Saturday. February 28, 1942 DETROIT KVENMXG TIM E S (PHOSE CHERRY 8800) PAGE 15 Help Furnished Rooms for Rent | Trad* Schools—Mala Female Wanted Kub-rontrarti War _apart- ACETYLENE-ARC WFXDINO INDUSTRIOUS COLORED-Art Centra. Will Muara SNICKEROOS single mao. Trinity Sailor, 17, AWOL, WANT AD RATES Welding Trade School. Cherry 5745 Women with cars to demonstrate on defl-| A.\D m#nt or room with j nit* appointment# Nature of work and 1- _ 'AIRCRAFT riveting, welding; start now. qul»th««n*J Federal Aircraft. 4A92 Grand River setup explained only at persona! interview, [colored—Front room In DETROIT TIMES rail Mtwrrn 6-9. Tvlsr 6 9597 1 DEFENSE AIDS Christian, employed couple. Madison WAITRICft Experienced, nights. steady 5282. _ GET INTO PLASTICS c\ / ' 1 ' Daily and Sunday work, *ls salary lo star*. Apply in f> The eomiHXiiles listed In this COLORED 85 Leicester. bloc J?'*0 An industry going places , A-i column are ton', behind oar Trinity fast. |person I3ui4 Went Six Mil*. , | ward-John R. Trinity 1-9197, or write \ for They Ends r Visit ¦ invtrsmesl defene*. His Life 2- Rate Per Wo d Per Day PLASTICS INDUSTRIE® ere the men behind the men ~|fj Wanted—Malt ! >F speeding up TECHNICAL INSTITUTE Situation* C’*' behind the guna. - I I. Bldg., Detroit TR 2 1007 ',i-8 war aletory fnr America! Housekeeping Rooms BOILER operator, hitch pressure: licensed, | Transient L) Bartering—Days or eves. 1 AKN Modem I experienced, excellent references. (Col- 8908 —3 beautiful room*, pri- < %-H CHARGE Detroit Barber College. 31/ E. Jefferson. » ' Mil, CONCORD. ored »Hve AIRCRAFT ignition shielding \ bath, conditioned, #v#rythtn6 By Michigan School, Marine I *te air Auto 1 lima fi LEARN welding Trade rent (or part army Fumes 7a I COUPLE wirtie* ire* time made to and navy specifications, .furnished. 37t10 Woodward. ex- assembly, testing .7 to I consecutive tlniea l',]« fin ! services, small hide. References instrument repairing, housekeeping (8; sleep- T>lrr 5-1210 Incorporated. ELIOT. 234 —Two chanced Aircraft Instrument Service. (4; comfortable, refurnished. Cherry to have barn absent with- 7 or more ronarrutl\a City Airport. Arlington 3040. ing, tlniea 4e 4 1 Trade Schools—Female RELIABLE Col boy, 19 v r*. old. liv'g at • M i leave for five weeks from the home, wants work, any Kind MA. 4032. AJAX BOLT and Screw Company-- tMimmurn It word-) Sch .1 Of Therapy. nuts, 59 (Woodward) Tee WADDINOTON PhNsical YOUNG Colored Man wishes porter. Janitor, Complete stock screws and FOREST. West. naval training station at Norfolk. Prepare for defense Madison 44A3. washers. Also special screw machine rooms. comfortably furnished; asm l- work of any kind. Tyler 4-7584. ry, ftisc ft ..... W. Va. ( 17-year-old Robert Ranker EXCEPTIONS products. ft*23 Gratiot Plaza m Male Help Wanted Situation» Wanted—Female | ALL KlNDS—Castings, machine parts HAMILTON. 3254 Three comfortable, today committed suicide, police To Rent Room*. Hmnekf rplnjr cleaned by sand blast. Expert mechanics clean rooms; privats entrance; telephone| Room* H -- ard and Room, Children to & EXPERIENCED colored girl desires days, Defense Produrts Parts. Redford Granite $7; adults. said, with Bench Floor Iron Molders k carbon monoxide fumes ar HMM f r Aged, Invalid, j weeks; plain cooking, references. Cherry \\ irks, River Redford 04 t foundry. Gray' 23436 Grand —Large from his parents' car in the garage J Situation! Wanted. For Jobbing Apply Detroit 9590. INDIANDALE. 