ES.TIMATED POP'ULATION BY CASTES .. 1951 21. PUNJAB Office 0/ the Registrar General, India MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS GOVERNlv1ENT OF INDIA I 954 INTRODUC'I'ION._--- In pursuance of Government policy there WaS limited enumerAtion and tabulation of Qastes in 1951 Census. Bven in the case of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes andoackM Ward Classe~ the figures of each caste were not separately extracted; only the group totals were ascertained. The "Backward Classes Commission require the figures of population of each individual caste. In order to assist them an estimate - of population of each caste in IS51 has been made on the basis of the figures of the previous censuses •. 2. The figures have been presented in three taDles:- (i) Scheduled Castes, Hindus only (i1) Scheduled Tribes -(iii) Other Castes, Hindus and Muslims separately. 3. No castewise figures are available for 1841 Census. The tables of 1£41 Census giye figures for. only a rew/castes and these also fo~ a few seleeted districts. 4. Extracts frGm previous censuses Reports of undivided Punjab, explaining the causes for variation in the figures of individual caste have been given in an Appendix, TABLE I - SCHEDULED CASTES The figures given in this table relate to the territory of Punjab as in 1951. 2. The table presents the figures of 34 castes as specified in the Presidentts Order of 1950. The population of each caste given in this table refers only to the popula­ tion of Hindus. 3. Column 5 of the table gives the estimated popUlation in ISSI. This has been determined by applying the percentage increase of the general pop~lation of the state to the latest available census figures of each caste. The total of the estimated popUlation in 1951 of these castes shows a decrease oVer-the 1951 _census tota1f of Scheduled Castes. As there is wide variation in the two totals, no attempt has been made to adjust the estimated popUlation fig ures. -3- - POPULATION OF SCHEDULZD CASTES (NOTIFIED UNDBR PRE8IDENTIS ORDER U'SO) I~ l'HE CEHSUSEd OF 1911-1931 lu"'JD B.STH!lArED POPULATIO:t-J IN 1951... EUNJAB ',' ,;* ':<>(.:;< ** *'i,*~i ***':<;.}; ****** ¥*)j< *~** ** *"': **,;, **'>~ ':<* *>1<*** ** * *¥** *** ':':>1' **** *** **'iO~ ** ~ ~Estimated ~ _~~l.: of cas~~ ___1_ill1 ~::r:~i~;~~ :1__1E31__ ""_.1POt~~lti:l~~~~~~'.~ _~ __ . 1 ~;2 0 3 0 4 0, 5 0 6_ ' 1. Ad Dharmi * * * * 2. Bangali 533 261 * 338 3. Barar 2,739 1,936 * 2,566 4. Batwal 5,666 7,186 * 9 ,283 5. Bawaria 12,899, 11,922 7,924 9,298 6. Bazigar 8,169 6,561 * 8,476 7., Balm.iki or Chura 428,968 389,049 217,492 255,205 8. Bhanjra 1,072 1,711 * 2,210 0... Chamar 652,820 6S9,474 450,1!i25 •5C")n ,.. 