www.ssoar.info The english political model in Barbu Catargiu's public discourse Vlad, Laurenţiu Veröffentlichungsversion / Published Version Zeitschriftenartikel / journal article Empfohlene Zitierung / Suggested Citation: Vlad, L. (2014). The english political model in Barbu Catargiu's public discourse. Studia Politica: Romanian Political Science Review, 14(2), 261-274. https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-446330 Nutzungsbedingungen: Terms of use: Dieser Text wird unter einer CC BY-NC-ND Lizenz This document is made available under a CC BY-NC-ND Licence (Namensnennung-Nicht-kommerziell-Keine Bearbeitung) zur (Attribution-Non Comercial-NoDerivatives). For more Information Verfügung gestellt. Nähere Auskünfte zu den CC-Lizenzen finden see: Sie hier: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/deed.de The English Political Model in Barbu Catargiu’s Public Discourse ∗∗∗ LAUREN ŢIU VLAD INTRODUCTION Local historiography has often insisted on the models that have influenced Romanian civilization in the 19 th and 20 th centuries, in its various manifestations, cultural, economic, social or political. In a brief article of 1993, Lucian Boia outlined the destinies of some Western models which had come in contact with the Romanian culture; a Belgian model, seen as an appendage of the French, an English one, which in his opinion was completely marginal, and others that enjoyed a more or less brilliant fate (German, Italian, etc.) 1. Please note that each of the topics mentioned above enjoyed special attention in Romanian historiography; see for instance the studies authored by Aurel Filimon, Gheorghe Platon and even my own, dedicated to the Romanian- Belgian relations; those by Dan Berindei, Pompiliu Eliade, Nicolae Iorga and Nicolae Isar for the French case; those by Zigu Ornea regarding the German influences on the political and literary thought of the Junimea group; those by Eugen Denize and George L ăzărescu, on the cultural and political interferences between Italy and Romania, etc. The English model had its own researchers in Romanian historiography; let us only mention Alexandru Du ţu, especially interested in the cultural influences 2, and Vlad Georgescu, whose work focused mostly on the political ∗ A Romanian language version of this article in In Memoriam Grigore Ploe şteanu. Studii şi evoc ări , edited by Vasile Dobrescu Cornel Sigmirean and Corina Teodor, Ed. Academiei Române, Bucure şti, 2014, pp. 268-281. Lucian Boia, “Les Roumains et les autres. La Quête des modèles dans la société roumaine des XIX e et XX e siècles”, in État des lieux en sciences sociales , textes réunis par Alexandru Du ţu and Norbert Dodille, Institut Français de Bucarest – l’Harmattan, Bucure şti-Paris, 1993, pp. 39-45/pp. 41-42. 2 For example, Alexandru Du ţu, Explor ări în istoria literaturii române , EPL, Bucure şti, 1969, pp. 86-115 (“Primele contacte literare anglo-române”), pp. 144-179 (“Eminescu şi romantismul englez”), pp. 245-277 (“Etapele recept ării operei shakespeariene”); Modele, imagini, priveli şti. Incursiuni în cultura european ă modern ă, Ed. Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 1979, pp. 112-137 (“Perceperea reciproc ă: rela ţii intelectuale româno-engleze în perioada interbelic ă”). 262 LAUREN ŢIU VLAD realm 3. In fact, in the present article, which belongs to a larger project, we seek to deepen the suggestions made by these two illustrious scholars, especially concerning the political facet of the English model. Thus, I chose to demonstrate, by means of a small case study, the manner whereby the English model can be traced in the political discourse of Barbu Catargiu, who was the first prime minister of the single government of the two United Principalities. To outline this beneficial contamination, we examined his political pamphlets (État social des Principautés danubiennes , Imprimerie de Bols-Wittouck, Brussels, 1855; De la Propriété en Moldo-Valachie , Imprimerie J. Kopainig, Bucharest, 1857; Encore quelques mots sur la propriété en Moldo-Valachie , Imprimerie A. Ulrich, Bucharest, 1860) 4, the project and memoirs of 1857, which Ioan C. Filitti attributed to him ( De l’Organisation du pouvoir ; Des Différentes classes de la population en Valachie et de leur position légale respective )5, as well as the parliamentary speeches, reunited and edited for the first time by Anghel Demetriescu in 1886 6. FROM DUMITRACHE STURDZA TO BARBU CATARGIU Around midd 19 th century, the English model had already been present for several decades in the public realm, and especially in the political and institutional imaginary of the Romanian Principalities. In the following section, we shall review a few moments of this history, while, for a better understanding 3 For example, Vlad Georgescu, Ideile politice şi iluminismul în Principatele Române, 1750-1831 , Ed. Academiei RSR, Bucure şti, 1972, pp. 70, 71, 116 etc.; Istoria ideilor politice române şti, 1369-1878 , Jon Dumitru Verlag, München, 1987, pp. 130, 148, 170 etc. 4 Romanian-language versions of the latter two booklets exist. The French- and Romanian language version of the latter booklet have also been published, signed “X”, in three consecutive issues of the Conservatorulu Progresistu , vol. I, no. 5, 19 January 1860, pp. 18-20; no. 6, 22 January 1860, pp. 22-23; no. 7, 26 January 1860, pp. 27-28. 