1.. .. .« ,T . -'[.'u ATwrafe Daily Net P re « Ban lyir Um WMk Bndad Auffuflt 1, 1164 dM dy toalcMt Urn M 6» 6^ 1 3 ,7 08 TuMJagr d M d y, U f l r 7 l to M . MwW>w of tb* Awttt BarMm of Cfareulatkm Maneheater-—A City of ViUage Charm MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1964 (OtoMMM AAvertialiis tm 14) PRICE SEVEN CHNIB TOL. LXXXm, NO. ME (SIXTEKN PAGES) Pope Offers Intervention In Settling War Disputes Turks, Cyprus Accept xrkrwnr>k'YS p iT V /A P \ -^ e w id iToni wM dieior Qiriatlan unity and ipoke of VATICAN CITY (AP)^>^armed conflicts QUing, ^and pro­ finding »«eater"gri courmf• to un- Pope Paul VI offered in the mote the barmonlous relations dertak ethe__ ________ necessary, reforms" fin t encyclical of his reign and fruitful collaboration of all started In the Vatican Keumenl peoples, and we riiaU be r w ^ cal Council. today to go beyond “a But he reaffirmed the Roman UN’s Cease-Fire Order to Intervene, vdiere an oppor­ watchful and understand­ tunity presents itself, in order to OthoUc concept of papal pri­ ing interest” and help seek assist the contending parties to macy and said he was dis­ honorable solutions of dis­ And honoraWe and fraternal so­ tressed that many non-Cathollc putes threatening world lutions for their disputes." Christians considered the papa­ Turks Strafe The Pope also proposed a cy a "stumbling block” to unity. peace. Joint discussion with non-Chris­ He asserted he could not "com ­ Without specifying exacUy promise with the Integrity” of ;-ji> tian religions, aimed at defend­ A Village in what his Intervention might ing common Ideals. the OathoUc faith In seeking uni­ take, the Roman Catholic pon­ The 14,000-word encycUcal — ty. tiff wrote i a letter to Roman Catholic bish­ Council reforms, he added, Final Attack "Regarding the great and uni­ ops around the world — put 'cannot concern either the versal question of world peace, down "practical guldeUnes” for we say at once that we shall feel Paul’s 18-month-old pontificate. (See Page Nine) NICOSIA, Cypru8 (AP) It specially Incumbent upon us It was a broad statement of —Turkey and the Greek not merely to devote a watchful the role (rf the Roman Catholic and understanding Interest, but Church In the modem world. Its Cypriot government agreed to a U.N. Security Council also to entertain a more assidu­ title — Eccleslam Suam, His Events ous and efficacious concern. Church — was derived from the call for a cease-fire on this "This will be, of course, with­ first two words of Its official embattled island today. A Latin text. The reference Is to in the limits of our ministry and brief Turkish air attack on so utterly divorced from purely Christ. In State temporal Interests and strictly Pope Paul condemned com­ a northwest village before political forms, but It will be munism and atheism, saying T u r k e y’s announcement eager to make Us contribution the substitution of religion with sent a new scare through In educating mankind to senti­ a godless scientific conception Lupton Regrets ments and ways of acting con­ "1s the most serious problem of Cyprus. trary to violent and deadlycon- our time.” But he expressed the Metis Decision Greece said It hoped the strafr fUct, and In fostering rational hope that Ideological systems Ing attack on a square in PoUa and clvUlied agreements for denying God "m ay one day be was due to a mix-up In ’Turidah peaceful relations between na able to enter Into a more posi­ WHSTON (A P )— John M. military orders. tive dialogue with the church A Turkish government nons. Lupton, director of the Connec­ spokesman said after a Ciabinet "W e shall also be solicitous to than the present one which we ticut Republican dtlsens Com­ now of necessity deplore and la meeting In Ankara that Turkey help by proclaiming higher hu- mittee, eays he Is sorry that a would accept the U.N. call for maq principles that should ment.” He renewed pledges to work Negro “friend and next - door the cease-fire, but only on the serve to temper the passions nel^bor’’ has withdrawn from condition that Greek Cypriote the committee. halt their attacks on TUriu on "As the campaign devdope," the Island. The Turkish OaMnet Lupton said, "I believe many met an hour after reporta of the thoughtful Negro voters will see Water spurts up around a Greek Cypriot patrol boat Polls attack reached Ankara. State Democrats Ask little sense In making thel<- bed in Xeros Harbor. The craft was hit by Turkish Air ’The Greek Cypriot govern­ with LBJ and the Democrats.” Force jets during weekend attacks in northwest ment said it had ordered a The man who resigned as a cease-fire unilaterally an of Sat­ 200, House Districts “founder trustee” of the CRCC