0, 6'-':.;0 (; o. Chana] 707 889 * 1,148 1. Dagi 43,806 40,678 47,3'17 55,522' .. ~_' . Dhanak 54,161 63,121 * 81,.544 ..., ~) . Dumna or Mahasha 45,912 14,621 11,818 13,867 ",f: .: . Gagra 68 48 62 5. Gandh11a 3,36 540 * 6S8 J. Kabirpanthi * * * * ., ( . Khat1k 7,249 7,838 * 10,255 ~ . Kori or Koli 9,316 7,861 * 10,155 .... t.: • L'far1ja or Harecha 2 Nil * 3 J • .:;L;azhab1 5 731 * 944 1. begh 6,670 6,417 1,088 1,277 ~ •. Nat 26 1,078 * 1,393 3. Od 264 1,320 146 171 :t: • Pasi 1,106 1,004 * 1,297 ). Perna 86 293 * 379 4- == J =: 2 $ :: ~, 4 : [ '5 26. Pherera *' * * * 27. Ramdasi or Ravidasi * 'I" 10,410 12,215 28. Sanhai * * * * 29. Sanhal * * * * 30. Sansi 11,006 13,542 12,784 15,000 31. Sape1a 308 931 * 1,203 32. Sarera 8,619 7,929 6,715 7,879 33. Si:{ligar 177 63 * 81 34. 8irkiband 2,121 3,341 * 4,316 Notes: .. Figures are not available Xhe total of estimated population of Seheduled Castes .1n 1951 according to the above table Came 1,035.431 while the enomerated population of the Scheduled Castes in 1951 1s 2.386,143. As there is wide variation 1n the.two'totals no attempt has been made to adjust the est1rnate~ figures, .. 5- The table presents. figures of' only one Scheduled Tribe as specified in the President's Order of 1950. 2. in Punjab 'Tibetans residing in Spiti and Lahaul in Kangra Districtl are treated as Schedu~od Tribes. The figures of population of this tribe are not available at an,v of the previous censuses. Bu.t it was enumerated at the 1951 census and these figures have been reproduced in the t~ble. -6- TABLE II- POPULATIOIJ (J;:i' SCHEDULED TRIBES (NOTIFIED Ul'iJER PRESIDEaT' S OltDER ,1950) IN THE CENSUSES OF 1911-1931 A.N'D IPS1. rlame of Caste . -----y--- .. -. 1. ·ribetans * * * 2,429 **** **********>~ * Notes: .. * Figures a~e not available, -7- TABLE III. OTHER_QA§T~a •. 1 This table presents figures or 328 Castes. The list has been prepared with rererence to the castes' given in 1911, 192~ and 1931 Censuses arter elim1nattng the castes given in Tqbles I and II. Out of these 323 Castes 137 are included under Hindus and 186 under Muslims. 2. The table has been presented in two parts - (1) Hindus (1i) Muslims. 3. The estimate of 1951 population in this table has been made in the same manner as in Table I. The total of the estimated population in 1851 of all castes shows a decrease over the 195i census total! or Other Castes. On account of wide variation' in the two totals no attempt has been made to adjust the estimated figuras. -8- TAB;!:£: III. POPULA.TION OF 'OTH.:..d CASTES Ih THE CENSUSES OF Hn1"- 1831 ~.ND ESTDd-.TED POPULA.I'ION II'; 1951. (1) HINDUS. EUNJAB J ~~stimated~ Ham"e of caste ~ P~~ulBt1on in __j_popu1ation~Jer.narks. ------~----------"-~j~"-----=y--2~911~.