5 See Ioan C. Filitti, “Înc ă un proect de reprezintare na ţional ă la 1857”, Revista de Drept Public , July-December 1935, pp. 257-263, and “Un Mémoire de 1857 sur les classes sociales de la Valachie”, Arhiva pentru Ştiin ţă şi Reform ă Social ă, issue dedicated to Dimitrie Gusti, XIII, 1936, pp. 154-164. 6 Discursurile lui Barbu Catargiu (1859-1862, 8 June) , collected and annotated by Ang. Demetriescu with a gloss on the Katargiu family and a biography of the speaker, Tipo- Litografia Eduard Wiegand, Bucure şti, 1886. A second edition by Petre V. Hane ş (see the foreword on pp. IX-XXXI) was published at Institutul de Arte Grafice şi Editur ă “Minerva” in Bucharest in 1914. A partial edition, Cazul Barbu Catargiu – O crim ă politic ă perfect ă, was curated by Stelian Neagoe at Ed. Scripta, Bucure şti, 1992. Several speeches can be found in the newspapers, namely Conservatorulu Progresistu and Unirea . Romanian Political Science Review ®®® vol. XIV ®®® no. 2 ®®® 2014 The English Political Model in Barbu Catargiu’s Public Discourse 263 of the context, we shall briefly evoke certain details of the English cultural presence by the Lower Danube. Around 1802 Dumitrache Sturza had been drafting a project entitled “Plan or model of republican aristo-democratic government”, which aimed to become Moldavia’s Constitution 7. Logothete Sturdza spoke on that occasion about the parliamentary system that was “customary in England”, “a free country, with a paradigm worthy of being copied” 8. Towards the end of the second decade of that century, in 1818, Nicolae Rosetti-Rosnovanu travelled to England to get familiar with the island’s political realities; we also know that he pursued a significant correspondence with a number of English political leaders 9 and that he knew the studies of economists Adam Smith and David Ricardo 10 . Their works were also known by another member of the Moldavian political elite of the second quarter of the 19 th century, prince Nicolae Su ţu, both through their French translations, and through the economic literature of the Hexagon, heavily influenced at the time by Adam Smith and David Ricardo’s thought (Nicolae Su ţu would have thus read them in the translations and studies by G. Garnier and J.B. Say) 11 . In the 1920s, after a careful study of the island’s legal norms, Ionic ă Tăutu shared the idea that the English political institutions were superior to the French 12 . In addition, his reflections upon the idea of liberty seemed tributary to John Locke’s conception thereof, as limited, civil liberty 13 . References to John Locke and to other political thinkers, who also subscribed to the natural law and to the social contract theories, etc., are legion in this period. We find them, rather chaotically, with Eufrosin Poteca (in his speech at St. Sava College in 1825) 14 , with Costache Conachi, who also referred to Newton 15 , and with other scholars, contemporary with Ionic ă T ăutul, who had seen the handbooks of 7 Emil Vîrtosu, “Napoleon Bonaparte şi proiectul unei republici aristo-dimocratice şti în Moldova”, excerpt from Via ţa Româneasc ă, no. 6-7, June-July 1947. 8 Ibidem , p. 34; apud. Vlad Georgescu, Ideile politice şi iluminismul …cit ., p. 70. 9 Vlad Georgescu, Ideile politice şi iluminismul …cit ., p. 70. Vlad Georgescu also considered the Rosetti-Rosnovanu fund (CCLIV/100) at the Central National Historical Archives in Bucharest. 10 Olga Constantinescu, “Concep ţia lui Nicolae Rosetti-Rosnovanu asupra industriei”, Revista Arhivelor , no. 1, 1963; apud. Ibidem. 11 See, for example, Ion Veverca, Niculae Su ţu. Via ţa, activitatea şi opera întâiului economist ideolog din România, 1798-1871 , Ed. Asocia ţiei generale a economi ştilor din România, Bucure şti, 1936, pp. 66-67. 12 Emil Vîrtosu, “Les Idées sociales et politiques de I. T ăutu”, Revue Roumaine d'Histoire , no. 2, 1965, p. 279; apud. Vlad Georgescu, Ideile politice şi iluminismul …cit ., p. 70. 13 Idem , Istoria ideilor politice române şti …cit., p. 130. 14 Ibidem , p. 128. 15 See Paul Cornea, Originile romantismului românesc , Ed. Minerva, Bucure şti, 1972, p. 230. Romanian Political Science Review ®®® vol. XIV ®®® no. 2 ®®® 2014 264 LAUREN ŢIU VLAD ethics and philosophy from the Princely Academies in Bucharest and in Ia şi16 . Let us not forget Ion Heliade R ădulescu, who planned to set up a world-class library, as he announced in Curierul Românesc (no. 28, 1846), which was to include translations of John Locke’s works, but also of other celebrated philosophers like Bacon and Hume 17 .
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