Distinguished Play Citizen of ball! the Year Titusville choir sings Bishop Trautman to national be honored by anthem at Boy Scouts, page 3. PNC Park, page 4. www.ErieRCD.org BIBI-WEEKLY-WWEEE KLK Y NEWS BULLETIN OF THTHE DIOCESE OF ERIE September 5, 2010 Church Calendar Events of the local, American and universal church The faces Feast days of Newman Cardinal Newman seen English churchman. the first beatification liturgy In addition to being one of over which he has presided; not just as the most well-known people since his election in 2005, to be received into the Catho- he has delegated that role to scholar, but also lic Church in the 19th century, cardinals in an effort to high- Cardinal Newman left behind light the difference between man of deep teachings on the laity and doc- beatification and canoniza- holiness trine that influenced the Second tion. Vatican Council’s proceedings. Today, more and more, By Jason Koshinskie He also founded the English people are becoming ac- St. Peter Claver Our Lady of Sorrows FaithLife editor community of the Oratory of quainted with Newman the St. Philip Neri. person and his spirituality. Sept. 8 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Intellectual. Pope Benedict XVI will be- Father Nicholas Rouch atify Cardinal Newman during wrote his doctoral disserta- Sept. 9 St. Peter Claver Theologian. Scholar. his Sept. 16-19 visit to Scotland tion on Cardinal Newman Sept. 13 St. John Chrysostom These are all descriptions and England. The beatification when he was studying out- Sept. 14 Exaltation of the Holy Cross of Cardinal John Henry Mass on the last day of the Newman, the 19th century pope’s visit to London will be See NEWMAN, page 3 Sept. 15 Our Lady of Sorrows Sept. 16 Ss. Cornelius and Cyprian Sept. 17 St. Robert Bellarmine Cardinal Newman timeline 1801 1845 1847 1879 1890 1991 2010 Born in London, At 44, he was Ordained a Catholic Created a Died at age 89 Proclaimed Scheduled to Confi rmations England. received into priest. He was cardinal by Pope in Birmingham, venerable by be beatifi ed by the Roman previously ordained Leo XIII. England. the Sacred Pope Benedict Sacred Heart, Erie – Monday, Sept. 13 at 7 Catholic an Anglican priest Congregation for the XVI. p.m. Confirmation classes include St. Andrew, Church. in 1825. Causes of Saints. Erie, and Sacred Heart, Erie. Labor Day – Sept. 6 Supporting lifelong learning of the faith In the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ 2010 Katrina fi ve years later Labor Day statement, Bishop William Muphy of Rockville Centre, chairman of the Committee on Catholic Education Collection Sept. 11-12 Domestic Justice and Human Development, com- ers to workshops and confer- pared the challenges faced by today’s workers to the Each year, the Catholic diocese’s educational endow- Education Collection helps ments have funded a pre-Kin- ences and updating technol- changing society of the Industrial Revolution ad- ogy. dressed by Pope Leo XIII. pass on the faith in the Dio- dergarten religion curriculum, cese of Erie. grade school chastity educa- A small percentage of this “America is undergoing a rare economic trans- collection also goes to the formation, shedding jobs and testing safety nets This special collection, tion, youth ministry work- which will be taken at Masses shops and tuition for graduate Catholic University of Ameri- as the nation searches for new ways to govern and ca in Washington, D.C. grow our economy,” Bishop Murphy said. “Work- during the weekend of Sept. programs. 11-12, also gives back to local The local funds that stay Since their establishment ers need a new ‘social contract.’” in 1991, the Education and Bishop Murphy said that creating jobs would parishes. in the parish can be used in a Half of the collection stays number of ways, including re- Formation Endowments have require new investments, initiative and creativ- provided more than $1 mil- ity in the economy. He also drew on the teachings in each parish for its own ligious education projects, re- educational efforts. The other placing outdated educational lion in grants to nearly every of Pope Benedict XVI, which call for placing the parish in the diocese. human person at the center of economic life and half goes toward the diocesan materials, sending adult lead- emphasize the role of civil society and mediating Education and Formation En- WASHINGTON (CNS) – As the nation remembers dowments. The endowment institutions such as unions in pursuing the common the five-year anniversaries of Hurricane Katrina, which good. funds are returned to parishes slammed into the Gulf Coast Aug. 29, and Hurricane Rita, in the form of grants to help To read the complete statement, “A New ‘Social which made landfall in Texas and Louisiana Sept. 