urday. It made no mention of is John E. Metts of Weston, ex­ figh ti^ that erupted Sunday ecutive vice president of the aroimd the Turkish village of Kokklna or around Nicosia Sun­ (A P) — OOP on Connecticut-New York Broad­ HARTFDRD Demo-^pected to support the day night. erats will submit a reappor­ this issue. casting Co. The firm operates "In a statement today Arch­ The Democratic plan Is sim­ radio stations WICC (AM) and tionment bill tomorrow that bishop Makarios, Cyprus presi­ ilar to the guidelines suggested WJZZ (FM) In Bridgeport. dent, said the government of the would create 200 House dis­ by the late U.S. Judge reap- Metts. In a letter to Lsipton Cyprus republic wUl fully res­ tricts with an average popula- portionmont tribunal. made public Saturday, said, “ I pect a Security Council resolu­ ,tlon of 12,600. But it does differ on one tense that the RepiAlican party tion on the cease-fire In Cy­ The bill will contain a slight­ point Clark suggested that no has been seised with a philoso­ prus,” government spokesman ly modified version of a plan districts be created within any phy that displays unyielding ar­ said. proposed by the Democrats last city; that in the densely pop­ rogance to the moderates. In­ There were no reports of February. ulated towns which had several sulting platitudes to the vic­ ground fighting between Greek There were reports last week representatives, all would be tims of Injustice, and a yeam- and Turkish Cypriots in the that some leading Democrats elected at large. li^ embrace for extremists tense northwest coastal strip be- tereen Pells and Xeros. were going to propose a House The Democratic plan follows trim Wallace's racists to apportionment scheme based on Welch’s underground.” The Union assailed the Clark’s suggestion that no part aenatorlal districts. But this He wae rderrlng to <jk)v swrles .0/ Turkish attacks ian was not believed to have of any town should be Joined vmmed T iirk^ tiiat it is risking to all or part of 'another town George C. Wallace of Alabama, le backing of most party and to the John Birch society ' war. ’ S to form a House district. leaders. headed by Robert Welch. | The,gttack on Polls was the The plan proposed in Febru­ It was reported last week fourth‘ consecutive day of Turit- ary would divide Hartford and that some intiuential Democrats _ *T also sense,” said Metts, ish air activity over (jyprus. Bridgeport into 13 House dis­ were preparing apian under “ that the Connecticut Republi­ Alex Efty, an Associated tricts, New Haven In 12 dis­ whlct six or possibly eight can Citixens Committee has Press correspondent at the tricts and Waterbury Into nine state representatives would be been the unwitting instnunent scene, said the American-built districts. elected from each of 36 realign­ of these sinister forces abetting F104 Jets appeared while the Small towns would be lumped ed Senate districts. TTie repre­ this phlloeophy which I consider townspeople were sipping coffee together into single distrlcU. sentatives would run in the Sen- alien to the party of Lincoln, In the main square, most at For instance, Salisbury, alien to this constitution state them talking about the crisis. Canaan, North Canaan, Nor­ (See Page Seven) . even alien to this day and He said the villagers ducked for folk, Sharon, Cornwall and age:' cover before the Jets made two Goshen, which now have a to­ Lupton replied that the CRCX! runs, firing into the square. tal of 12 state representatives, “does not make Republican pol­ In Paris, the North Atlantic would form a single district U.S. M oving icy iv>r select Republican candi­ ’Treaty Oi^anlsation disclosed represented by one House mem- dates. From left, Greek Ambassador Dmitri S. Bitsios, session in New York on the Cyprus crisis. Council that Turkey was withdrawing ber. ”I believe it makes as little Cypriot Ambassador Zenon Rossides and Turkish approved a joint U.S.-British resolution calling for some of her air force from the Although Republican leaders To Simplify sense to criticize the Republican a cease-fire. (AP Photofax.) alliance "for use in her nationsd have yet to reveal a detailed party because of the extreme Ambassador Orhan Eralp, at UN Security Council Interest.” plan for House reapportionment, right who say they prefer our The announcement from su­ they are expected to try to Time Zon es candidates as it does to call the mm preme Allied headquarters for find a way In which each town Democrats Communists Just be­ Europe said “ such action is per­ will still have its own represen­ cause the Communists this year Goldwater Clarifies missible and provided for under tative.
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