-yard Mei at Lou- In a midget tee race, may the Swum Wealble Ulf Sel. & Preachlog 1010 am Sewed Claw Marriss. star Is Mar& Meeicolinman Grose ad wake In Bundars 1300,000 17ev- The aliedng Binning Worship 7:00 p We Tbe oransep saw are Venus, Of Season Wedoeseay Saturday. Amen Freeman's sic- tors 500 IliDINICIILPTION NATIO: $y Owner to Murray. per oak Ma per Me* Swag Creak Baptist Morel the Jupiter and Baleen Bible [tooat LOU180610 Was SOutilinotytai- *tea got guts, know-how and 61.411. In gallows, awl acianaing weintlea Pee Yew. SAC eigenherei aro Juba Sotto, phew Moat 1-00 p.m am vereity's JO. *sea vibe ma'ere - gainbling spat to take bane_ the nide hare lodes under Me Murray High traveled to Plato hind* 10.00 am. Boom+ noway tadetisted induces and who mg varying trophy the sanest "TO Oliblemediee Cam el • Mouswirelly is the sign of Pieces. COMO? kat OEM eon sis dateded Aaiujis Wo. U 111 Remsoup..- Friondoise Ciao& rd MANI had tied thp Wor/4 record Si the fide in Wet or history. He dm le- Ito Itaiwn tenet 01000 018011 vas by the POO n-46 sr otr Tigers Owes ilkiattp 7,10 p.m. Lake Bile, minister 60-yard dish earlier 10 the Wham nee the in No. 2 *dada row hart- born ob tala deg Mk PM °heed oat Mak semen. Wed. ,it .. 7:00 p.m Able Study 10:00 &JR. Itestrain won the 100-yard dash in ln his 1117 Fiord bebend SATURDAY - FLISRUAXY 25, 1967 Oa Oa dite ilk WNW The legee was dew from tee W- TOES* Ciao 4:30 pm.
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