THE LONDON GAZETTE, 16 APRIL, 1957 2361 Newcastle-.imdter-iLyme (Rural District Council, by post, addressed to the. Secretary, Ministry of Council lOffices, Newca&'tle-iun<4&r-{Lyme; Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, at the address men- Divisional iRoad! Engineer, Lombard' House. tioned 'below within thirty-five days from the date Great Charles Street, Birmingham 3'; of this notice, quoting reference (LDC. 2®6B. Cheshire: , H. G. Lambert, Assistant Secretary. Cheshire County Council. County Offices, St. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, John's House, Chester; Someries House, St. Andrew's Place, District Surveyor, County Council Offices, Regent's Park, (London, iN.W.l. Holmes Chapel; 12th April, 1957. District Surveyor, BucfcLow Hill. Knutsfordi: District! Surveyor, County Council Offices, Northiwich; MINISTRY O'F AGRICULTURE, -FISHERIES Sandibach Urban District Council, Crewe Road, A1ND FOOD. Sandibacht; Lymm Unban District Council, Council Offices. LAND DRAINAGE ACT/1930. Whitbarrow Road. (Lymm!; WELLAND RIVER (BOARD. 'Bucklow IRural District Council, County Offices, South Kesteven Rural District Council. Kniutsford!; Alsager Urban District Council. Lawton Road, Variation of Award. Alsager; Notice is hereby given that the (Minister of Agricul- Divisional Road (Engineer, lArkwrighit Bouse, ture, (Fisheries and Food' in exercise of the powers Parsonage Gardens, Deans@ate, 'Manchester 3'. conferred upoa him- 'by section 6 (3) of the Land Drainage Act, 1930, as applied 'by the River Boards Lancashire:— Act, 194&, proposes to make an Order confirming a Lancashire County Council, County Hall, Scheme submitted to him toy the Wellandi River Preston; Board1 under section 8' (1) of the Land Drainage Act, 'Lancashire County Council, Motorways Section, 1930, making provision for a variation in the pro- Wellesley House, 'Newton-le-Willowsi; visions of an Award made on the 2,5th August, 1818, under an Act for inclosing lands in the Parish of Lancashire County Council, 'Motorways Section, Witham on. the Hill with Manthorpe, Toft and Prospect Hill, Bamiber Bridge; Lound in the county of Lincoln, to enable the South Warrington Rural District Council, Museum Kesteven Rural District Council to carry out certain Sitreet, Warrington;' alterations in the course of a drain set out in the Wigan (Rural District Council, JO, Bridgeman Award. Terrace, Wigan!; The drain is now situate in- the Parish of Toft Chorley Rural District Council, Gillibrandl with Lound and Manthorpe. Street, Chorley; A copy of the draft Order, together with a copy Standish^witih'iLangtree Uriban District Council, of the Scheme and of the map referred to therein, Ashfield House, Standish. near Wigan; has been deposited at the offices of the Clerk to the Divisional Road Engineer, Arkwrighit House, South Kesteven Rural District Council, 41, North Parsonage Gardens, Deansgate, Manchester 3'. Street, Bourne, Lincolnshire, and at the offices of the Ministry of (Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Someries Any person may within (three months from 20th House, St. Andrew's Place, Regent's Park, London, April, -1957, object to the making of <tihe Scheme by N.W.I, for public inspection for a period of thirty* notice to the Minister quoting reference HT:8/2/043 five days from the date of this notice and may be and stating the grounds of objection. inspected during normal office hours. A. H. M. Irwin, Copies of the draft Order, without the map, may An Assistant 'Secretary of the be obtained from- the Ministry of Agriculture. Ministry o-f Transport and Civil Aviation, Fisheries and Food at the address mentioned below. Any objection to the draft Order should be made lath April, 1957. in writing! and sent by post addressed to the Secre- (2) tary, (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, within thirty-five days from the date of this notice, quoting reference LDC. 711. 'MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FiBSHEM'ES AND FOOD. H. G. Lambert, Assistant Secretary. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, LAND DRAINAGE ACT, 1930. Someries House, St. Andrew's Place, River Thames above Teddington Lock Catchment Regent's Park, London, iNJW.l. Area. 12th April, 1957. The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food hereby gives notice that the Conservators of the River Thames, as the [Catchment Board of the MiINISTTRY OflP AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES tRiver Thames above Teddington Lock Catchment A!ND> FOOD. Area, have made application.' under subsection (3) LAND DRAINAGE ACT, 1930. of section 5 of the Land Drainage Act, 1930, for the ; variation of the statutory map of the Catchment RIVER BOARDS ACT, 1948. Area, so far as relates to the extent of the "main East Suffolk and Norfolk River Board. river " iby the addition thereto of part of Hfield Brook, , Wherstead and Shotley Internal Drainage District. from' the upstream* limit of the mill pond to Rusper Notice is hereby given that the Minister of Agri- Road, Crawley, together with a short length of 1 tributary watercourse and part of the mill race. culture, Fisheries and Food has made an Order A plan on which the proposed variation is shown under the Land Drainage Act, 1930, as applied by by a line in blue colour has beem deposited for the River Boards Act, 1948, confirming a Scheme public inspection at the following addresses for a submitted to him by the East Suffolk and Norfolk period1 of thirty-five days from the date of this 'River Board under section 4 (1) (6) of the Land notice and may toe inspected during normal office Drainage Act, 1930, making provision for the hours: — following matters: — The offices of the Clerk to the Crawley Urban (i) The constitution of an Internal Drainage Dis- District Council, Robinson- House, Robinson' Road, trict to be known as the Wherstead and Shotley Crawley, Sussex. Internal' Drainage District; The offices of the Thames Conservancy Divi- (ii) The constitution of an Internal- Drainage sional Engineer, Riverside Works, (Pordibridge Board for the said Internal Drainage District; Road, Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex. (iii) Matters supplemental to or consequential The offices of the Ministry of Agriculture, thereon. •Fisheries and Food, Someries House, St. Andrew's The Scheme affects lands in the Parishes of Place, (Regent's Park, (London, N.W.I. Wherstead, Chelmondiston and Shotley. A copy of the statutory map of the Catchment The Order will1 become final and have effect as Area on which is shown existing main river may an Act of Parliament unless within thirty-five days also !be seen at the two latter addresses. from1 the date of this 'Notice a memorial is presented Any objection to the proposed variation of the to the Minister by some person or body affected and statutory map should be made in writing and sent having an interest sufficient for the presentation of.
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