__ ±--y-39~~---~~~~~-':1~9~.3~1~--+~~1~S~5~1~-~O~--~ ------1 _ ] II 4 L_5 ~ '. _ 0 890 1,038 * 1,341 :d"i":cin, ,\;:.:~·i ,i o ;'rl Naik 12,756 :_9,713 * 12,548 I Thurl or furi i,: 0 j):tir 116,118 119,053 129,905 152,430 r' rl_rain 345 937 391 459 5. Arora 37,210 41,375 44,575 52,304 t). Ahluwalia * 3;130 * 4,0"14 7. Arya 117 33,895 43,788 I * it..; •.'.)agaria * 73 86 j * P. Jagr1 40, 297 * 384. ~o. Hahrupia 85 31 *' 40 11. Jaht1 338 30,044 * 38,813- .2. Bairagi ~l, ,882 24,621 * 31,807, .3. jJ~nia (1) Aggarw~: 194,557 211,863 223,066 261,745 (2) Saralla 6,034, 4,521 * ,k5,841 (3) ()swal' l~l 538 * 6S5 (4) lIahesri 1,725 1,619 * 2,09? (5) KhandelwaJ. :Ni1 211 * :: ,,273 (6) Unspecified 10,63.9 832 ~ * 1,075 14. Banjara 1,821 1,854 * 2,395 15. Darra * *" * * 16. Barwala . 29 18 * 23- 17. :aeldar.· , 293 388 * 501 18. Beta, Hensi or 613' 503 ~C Hes! * -9- 2 3 ~ n 5 ~ 6 --- :1 .. ~----.. :§ :] :1 19. Bhabra 1,670 589 * 761 ,~o • Bhand 15 61 * 79 ::"1. Bharai(.Bharain) 34 156 202 , * ~G.. .i3h ~ r bh un j a . 3,425 3,770 * 4,870 ::;3 •. .3ha t 10,574 7,377 * 9~533 ~4. Bhatia 522 324 * 419 25. Dhatra 194 354 * 457 26. Bhi1 173 nil * 231 27. Bhojki 987 855 * 1,105 28. B1shn01 18,140 18,992 * 24,535 c 2 ,"~i • Bohra 491 863 * 1,115 30. n~aloIon .557,301 584,193 607,894 .. 713~302 31. Chirath * * * * .......-:>? , Chang 4,571 9,377 * 12,114 3'-(.--: . Changar 14 3,063 * 3,957 34. ChitTlmba 28,580 29,614 l6,808 '19,722 35. Chir1mar 22 1 * 1 36. Churigar 613 342 * 442 37. Daiya * * * * ..:)\;..) . Da011 ( Daol,a) 789 7:::;4 * 935 3S. Dara1n of Kangra Distt. only * * * *' 40. Darzi 6',629 7,178 8,138 9,549 41. Dhaugri ( Dhog1'1) 2.~40 1,.881 * 2,430 42. Dhobi 8,163 7,943 7,149 8,389 43. Dhusar 723' 136 * 176 44. Dogar 40 112 * 145 45. Dosali (Dasa1i) 340 277 * 358 46. Dh1man Brahman * * 12,164· l4,273 47. Faqir 14,167 13,986 13,~12 15,503· 48 .. Gada:01a 15,502 17,633 * 22,779 -10- -- r -.~ ~ i_~ ____ I 4' 0 : :5 ---:.l._§_____.,. .'.:.~ . Gaddi- 8,884 15,93t;; * 20,585 ~ , Gal-ckhar 7 31 * .40 '.. 1. Garri 23 62 * 80 r; • Gedri(Ghai of nil 17 22 l',:3ngra Distt.on1y. * 53. Ghirath 166,271 133,436 121,907 143 jLl.'Ghosi 112 216 960 1,126 -c 10. Gosain 7,279 7,93Z * 10,247 56. Gujjar 102,239 118,851 124,514 146,105 57. Gurkha ( 1) Ale 27 35 * 45 ( 2) Bohara 109 39 * 50 (3) Dama1 171 117 * 151 (4) Gha.rthi 48 45 * 58 ( 5) Gurung 905 587 * 758 (6) Khas 31 21 * 27 ( 7) Khawas 6 22 * 28 (8) liiagar(1.'iangar) 340 370 * 478 ( 9) Nagar Koti 217 200 * 258 ( 10) Pun 84 114 * 147 (11) 3ana 173 159 * 205 ( 12) Thap:a 690. 626 * 809 ( 13) hI1nor CaSlj8S 60 20 * 26 (14) Unspecified 4,215 2,637 * 3.,~,7··. 58. Hadi 431 862 * 1,114 " Sf? • Hali 2,421 1,711 * 2,'2;'0' 50. Hi.i-i' a 87 nil * 116 ~ . 51- Jalswara 5,483 4,088 * 5,281 ......., J": • Jat '14,989 785,172 ,263 873,317 '.) f_; • Jhiwar 138,726 143,878 72,684 85,287 . Jogi 27,210 27,006 * 34,888 -11- 1 ==:I- - 2 _j 3----- ---}.
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