2072 (Fourteenth) Iren On A 403 W ght. warm housekeeping room, kitchenette, re- his at fA-II CHARGE Foundry on AMERICAN of home 18451 Schoenhcrr EXPERIENCED laundress wishes work frigeration Murphy; 58- 1 time fir .V „¦# east side; Me hour, carfare. Tuxedo Designing amt Engineering Company avenue. Openings Tool Designer, Checker, * to a ronaerutlvr time* S'-** 4« 2-8769. NAVAHOE, 929 (Jeffereon)— Single house- Inspector John O. Whitman or BOYS WANTED Dataller. 6331 Grand River. keeping comfortably furnished; clean; 7 or more r<in«e>uf Ive EXPERIENCED colored girl, laundry work, the homicide squad said that Rob- Over 12 year* old. for carrying Detroit folder and feeder. Call Vinewood 2-3741. AN A 1 sand blasting Job on all metal 1 running water; $4 50. timra lie S'*4 parts, f-rglngs, etc Special 'Times routes. C.n«»d profits, no Interference! colored maid, work hotel, castings P.OBK DALE, 80 (Woodward)—Two larga ert enlisted in the navy last Sep- (Minimum word*) A chance to do your [EXPERIENCED 1 service on defense Star Sand 11 with school work rooming house; theater, store. Cherry contracts. front housekeeping rooms; adults. Town- tember, part your country in It* national emer- Biasing Service, tab 1*1123 but had been AWOL. at of of 1 707*. Tw rook Did 7-8381 j Advertisement* acrepted anv gency by carrying and becoming * neighborhood newspapers AUTO CITY Plating Company—Govern- “Apparently he took hU life hundred* of convenient .State* Agent to CLEAN w .man for da\ work,, WESTMINSTER 271 Two cosy rooms, at |a United Defense sell wan*'taaning, merit specifications. fsdlshing, buffing newly adults, because he wan worried about Want Ad Station* or the Tim*-* stamps in your neighborhood. i laundry; ex;>*rienced. Tem- -1 decorated, hot water; Office, I defense Call ple and plating 345ft Denton, Hamtramck. Main Time* Square, at l>w >r Delivery Dept., 2-77*7 reasonable. returning,” Whitman said. you may write Home Detroit Md-I.s n 1 700 economy ea*h rate* fir Detroit. Michigan for full details LABORER Anything. Willing, ambition*, Rooms; adults 1971 Easi telephone your Time*. messengers any COLORED The body was found by the boy's ad to CHerry fcauo dependable colored man: references, ex- BEST has for hire size Canfield. 7591 Cameron. TEmple 1-725*. and have It charged. truck with or without driver. Package father, Herman, who also found a perienced. Townsend *-5920. exchange part ¦OTB 1* AND 17. NOT MOM IN SCHOOL, I delivery. We never close. Temple 1-8911. COLORED— Wilf rent for note by telephone WHO OWN BICYCLES FOR DAY MES- MIDDLE AGED w.man wishes h"U*rw'.rk, elderly worn an s servicer. Trinity 1-2080. which said: Ad* ordered and ar. stay nights; CALL Goodwill Industries pickup. Randolph repted person* llnted In tna SENGER WORK. GOOD PAY. STEADY' experienced. Trinity 1-4855. COLORED—CIean, quiet, comfortable fur- “Dear Mother: from WORK VACATION WITH PAY. BEX 80*0 Unwanted articles reduce lire telephone or city directory on * NEAT experien<ed girl wants Fort, apart- hook MR. ROOM 2'»«. NEW! colored ele-' j hazards. | nished rooms. 