24, Cath- Contract’ for Today’s ‘New Things,’” visit www. develop education program olic Charities USA outlined the broad extent of its outreach across all ages. Did usccb.org. in a new report “Katrina & Rita: Five Years Later.” The endowments fund par- The report notes that the national organization raised You ish and school initiatives, pro- National Catechetical Sunday – $163 million for hurricane relief. viding assistance to religious Sept. 19 In the five years since Katrina, Catholic Charities New education personnel, tuition Know Orleans alone distributed $55 million in direct financial as- ? assistance grants and continu- This year, Catechetical Sunday, Sept. 19, will fo- sistance to those in need, provided 335,000 nights of shel- ing education opportunities cus on the theme, “Matrimony: Sacrament of En- ter, gutted and rebuilt 3,200 homes, distributed 250 million for Catholic school teachers. More than 30,000 children are being during Love.” Those who have been designated by pounds of food and provided counseling for 900,000 peo- The Catholic Education educated about the faith in Catholic the community to serve as catechists will be called ple. Collection is the primary schools and parish religious education forth to be commissioned for their ministry. Since Katrina, the organization has increased its efforts source for bolstering the en- programs throughout the Diocese of Erie. Catechetical Sunday is an opportunity to reflect on preparing for future disasters. dowments. upon the role that each person plays, by virtue of Within the past year, the Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a wit- ness to the Gospel. Use of new Roman Missal to begin in U.S. at Advent 2011 By Nancy Frazier O’Brien translation of the missal, but fi- Catholic News Service nal editing by Vatican officials was continuing at that time. WASHINGTON — Cath- In a decree of proclamation olics in the United States will sent to the U.S. bishops Aug. begin using the long-awaited 20, Cardinal George said, English translation of the “The use of the third edition Roman Missal on the first of the Roman Missal enters Sunday of Advent in 2011, into use in the dioceses of the Cardinal Francis George of United States of America as Chicago said Aug. 20. of the first Sunday of Advent, The cardinal’s announce- Nov. 27, 2011. From that date ment as president of the forward, no other edition of U.S. Conference of Catholic the Roman Missal may be used Bishops marks the formal in the dioceses of the United beginning of a more than States of America.” 15-month period of educa- He added that the U.S. tion and training leading to Catholic Church “can now the first use of the “third typ- move forward and continue ical edition” of the Roman with our important catecheti- Missal at English-language cal efforts as we prepare the Masses in the United States text for publication.” on Nov. 27, 2011. The changes to be imple- The missal, announced by mented in late 2011 include Pope John Paul II in 2000 new responses by the people in and first published in Latin about a dozen sections of the in 2002, has undergone a Mass, although changes in the lengthy and rigorous transla- words used by the celebrant tion process through the In- are much more extensive. ternational Commission on At several points during the English in the Liturgy, fol- Mass, for example, when the lowed by sometimes heated celebrant says, “The Lord be discussions over particular with you,” the people will re- wording at USCCB general spond, in a more faithful trans- assemblies during much of lation of the original Latin, the past decade. “And with your spirit.” The USCCB said April The current response, “And 30 that the Vatican has given also with you,” was “not its “recognitio,” or confir- mation, of the new English See MISSAL, page 2 from Catholic News Service By the Way... Ken and Marge Worley of All Saints IN THE U.S. “Voices — Chant From Avignon,” is sched- Parish in Waterford recently completed uled to be released Nov. 8. The Benedictines’ their goal of visiting every parish and mis- The Food and Drug Administra- CD, according to Decca, will feature “the sion church in the Diocese of Erie. The tion’s decision to approve a drug la- most ancient form of Gregorian chant ... journey began in 2004 shortly after Ken beled as an emergency contracep- the first music ever to be written down.” The tive is a “dangerous step toward erasing any nuns sing this form of chant eight times a day went through the RCIA program. He meaningful distinction between contraception during the liturgy of the hours. made the comment that it would be inter- and abortion,” said the U.S. bishops’ pro-life esting to go to Mass at every church in the spokeswoman.
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