1807 East “I went out. I will be back memorandum rharg* only. In return u 1 r opara tor w-..rk Cam Cherry 2698. ' ment 14. e*v u TF. LEGRAPH BLDG, CONGRESS AND CARTWRIGHT DIE A TOOL COMPANY very soon. Don't stay up for for thie court the adveitlacr NEAT, experienced girl day a.mu* furnished, un- expected to remit promptly. SHELBY STREETS. colored wishes ft<»9 8t Jean. LenM 2334 Tube bend-i COLORED Refined me. I can't sleep.” w. rk: *3, car fare. Trinity 2-8203. (ng Fabrication tubular parts. furnished, kitchen privileges. 278 Joaa- Western Union Telegraph Co. 1 phtne. Trinity 2-009. If box number 1* desired, e*tlmate RELIABLE colored girl wants days, weeks [COMPLETE heavy Industrial meet metal five work; home nights. Townsend 8-0089. | guards chutea, hop-1 COLORED— Furnished "^unfurnished: large" words additional. AUTOMATIC MEN , | service. Machine homelike; CONE COLORED, execllent laundress lroner; per*. Experimental or production. Short comfortable, convenient trane- BULLARD SETUP OPTR3. I specialty. Industries, poriatlon; reasonable. Tyler 7-2306. Th* Time* r*«erve» the right to DEFENSE WORK I cleaning, days, part time, willing. Trin- runs a Reliant 11*44 classify ad* under appropriate head* ity 1 2328. [Oloverdale. Hogarth *655-6*32-224*. MORSE CHAIN CO. 7kot CENTRAL " Undertakers Hit logs. DEFENSE Workers For relief of rnnstruc- Board and Room i dust, wear Dr. adjus'rpenf* DRAFTSMAN Bibles and Gospel Tracts tional and Industrial All claim* for and re- Weavers Nasal Filter, worn Internally.' BENITEAU, 3541 (near Briggs) First fund* mun he made days conveniences; double, within 10 AND TOOL MAKERS I BIBLES All purposes styles and prices. (12 .V). individual fittings. G. A. Ingram, class, all single) after expiration of ad. Company. 4444 Woodward. reasonable FOR RADIO ENGINEERING DEPT. DE- On approval. Stafford, J 177 Coplin. j __ FENSE WORK: MUST BE CAPABLE LX. Hi .DRILL PRESS lathe, small mill work BIRWOOD, 14*74, Fenkell and Wyoming Padding' Krror* *hould he reported immedi- __ __ home; gentleman; On conserving AND EXPERIENCED WITH PROOF OF j I wanted. 3*14 East Nevada. Twinbrook district American 'Bill just wear ately. **fiever rnirul rubber you no The Time* assume* reapon- CITIZENSHIP: STEADY, EXPERI- 2 2179 clean and comfortable, good meals, • * I ihijitv for eiror* alter the first Income Tax Service j them!" MENTAL WORK: SALARY, PLUS OVER- 'ELECTRIC MOTOR REWINDING, 24* [lunches: Undertakers handling the burial insertion. MONDAY i Mack, TIME CALL BETWEEN 9-5 ABRAM for accurate, economical service.| | Hour Industrial Service. Cole’s, 8447 FIRST CLAM MEALB—24B near THROUGH FRIDAY. EAST, Reasonable rates. Temple 1-7499 county To publication Sunday PHILCO. 277 b' j the rush. File now. 14210 Mack. [Grand River. Tyler 4-0170. I John R. of Indigents today were its interpretation would "ham- Insure In the GRAND BLVD. Avoid paper, copy muat he in the Time* TAX computed. notarised o. S. Stevenson, ¦HIGHEST prtces' Scrap irons metals’ HFCI.A. 8051 (Grand Belt-Trumbull cars> accused of "bill padding’* in order -tring the state law.” Otto G. offire by 11:30 a. m Satut'lav. To DRIVERS WANTED i l‘>2B Alg>nquln LE.
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